Peace in Our Time! - A TRO Inspired Franco-British Union Quest

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Scheduled vote count started by Fission Battery on Nov 20, 2023 at 4:54 PM, finished with 27 posts and 20 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Riding the Bull Revised
    -[X][IRQ] Agree, FBU joins the Baghdad Pact
    -[X][APOC] Perhaps London can begrudgingly renegotiate contracts: 70-30 in favour of the FBU/APOC
    -[X][LAEU] Push for the creation of an economic union and military alliance between Portugal, Spain, Italy, and Greece. The FBU will be an observer member with special access given to Algeria and Corsica
    -[X][EGY] Arrange discrete negotiations between King Farouk I, Prime Minister Mostafa Nahas, and General Naguib. In exchange for generous bribes and a lifetime stipend from London, the king will agree to reduced powers and make General Naguib prime minister
    -[X][IRA] Involve CAN to create a multinational task force effort to crack down on the IRA. Ireland joins Five Eyes to help coordinate the effort.
    -[X] Use the Irish intervention to refine counter-insurgency techniques and inter-agency cooperation between commonwealth members.
    -[X] Co-opt the corporatist social policies put forward by the political wings of the IRA to try and align the local churches in our favour.
    -[X] Move forward to recognize previously unrecognised countries in Asia in exchange for a reduction in war debts.
    -[X] Create the Imperial Monetary Fund (IMF) to provide loans towards countries who would provide favourable policies, these strings are less present towards Commonwealth members.
    -[X] Push to give some teeth to the Imperial Conference with the ability to enact legally binding Resolutions passed by unanimous votes.
    -[X] Hold yearly military exercises between CAN members to further cooperation and as means to project strength.
    -[X] Establish contact with separatist groups within Indonesia and give funding, training, and arms to whoever seems promising.
    -[X] Introduction the Imperial Development Commission. An institution that will coordinate Imperial infrastructure across the Dominions and the colonies between local government, corporations and select productive unions that have been approved by the government.
    -[X] Make use of our contacts in Moscow to see if they can't cool tensions on their side of the Med while we set about trying to reign in the rightful Italian and Greek governments.
    -[X] Covertly begin the creation of the Old World Lobby, utilising MI6 provide influential European emigres in both America and the Dominions resources and directives to push their respective parliaments in a more pro-imperial direction.
    -[X] Reach out to developing states in Latin America with the intent of developing greater economic ties and providing aid to 'reasonable' and 'democratic' governments.
    [X] Plan: Riding the Bull
    [X] Plan: Franco-British Leadership v2
    -[X][IRQ] Bribe them to join CAN instead
    -[X][APOC] The Shah has proposed a rather ingenious solution to the whole affair: coup the PM
    -[X][LAEU] Push for them to join the Imperial Customs Union. Surely they'd agree to that
    -[X][EGY] Increase British garrisons in Alexandria and the Suez Canal. Back the monarchy to the hilt, whatever may come
    -[X][IRA] Increase British garrisons on the island. The military police will surely snuff out the IRA
    -[X] IRA: Use the Irish intervention to refine counter-insurgency techniques.
    -[X] CAN: Hold yearly military exercises between members to further cooperation and as means to project strength.
    -[X] IBR: Dissolve it.
    -[X] European Security: Convince CAN members to draw more forces alongside ours for shoring up the defense of Norway and Spain
    -[X] Fishing Rights: Allocate Royal Navy forces to back up royal Italy's aim to blockade of the Messina Strait
    -[X] Cadet Party Branches: Promote the idea in the name of Imperial collaboration to ensure synergy between policy and frame it as aligning all Imperial citizens' aspirations. Propagandize with the aid of marketing firms for this initiative.
    -[X] Quid Pro Quo: Propose to Japan for FBU to reduce our debts in exchange for recognition to Indonesia, Burma, Union of Indochina, and the Philippines as well as Japan having premium membership equal to FBU et al in the League of Nations
    -[X] IMF: Create the Imperial Monetary Fund to provide loans towards countries who would provide favorable policies, these strings are less present towards Commonwealth members.
    [X] Plan: Franco-British Leadership
    -[X][IRQ] Bribe them to join CAN instead
    -[X][APOC] The Shah has proposed a rather ingenious solution to the whole affair: coup the PM
    -[X][LAEU] Push for them to join the Imperial Customs Union. Surely they'd agree to that
    -[X][EGY] Increase British garrisons in Alexandria and the Suez Canal. Back the monarchy to the hilt, whatever may come
    -[X][IRA] Increase British garrisons on the island. The military police will surely snuff out the IRA
    -[X] IRA: Use the Irish intervention to refine counter-insurgency techniques.
    -[X] CAN: Hold yearly military exercises between members to further cooperation and as means to project strength.
    -[X] IBR: Dissolve it.
    -[X] European Security: Convince CAN members to draw more forces alongside ours for shoring up the defense of Norway and Spain
    -[X] Fishing Rights: Allocate Royal Navy forces to back up royal Italy's aim to blockade of the Messina Strait
    -[X] Cadet Party Branches: Promote the idea in the name of Imperial collaboration to ensure synergy between policy and frame it as aligning all Imperial citizens' aspirations. Propagandize with the aid of marketing firms for this initiative.
    -[X] Recognition: Propose to Japan for FBU to recognize Indonesia, Burma, Union of Indochina, and the Philippines in exchange for reduction of our debts.
    -[X] IMF: Create the Imperial Monetary Fund to provide loans towards countries who would provide favorable policies, these strings are less present towards Commonwealth members.
1952 - Colonial Policy
1952 - Colonial Policy

