Peace in Our Time! - A TRO Inspired Franco-British Union Quest

[X] Plan Expanding the National Service

Abolishing the House of Lords is highly unrealistic and I personally do not desire it.
[X] Plan Expanding the National Service

Abolishing the House of Lords is highly unrealistic and I personally do not desire it.

It is actually completely realistic for Labor Left to be advocating for the complete abolition of the House of Lords, hell the Labor Party already adapted a manifesto for it in 1933, quote

At it's 34th Annual Conference in 1933, it [The Labor Party] passed a resolution that the House of Lords must be abolished both because it embodied undemocratic class distinctions and because its Conservatives were an obstacle to Socialist legislation.

The left-wingers in the party anticipated a crisis on Labour's assumption of power, and that Stafford Cripps would demand the immediate creation of sufficient peers to act in the emergency, and then vote the abolition of the House of Lords. They [the left-wing] felt that to delay the required two years to pass legislation without the concurrence of the House of Lords would be fatal.

If a Conservative program of reform was carried out the problems facing the Labour Party might be greatly complicated. Such a scheme would confront a Labour majority in the Commons with the "possible destruction of its programme " by reconstituting the House of Lords with important powers and an "eternal Tory majority."
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Labour is going to destroy this country with their insidious communist agenda! Therefore, I propose all newly unemployed vets losing the national service and teaching jobs pick up arms and join a paramilitary forces instead for the Tories, which we will call the Blue shirts for their appreciation of the Tory standard. The Tories themselves must focus more on cultural issues Isuch as the contagion of boykissers Labour may legalise, and present itself as a new right wing alternative for a new world, a 'third position' between labour and liberals if you will.

