Voting is open
needing to run the unified human government. With help from the other humans sure, but they're still some of the most significant parts of the government.

Oh hey, same thing happened here in Fool Bloom. It's working out, er, questionably so far.

Anyway, I'm back now! Since we need a tiebreaker between the date and job votes, I'm gonna leave the vote open just a little longer, though if no break comes I'll roll 1d2 per usual
Vote closed
Carnival Masks 7.4
[X] Challenge Reiji and Ryoichi to see who could find Kazuya, and even Emi, the better job.

"Er, well what job would you find Kazuya-kun then?" Miyako swooped in to say, standing right between Ryoichi and Reiji to block the two viewing each other... given how they'd 'gotten along' last time. But before just letting Ryoichi speak, she simply had to chime in with suggestions, "I know, a journalist, or a shrine attendant!" Or dare I say a host, she kept that thought to herself, then wanting to look a bit less self-centred she asked, "Or maybe a mangaka's assistant?" with one eye on Emi.

"Really, I couldn't-" Emi of course had to begin, but she then got cut off by Ryoichi anyway.

"Your thoughts are too plebeian. For one of Kazuya's status to get stuck with anything entry-level, why that would be a stain on our name. None of that nouveau riche 'work your way up' prattling about for us, no sir! All I need is a few phone calls, and I'll get him the cushiest spot there is," Ryoichi said, his sing-songy laugh the cherry on top.

As neither were the type to remain inconspicuous, what Ryoichi said couldn't help but make its way into Reiji's ears. "What the- you?!" Reiji said as he walked over glaring at Ryoichi. "Hey, Kazuya and I have been handling job-hunting just fine! We don't need his family coming in and holing him back up again."

Before Ryoichi could talk back, Miyako held up her hands between them, the very scenario she dreaded upon her. "Well, let's make this a competition then, settle your differences that way. Whoever finds Kazuya-kun a job first is the winner!" she said. More sparks of raw inspiration coming to her, she dragged Emi in and added, "Oh, bonus points to whoever gets Daimon-sama here a job too! Just, er, nothing too intensive," she glanced at Emi's hands.

'Wait, bonus points?' being what anyone more assertive than Emi would've retorted.

"'Holing him up'? The nerve..." Ryoichi hissed, before his face wormed its way back to a smirk. "Alright, I may have not a clue who this Daimon is, but I accept the challenge. Watch and learn, theatre kid, that's all I have to say to you."

"Nozawa, are you trying to rile him up?" Reiji had to ask her.
He then grabbed Kazuya's arm before his brother could and told him, "Like I was saying, since you've got your emotions back, you ought to try something that promotes emotional expression, er, even if it means a second job on the side. If not theatre, then how about painting, photography, music?"

"Music is out of the question!" Ryoichi suddenly spoke up, evidently not all he had to say to Reiji. He then clarified, "Ahem, as I am already the musician in our family, another would be most redundant."

"Really, which instrument?" Reiji asked, eyes narrowed at him.

"The viola," Ryoichi said, which instantly made Reiji burst out laughing. "Wh-what, how dare you? It's an incredibly rich and versatile instrument! Anyone who's experienced Berlioz's Harold in Italy would know that!" the younger Kai snapped back.

"Sure, whatever you say, second string," Reiji said, not letting this chance go by. Remembering Emi was there and included in the challenge, he then said smiling at her, "Ah Daimon-sama, I believe you were in the credits of Shinjuku Eternitas? Getting the rights to stage such a hit would be a huge boon to our local theatre!"

"Er, it's just," Emi mumbled as she shrank back, "I didn't get any real say in that show. Sketching the characters was all I got to do, and even that was per instruction. I'm s-sorry, you should really ask anyone else besides me..." Especially since what little slice of that pie she still said would be all gone after what she'd been through. "B-but I do have quite a few manga I did make myself, no wait, my publisher would own all their rights."

"You draw, don't you?" Ryoichi asked and gazed down at Emi, or would have were he at the right height to do so. "Then it's laughable you haven't realised the fastest way an artist can make money."

"Ryoichi-kun, how dare you?!" Miyako gasped as she immediately knew what he meant, with Ryoichi also wincing at 'kun'. Although I do have this one character I wouldn't mind being drawn all- she still thought, but then shook her head and resumed her stance.

"I guess I might as well," Emi said with a sigh. "Maybe the bright side to being disgraced enough as I am is that I can't go any lower. And Kamizono-sama did allow me to draw her n-" but then Miyako covered Emi's mouth with her hand before things could get awkward, even by her standards.