The empire remained a somewhat confusing mess. Eden had kicked the can down the road for future administrations to deal with sorting the whole thing out, while also shoving a few firecrackers into the can as a surprise too. Inertia carried most of the colonies and protectorates forward, but areas directly touched by Eden's "cost cutting measures" are in disarray. Control exists on paper and in practice, but practical government is nonexistent in Central Africa. Other regions got off lightly, either spared London's attention or their existing administrations continued chugging along without any major issues. There's hope that Attlee's commitment to making the Franco-British Union function means there'll be a harmonization of colonial policies, rather than maintaining the current patchwork of parallel bureaucracies. That or begin the transition to dominionship to cut costs further. The world has changed greatly during the war, and indefinite rule from London isn't on the table for much longer.

The Arab mandates in particular demanded independence. They have been exceedingly patient with London, and the ones that weren't were shot as "collaborators." Turkey and Iraq's invasion of Syria gave Britain and France a bit of breathing room regarding Arab nationalists. Few wanted to work with Turkey, fearing a return to Turkish domination of the regime. While Iraq's short lived Axis aligned regime lost any legitimacy when it aligned with Turkey. That allowed London to get some much needed legitimacy when they finally drove the Turks out of the region, again, and reinstall the overthrown Iraqi government. In 46 Syria revolted against London. They hoped to use the cause of the war to break free from colonial control. The stiff resistance delayed Franco-British advances further north, allowing the Soviets to sweep Anatolia and toppled the government.

That goodwill is all but used up. Eden's government ignored the issue completely, passing the buck to either his future self or a successor. Promises have been made that must be kept, lest London wishes to court an all out Arab Revolt. The presence of Soviet forces on the border are a serious cause for concern too. It allows them the ability to send supplies to partisans in the region. Worst still, it gives them the ability to directly intervene. It's hoped that the Baghdad Pact will put a damper on any desire for intervention. Attlee's government is pragmatic enough to understand the utility of the colonies and take a firm hand in maintaining control of them while offering limited concessions when force doesn't work. It's far from a "humane" approach to empire, if such a thing existed. The Franco-British Union will maintain dominance over Africa, come hell or high water.


Major Colonies

These are listed because they were created during the previous government or ignored. It is by no means a comprehensive list of all colonies under the Franco-British Union's control.

Protectorate of Arab Emirates: They're pleased at the increased self governance and semi-open market policies. The beginnings of a black gold rush has started across the peninsula as British companies desperately drill for new oil deposits. The kickbacks, bribes, and subsidies to emirates to let London put garrisons on their land are also well received. Its underdeveloped status and relatively small semi-nomadic to rural population see a marginal return on their country's natural resources. It's enough to mollify them, especially as emirates hire Indian labourers from Anglo-Indian firms to avoid having to hire locals. If it didn't they're easy enough to ignore. It's a thriving successful model for a hands off petro-colony.

Imperial East African Federation: It's an expansion of Kenya to include much of Britain's East African holdings, hence the name. It has a relatively large settler population in Kenya, though it's still a fraction of the total population. Nairobi's control over the colony is very limited, though the paperwork is going to the right people at least. The use of Swahili across the region along with English has also made it somewhat easier to incorporate the outlying colonies into Kenya's administration, mostly. Unrest in Kenya has spiked in recent years, especially with the recent influx of settlers. Clashes between local groups and settler militias has become an almost daily affair in the highlands. Nobody wants to use the word revolt, yet.

