Army of Liberty: a Fantasy Revolutionary Warfare Quest

I knew they had line of sight, but I didn't know about the corner thing so thanks for informing me on that.
No problem, I also tend to forget about that when it comes to determining artillery range.
I don't think the rest of the infantry are going to be in medium range, even still they're hidden.
Most of the infantry are actually in medium range of the enemy, but the units are either in cover (net -30 to any shot) or halflings, who impose a disadvantage on any ranged attack targeting them. That's part of the reason I positioned them so foward, they are quite resiliant against artillery bombardment.
I knew they had line of sight, but I didn't know about the corner thing so thanks for informing me on that. I don't think being able to hit east of the village with a medium strike is that important. We have support from most of our artillery, plus the horse artillery we set up for just this purpose.
One, I'm not comfortable leaving a gap in the line, especially when a quite experienced infantry unit is nearby (Once they start the half-movement into the village tile, we can only react a turn later. So it would be a coinflip on if you get to the tile first). Also, I think raw fire volume is more important than getting double advantage. Advantage just makes you have higher attacks on average, with diminishing returns after each successive advantage (the difference from no advantage to one is greater than from one to two). By comparison, fire volume allows you to inflict negative status effects via crit damage and deplete unit cohesion more quickly, which has a greater impact overall.
Also I think it likely that the 90th might spend their round searching, they get 10 spotting and might reveal a bunch of our units.
Hm, I didn't account for that possibility. You have a point, though Wachenheim might expect our infantry line to be further back. In addition, the firing action of the artillery resolves before the search action, so there is a pretty good chance [40 hits for Granger, needs to roll 50 or above for the net -10, so the attack with offensive genius gives us a ~ 75% chance of routing them.] If the unlikely search action happens, I'm still not overly worried about loosing out on a few ambushes, especially considering we have our offensive genius hobs around.
Honestly it's between the more cavalry-cautious plan and Red Rationalist's for me.
I'm perfectly alright with cavalry reserve winning. To be entirely honest, I made my plan rather late and didn't really consider the exact artillery ranges, especially considering one artillery unit was at an unexpected place. Might be a better pick than mine if you really want to make sure our cavalry is ready for the pursuit phase.
Hmm, I wonder where the rest of the enemy army is. Like, I'm sure that more of their infantry is just coming up the road, but it's surprising we haven't seen even a hint of the enemy cavalry, not even for poking or scouting.
Hmm, I wonder where the rest of the enemy army is. Like, I'm sure that more of their infantry is just coming up the road, but it's surprising we haven't seen even a hint of the enemy cavalry, not even for poking or scouting.
The advancing infantry line doesn't really really leave space for cavalry to move about, but I do agree the lack of scouting is an error on Wachenheims part. Probably a result of inexperience on his part, I don't think he really appreciates just how valueable scouting is in adapting plans.
Hmm, though are we sure the cavalry aren't going on a southern approach after all? I know that's probably paranoia, but I just wanted to be certain.
The advancing infantry line doesn't really really leave space for cavalry to move about, but I do agree the lack of scouting is an error on Wachenheims part. Probably a result of inexperience on his part, I don't think he really appreciates just how valueable scouting is in adapting plans.

In theory he could have some absurd trick ala Rapid Hussars going down south for a clever attack, but nothing we've seen from him really indicates that.
He cant have rapid hussars as of current mechanics because the units need to enter a fight to reveal traits first. Though that is maybe something that should be changed, cause it feels kinda unfair
He cant have rapid hussars as of current mechanics because the units need to enter a fight to reveal traits first. Though that is maybe something that should be changed, cause it feels kinda unfair