As Miyako then took Emi's shoulders to get her to snap out of her funk, Ryoichi then said over her, "Anyway, back to Kazuya. I'll have him set up with-"

"No, we've actually already decided that his newly resurfaced passions lie in-" Reiji jabbed back with.

The two now fully locked in heated debate, or heated shouting anyway, with each other, Miyako knew it was time to act. Reiji's grip having loosened, she took Kazuya's hand and then the rest of him with her, away from the strife of his brother and best friend. As expected, Kazuya stayed silent throughout all of this.

"I-I'm sorry," Miyako felt the need to tell him, having brought Kazuya down a twisty side-alley, "I was trying to get them to help instead of just argue, but they're just mostly arguing anyway, huh?"

"Don't be," said Kazuya, as he tried to stay neutral, "I'm used to them acting like that. It's... normal."

Yet as Reiji and Ryoichi talk over Kazuya brought to mind Vasilisa and Chigusa arguing over Sfira, or Yumemi and Koyomi arguing over her, Miyako said, "Yeah, but like, that doesn't mean it should be normal."

"Nozawa, ah, Nozawa-chan I suppose I should say," Kazuya said, "I must ask, Reiji and my brother seem to have distressed you, but... do you prefer to be distressed? I mean, instead of feeling nothing?"

That made Miyako stop to think, then say, "You're right, yeah, I do! It's like, I came down with something real bad once in the rainy season, and my friend Sora," someone else I've left behind, she didn't want to think more on, "said that pain was just the body's way of letting you know there's something wrong. Though he also said he got that from a medical show. Anyway, I guess anger, annoyance, even sadness is like that too, but with emotions. So that's why it's good to feel even the bad stuff."

"I, I see. As a warning system, yes, that makes sense," Kazuya said, with Miyako hoping he wasn't flashing back to that time, the worst that Reiji that told her about.

"That can go too far though," Emi then told the two, "When- when even what you loved starts to only bring you pain, then it's not really just a warning anymore, is it?"

At first Miyako had no answer to that, to everything Emi had been through. But then it came to her, and she did say, "No, that's a warning too. Just a really big one, that something's gone even worse than what's normally bad, you know?"

"Long after it should've stopped going bad? After all the hurt was supposed to be over?" Emi muttered, "Maybe I just see it different because I'm forty, lived with pain longer. Nozawa-chan, I look at you and think you've got your life more sorted out than I still have." As she then looked at Kazuya, she told him, "Ah, I guess I should provide context. I'm a Hanazakari, I suppose, but my Cultivar causes people to feel pain when they should feel what they most love. Now, er, you know."

"...Sounds like I'm safe from it then, ah, Daimon-sama is it? I must admit, I still don't know what I most love," Kazuya said, before he sunk into thought. "Narrowing it down, Reiji was my only friend for the longest time, but Miyako, she was the one who set everything in motion to save me," he stopped to look at her. "Would your Cultivar make me feel pain to even think of them?"

I could be... who Kazuya most loves? Miyako thought, face going red.

"I'm sorry, so sorry!" Emi then gasped and started to cry. "Forget I said anything, forget I ever gave you that thought."

"It's okay. Far as I know, you have no reason to come at me with your Cultivar. I don't see why it should bother me," Kazuya said.
Miyako was sure glad Blue Lotus was nowhere in earshot, because if there was anyone who could contrive a way to make Kazuya eat those words...

Someone who was around, who Miyako could see walking down the main street, was none other than Hachiro. The dog master Hanazakari who Miyako and Kazuya had met at Taito Base, and by far the nicer of the two RUNE officials she knew. What's he doing here? Can't be RUNE stuff with Arisugawa-sama, sounds like something Hoshizora-san would've come in person for. At the same time, Miyako was forced to admit there wasn't much else to visit her newfound hometown for. Except possibly, Oh no, has RUNE gotten wind of my report on them? she leapt to thinking.

There was someone else with him too. A sweater-clad girl, the book she was reading covering any part of her face not shrouded by her wispy hair. A new RUNE recruit, since she was around Miyako's age and she'd been offered to join? Peering closer, Miyako saw she was reading a Kuramazov book too. Curiouser and curiouser.