Imperial Central African Federation: The result of British arrogance and Tory penny pinching policies to cut costs while playing merry havoc with Britain's new toys. It's a complete mess that's achieved only minor functionality. Firing significant portions of the colonial staff while reshuffling the administration and incorporating local proxies nobody could vet was a complete disaster. There's no question that London runs it, but the situation on the ground is a complete mess. The influx of foreign companies and joint foreign-domestic ventures bringing in private security firms getting the nearest Congolese who can read to sign off on paperwork for money and former officials officiating it has not helped matters. It's a mineral rush, and everyone wants a piece of the pie. There's surveys for all types of resources, purchases of formerly public or state held land, displacement of local villages, and strong men emerging from the wilderness to get their cut for helping facilitate the whole thing. In short, it's a bit of a mess.

Nigeria: Forgotten by Eden's government along with the rest of British West Africa. It's still a major colony with a population on par with either of the "imperial federations" and an administration as equally as convoluted. It's a major source of resources with a large population center that's agitating for self government. It's not the only one or loudest voice, which is concerning for those that want to put off granting dominion status or outright independence to African colonies as long as possible. Eden ignoring it, alongside others, is emblematic of London deliberately overlooking its African colonies to maintain the status quo, despite their calls for change.


There are pressing issues that must be dealt with in addition to planks. These are not write-ins. They must be included in the plan, but do not count towards the word limit.


Sudan: Egypt wants full control over it, no more joint condominium between Cairo and London. They will not offer compensation for this though technically they're not obligated to pay London at all. They also want the Suez Canal but that's never going to happen.

[ ][SUD] No, absolutely not
[ ][SUD] Okay, why not
[ ][SUD] We are altering the deal, pay us
[ ][SUD] Yes, but not South Sudan


Iraqi Proposal: Baghdad has proposed a federation be formed out of Iraq, Transjordan, and Syria. It'd unite the two Hashemite realms together, grant Iraq more power to hold back the Soviets, boost its position in the Arab world, and end the mandates. London meanwhile gets an enlarged loyal ally in the region while getting to wash its hands of direct rule. It's a win-win for everyone, except maybe Arab republicans that will be murdered to stabilize the state, but London and Baghdad never bothered themselves with the opinions of their victims before. There's honestly little argument against it from London or Algiers. The desire to create weak buffer states is less pronounced when there's a few thousand Soviet soldiers on the border in Turkey. Levant might not appreciate an enlarged Arab kingdom right on its border, even if they are supposed to be allies. It'd prefer control over the strategic Golan Heights, failing that it'd tolerate a demilitarized zone.

[ ][IRQ] Agree to the proposal
[ ][IRQ] Accept, but the Golan Heights are demilitarized
[ ][IRQ] Accept, but give the Golan Heights to Levant
[ ][IRQ] Transjordan only, decide what to do with Syria later
[ ][IRQ] No dice, Baghdad can get bent. London has other ideas with what to do with the mandates


Arab Mandates: If Iraq's proposal isn't accepted then there's much to think about, and if it is then there's not much to worry about then. They want independence. The king of Transjordan is politely demanding the end of the mandate, while Syria and Lebanon lack any real government to take the reigns. The Turkish invasion and Allied counter invasion disrupted the previous colonial administration. The fighting also "incidentally" killed a lot of Arab nationalists in the process, preventing their short lived "Syrian Arab Republic" from being recognized or surviving past a week. Among them Transjordan escaped nearly unscathed with its government intact. It's also on the best terms with London. There's little desire to piss them off for no gain.

The Mandates consist of Syria, Lebanon, and Transjordan. Algiers continues to hope to create a Christian dominated state out of Lebanon, even though a slim majority of its population is Muslim. If Iraq's deal is taken, ignore the Syrian and Transjordan sections. Syria itself is weak enough that it could be divided up into smaller states, though that risks creating vulnerable allies right on Turkey's border. Merging Lebanon with Syria while accepting Iraq's deal means Lebanon goes to Iraq.

[ ][LEB] Split Lebanon between Christian and Muslim countries
[ ][LEB] Split Lebanon between Christian and Muslim countries, grant the latter to Syria
[ ][LEB] Create a Greater Lebanon, and arm the Christians to keep them in power
[ ][LEB] Merge Lebanon with Levant. It's their problem now
[ ][LEB] Merge Lebanon with Syria. It's their problem now
[ ][LEB] Maintain the mandate

[ ][SYR] Find a king to crown and give them the throne
[ ][SYR] Tripartition into an Aleppo, Damascus, and Alawite states
[ ][SYR] Merge with Transjordan
[ ][SYR] Create an independent republic
[ ][SYR] Maintain the mandate

[ ][JOR] Grant it independence
[ ][JOR] Maintain the mandate


North Africa: Morocco and Tunisia are both demanding independence. They are protectorates rather than direct colonies, giving them a limited sense of self government. Algiers thinks it's given them an entitled sense of rights too. Regardless, neither can tolerate being under London and Algiers' thumbs much longer. While collectively referred to as part of French North Africa it alongside the Algerian Interior are all separate colonial administrations. Political parties in both colonies organize for independence. Clashes with police are a common occurrence in Tunisia, alongside fights between French settlers and locals.