[X] Plan: Bevanite Sweep
[X] Plan Expanding the National Service
-[X] Centralize the NHS and abolish means-testing around life-threatening procedures, dentures, chronic prescriptions and glasses.
-[X] Offer National Service amnesties for well-grading students in nationally important fields such as the sciences or defense industries and guaranteeing veterans premium treatment for them and their families at the NHS.
-[X] Establish and offer a non-military track of National Service in the form of applying as Reserve Construction Workers, Clerks, and other entry-level positions in the civil service deemed essential.
-[X] Standardize the curriculum, use this to enforce bilingualism as well as imperial measurements along with offering scholarships for the sciences - with strict grading requirements! and a general budget increase towards public schooling.
-[X] Begin a programme of food stamps and maternity leave for lower-income families, along with rent subsidies depending on family size.
-[X] Build new public housing and mixed-use buildings with at-cost rents.
-[X] Repeal the restrictions set by the Trade Disputes and Union Act 1927 upon Trade Unions
-[X] Decriminalize homosexuality.
-[X] Start establishing Advisory Parliaments within the Overseas Territories with limited local powers, and a separate building in London for them to bug MPs, as well as as well as offering scholarships in the administrative sciences for Overseas Citizens, with the caveat of them returning home once their study is over.
-[X] Extend the National Service towards Overseas Citizens, with Veteran benefits towards them being subject to means-testing and merit.
-[X] Nationalize natural monopolies, as well as the defense industry, that would be profitable as a new source of revenue while giving owners minor non-controlling shares.
-[X] Enact a Progressive Tax and Land Value Tax.
-[X] Set up an explicit Military Veterans Benefits programme with generous benefits including free tertiary education and unemployment benefits as well as disability payments, couple this with the establishing of new Veteran Community Centres.
Adhoc vote count started by Whenyouseeyou on Nov 13, 2023 at 1:08 AM, finished with 50 posts and 36 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Bevanite Sweep
    -[X] Rationing: Reintroduce price controls for basic necessities, ensuring every family may have egg, poultry and fish on the dinner table every day. Enforce harsh anti-price gouging laws alongside increasing food subsidies. As a bone to the right, turn a blind eye to labor law malpractice in the colonies.
    -[X] Healthcare: No payments, no prescription fees. Abolish means-testing for the NHS. Nationalize the entire healthcare sector and introduce national standards for treatment to streamline the entire process.
    -[X] Nationalization: Go further and nationalize the defense, educational and water sectors as well. Legalize and recognize all unions, radically expand labor laws, including but not limited to right to strike, negotiate and anti-scab legislations. Agree to Radical Party demands, creating wholly French subsidiaries in French territories.
    -[X] Education: Introduce a new national standards board, emphasizing student freedom and subject qualities, and get rid of the silly patriotic education classes. Focus government funding on poorer schools, expand benefits for students from poorer households.
    -[X] Housing: Implement Bevan's housing plans in full, building houses for comfort rather than the lowest cost. Raise land value tax on private landowners and enforce rent-control in the FBU core territories.
    -[X] National Service and the Overseas Territories: Move to abolish mandatory National Service for French and British citizens, while extending it to the new citizens of the overseas territories. British and French volunteers will be fast-tracked to leadership over the new citizens of the FBU.
    -[X] Veteran Benefits: Government-sponsored higher education for all veterans, increased healthcare benefits, pensions as well as low-interest loans for business ventures.
    -[X] Welfare: Post-War Consensus all the way, further offload costs to the wealthy and the colonies. Expand all civil servant benefits.
    -[X] Voting Reform: Implement proportional voting, abolish the House of Lords.
    -[X] Measurements: Fully standardize to the metric system.
    -[X] Turing: Decriminalize homosexuality.
    [X] Plan Expanding the National Service
    -[X] Centralize the NHS and abolish means-testing around life-threatening procedures, dentures, chronic prescriptions and glasses.
    -[X] Offer National Service amnesties for well-grading students in nationally important fields such as the sciences or defense industries and guaranteeing veterans premium treatment for them and their families at the NHS.
    -[X] Establish and offer a non-military track of National Service in the form of applying as Reserve Construction Workers, Clerks, and other entry-level positions in the civil service deemed essential.
    -[X] Standardize the curriculum, use this to enforce bilingualism as well as imperial measurements along with offering scholarships for the sciences - with strict grading requirements! and a general budget increase towards public schooling.
    -[X] Begin a programme of food stamps and maternity leave for lower-income families, along with rent subsidies depending on family size.
    -[X] Build new public housing and mixed-use buildings with at-cost rents.
    -[X] Repeal the restrictions set by the Trade Disputes and Union Act 1927 upon Trade Unions
    -[X] Decriminalize homosexuality.
    -[X] Start establishing Advisory Parliaments within the Overseas Territories with limited local powers, and a separate building in London for them to bug MPs, as well as as well as offering scholarships in the administrative sciences for Overseas Citizens, with the caveat of them returning home once their study is over.
    -[X] Extend the National Service towards Overseas Citizens, with Veteran benefits towards them being subject to means-testing and merit.
    -[X] Nationalize natural monopolies, as well as the defense industry, that would be profitable as a new source of revenue while giving owners minor non-controlling shares.
    -[X] Enact a Progressive Tax and Land Value Tax.
    -[X] Set up an explicit Military Veterans Benefits programme with generous benefits including free tertiary education and unemployment benefits as well as disability payments, couple this with the establishing of new Veteran Community Centres.
    [X] Plan: Shock Labourization
    -[X] Curriculum Standardization - Force the patriotism teachers to shape up, or ship out. That's the only real change, though - They'll be replaced with proper patriotism teachers, not 'abolished'.
    -[X] Turing - Well, isn't this just a silly business - Use the lack of coherent opposition to simply decriminalize homosexuality legally. Problem solved. No need to follow up on anything else about it.
    -[X] Healthcare - Direct control from London! The NHS shall be fully centralized and costs shall be removed from the British (and French, I suppose) taxpayer. Costs shall be shunted onto the colonies.