Miyako's reaction to Hachiro was to:
[ ] Say hello to him and this girl right there. He was the nice RUNE Hanazakari, wasn't he?
[ ] Follow the two in secret, they hadn't spotted them yet.
[ ] Head to Koyomi's house before them, that was likely where they were going.
[ ] Ask Emi to follow them, as Hachiro hadn't met her in person yet, while Kazuya and her got to Koyomi's.
[ ] Check back up on Reiji and Ryoichi, while Kazuya and Emi kept track of Hachiro.
[ ] Don't do anything, Koyomi could handle whatever Hachiro had planned.
[ ] Write-in
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[ ] Say hello to him and this girl right there. He was the nice RUNE Hanazakari, wasn't he?

This would be the sensible thing to do.


[X] Follow the two in secret, they hadn't spotted them yet.

Let's do a sneaky-sneak :V
[X] Head to Koyomi's house before them, that was likely where they were going.

In hindsight, Hachiro's powers really set him up for a joke about him being a dog of the government, don't they?
In hindsight, Hachiro's powers really set him up for a joke about him being a dog of the government, don't they?

Was waiting for someone to say that, it was kinda the initial inspiration.

In other news, Fool Bloom is now being cross-posted to SB, something I finally remembered to get around to. There'll be some slight changes, like grouping posts together to match most user fiction in pacing, and Fountain of Youth will likely have some cleaning up:

Fool Bloom: A Magical Woman Story

Koyomi was a magical girl, was. One of many Hanazakari that fought the immortals who tried to steal all human emotion. But that was decades ago. And then she meets Miyako, a fangirl who's ecstatic to talk to a real Hanazakari. Unfortunately, Koyomi's not what she expected...
Vote closed
Carnival Masks 7.5
[X] Follow the two in secret, they hadn't spotted them yet.

Miyako leaned forward and narrowing her eyes at Hachiro and this girl with him, then whispered back at Kazuya and Emi to "Okay, let's follow them."

"Wait, hold on. I don't even know them, let alone why you'd want to tail them," Emi gulped and stepped back.

"Exactly. 'Cause you don't each other, that's why you should be out in front, they won't recognise… you," Miyako said, as she only then realised, "Oh right, you weren't at the base with us, right. Sorry, kinda get mixed-up over who was where sometimes, eheh."

"The girl we don't know, but that man is Hachiro Ogami, a RUNE Hanazakari," Kazuya filled in, "RUNE has made things difficult for us before," he briefly looked down at the hand in which he held that gun, "so I believe that's why Miyako wants to find out what they're doing here."

Now Emi knew, it made her trepidation just grow worse. "T-they're the Hanazakari world military, Kamizono-sama talked about how important it was to get them on our, ah, her side. I can't go against them; they'd label me a terrorist or throw me in the deepest pit of Malebolge or-or worse!"

"C'mon, relax!" Miyako patted her back to little effect. "RUNE's not gonna do that to you over a little spying. Well, Ogami-san at least wouldn't, he's like the nice RUNE officer, if he found out he'd be cool with, er, us spying on him..."

For a second Emi looked relatively relieved, but then she had to ask, "But if he's the nice one, er, why would you want to spy on him again?"

Despite having written a whole report on RUNE, Miyako was left stumbling over her words at that, but in the end said, "Well, he's still with RUNE, y'know? No way they're up to something good. A project of theirs was the whole reason Blue Lotus is now out there." The thought of also telling Emi the part her visit had also played in his escape left Miyako tongue-tied and butterfly-gutted. Maybe later… sometime. If she's gonna find out anyway.

"Though it could he's here on a break instead of business," Kazuya said, which got him musing, "which would be new to me. Naturally I've had Sundays and public holidays off, but I've never asked for a vacation. Unless you count joblessness as one long holiday."

"He gets breaks?" Emi instinctively asked, that concept not having crossed her mind till now. Even if she finally had been given a break… via firing.

Slacking off in school was something Miyako had never turned down, so the thought of no breaks ever sent her spine shivering. Not that a journalist (to be) like her was unaware of mangaka work schedules, but again, it was something else hearing a real mangaka bring the crunch up in person.
Seeing Hachiro and the girl with him about to move on, done with a Takoyaki stand that'd delayed them for a time (Can dogs even eat Takoyaki? Miyako had to think), Miyako changed the subject to "Alright, after them. If we just stay here, we'll never find out what their deal is. And if he is on a break, why Hinodeharu?"

It soon turned out another reason it was better Emi took the lead on this stealth mission was, had Miyako been in front, her gangly movements and poor sense for cover would've gotten them spotted in seconds.
They'd been keeping in eyeshot of Hachiro but weren't close enough for earshot, which left Emi speculating the worst. "Wait, what if it's me they're after? RUNE investigates unaffiliated Hanazakari, and-and they'd know about my Cultivar through the Earthly Purified."

