So, as of writing this Nightmare Mode has 10 votes, which pulls it ahead of the rest by a fair margin. Not entirely sure when the vote ends but lets look at what we have to deal with.
Firstly, the benefits. By starting in (Late) 1983 we have a limited competition and the time to really capitalize on that and wind up and fix problems before they become problems. In a world where Umbrella, Armacham and all sorts of spooky shit is going on (in at least 10 years, hopefully), that gives us a little bit of time to put out the many fires we're going to be flailing to put out. We even have an early boost in the form of Freddy Fazbear, which will give us a +10 bonus to popularity, diplomacy and a boost to restaurant profits which will be pretty key in the early stage that we're at right now. We are also beholden to no man or company but ourselves, which means while we're on our own it does mean we don't have any outstanding deals, requirements or amoral assholes that we have to take care of. Finally, we're a close knit family that refuses to go out without a fight, even if we squibble with each other, which allows us a free reroll every turn.
Now for the drawbacks. They're pretty hefty, unfortunately. We have a bad shadow looming over us as people have unfortunately died in our diner and that has cast a bad light on us. We have a higher chance for security events to go wrong and are usually more dangerous as a bonus. Because people don't trust us we'll have a harder time getting more people and as we're dealing with Fazbear, we have haunted animatronics. Finally, we're on our own. That has a bunch of positives. It also means nobody is coming to bail us out. It's called "Hard Mode", but do we really deserve to be called the Fazbear Family if we don't pull ourselves up by our bootstraps?
We're also gonna have to deal with a family broken up into factions. If this works like any faction based game I've ever played, I highly suggest going for one faction and attempting to limit and reduce the effect the others have before they become a problem. If they become a problem. We are a happy family after all. Maybe it won't be as bad? Or worse, we'll have to make them all happy and can't reduce their influence. Which might be the case.
Now for the drawbacks. They're pretty hefty, unfortunately. We have a bad shadow looming over us as people have unfortunately died in our diner and that has cast a bad light on us. We have a higher chance for security events to go wrong and are usually more dangerous as a bonus. Because people don't trust us we'll have a harder time getting more people and as we're dealing with Fazbear, we have haunted animatronics. Finally, we're on our own. That has a bunch of positives. It also means nobody is coming to bail us out. It's called "Hard Mode", but do we really deserve to be called the Fazbear Family if we don't pull ourselves up by our bootstraps?
We're also gonna have to deal with a family broken up into factions. If this works like any faction based game I've ever played, I highly suggest going for one faction and attempting to limit and reduce the effect the others have before they become a problem. If they become a problem. We are a happy family after all. Maybe it won't be as bad? Or worse, we'll have to make them all happy and can't reduce their influence. Which might be the case.