Succubusekai: The Demoness Just Wanted To Stay With Her Friends! [Original-Ish] [Quest]

[X] (Timing) "... Now." (Lock yourself, Helen, and Eira in the apartment and Internet for two days solid to get stuff shipped to you.)

[X] ("In the Meanwhile…") "... We're going to start organizing your group to get things going quickly."

[X] (Also) "... That's it."
[x] ("In the Meanwhile…") "... We're off to investigate opportunities; we will return when ready. Stay here for now."

[X] (Timing) "... In a few days, when my minions have provided me the key equipment." (Like your existing stuff orders, mix being in and out to get things over a couple days.)

Let's see if there's a better place to set up a fort?
[X] (Timing) "... Now." (Lock yourself, Helen, and Eira in the apartment and Internet for two days solid to get stuff shipped to you.)

[X] ("In the Meanwhile…") "... We're going to start organizing your group to get things going quickly."
[x] ("In the Meanwhile…") "... We're off to investigate opportunities; we will return when ready. Stay here for now."

[X] (Timing) "... In a few days, when my minions have provided me the key equipment." (Like your existing stuff orders, mix being in and out to get things over a couple days.)
[x] ("In the Meanwhile…") "... We're off to investigate opportunities; we will return when ready. Stay here for now."

[X] (Timing) "... In a few days, when my minions have provided me the key equipment." (Like your existing stuff orders, mix being in and out to get things over a couple days.)
[X] (Timing) "... Now." (Lock yourself, Helen, and Eira in the apartment and Internet for two days solid to get stuff shipped to you.)

[X] ("In the Meanwhile…") "... We're going to start organizing your group to get things going quickly."

Seems like the best way to ensure loyalty over the long term would be to make sure they see results fast. Besides, we have other deliveries en route that we could stand to unfreeze!
[X] (Timing) "... Now." (Lock yourself, Helen, and Eira in the apartment and Internet for two days solid to get stuff shipped to you.)
[X] ("In the Meanwhile…") "... We're going to start organizing your group to get things going quickly."
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by NekoIncardine on Dec 18, 2023 at 4:46 PM, finished with 7 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] (Timing) "... Now." (Lock yourself, Helen, and Eira in the apartment and Internet for two days solid to get stuff shipped to you.)
    [X] ("In the Meanwhile…") "... We're going to start organizing your group to get things going quickly."
    [x] ("In the Meanwhile…") "... We're off to investigate opportunities; we will return when ready. Stay here for now."
    [X] (Timing) "... In a few days, when my minions have provided me the key equipment." (Like your existing stuff orders, mix being in and out to get things over a couple days.)
    [X] (Also) "... That's it."
Chapter 1.1.26: I sleep (LEVEL UP!)
[X] (Timing) "... Now." (Lock yourself, Helen, and Eira in the apartment and Internet for two days solid to get stuff shipped to you.)
[X] ("In the Meanwhile…") "... We're going to start organizing your group to get things going quickly."

"..." You pause before finishing the sentence, reaching to Helen and Eira telepathically. "... Guys. I think we'll be well-served cheating this.Two days in the apartment to get everything shipped."

"... You're right, as annoying as I find that," Helen responds. "If only we could step out of this world's timestream in a larger space."

"Maybe we can ask a goddess or two a favor after we've saved the region?", Eira can't help but respond. "I mean, I don't know what Solaria's like, but…"

"We can talk shop later," you finish, before, aloud: "... Now. You two, into the tent. And the rest of you… Be ready in a couple minutes for our first idea. I think you'll like it, actually, once you think it through."

Before the Kobolds can muster up a full answer - or, more logically, further questions - you're in the tent. Then the door's there. Then Helen and Eira are through, then you. The door closes, and you sigh.

Helen pauses. "That was a bit hasty, but I can't say it was a bad call."

"Other than the questions it raises," Eira responded.

You pause. "... I think I can market it on some truthful bullshitting. 'I am empowered by resources beyond this world', 'The blessing of a divinity empowers me', stuff like that. Technically accurate but worded so they interpret it conveniently."

Helen purses her lips a bit. "... Mind, I'd like to ask we not pull this particular trick too often. Sitting around for…" She glances at a clock. "... Almost fourty-eight hours doesn't exactly feel great."

You nod. "I guess it's a bit easier for me; even a decade removed, I'm used to enjoying home isolated for a while."

Eira pauses. "... Yeah. That's something I've been thinking about a bit, actually. Like… In the village, I wasn't exactly going everywhere all the time, but… I still depended on people a lot to do stuff. I still needed to head out a lot. From what I've heard… It sounds like you, and a lot of others, would go days without leaving their places. Is that right?"