There's ideas to turn them into Overseas Territories like the rest of French African territories, however others are floating the idea of limited self rule while the FBU remains in charge in a status not unlike pre-Westminster dominion status. Algiers and London will remain in charge of foreign affairs and advise on domestic affairs while letting locals make decisions. Interdependence is nominally supposed to end with full independence, but the Colonial Office is sure it can draw out the process for a while. Morocco and Tunisia have royalty of their own too, so it's unlikely they'd accept dominionship or overseas territory status. It'd mean continuing to bow to a foreign lord, which is quite humiliating for royals. It's something only peasants should do.

[ ][NAF] Maintain the protectorates
[ ][NAF] They'll become Overseas Territories and like it
[ ][NAF] Interdependence, a fancy new word for limited self rule. Independence in a few years, if they force London's hand
[ ][NAF] Bite the bullet, grant independence now


Ceylon: Oh right, that island the navy uses as a military base off the coast of India, otherwise known as Sri Lanka. It has an independence movement, one that's grown rather vocal in recent years. MI5 and MI6 are concerned over possible Azad Hind influence on the island. It had local uprisings happen during the Bengal Intervention, which were brutally crushed by the local garrison and fleet. It did help kill off the radicals and a percentage of the population, freeing up the collaborators and compradors in London's pockets to step up to maintain control over leadership. They want dominion status and advise against giving no for an answer.

The FBU will be granted rights to any and all military bases and the new dominion will join CAN. Its economy will continue to be dominated by white landowners and companies. It could also join India as a new province that allows local elites and foreign businesses to retain their privileged positions. Members in negotiation with London aren't opposed to the idea, especially since they won't be obligated to implement universal suffrage under a period of "tutelage" has passed.

[ ][CEY] Release it as a dominion
[ ][CEY] It joins the Indian Commonwealth as a new province
[ ][CEY] Maintain the mandate


There's no limit on planks per plan. There's a 300 word limit for plans.


Please vote by plan. There is a moratorium.

I'd like to make Ceylon a Dominion to establish the precedent that nonwhite countries can be Dominions, so that we can create some to help stabilize our hold in Africa.
I'd like to make Ceylon a Dominion to establish the precedent that nonwhite countries can be Dominions, so that we can create some to help stabilize our hold in Africa.
That or begin the transition to dominionship to cut costs further. The world has changed greatly during the war, and indefinite rule from London isn't on the table for much longer.
Based on the update, the Labour govt seems to have the political capital, will, and realization to actually do dominionization (or at least slow-rolling of it).

In light of that, this is my probs futile attempt to balance the need to minimize our damage & the aspiration to strengthen national liberation as well as reducing bordergore

[][SUD] Write-In: Yes, but not South Sudan. Also, pay us for it.

Is this write-in acceptable Fission?

[ ][IRQ] Accept, but give the Golan Heights to Levant

Multiethnic, multireligious Levant is pretty nervous about a big Arab-majority monarchy (Greater Iraq?) could play havoc against the state's own Arab* populace so might as well give em the strategic Golan Heights (also I mayyy be biased for embiggening a Levantine state).

*yes, I know loads - if not most - of Levantine are multiethnic descendants of Jews who converted to Christianity & Islam (same with most Arab Egyptians being, well, multiethnic descendants of Egyptians who converted to Islam). As an aside, if a Pan-Arabic pan-nationalism does not occur ITTL, I wonder if there's a chance Palestinian Christians do not self-id as Arabs like how (some? most?) Lebanese Maronites & Egyptian Copts don't.

[ ][LEB] Merge Lebanon with Levant. It's their problem now

The only issue left unadressed in this section. Bolster our henchmanally in Levant in light of the threat of Red Turkey up north, and potentially allaying Christian and Jewish concern of Muslim domination by adding a not-insignificant Christian population (tho they're not the same denom).

[][NAF] Interdependence, a fancy new word for limited self rule. Independence in a few years, if they force London's hand

I wonder if this way we could sour Moroccan and Tunisian working classes against their monarchies by making them continue to be our compradors? I could be convinced for other options if you folks think they're better for achieving those goals

[ ][CEY] It joins the Indian Commonwealth as a new province

The collaborators are alright with this option. I'm also choosing this since it may radicalize the non-collaborator part of Sri Lankan national liberation movements further & also eventually adds to Indian grievances by adding a future quagmire for them.

That or begin the transition to dominionship to cut costs further.