"What? Nah, that can't be it," Miyako said, though had to tug at her collar. What if my article means they're here to investigate me? "They investigated Arisugawa-sama before, multiple times she tells me, so she's probably who they want."

"That Kuramazov book would indicate so," Kazuya said.

"Wow, great deduction!" Miyako said, with even Kazuya able to tell there was no sarcasm in her tone.

"You think? I assumed it'd be quite basic," Kazuya shrugged, making Miyako blush a bit.

Either way, it made Miyako try to squint closer at the book, like that'd somehow reveal further information. All she got though was that it was titled Splintered Light. Another reminder that, for all Koyomi had done for her, she'd given little in return when it came to actually reading her books. I mean, I did read Ladder to Heaven for the play. Well, skimmed it, but still.

Hachiro and the girl taking a detour for a second got Miyako a little worried that they actually were here to track down Emi, if not her. But they were back on the road to Koyomi's shack soon enough, with the surrounding trees making their sneaking much easier. Well, it would if Miyako hadn't stepped on an enlarged twig and had to be pulled back into the underbrush before Hachiro could spot her. Had he had sniffer dogs out, that could've been it.

Wait, why doesn't he have his dogs with him? Miyako thought. Maybe he doesn't want to appear hostile in front of Arisugawa-sama, but I certainly wouldn't feel threatened if someone turned up with a bunch of big, fluffy doggos on my doorstep. Er, my theoretical doorstep.

Finally, Hachiro knocked on the door. That only made Koyomi glare at him through a gap in her window curtains and mutter, "Oh, it's you. Go away."

"Arisugawa-san, I did e-mail you a week in advance to say I'd be coming," Hachiro tried to say through the walls. He then put a hand on the hair-shrouded girl's shoulder and said, "And I brought my daughter along, she's a big fan of yours."

Daughter? Miyako thought hearing that, her face then lighting up as she imagined, wow, just imagine being raised by Hanazakari! Wait no, this is RUNE we're talking about, I'm supposed to hate them.

"Trying to guilt trip me now, are you?" Koyomi hissed. "Well, it won't work, you know I've got a shameless Hanazakari fan following me around already."

"Kuramazov-sama, ah, it isn't because you are a Hanazakari," the book-carrying, hair-shrouded girl said, "To introduce myself, I'm Ogami-Ueno Shiori, and I have read all your books. Cover to cover, with annotations! I just reread Splintered Light, your latest, and it may be your-"

"I know Splintered Light is my latest, I wrote it after all," Koyomi said back on instinct, before she paused and then opened the door but an inch. "Wait, you said your name was 'Shiori', was it? No, has to be a coincidence, it's a common enough name."

"I-I'm reading all Arisugawa-sama's books. I mean, I've started," Emi had to whimper out.

"Why yes, it is indeed so. I'm told, rather repeatedly, that it's quite fitting," Shiori said while nodding vigorously. "I am cognizant of your real name, but I shall of course call you Kuramazov-sama if you prefer."

"Oh please, 'Arisugawa Koyomi' is fine. Might as well, you've already seen me in person," Koyomi said. She then sighed, "Alright, you can come in, but your father can stay outside like a good government dog. If Yumemi sent him here to play good cop, I'm not falling for it, nor am I telling you a single thing about Sfira if they're who you're here for."

Huh, having read her books made Arisugawa-sama warm to her pretty quickly
, Miyako thought… which just made her feel worse about not having done so.

"Actually, this Sfira of yours has nothing to do with why I'm here. Nor do any of my RUNE duties," Hachiro said to get through to Koyomi.

"Ooh, you were actually right, Kazuya-kun!" Miyako had to whisper, then shuddered at the thought of giving herself away.

"Of course you aren't," Koyomi drawled before closing the door, Shiori stumbling in.

"No, I mean it. I knew your fortieth birthday was coming up, so I wanted to give you a present for the day," Hachiro insisted, then sighed as the door closed.

Only for the door to open again immediately, as Koyomi asked, "Really, you honestly think I'll fall for-" only to suddenly be handed a set of tickets. "Tokyo Summerland?" she read out with eyes narrowed.

"Enough of the frost has melted that it's finally been able to reopen. Mikoto's already been hired to help with the catering," Hachiro said, "I thought you'd really appreciate the offer since-"

"I was from Tokyo," Koyomi muttered. Not letting up, she looked closer at Hachiro and asked, "Okay, what's the catch? Yumemi surely expects something of me in return."