Experienced enemy armies can start with CO Traits revealed (to them), but Wachenheim has not commanded his lot in battle before. Any possible Rapids are thus dormant until they pass their trial by fire.
Hmm, though are we sure the cavalry aren't going on a southern approach after all? I know that's probably paranoia, but I just wanted to be certain.
I'm 95% certain they aren't. For one, this attack would require an incredibly bold risk taker. If the plan is to dangerous for the fairly aggressive thread to employ with the advantage of rapid deployment, it's going to be far to risky to be chosen by general who immediately stopped marching after seeing us to take a safe position. Two, he clearly didn't expect rapid deployment, so they would have been committed from the start to an even longer charge. And lastly, even with rapid units the hussars still spend a full turn in view of 3 artillery units, one with offensive genius. If they try it, it's not going to work out for them. A lone hussar charging against us barely worked on the last map with normal weather, 2 artillery units in range and one incompetent commander, so I don't think charging one unit without support trough the mud would accomplish anything.
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Based on descriptions so far I'd give it about an 80% "they're in the back ready to break our weakened lines after the first few rounds" or a 20% "outsmarted himself intercepting an attack from the south". The latter's only as high as 20% because he was at least smart enough to position one of his cannons to cover that option.
If you're trying to charge across a field, you really don't want fragile halflings behind your strongest units near the enemies charging range.
I don't think infantry can charge through the mud, it requires 4 movement. Unless, you're referring to the cavalry. In that case halflings are more vulnerable, but I think this can be negated through the fact that in this weather we wouldn't see the halfings, and the opponent cavalry could counter our cavalry if they weren't put in the back. The halfings also have longer range rifles which is more useful in the mud when moving into melee is more difficult for infantry.
Most of the infantry are actually in medium range of the enemy, but the units are either in cover (net -30 to any shot) or halflings, who impose a disadvantage on any ranged attack targeting them. That's part of the reason I positioned them so foward, they are quite resiliant against artillery bombardment.
Oh, I misunderstood what you meant. I thought you were referring to infantry in medium range. Though, for my plan I'm there only one infantry unit that I'm moving up that's going to be in range of one enemy artillery in medium range that wasn't previously in range.
You have a point, though Wachenheim might expect our infantry line to be further back.
I think that he does expect our infantry to be in or very close to the town, or else he wouldn't have pull his infantry off the road into a line. I think he's being cautious here. He could also try searching with the 93rd Elv behind, but that requires some odd movement to pull off and I don't think he's going to try that.
Based on descriptions so far I'd give it about an 80% "they're in the back ready to break our weakened lines after the first few rounds" or a 20% "outsmarted himself intercepting an attack from the south". The latter's only as high as 20% because he was at least smart enough to position one of his cannons to cover that option.
I think there's also the possibility that the cavalry is behind is human infantry. Once the infantry moves up a bit he can try and deploy the cavalry on his left flank.
so there is a pretty good chance [40 hits for Granger, needs to roll 50 or above for the net -10, so the attack with offensive genius gives us a ~ 75% chance of routing them.]
Do you know where to get the numbers for the casualties a roll will cause and the equations for that, it will help quite a alot with planning.
One, I'm not comfortable leaving a gap in the line, especially when a quite experienced infantry unit is nearby (Once they start the half-movement into the village tile, we can only react a turn later. So it would be a coinflip on if you get to the tile first).
I think we can react fast enough to deal with that and rout them. Maybe we could also have the 42nd ready fire into the church, but only if we can specify 200m, tile NE,E of unit. But, after giving the matter some more thought, I think that moving the 200th NW is the better move, mainly because the 148th is very bulky and we want that in the village, because that's probably where they'll focus their attack, and because the road allows to quickly replace units if one is routed and continue a attack.

[X] Plan: Less Aggressive Maneuvering
-[X] 251st Hob.: SE
-[X] 10th Hum Art.: FIRE 90th Elv
-[X] 200th Hob.: NW
-[X] 72nd Hum.: E
-[X] 148th Hum.: NE
-[X] 42nd Elv.: Hide
-[X] 45th Elv.: E (Move after 108th Elv. Hsr and 13th Hob. Lan finished moving)
-[X] 16th Half.: E (Move after 108th Elv. Hsr and 13th Hob. Lan finished moving)
-[X] 19th Half. Pfd.: FREE MOVE E, then READY FIRE NE, 200m
-[X] 28th Half. Pfd.: MOVE E,E (Move Last)
-[X] 55th Elv. Hsr.: CHARGE (NE), and then charge into the 102nd Dwa, then MOVE to nearest hill
-[X] 108th Elv. Hsr.: SW,SE
-[X] 13th Hob. Lan.: SE,SE
-[X] 84th Elv. Art. READY FIRE E, NE 700m
-[X] 31st Elv. Art.: READY FIRE E, NE 700m (Don't fire on 90th Elv or 14th Hum, but if 20th Dwa or doesn't move W, fire on whatever is in 700m range)
-[X] 5th Hob. H. Art.: SET UP
-[X] HQ: SUPPLY 10th Hum Art. (Munitions)
Imgur picture, will edit in soonish (Picture of Plan)
The main difference between this plan and Cavalry Reserve is that the infantry is advancing on a wider front to try and take advantage of more units firing instead of being in the backline. Cavalry is moved a bit more south to make room for the infantry. The 19th Half. Pfd is moved E, because I think it offers more flexibility than moving NE. The 31st Elv. Art is ordered not to fire on the 90th Elv if they manage to not rout and move forward, which is unlikely. Not firing on the 14th Hum is because I want to priotize hitting the Dwa units.
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I am begging you guys to stop standing people in artillery range for no benefit.
251st is hidden, and is acting as a reserve, they're behind other units and woods which are blocking line of sight. They won't move up unless another unit in front is routed. That being said, after looking at the map, moving SE is better in terms of options for moving later on so I'll change it to SE.
251st is hidden, and is acting as a reserve, they're behind other units and woods which are blocking line of sight. They won't move up unless another unit in front is routed. That being said, after looking at the map, moving SE is better in terms of options for moving later on so I'll change it to SE.
Yeah that's my mistake, I have a head cold and mixed up the 200th and 251st.
The Nymph racial traits is missing from the mechanics section. It's a bit annoying to have to go back to a bookmark for what their traits is. Also, for a new player, they won't have to search and find it.