[] Labour Colonial Policy: FBU protectorates, protectorate federations, & overseas territories are granted increased self governance and semi-open market policies similar to the one achieved in the Protectorate of Arab Emirates, but adapted to local conditions. All of them are to be given a path to eventual dominionship in a few decades, subject to FBU Parliament judgement based on parameters & judgement of the FBU Colonial Office.

Might as well.

Protectorate of Arab Emirates
[] Kuwait: Sell it to Iraq, but maintain FBU private and public majority stake in oil extraction there.

Star didn't intend for that Kuwaiti exclave, so I'm selling that one to Iraq - to help us pay our debts to Japan & USA. That said, we will maintain Franco-British majority stake to create lcoal grievances

Colonial Divisions in Africa, 1952
[] FBU Mauritania Territory: Sell to Spain to be merged with fellow Arabized-majority Spanish West Sahara

Not a very lucrative colony (and I'll admit the bigger reason is I'm following Mauretania borders from Edelstein's excellent Male Rising althist there)

[] FBU Horn of Africa: Merge Djibouti into the British Somalia Protectorate, and sell both to Italy to be merged with Italian Somalia.

Djibouti is mostly populated by Somali people and all.

[] Anglo-Egyptian South Sudan: Merge it with IEAF.

This miiight be me following IRL modern-day expansion of East African Federation

[] FBU West African Overseas Territories: Unite northern Mali and northern Niger to form the Azawad Territory for its semi-nomadic locals. Merge Southern Mali, Senegal, the Ivory Coast, the Upper Volta, Dahomey, Togoland, & Guinea into the West African Territory. Integrate the protectorates of Ghana, Sierra Leone, & the Gambia into said West African Territory.

Not gonna show on Fission's map, but it's for post-colonial outcomes of potential future strong states.

[] FBU Nigerian Federation: Transfer the enclave FBU territories of Forcados and Bajibo to Nigeria. Merge Southern Niger, Nigeria, and Cameroon into a Nigerian Federation.

Chad is sadly the odd one out here.

[] ICAF: Tackle the quagmire by restoring order against warlordism & mercenaries. Restore some level of civil service that could make the "Labour Imperial Policy" possible in this protectorate federation.

What a mess, this could turn into a nasty civil war by the time we get our asses kicked out of there. Time to try fixing it.

[] IEAF Rhodesias: Give them to South Africa.

Star gave Zambia and Malawi to IEAF, so I'll "fix" that Rhodesias/Zambia to South Africa and uniting their Pan-African struggle with Namibia & the ANC. I'm thinking Malawi could stay with EAF tho, idk.

In summary:

[] Plan: Pink Imperialism
-[][SUD] Write-In: Yes, but not South Sudan. Also, pay us for it.
-[][IRQ] Accept, but give the Golan Heights to Levant
-[][LEB] Merge Lebanon with Levant. It's their problem now
-[][NAF] Interdependence, a fancy new word for limited self rule. Independence in a few years, if they force London's hand
-[][CEY] It joins the Indian Commonwealth as a new province
-[] Labour Imperial Policy: FBU protectorates, protectorate federations, & overseas territories are granted more self governance & semi-open market policies similar what were achieved in the Protectorate of Arab Emirates, but adapted to local conditions. All are to be given a path to eventual dominion-ship in decades, subject to FBU Parliament assent based on parameters & judgement of the FBU Colonial Office.
-[] Kuwait: Sell it to Iraq, but maintain FBU private and public majority stake in oil extraction there.
-[] FBU Mauritania Territory: Sell to Spain to be merged with fellow Arabized-majority Spanish West Sahara
-[] FBU Horn of Africa: Merge Djibouti into the British Somalia Protectorate, and sell both to Italy to be merged with Italian Somalia.
-[] Anglo-Egyptian South Sudan: Merge it with IEAF.
-[] FBU West African Overseas Territories: Unite northern Mali and northern Niger to form the Azawad Territory for its semi-nomadic locals. Merge Southern Mali, Senegal, the Ivory Coast, the Upper Volta, Dahomey, Togoland, & Guinea into the West African Territory. Integrate the protectorates of Ghana, Sierra Leone, & the Gambia into said West African Territory.
-[] FBU Nigerian Federation: Transfer the enclave FBU territories of Forcados and Bajibo to Nigeria. Merge Southern Niger, Nigeria, and Cameroon into a Nigerian Federation.
-[] ICAF: Tackle the quagmire by restoring order against warlordism & mercenaries. Restore some level of civil service that could make the "Labour Imperial Policy" possible in this protectorate federation.
-[] IEAF Rhodesias: Give them to South Africa.

Exactly 300 words

Edit: changed things so it's under 300 rn
Last edited:
-[] IEAF Rhodesias: Give them to South Africa.
Why not sell it to the Portuguese for various trade/economic/military benefits.