"The Brigadier doesn't even know," Hachiro said smiling, though Koyomi was hardly settled hearing that.

"Hell, why is she even still a Brigadier after everything that went down? Wait, don't tell me, it's confidential, isn't it?" Koyomi took it.

As Hachiro had to nod, it was then his daughter Shiori spoke up. "I'm aware I may appear biased as he is one of my fathers, but I shall assure you his intent is very much not ill."

"Besides, Tokyo Summerland will be jam packed, so if we at RUNE had anything up our sleeves, this would be the worst place to test it out," Hachiro said, then stood beside Shiori again and said, "And before you accuse her of it, and I know you will, no Shiori has not recruited into RUNE, so I won't have you calling her a puppet".

"But by that logic, it's okay to call you one?" Koyomi asked, then sighed, "I was never planning to accuse her of anything. Though you do realise that hearing Tokyo Summerland's jam packed makes me not want to go for entirely different reasons?"

"Tokyo Summerland?" Miyako spoke up. "They said the place used to be the greatest, er, before the Frost Fair came. Ooh, can I go?"
She spoke up a bit too much there, as Koyomi, Hachiro, and Shiori now all noticed her. As Emi shrank back and Kazuya stood there pondering what to do, Miyako was left going, "Eheh, I can explain!"

Getting caught sneaking like this would normally be a mere embarrassment… but this was a RUNE officer they'd be tailing, there was a risk of real trouble:
[ ] "We were worried about what RUNE was planning so we wanted to investigate." Honest, but could start things off on the wrong foot.
[ ] "Tokyo Summerland? It's really reopened? Wow, it would've closed before I was even born." Keep the conversation moving, distract from the sudden appearance.
[ ] "Hi, I'm Miyako, this is Kazuya-kun, and you'd be Shiori-san. Nice to meet you!" Introductions are always nice, and this one gave Emi time to slip away if RUNE really did have their eye on her.
[ ] "Hey, guess who we've got? Daimon Emi-sama! Ah, you read manga too, right Shiori-san?" Introduce Emi anyway, she could be worrying over nothing.
[ ] "We were just catching up with Sfira on things." A false alibi, but a believable one since Hachiro apparently already knew of them.
[] Turn and run. [Miyako has too much Emotional Intelligence to do this.]
[ ] Write-in
[X] "Hi, I'm Miyako, this is Kazuya-kun, and you'd be Shiori-san. Nice to meet you!" Introductions are always nice, and this one gave Emi time to slip away if RUNE really did have their eye on her.

Oh no, a rival for Miyako has appeared and she reads.
[X] "We were worried about what RUNE was planning so we wanted to investigate." Honest, but could start things off on the wrong foot.
Honesty is the best policy, isn't it.
[X] "Tokyo Summerland? It's really reopened? Wow, it would've closed before I was even born." Keep the conversation moving, distract from the sudden appearance.

I like how even co-directing the stage adaptation of one hasn't gotten Miyako to read any of Koyomi's books.
By the way, Emi's manga Silver Cloudcast is based on an actual story idea I had in mind, about underground matches in a declining imperial city where people fight with cloud-animals. My original title for it was Cloudcaster Silver, but I changed it so people wouldn't confuse it for a Cardcaptor Sakura reference which it obviously isn't.

Shinjuku Aeternitas though was just a random anime name I came up with, not based on anything specific
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I am not far into reading this just yet, but I find it interesting so far - particularly the concept of a magical girl story told many years later, picking up the pieces that have been left hanging in the intervening time, and perhaps making right some things that went wrong. These frost-leeches are an interesting concept, too. I do have some nitpicks so far, (mainly with the rather abrupt and offhanded way some more serious topics have been brought up, like the sexual abuse of Kazuya, or now this incident with the JSDF ordering mass killings?) but overall I am very intrigued. Miyako is an enjoyable protagonist, and I look forward to seeing how her dynamic with Koyomi will develop.
I do have some nitpicks so far, (mainly with the rather abrupt and offhanded way some more serious topics have been brought up, like the sexual abuse of Kazuya, or now this incident with the JSDF ordering mass killings?) but overall I am very intrigued.

I did try to connect the JSDF incident with the plot, with Koyomi comparing herself almost killing someone innocent to what they did. But in hindsight I do agree it does feel abruptly wedged in there, and that it could've fit in more naturally had I brought it up later.