You nod. "Yeah. We worked remotely, we lived remotely… A lot of people might dish on that as inherently a bad thing, but if I'm honest, I wouldn't agree. The world beyond the screen was… A lot bigger than we can easily get to in the cities. Even just a couple miles out - which is how far you'd need to go to reach much of commerce or interesting stuff - could require quite a lot of preparation. It wasn't like the tavern was two minutes' walk from home like it was in the village."

"... That sounds like the cities were practically built to keep people alone."

You pause. "... Maybe."

Helen nods. "It's a known thing that was common under the 20th and early 21st century patterns on Earth. By the latter end of the period, social pressure against it was becoming a thing - even just a few businesses slipped in amongst a residential district helped it be livelier. By the timeframe of starships where I'm from, there was a lot of emphasis on integrated districts where a majority of people could fulfill the basics of their life within a short period's walk. Weirdly, there was opposition to this and most who were opposed couldn't explain why."

You pause. "... I'd suspect a lot of that would be corporate astroturfing - fake grassroots," you quickly summarize for Eira, before continuing, "- intended to preserve dependence on cars. There's a lot of other components to the issue, though, some genuine. I'm glad things got better, but…"

Helen shrugged. "Urban planning, when we're not talking Cityships or the likes of the Transmission series that have to handle theoretically-indefinite-length self-supplied missions, still doesn't entirely reach the whole ideal of the 15-minute city. Not every district can power every single type of specialty store someone might ever want, for example, and specific brands like only having one store in a city as a cultural-cachet thing. Good mass transit covers around ninety-eight percent of that gap in most regions, though."

"... Huh. So a lot of people can live almost entirely carless, then?"

Helen paused. "... I'd, uh, need to check statistics I don't have access to, but we're not entirely away from independent motorized vehicles, no. Businesses that need to transit goods is the most common base, cars as a hobby are still fairly popular among enthusiasts, and in low-development regions, a hardened vehicle and a dirt road is a lot cheaper and lower-impact than trains, for example."

Eira pauses. "... Motorized vehicles being, like, carts and such, but with some technology replacing draft animals?"

"And people who very, very aggressively modify them for looks," you elaborate. "... Sometimes terrifyingly aggressively."

Helen nods. "That much hasn't changed. Cars are easier to get a license for than anything that deals directly in three dimensions, because there's typically much, much less bonkers stuff you can get up to in one."

You nod. "And I'm sure that the scale of 'bonkers' has only gone up when space travel became common."

"Correct," Helen responds. "I, well, never did get my certification for manual docking on traditional spacedock platforms."

You pause. "... That would be a terrifying task, even from what I know about space physics. Which isn't much."

Helen nods. "Two thousand hours in a simulator, solely on docking, mandatory. On top of your general certifications and everything else. And even most with that cert trust the autodock in most situations."

Eira pauses. "Like, golem-assisted putting stuff into place?"

"Close enough," Helen responds.

You pause. "... But yeah. I guess you two would be kinda new to the Locked At Home For Two Days thing. I think technically you could just step out and lemme do this alone, but…"

Helen shakes her head. "Better to put this to use reading things. I have the book, for one."

"Your blessing on technological evolution?"


Eira pauses. "... Eh. I'll try to figure something out."

"Right. So… Downtime it is, then."


Rather than a standard vote, I'm going to ask for two things:

1) Ideas for a couple scenes that might be interesting to vignette in over the next two (Earthside, in-story) days.
2) Ideas for selections for Senaz, Helen, and Eira's Promotion to Level 2! Because I forgot to record the 67 XP each of the party got off of besting Torgo for a couple posts... Whoops.

For now, I'm looking for ideas. A vote phase to lock in selections will then come separately alongside the vignettes.

Multiclassing is potentially on the table, ideas may be nixed by characters or the QM, and don't forget about each of the three having particular advantages to exploit!

Optionally, you may ask for an Interlude about a character whose presence is known but isn't immediately on screen, to learn more about this world and those around it!


In other business…

I need to go through the Threadmarks and revise them, so that it's Arc.Chapter.Post - so all of the Prologue arc as 0.1.x, Arc 1 so far as 1.1.x, you get the idea. (Arc 1 Chapter 2 will begin after the rest ends.)

This scene kinda got away from me, but I'm pleased to remind that a core thing with Helen's previous verse, is it's Early Trek But With Mecha. It runs firmly on the Hopeful And Idealistic end of the spectrum, albeit with more complex technobabble than the norm.

Also, with due warnings, I'd like to give a shout-out to a Talia quest that has just begun - Children's Crusade, a post-apocalyptic mecha tale.

(Seriously, check the content warnings. I know a bit about this one and hoo boy.)
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For whatever reason when I try to think of possible interludes I just keep picturing variations on Eira getting the zoomies from being cooped up, lol.

Not that the fox girl running up a wall, upside down onto the ceiling before gravity robs her of traction and she flops back towards earth onto Senaz in bed isn't a fun image, but I imagine you're looking for something other than crack.
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For whatever reason when I try to think of possible interludes I just keep picturing variations on Eira getting the zoomies from being cooped up, lol.