Considering our actions to form an alliance with Spain and Portugal, as well as the sale of territories to Spain, a great synergistic effect will be achieved.

This will make the Portuguese nationalists very happy, so much so that they will sell their country to us.
[] Plan: Imperialism is such an ugly word
-[][SUD] We are altering the deal, pay us, but not South Sudan
-[][IRQ] Accept, but the Golan Heights are demilitarized
-[][LEB] Split Lebanon between Christian and Muslim countries, grant the latter to Syria
-[][NAF] Interdependence, a fancy new word for limited self rule. Independence in a few years, if they force London's hand
-[][CEY] Release it as a dominion
-[][GCP] General Colonial Policy: Allow local elections and semi-autonomous assemblies that pass local laws throughout Africa for local chieftains, lords, and tribes willing to collaborate in exchange for military and economic control.
-[][PAE] Protectorate of Arab Emirates: Give them independence between keep a permanent stake in their oil resources and we get permanent basing and docking rights for our military.
-[][IEAF] Imperial East African Federation: Grant nominal autonomy and assemblies to locals and but local collaborators and chieftans in charge of running their assemblies and task them with putting down native resistance. Continue arming settlers and supporting them.
-[][ICAF] Imperial Central African Federation: Reform and reorganize the colonial administrations and restore the bureaucrats' jobs. Vet and work with local collaborators and chieftains to establish their own nominal assemblies and task them with controlling their own native revolters. Have the companies and their security forces on a leash to ensure they don't unnecessarily provoke locals.
-[][NGA] Nigeria: Grant it dominion status but empower and favor settlers, collaborators, and our colonial companies within the new dominion.
[] Plan: Social Democracy is the left wing of Imperialism
-[][SUD] Okay why not
-[][IRQ] Accept, but the Golan Heights are demilitarised
-[][LEB] Merge Lebanon with Levant. It's their problem now
-[][NAF] Interdependence, a fancy new word for limited self rule. Independence in a few years, if they force London's hand
-[][CEY] Release it as a dominion.
-[] Colonial Policy: FBU protectorates/overseas territories are granted increased self governance within reason, with paths to eventual dominion-ship based on judgement of the FBU Colonial Office and the degree they give us economic control.
-[] Madagascar: form a protectorate. Open Special Economic Zones with lax to non-existent labour, vice and morality laws in ports and areas with resources to extract. Any company that demands compensation for our nationalisations will be given property in these SEZs. Also create "Special Cultural Zones": settler territories with limited self governance. Settlers will come from a combination of criminals from across CAN offered land there after 1-5 years of labour building infrastructure in the protectorate instead of prison, troublesome ethnic groups from across our bloc (under the guise of giving them a homeland), and religious groups from across our bloc who'd want self governing communes. America can take part in the SEZs or SCZs in exchange for a reduction in debt we owe them.
-[] FBU Horn of Africa Territory: Sell to Italy to be merged with Italian Somalia.
-[] FBU Nigeria: Transfer the enclave FBU territories of Forcados and Bajibo to Nigeria. Merge Southern Niger, Nigeria, and Cameroon into a multilingual West African Federation that's fast tracked to dominion-ship. Nearby territories/protectorates in West Africa are to be offered the opportunity to join. They will be permitted to nationalise their oil industry to fund a welfare state (compensation given in the form of property in the Madagascan SEZs) and helped to crash industrialise; to take all of the methods of communism (political cadres, 5 year plans, etc) and put them to militaristic pro-imperial ends as the Empire's policeman in Africa
-[] FBU West African Overseas Territories: Sell Mauritania to Spain to be merged with Spanish West Sahara. Merge any remaining territory/protectorates into the FBU West African Territory.
Edit: changed, forgot North Rhodesia=Zambia
Edit2: New plan actually, decided to form Rhodesia-Nyasaland instead

