Son of Death (30k Mortarion Quest)

[x] War
- [x] Of Destruction. The Order offends you on a personal, moral level, and so it must be destroyed, torn out by the root so that no trace of it remains

[X] War
- [X] Of Conquest. Galaspar has refused all possibility of peaceful unification, and so they will be brought into the fold by force.
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[X] War
- [X] Of Liberation. You object to how the Order treats its subjects, and you have the might and self-proclaimed right to intervene on their behalf.
- [X] Open with an ultimatum: if they end their system and work with the Imperium to reverse the damage it has caused, then they may enter its ranks peacefully. If they refuse, you will force them to do so.
I expect them not to, frankly. Even if we come claiming that we're here to free them from that control, I expect that information to either (a) not get passed to the general population, (b) not be believed, or (c) be used as a reason to fight against us (we'd be changing a way of life they're used to, and it probably actually feels nice to be constantly on drugs).

Drugs are drugs because they temporary alter biochemistry. In the long run the body, even a body specifically designed to be susceptible to the specific drugs, will develop resistance to the drugs until the drugs themselves have to be administered in an overdose that will cause issues leading into death.

When a substance is ingested and it becomes a natural part of the body's homeostasis that is biomodding and then we wouldn't be talking about drugs, we would be talking about nutrients and food supplies. Also this vote works best for me:

[X] Peace
- [X] They are capable of throwing every single of those 50 billions into the grinder of war. Unsustainable attack vector if they are capable of quick war footing. But through peace we can destroy them. And quickly. We made them expand, we made them splatter their attention so wide, they would miss the gun if it was under their nose. And we can have time to prepare conditions for 50 billions to live as a free man.

Peace can be a conflict more total than any war. Let's charm them into overreaching and then being unmade and folded fully into the Imperium.
Well, this is going to be a mess no matter the choice. And I have near-zero doubt as to which poison SV will pick.
[X] War
- [X] Of Liberation. You object to how the Order treats its subjects, and you have the might and self-proclaimed right to intervene on their behalf.
- [X] Open with an ultimatum: if they end their system and work with the Imperium to reverse the damage it has caused, then they may enter its ranks peacefully. If they refuse, you will force them to do so

This will blow up in our faces in new and unexpected ways!
[X] War
- [x] Of Liberation. You object to how the Order treats its subjects, and you have the might and self-proclaimed right to intervene on their behalf.
Because we really should be setting all of our scientists in finding a way to wean people off the drugs, or some sort of semi-replacement that helps them do so.

Honestly if we chose peace that would be the way to do it... peace until literally the moment there's a better solution, at which point the ultimatum is to implement this solution or face a war of liberation.

But I'm not sure how that'd work as a vote.
[X] War
- [X] Of Liberation. You object to how the Order treats its subjects, and you have the might and self-proclaimed right to intervene on their behalf.
- [X] Open with an ultimatum: if they end their system and work with the Imperium to reverse the damage it has caused, then they may enter its ranks peacefully. If they refuse, you will force them to do so.
- [X] Have scientists immediately, before the ultimatum is even given, researching what can be done to help the people, whether there's a way to slowly wean them from the drugs or find a replacement. Just as with the soil of your home, there must be a solution even if it is not perfect.
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To clarify, @Maugan Ra , this is about setting the stage, right? Any strategy/tactics being something to settle later, or will that be behind the black, as it were?

Yes. There will be further opportunities to choose more precise strategies/tactics in future updates. This is just so that I know how Mortarion is approaching the problem that Horus has helpfully dumped in his lap.
[X] War
- [X] Of Liberation. You object to how the Order treats its subjects, and you have the might and self-proclaimed right to intervene on their behalf.
- [X] Open with an ultimatum: if they end their system and work with the Imperium to reverse the damage it has caused, then they may enter its ranks peacefully. If they refuse, you will force them to do so.
[X] War
- [X] Of Liberation. You object to how the Order treats its subjects, and you have the might and self-proclaimed right to intervene on their behalf.
- [X] Open with an ultimatum: if they end their system and work with the Imperium to reverse the damage it has caused, then they may enter its ranks peacefully. If they refuse, you will force them to do so.
- [X] Have scientists immediately, before the ultimatum is even given, researching what can be done to help the people, whether there's a way to slowly wean them from the drugs or find a replacement. Just as with the soil of your home, there must be a solution even if it is not perfect.

This time, he is going to pick up the sword (war against the cause of the underlying issues) and the plough (the solution to the underlying issues) at the same time because he is stronger now and has more resources.
[X] War
- [X] Of Liberation. You object to how the Order treats its subjects, and you have the might and self-proclaimed right to intervene on their behalf.
- [X] Open with an ultimatum: if they end their system and work with the Imperium to reverse the damage it has caused, then they may enter its ranks peacefully. If they refuse, you will force them to do so.
- [X] Have scientists immediately, before the ultimatum is even given, researching what can be done to help the people, whether there's a way to slowly wean them from the drugs or find a replacement. Just as with the soil of your home, there must be a solution even if it is not perfect.
[X] War
- [X] Of Liberation. You object to how the Order treats its subjects, and you have the might and self-proclaimed right to intervene on their behalf.
- [X] Open with an ultimatum: if they end their system and work with the Imperium to reverse the damage it has caused, then they may enter its ranks peacefully. If they refuse, you will force them to do so.
- [X] Have scientists immediately, before the ultimatum is even given, researching what can be done to help the people, whether there's a way to slowly wean them from the drugs or find a replacement. Just as with the soil of your home, there must be a solution even if it is not perfect.