    -[X] Nationalization - Well, this is a simple solution - Nationalize the key industries, the French can have their nationalized entities, and the British shall have theirs, and any in between shall be split fifty-fifty. We'll offer a pittance to their owners - Enough that they can live comfortably, but by no means the estimated value - They ought to be glad they're not being expropriated.
    -[X] Welfare and Housing - The British (and French, I suppose) citizen shall want for naught. The FBU government shall make a commitment to care for its true citizens from cradle to grave, and all efforts must be made for this under the new Labour-Radical regime. Costs shall, of course, be pushed onto the colonies.
    -[X] National Service and the Overseas Territories - Isn't it great when our problems can solve each other? Move to abolish mandatory National Service for true citizens of the FBU (AKA, the French and British), while extending it to our "new citizens" - And widen the net, too. British and French volunteers will be fast-tracked to leadership over the...newly valued members of the FBU community. Welfare for all who serve, of course - But it shall be adjusted appropriately for those of rank or who display leadership.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Fission Battery on Nov 12, 2023 at 12:46 AM, finished with 45 posts and 36 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Bevanite Sweep
    -[X] Rationing: Reintroduce price controls for basic necessities, ensuring every family may have egg, poultry and fish on the dinner table every day. Enforce harsh anti-price gouging laws alongside increasing food subsidies. As a bone to the right, turn a blind eye to labor law malpractice in the colonies.
    -[X] Healthcare: No payments, no prescription fees. Abolish means-testing for the NHS. Nationalize the entire healthcare sector and introduce national standards for treatment to streamline the entire process.
    -[X] Nationalization: Go further and nationalize the defense, educational and water sectors as well. Legalize and recognize all unions, radically expand labor laws, including but not limited to right to strike, negotiate and anti-scab legislations. Agree to Radical Party demands, creating wholly French subsidiaries in French territories.
    -[X] Education: Introduce a new national standards board, emphasizing student freedom and subject qualities, and get rid of the silly patriotic education classes. Focus government funding on poorer schools, expand benefits for students from poorer households.
    -[X] Housing: Implement Bevan's housing plans in full, building houses for comfort rather than the lowest cost. Raise land value tax on private landowners and enforce rent-control in the FBU core territories.
    -[X] National Service and the Overseas Territories: Move to abolish mandatory National Service for French and British citizens, while extending it to the new citizens of the overseas territories. British and French volunteers will be fast-tracked to leadership over the new citizens of the FBU.
    -[X] Veteran Benefits: Government-sponsored higher education for all veterans, increased healthcare benefits, pensions as well as low-interest loans for business ventures.
    -[X] Welfare: Post-War Consensus all the way, further offload costs to the wealthy and the colonies. Expand all civil servant benefits.
    -[X] Voting Reform: Implement proportional voting, abolish the House of Lords.
    -[X] Measurements: Fully standardize to the metric system.
    -[X] Turing: Decriminalize homosexuality.
    [X] Plan Expanding the National Service
    -[X] Centralize the NHS and abolish means-testing around life-threatening procedures, dentures, chronic prescriptions and glasses.
    -[X] Offer National Service amnesties for well-grading students in nationally important fields such as the sciences or defense industries and guaranteeing veterans premium treatment for them and their families at the NHS.
    -[X] Establish and offer a non-military track of National Service in the form of applying as Reserve Construction Workers, Clerks, and other entry-level positions in the civil service deemed essential.
    -[X] Standardize the curriculum, use this to enforce bilingualism as well as imperial measurements along with offering scholarships for the sciences - with strict grading requirements! and a general budget increase towards public schooling.
    -[X] Begin a programme of food stamps and maternity leave for lower-income families, along with rent subsidies depending on family size.
    -[X] Build new public housing and mixed-use buildings with at-cost rents.
    -[X] Repeal the restrictions set by the Trade Disputes and Union Act 1927 upon Trade Unions
    -[X] Decriminalize homosexuality.
    -[X] Start establishing Advisory Parliaments within the Overseas Territories with limited local powers, and a separate building in London for them to bug MPs, as well as as well as offering scholarships in the administrative sciences for Overseas Citizens, with the caveat of them returning home once their study is over.
    -[X] Extend the National Service towards Overseas Citizens, with Veteran benefits towards them being subject to means-testing and merit.
    -[X] Nationalize natural monopolies, as well as the defense industry, that would be profitable as a new source of revenue while giving owners minor non-controlling shares.
    -[X] Enact a Progressive Tax and Land Value Tax.
    -[X] Set up an explicit Military Veterans Benefits programme with generous benefits including free tertiary education and unemployment benefits as well as disability payments, couple this with the establishing of new Veteran Community Centres.
    [X] Plan: Shock Labourization
    -[X] Curriculum Standardization - Force the patriotism teachers to shape up, or ship out. That's the only real change, though - They'll be replaced with proper patriotism teachers, not 'abolished'.
    -[X] Turing - Well, isn't this just a silly business - Use the lack of coherent opposition to simply decriminalize homosexuality legally. Problem solved. No need to follow up on anything else about it.
    -[X] Healthcare - Direct control from London! The NHS shall be fully centralized and costs shall be removed from the British (and French, I suppose) taxpayer. Costs shall be shunted onto the colonies.
    -[X] Nationalization - Well, this is a simple solution - Nationalize the key industries, the French can have their nationalized entities, and the British shall have theirs, and any in between shall be split fifty-fifty. We'll offer a pittance to their owners - Enough that they can live comfortably, but by no means the estimated value - They ought to be glad they're not being expropriated.
    -[X] Welfare and Housing - The British (and French, I suppose) citizen shall want for naught. The FBU government shall make a commitment to care for its true citizens from cradle to grave, and all efforts must be made for this under the new Labour-Radical regime. Costs shall, of course, be pushed onto the colonies.
    -[X] National Service and the Overseas Territories - Isn't it great when our problems can solve each other? Move to abolish mandatory National Service for true citizens of the FBU (AKA, the French and British), while extending it to our "new citizens" - And widen the net, too. British and French volunteers will be fast-tracked to leadership over the...newly valued members of the FBU community. Welfare for all who serve, of course - But it shall be adjusted appropriately for those of rank or who display leadership.