[X] Plan: Pink Imperialism v2
-[X][SUD] Write-In: Yes, but not South Sudan. Also, pay us for it.
-[X][IRQ] Accept, but give the Golan Heights to Levant
-[X][LEB] Merge Lebanon with Levant. It's their problem now
-[X][NAF] Interdependence, a fancy new word for limited self rule. Independence in a few years, if they force London's hand
-[X][CEY] It joins the Indian Commonwealth as a new province
-[X] Labour Imperial Policy: FBU protectorates & overseas territories are granted policies similar to those achieved in the Protectorate of Arab Emirates, but adapted to local conditions. All are to be given a path to eventual dominion-hood, subject to FBU Parliament assent based on FBU Colonial Office advice.
-[X] Kuwait: Sell it to Iraq, but maintain FBU majority stake in oil extraction there.
-[X] FBU Mauritania Territory: Sell to Spain to be merged with Spanish West Sahara
-[X] FBU Horn of Africa: Sell Djibouti & British Somalia to Italy to be merged with Italian Somalia.
-[X] South Sudan: Merge it with IEAF.
-[X] FBU West African Overseas Territories: Unite North Mali & North Niger to form the Azawad Territory for its semi-nomadic locals. Merge South Mali, Senegal, Ivory Coast, Upper Volta, Dahomey, Togoland, & Guinea into the West African Territory. Integrate the protectorates of Ghana, Sierra Leone, & the Gambia into West African Territory.
-[X] FBU Nigerian Federation: Transfer FBU enclave territories of Forcados & Bajibo to Nigeria. Merge South Niger, Nigeria, & Cameroon into a Nigerian Federation.
-[X] ICAF: Restore order against warlordism & mercenaries. Rebuild civil service that could make "Labour Imperial Policy" possible in ICAF.
-[X] Southern Africa: Split Southern Rhodesia from South Africa, plus IEAF Northern Rhodesia & Nyasaland from IEAF, to form Rhodesia-Nyasaland Federation.
Last edited:
[X] Plan Pink Imperialism Modified
-[X][SUD] Write-In: Yes, but not South Sudan. Also, pay us for it.
-[X][IRQ] Accept, but give the Golan Heights to Levant
-[X][LEB] Split Lebanon between Christian and Muslim countries, grant the latter to Syria
-[X][NAF] Interdependence, a fancy new word for limited self rule. Independence in a few years, if they force London's hand
-[X][CEY] Release it as a dominion
-[X] Labour Imperial Policy: FBU imperial federations, protectorates, & overseas territories are granted policies similar to those achieved in the Protectorate of Arab Emirates, but adapted to local conditions. All are to be given a path to eventual dominion-hood, subject to FBU Parliament assent based on FBU Colonial Office advice.
-[X] Kuwait: Sell it to Iraq, but maintain FBU majority stake in oil extraction there.
-[X] FBU Mauritania Territory: Sell to Spain to be merged with Spanish West Sahara
-[X] FBU Horn of Africa: Sell Djibouti & British Somalia to Italy to be merged with Italian Somalia.
-[X] South Sudan: Merge it with IEAF.
-[X] FBU West African Overseas Territories: Unite North Mali & North Niger to form the Azawad Territory for its semi-nomadic locals. Merge South Mali, Senegal, Ivory Coast, Upper Volta, Dahomey, Togoland, & Guinea into the West African Territory. Integrate the protectorates of Ghana, Sierra Leone, & the Gambia into West African Territory.
-[X] FBU Nigerian Federation: Transfer FBU enclave territories of Forcados & Bajibo to Nigeria. Merge South Niger, Nigeria, & Cameroon into a Nigerian Federation.
-[X][ICAF] Imperial Central African Federation: Reform and reorganize the colonial administrations and restore the bureaucrats' jobs. Vet and work with local collaborators and chieftains to establish their own nominal assemblies and task them with controlling their own native revolters. Formalise, with local feedback, rules of conduct and regulations for businesses within Africa to avoid the previous period of lawlessness.
-[X] Formalise Franco-British Bilingualism within the Colonial Office
Last edited:
[X] Plan: Pink Imperialism v2
-[X][SUD] Write-In: Yes, but not South Sudan. Also, pay us for it.
-[X][IRQ] Accept, but give the Golan Heights to Levant
-[X][LEB] Merge Lebanon with Levant. It's their problem now
-[X][NAF] Interdependence, a fancy new word for limited self rule. Independence in a few years, if they force London's hand
-[X][CEY] It joins the Indian Commonwealth as a new province
-[X] Labour Imperial Policy: FBU protectorates & overseas territories are granted policies similar to those achieved in the Protectorate of Arab Emirates, but adapted to local conditions. All are to be given a path to eventual dominion-hood, subject to FBU Parliament assent based on FBU Colonial Office advice.
-[X] Kuwait: Sell it to Iraq, but maintain FBU majority stake in oil extraction there.
-[X] FBU Mauritania Territory: Sell to Spain to be merged with Spanish West Sahara
-[X] FBU Horn of Africa: Sell Djibouti & British Somalia to Italy to be merged with Italian Somalia.
-[X] South Sudan: Merge it with IEAF.