This time, he is going to pick up the sword (war against the cause of the underlying issues) and the plough (the solution to the underlying issues) at the same time because he is stronger now and has more resources.
I can't remember, but isn't Morty still kind of a darwinist asshole in this quest? Wouldn't he just go "ragh! if they die of withdrawal, it's because they just suck!"?
I can't remember, but isn't Morty still kind of a darwinist asshole in this quest? Wouldn't he just go "ragh! if they die of withdrawal, it's because they just suck!"?

I... don't think so? I mean, he lived on a planet where, "Just grow food anyways, 5head" wasn't actually an answer? I'm not saying he probably doesn't believe in grit or 'toughing things out' but he was actually looking for solutions to other problems that could be answered with "tough it out."
[X] War
- [X] Of Liberation. You object to how the Order treats its subjects, and you have the might and self-proclaimed right to intervene on their behalf.
- [X] Open with an ultimatum: if they end their system and work with the Imperium to reverse the damage it has caused, then they may enter its ranks peacefully. If they refuse, you will force them to do so.
- [X] Have scientists immediately, before the ultimatum is even given, researching what can be done to help the people, whether there's a way to slowly wean them from the drugs or find a replacement. Just as with the soil of your home, there must be a solution even if it is not perfect.
[X] War
- [X] Of Liberation. You object to how the Order treats its subjects, and you have the might and self-proclaimed right to intervene on their behalf.
- [X] Open with an ultimatum: if they end their system and work with the Imperium to reverse the damage it has caused, then they may enter its ranks peacefully. If they refuse, you will force them to do so.
- [X] Have scientists immediately, before the ultimatum is even given, researching what can be done to help the people, whether there's a way to slowly wean them from the drugs or find a replacement. Just as with the soil of your home, there must be a solution even if it is not perfect.
[X] War
- [X] Of Liberation. You object to how the Order treats its subjects, and you have the might and self-proclaimed right to intervene on their behalf.
- [X] Open with an ultimatum: if they end their system and work with the Imperium to reverse the damage it has caused, then they may enter its ranks peacefully. If they refuse, you will force them to do so.
I can't remember, but isn't Morty still kind of a darwinist asshole in this quest? Wouldn't he just go "ragh! if they die of withdrawal, it's because they just suck!"?
I don't think so? His defining attitude so far has been more along the lines of 'war fucking sucks, but somebody's got to do it'.

[X] War
- [X] Of Liberation. You object to how the Order treats its subjects, and you have the might and self-proclaimed right to intervene on their behalf.
- [X] Open with an ultimatum: if they end their system and work with the Imperium to reverse the damage it has caused, then they may enter its ranks peacefully. If they refuse, you will force them to do so.
- [X] Have scientists immediately, before the ultimatum is even given, researching what can be done to help the people, whether there's a way to slowly wean them from the drugs or find a replacement. Just as with the soil of your home, there must be a solution even if it is not perfect.
I... don't think so? I mean, he lived on a planet where, "Just grow food anyways, 5head" wasn't actually an answer? I'm not saying he probably doesn't believe in grit or 'toughing things out' but he was actually looking for solutions to other problems that could be answered with "tough it out."
Ok, must have misremembered, I thought he had some weird double standards.
In terms of an invasion though its pretty much only a question of how much hurt such great crusade era legions and expeditionary fleets take before the win and/or just petulantly genocide everything and/or have Emps send in the Custodes or whatev to finish the job, this is a rather remarkable pocket empire of multiple star systems, pretty much the heaviest class of human foes of the crusade. Its quite likely there's going to be some real nasty surprises vis a vis like enslaving psykers into secret thought police and special gun-kata forces or something through space-narcotics and omnipresent conditioning, like the Ethnarchy's narco-covens of psykers back on Terra in the Unification Wars.

Negotiating on the basis of ending the Brave New World narcotic caste system in exchange for allowing the like scholar-gentlemen and apparatchiks of the Order to merge into the larger systems of the Adepts of Terra and personally enrich themselves like fall of the USSR and rise of the oligarchs style, might not be a bad go of it.
In terms of an invasion though its pretty much only a question of how much hurt such great crusade era legions and expeditionary fleets take before the win and/or just petulantly genocide everything and/or have Emps send in the Custodes or whatev to finish the job, this is a rather remarkable pocket empire of multiple star systems, pretty much the heaviest class of human foes of the crusade. Its quite likely there's going to be some real nasty surprises vis a vis like enslaving psykers into secret thought police and special gun-kata forces or something through space-narcotics and omnipresent conditioning, like the Ethnarchy's narco-covens of psykers back on Terra in the Unification Wars.

Negotiating on the basis of ending the Brave New World narcotic caste system in exchange for allowing the like scholar-gentlemen and apparatchiks of the Order to merge into the larger systems of the Adepts of Terra and personally enrich themselves like fall of the USSR and rise of the oligarchs style, might not be a bad go of it.

Maybe, though while I'm not going to say, "this feels out of character" or whatnot (that's the QM's decision), it does feel a little un-rooted in Morty's experiences?
[X] War
- [X] Of Liberation. You object to how the Order treats its subjects, and you have the might and self-proclaimed right to intervene on their behalf.
- [X] Open with an ultimatum: if they end their system and work with the Imperium to reverse the damage it has caused, then they may enter its ranks peacefully. If they refuse, you will force them to do so.
- [X] Have scientists immediately, before the ultimatum is even given, researching what can be done to help the people, whether there's a way to slowly wean them from the drugs or find a replacement. Just as with the soil of your home, there must be a solution even if it is not perfect.