As for what happened to Kazuya, yeah, that I can't really defend. My mindset at the time was thinking of the worst thing that could happen to someone without emotions, that would complicate getting them their emotions back. But you could easily argue that Kazuya being abandoned and isolated by his parents was already sufficient enough for that
As for what happened to Kazuya, yeah, that I can't really defend. My mindset at the time was thinking of the worst thing that could happen to someone without emotions, that would complicate getting them their emotions back. But you could easily argue that Kazuya being abandoned and isolated by his parents was already sufficient enough for that
For what it may be worth, I do not have an objection to the concept itself - I think it made for an engaging moral dilemma, by adding a very serious complication to attempting to return his emotions, and I do look forward to reading what the fallout of that will be. It is more the manner in which it was introduced that I take issue with, though as you did say below that update, that was not your original plan. As I said, my complaints were more nitpicks about how abruptly it felt like they were brought up, not meant as a serious mark against the quest.
As I said, my complaints were more nitpicks about how abruptly it felt like they were brought up, not meant as a serious mark against the quest.

Yeah, I figured the issue was how they were handled, but I guess I felt he need to cover my bases just in case.

If anyone needs a refresher, here's the post SpoopyGhost is referring to where I talked about my original plans for The Long Winter Thaws:
Little behind the scenes info: If Miyako trying to restore Kazuya's emotions herself had won, the idea is she would've tried to do so by dating Kazuya. Miyako then would've started worrying if someone with their emotions drained could give consent, where Kazuya would've brought up being assaulted himself.
That might've been a more natural way of bringing it up, but at the same time you wouldn't have heard it from Reiji's more impassioned perspective
[X] "Hi, I'm Miyako, this is Kazuya-kun, and you'd be Shiori-san. Nice to meet you!" Introductions are always nice, and this one gave Emi time to slip away if RUNE really did have their eye on her.
Another tidbit, Tokyo Summerland's name was partly inspired by the movie Summerland, whose main character was one of Koyomi's inspirations. True, that movie has nothing to do with theme parks (the Summerland in it is the afterlife realm), but it kinda sounds like a theme park name out of context.
And of course, it provides an obvious contrast with the Frost Fair and the freezing of Tokyo
"...Then by all means," Blue Lotus suddenly said, turning around with his back to the door and Miyako held right in front of him, "Go on, come at me with your blade. All it will cost is but a single human life," he stroked Miyako's face, "and the Frost Fair, after all these eons, will be no more. All Pathragada will be in your debt."
"Then prove yourself, Doctor. What are you, coward or killer?"
You didn't reference this scene. 0/10.
WELP, you've opened the floodgates and now I'm transcribing my description of the Cybermen of Mondas from a Discord convo, in which I described their characterizaton as 'almost avant garde, in a way':
Oh, very cool. At first, cybermen didn't interest me, but then that Twelfth doctor special came. This just makes me more interested. Fascinating story of medicine and desperation for survival going wrong.
What kind of person dresses their collage monsters in sexy outfits ?!?
I... I thought they were some funny outfits, since Chip and Dale are cartoon squirrels. Only now I've searched what Chippendale is.
and of course Nobodies from Kingdom Hearts, though going by the fan theory that can they feel emotions but just have difficulty doing so.

Which does remind me of the issues with writing emotionless villains in that it can be hard to portray them as truly emotionless, hence why the Cybermen's and Organisation XIII's can be so inconsistently characterized.
Yeah. I remember seeing clips of Madoka and thinking Kyuubey seemed to have emotions, that is, condescension and such. And there's one scene where he complains humans are emotional. While talking to himself, so it's not pretending for others.
Yup, Nobodies seems to be emotional, even if part of it could be pretending out of habit. After all, Roxas was a zombie due to being the one nobody with amnesia, though any amnesiacs could probablyend up zombie-like. Xaldin clearly liked being a homewrecker and training, even if for some reason fics never used him as the drama causing tool (literal tool and jerk) he can be. Xemnas seems sorrowful at how much he forgot about having a heart. Axel is a stressed big bro assassin with two kids thrown at him.
it kinda sounds like a theme park name out of context.
For viewers of Fascinating Horror, and Manxpeople of a certain age, it's the name of a leisure centre with terrible fire safety on the Isle of Man, which killed 50 people (out of 3000 on site at the time) in 1973 when discarded smoker's materials caused a fire that spread to (among other things) the building's flammable, easily melted acrylic windows.

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