Not that the fox girl running up a wall, upside down onto the ceiling before gravity robs her of traction and she flops back towards earth onto Senaz in bed isn't a fun image, but I imagine you're looking for something other than crack.

Given my sense of humor, foxgirl zoomies is not out of range, though it probably shouldn't be the entirety of the Interludes either!
Let's see, other possible scenes...

Helen kibitzing on Senaz while she's gaming...

Discussion if Senaz has anything multiplayer. Gamers collect random games on sales like packrats collect junk, surely there's something good in her library...
Followed by attempting to teach Eira how to play a turn-based-strategy game, or something similar.

Senaz experimenting if she can send anything OUT instead of just ordering things IN. Does the outgoing mail still work?

Get bored of computer, dig up some old board game from the dusty closet.

Discussions on the ramifications of internet-based learning, and if Senaz should print out any reading material.

Having to order more food and such supplies due to going through them three times as fast.
No reason not to at least try it.

Next up would be seeing if we can successfully E-Mail someone a scan of a scroll...
RE emailing spell scrolls
No reason not to at least try it.

Next up would be seeing if we can successfully E-Mail someone a scan of a scroll...

"Scans of scrolls would only do much if you could reliably print the scrolls using the correct inks - ordinary printer ink won't do the job, which is unfortunate because even at Nepson prices it's probably cheaper than spell ink..."

(QM's ruling: You'd need the right printer to do this, and you'd damn near have to invent that.)
Boardgames would be one of my votes as well, and experimenting with outgoing mail would be interesting too. Exporting healing pots would be hilarious.
"Scans of scrolls would only do much if you could reliably print the scrolls using the correct inks - ordinary printer ink won't do the job, which is unfortunate because even at Nepson prices it's probably cheaper than spell ink..."

(QM's ruling: You'd need the right printer to do this, and you'd damn near have to invent that.)
I don't suppose Helen's uplift guide might help with the inventing part? :V

(and with securing manufacturing partners, etc, lol. It'd be a whole parallel quest line to the fantasy setting, really...)
Well, we'll figure out some way to get around our problems in interacting with Earth. If nothing else our potentially supervillain employer might be interested in working with us to get a Planar Ally spell going to summon Senaz in the demonic flesh for their schemes....
For the record, if Senaz goes with Bard, she'll need to choose:
  • One new Spell Known
If Helen sticks to Paladin:
  • One Fighting Style (some of which have their own options)
  • Three default spells prepared out of the Paladin Spell List
Regardless, Helen will gain one Feat from Hyperaccelerated Learning

If Eira sticks to Psychic Rogue:
  • One Power Known off the Psychic Rogue power list
These are the choice-based bits, not everything they're getting (for example, Senaz gets song of rest). Just to remind that ideaifying there is good!
As far as leveling up, for the moment I'm inclined to have characters stick with their original classes rather than multiclassing, even with as much of a multiclassing nut as I am.

As far as the choices from those levels, my thoughts are:

Senaz: Since it seems like we're going to be juggling factions, I propose that Senaz learn Illusory Script (which is 1st-level in this edition because the Suggestion aspect is gone). Alternately, if combat effectiveness is the larger concern, Dissonant Whispers looks like an effective and fitting choice.

Helen: Either Dueling or Protection as her combat style, and typical spell preps of Compelled Duel, Cure Wounds, and Wrathful Smite. For her feat, I propose Magic Initiate (Cleric), granting the cantrips Mending and Spare the Dying and the 1st-level spell Healing Word.

Eira: Any one of Compression, Dimensional Pocket, or Entangling Ectoplasm.
I'm an old grognard of a 3.5/Pathfinder player, and have no idea what to do with such a small selection of choices.

Okay, more seriously I just haven't looked at the correct spell lists for quite a while.
I am left wondering these days how to get more community organization among the 3.0/3.5/d20m/PF1 sorts like ourselves. We seem decidedly scattered.
So, between... A lot of things, obviously, I have been away for a fair while.

But, I just backed up everyone's character sheets, then advanced them to Level 2. Please check for errors - and reconsider the decisions maybe. And I'm going to try and write some vignettes to set up Arc 1, Chapter 2 (so, Chapter 1.2) over the coming days.

(I have been writing a different thing, but that's not really ready for any sort of release yet.)
I had been wondering where you'd been when it came to this...

Anyway, hm, I could've sworn that previously Helen's sheet had said Hyperaccelerated Learning meant she got a feat every level, not a feat every odd level and a skill or tool every even level... and your post about leveling up says the same. With that change and the current plan, I'd say she picks up proficiency in Carpenter's Tools this level. (Still very much looking at my prior pick for level 3, though!)

Everything else looks good at a glance.