-[X] FBU West African Overseas Territories: Unite North Mali & North Niger to form the Azawad Territory for its semi-nomadic locals. Merge South Mali, Senegal, Ivory Coast, Upper Volta, Dahomey, Togoland, & Guinea into the West African Territory. Integrate the protectorates of Ghana, Sierra Leone, & the Gambia into West African Territory.
-[X] FBU Nigerian Federation: Transfer FBU enclave territories of Forcados & Bajibo to Nigeria. Merge South Niger, Nigeria, & Cameroon into a Nigerian Federation.
-[X] ICAF: Restore order against warlordism & mercenaries. Rebuild civil service that could make "Labour Imperial Policy" possible in ICAF.
-[X] Southern Africa: Split Southern Rhodesia from South Africa, plus IEAF Northern Rhodesia & Nyasaland from IEAF, to form Rhodesia-Nyasaland Federation.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Fission Battery on Nov 26, 2023 at 5:09 AM, finished with 13 posts and 13 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Pink Imperialism v2
    -[X][SUD] Write-In: Yes, but not South Sudan. Also, pay us for it.
    -[X][IRQ] Accept, but give the Golan Heights to Levant
    -[X][LEB] Merge Lebanon with Levant. It's their problem now
    -[X][NAF] Interdependence, a fancy new word for limited self rule. Independence in a few years, if they force London's hand
    -[X][CEY] It joins the Indian Commonwealth as a new province
    -[X] Labour Imperial Policy: FBU protectorates & overseas territories are granted policies similar to those achieved in the Protectorate of Arab Emirates, but adapted to local conditions. All are to be given a path to eventual dominion-hood, subject to FBU Parliament assent based on FBU Colonial Office advice.
    -[X] Kuwait: Sell it to Iraq, but maintain FBU majority stake in oil extraction there.
    -[X] FBU Mauritania Territory: Sell to Spain to be merged with Spanish West Sahara
    -[X] FBU Horn of Africa: Sell Djibouti & British Somalia to Italy to be merged with Italian Somalia.
    -[X] South Sudan: Merge it with IEAF.
    -[X] FBU West African Overseas Territories: Unite North Mali & North Niger to form the Azawad Territory for its semi-nomadic locals. Merge South Mali, Senegal, Ivory Coast, Upper Volta, Dahomey, Togoland, & Guinea into the West African Territory. Integrate the protectorates of Ghana, Sierra Leone, & the Gambia into West African Territory.
    -[X] FBU Nigerian Federation: Transfer FBU enclave territories of Forcados & Bajibo to Nigeria. Merge South Niger, Nigeria, & Cameroon into a Nigerian Federation.
    -[X] ICAF: Restore order against warlordism & mercenaries. Rebuild civil service that could make "Labour Imperial Policy" possible in ICAF.
    -[X] Southern Africa: Split Southern Rhodesia from South Africa, plus IEAF Northern Rhodesia & Nyasaland from IEAF, to form Rhodesia-Nyasaland Federation.
    [X] Plan Pink Imperialism Modified
    -[X][SUD] Write-In: Yes, but not South Sudan. Also, pay us for it.
    -[X][IRQ] Accept, but give the Golan Heights to Levant
    -[X][LEB] Split Lebanon between Christian and Muslim countries, grant the latter to Syria
    -[X][NAF] Interdependence, a fancy new word for limited self rule. Independence in a few years, if they force London's hand
    -[X][CEY] Release it as a dominion
    -[X] Labour Imperial Policy: FBU imperial federations, protectorates, & overseas territories are granted policies similar to those achieved in the Protectorate of Arab Emirates, but adapted to local conditions. All are to be given a path to eventual dominion-hood, subject to FBU Parliament assent based on FBU Colonial Office advice.
    -[X] Kuwait: Sell it to Iraq, but maintain FBU majority stake in oil extraction there.
    -[X] FBU Mauritania Territory: Sell to Spain to be merged with Spanish West Sahara
    -[X] FBU Horn of Africa: Sell Djibouti & British Somalia to Italy to be merged with Italian Somalia.
    -[X] South Sudan: Merge it with IEAF.
    -[X] FBU West African Overseas Territories: Unite North Mali & North Niger to form the Azawad Territory for its semi-nomadic locals. Merge South Mali, Senegal, Ivory Coast, Upper Volta, Dahomey, Togoland, & Guinea into the West African Territory. Integrate the protectorates of Ghana, Sierra Leone, & the Gambia into West African Territory.
    -[X] FBU Nigerian Federation: Transfer FBU enclave territories of Forcados & Bajibo to Nigeria. Merge South Niger, Nigeria, & Cameroon into a Nigerian Federation.
    -[X][ICAF] Imperial Central African Federation: Reform and reorganize the colonial administrations and restore the bureaucrats' jobs. Vet and work with local collaborators and chieftains to establish their own nominal assemblies and task them with controlling their own native revolters. Formalise, with local feedback, rules of conduct and regulations for businesses within Africa to avoid the previous period of lawlessness.
    -[X] Formalise Franco-British Bilingualism within the Colonial Office