I'd like to make Ceylon a Dominion to establish the precedent that nonwhite countries can be Dominions, so that we can create some to help stabilize our hold in Africa.
That or begin the transition to dominionship to cut costs further. The world has changed greatly during the war, and indefinite rule from London isn't on the table for much longer.
Based on the update, the Labour govt seems to have the political capital, will, and realization to actually do dominionization (or at least slow-rolling of it).
In light of that, this is my probs futile attempt to balance the need to minimize our damage & the aspiration to strengthen national liberation
as well as reducing bordergore
[][SUD] Write-In: Yes, but not South Sudan. Also, pay us for it.
Is this write-in acceptable Fission?
[ ][IRQ] Accept, but give the Golan Heights to Levant
Multiethnic, multireligious Levant is pretty nervous about a big Arab-majority monarchy (Greater Iraq?) could play havoc against the state's own Arab* populace so might as well give em the strategic Golan Heights (also I mayyy be biased for embiggening a Levantine state).
*yes, I know loads - if not most - of Levantine are multiethnic descendants of Jews who converted to Christianity & Islam (same with most Arab Egyptians being, well, multiethnic descendants of Egyptians who converted to Islam). As an aside, if a Pan-Arabic pan-nationalism does not occur ITTL, I wonder if there's a chance Palestinian Christians do not self-id as Arabs like how (some? most?) Lebanese Maronites & Egyptian Copts don't.
[ ][LEB] Merge Lebanon with Levant. It's their problem now
The only issue left unadressed in this section. Bolster our
henchmanally in Levant in light of the threat of Red Turkey up north, and potentially allaying Christian and Jewish concern of Muslim domination by adding a not-insignificant Christian population (tho they're not the same denom).
[][NAF] Interdependence, a fancy new word for limited self rule. Independence in a few years, if they force London's hand
I wonder if this way we could sour Moroccan and Tunisian working classes against their monarchies by making them continue to be our compradors? I could be convinced for other options if you folks think they're better for achieving those goals
[ ][CEY] It joins the Indian Commonwealth as a new province
The collaborators are alright with this option. I'm also choosing this since it may radicalize the non-collaborator part of Sri Lankan national liberation movements further & also eventually adds to Indian grievances by adding a future quagmire for them.
That or begin the transition to dominionship to cut costs further.
[] Labour Colonial Policy: FBU protectorates, protectorate federations, & overseas territories are granted increased self governance and semi-open market policies similar to the one achieved in the Protectorate of Arab Emirates, but adapted to local conditions. All of them are to be given a path to eventual dominionship in a few decades, subject to FBU Parliament judgement based on parameters & judgement of the FBU Colonial Office.
Might as well.
Protectorate of Arab Emirates
[] Kuwait: Sell it to Iraq, but maintain FBU private and public majority stake in oil extraction there.
Star didn't intend for that Kuwaiti exclave, so I'm selling that one to Iraq - to help us pay our debts to Japan & USA. That said, we will maintain Franco-British majority stake to create lcoal grievances
Colonial Divisions in Africa, 1952
[] FBU Mauritania Territory: Sell to Spain to be merged with fellow Arabized-majority Spanish West Sahara
Not a very lucrative colony (and I'll admit the bigger reason is I'm following Mauretania borders from Edelstein's excellent Male Rising althist there)
[] FBU Horn of Africa: Merge Djibouti into the British Somalia Protectorate, and sell both to Italy to be merged with Italian Somalia.
Djibouti is mostly populated by Somali people and all.
[] Anglo-Egyptian South Sudan: Merge it with IEAF.
This miiight be me following IRL modern-day expansion of East African Federation
[] FBU West African Overseas Territories: Unite northern Mali and northern Niger to form the Azawad Territory for its semi-nomadic locals. Merge Southern Mali, Senegal, the Ivory Coast, the Upper Volta, Dahomey, Togoland, & Guinea into the West African Territory. Integrate the protectorates of Ghana, Sierra Leone, & the Gambia into said West African Territory.
Not gonna show on Fission's map, but it's for post-colonial outcomes of potential future strong states.
[] FBU Nigerian Federation: Transfer the enclave FBU territories of Forcados and Bajibo to Nigeria. Merge Southern Niger, Nigeria, and Cameroon into a Nigerian Federation.
Chad is sadly the odd one out here.
[] ICAF: Tackle the quagmire by restoring order against warlordism & mercenaries. Restore some level of civil service that could make the "Labour Imperial Policy" possible in this protectorate federation.
What a mess, this could turn into a nasty civil war by the time we get our asses kicked out of there. Time to try fixing it.
[] IEAF Rhodesias: Give them to South Africa.
Star gave Zambia and Malawi to IEAF, so I'll "fix" that by...giving Rhodesias/Zambia to South Africa and uniting their Pan-African struggle with Namibia & the ANC. I'm thinking Malawi could stay with EAF tho, idk.
In summary:
[] Plan: Pink Imperialism
-[][SUD] Write-In: Yes, but not South Sudan. Also, pay us for it.
-[][IRQ] Accept, but give the Golan Heights to Levant
-[][LEB] Merge Lebanon with Levant. It's their problem now
-[][NAF] Interdependence, a fancy new word for limited self rule. Independence in a few years, if they force London's hand
-[][CEY] It joins the Indian Commonwealth as a new province
-[] Labour Imperial Policy: FBU protectorates, protectorate federations, & overseas territories are granted more self governance & semi-open market policies similar what were achieved in the Protectorate of Arab Emirates, but adapted to local conditions. All are to be given a path to eventual dominion-ship in decades, subject to FBU Parliament assent based on parameters & judgement of the FBU Colonial Office.
-[] Kuwait: Sell it to Iraq, but maintain FBU private and public majority stake in oil extraction there.
-[] FBU Mauritania Territory: Sell to Spain to be merged with fellow Arabized-majority Spanish West Sahara
-[] FBU Horn of Africa: Merge Djibouti into the British Somalia Protectorate, and sell both to Italy to be merged with Italian Somalia.
-[] Anglo-Egyptian South Sudan: Merge it with IEAF.
-[] FBU West African Overseas Territories: Unite northern Mali and northern Niger to form the Azawad Territory for its semi-nomadic locals. Merge Southern Mali, Senegal, the Ivory Coast, the Upper Volta, Dahomey, Togoland, & Guinea into the West African Territory. Integrate the protectorates of Ghana, Sierra Leone, & the Gambia into said West African Territory.
-[] FBU Nigerian Federation: Transfer the enclave FBU territories of Forcados and Bajibo to Nigeria. Merge Southern Niger, Nigeria, and Cameroon into a Nigerian Federation.
-[] ICAF: Tackle the quagmire by restoring order against warlordism & mercenaries. Restore some level of civil service that could make the "Labour Imperial Policy" possible in this protectorate federation.
-[] IEAF Rhodesias: Give them to South Africa.
Exactly 300 words
Edit: changed things so it's under 300 rn