Star Wars: Galaxy in Flames - Arda Ship Design Bureau

Oh, reminds me, how will Ira's presence help us? Would she be able to contribute somehow to solving the staffing problem? In fact, hypothetically speaking, would Cimtar be able to provide some additional staffing assistance?

Iirc our main concern on Cimtar has always been FACILITIES, we've thus far been able to make do with staff. Plus we'll still get Ira back eventually, so training up replacements should be doable.
Ira is as good at starships as Ezra is at his job in general. She would bring a team with her and it will have noteworthy impacts. Those impacts will depend on what the main quest elects to do but even the most basic level will not be insignificant.

Think about the results one would expect from having Ezra drop by to help with a problem.
I'm good with mine. I think mine is a touch riskier but I also suspect we'll end up with stuff looking good as Naboo but with whatever aesthetic we decide on.
[X] Minimizing Fires
-[X] Administration
-[X] Architecture 1
-[X] Electronics 1
-[X] Hyperspace drives 1
-[X] Power systems 1
-[X] Shields 1
-[X] Structure 1
-[X] Sublight drives 1
-[X] Support Systems 1
-[X] Weapons

Again, to be clear, left admin because Im hoping our MC's specialy means she can hold down the fort for a while until we can increase staffing.

Weapons because a carrier seems to be the ideal for our first project. I dont know if we can rely on Cimtar to get us a GR-75c, and even then it's not an ideal choice. So no additional staffing for weapons because the Viper will be the carrier's main weapon, maybe even the fighter-bomber one of our allies is cooking up.

Not to mention Ira might be coming along to help us and she has a lot of ideas and lessons from heading the GR-75 refit. Hell, Ira has experience heading development for weapons too, so we got that covered so long as the main quest sends her and some of her team.
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Uncertain Risk, Uncertain Reward. Since we're not designing interceptors I'm hoping this spread works out.

[X] Solid split
-[X] Administration
-[X] Architecture 1
-[X] Electronics
-[X] Hyperspace drives 1
-[X] Power systems 1
-[X] Shields 1
-[X] Structure 2
-[X] Sublight drives
-[X] Support Systems 1
-[X] Weapons 1
The Kitchen staff are under support not admin. It's easier to find qualified people for all of the cooking, cleaning, and other assorted jobs then to find a second batch of qualified engineers after the first one got exploded.

Trust me, staff morale from bad food is not going to be a concern.

The Cleaning Force is Strong with this One (Janitor) - You are a Janitor Master. A bright Lord of the Clean. You no longer directly get your hands dirty, but your legacy lives on. The support staff at the ASDB is highly skilled and even more highly motivated.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Jalinth on Nov 26, 2023 at 9:00 PM, finished with 8 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] Minimizing Fires
    -[X] Administration
    -[X] Architecture 1
    -[X] Electronics 1
    -[X] Hyperspace drives 1
    -[X] Power systems 1
    -[X] Shields 1
    -[X] Structure 1
    -[X] Sublight drives 1
    -[X] Support Systems 1
    -[X] Weapons
    [X] Solid split
    -[X] Administration
    -[X] Architecture 1
    -[X] Electronics
    -[X] Hyperspace drives 1
    -[X] Power systems 1
    -[X] Shields 1
    -[X] Structure 2
    -[X] Sublight drives
    -[X] Support Systems 1
    -[X] Weapons 1
First Project - Scope and Size
First Project - Scope and Size
Arda II, Arda System, Gordian Reach, Outer Rim
41:08 - Eighth month of the Year 41 after the Great ReSynchronization

The Ekkaian (The Navy of Arda from the Old Ardan word Ekkaia: Encircling Sea or Outer Sea; Space) is still badly disorganised. Resources to get your department have been allocated but you have received no official guidance on what your priorities are no matter how many times you have asked. Lacking any other option, you have elected to hold a meeting to discuss what you will begin focusing on. You expect that your superiors will accept a fait accompli, given your rigorously documented lack of instructions.

The first idea floated was to update one of your existing designs. While none of the ships you have on file are extremely old, they all make use of components that were imported and no longer available. Reworking one of those designs to be buildable in the current environment would be the fastest and simplest course.

The second idea was to just get to get right to things and start from scratch. The state of the art had advanced since any of your older ships were designed and the needs of the Ekkaian had changed. A fresh start would be more difficult and take longer but the potential rewards all the greater.

The third idea is to import a design from one of the other Reach Pact worlds and give it some basic refinements to be more easily built locally. This is rejected due to the inability to get an answer out of your higher ups. There is no way you could get away with approaching a foreign power, even an allied one, for their military secrets without the active assistance of the Council of Ainur.

[Lora Uncommon Sense check 3d10. 3, 3, 7 = 1 Success]

While a clean slate would be nice, you are awfully short on staff.

The other debate is on what size of ship to work on.

A corvette would be the fastest and easiest both to design and to build. It seems highly likely that the docks to build smaller ships will be completed before the larger capital docks required for frigates and cruisers. On the other hand three of your allies are building ships of that size already and there are persistent rumours that Cimtar will be willing to licence the new design they are working on. If the result is up to the standards set by the refit plans they generated for the Ekkaian's one surviving frigate then it promises to be a worthwhile craft. Maybe not exactly what the Ekkaian wants, but since they haven't told you what they want yet either there is no guarantee that you will be able to do better in that respect.

A frigate would be a longer term option, but the additional time before the yards were ready to build such a ship would give you more time to get your team up to par and ensure that your design was as good as it could be. Every world in the Reach Pact is unable to build frigates at this time and two of the GRTO worlds can. Having something to match their larger ships will be important going forward.

Which of course led to the idea of a cruiser. The now lost Neutron Star-class ships were the pride of the Ekkaian, and the largest ships ever built in Ardan yards. Arda was the only system in the Gordian Reach that could build those 600m long monsters. Unfortunately the damage done by the Stenax means that capability is firmly in the past tense. There is no telling how long it will take to restore the yards enough that a cruiser could be considered for construction. Even with all the difficulties of working on such a large ship it is likely that you would complete your task before the yards were restored to their former glory. That said there is nothing saying that you can't work on the cruiser until you receive some more specific direction about what you are supposed to be working on. It would certainly save time when the project came around again.

[Lora Uncommon Sense check 3d10. 6, 1, 6 = 0 Success. Botch. 6Ps prevent problems.]

You are briefly tempted to push for the Star Destroyer anyway but come to your senses quickly.

No matter how rewarding it would be to accomplish, attempting to design a ship that rivalled a Star Destroyer in size was simply out of the question. Arda had never built a ship of that scale and the complexities would overwhelm your small team. It would be a pure vanity project and making the attempt would be a disservice to all the souls lost to the Stenax.

The debate circles around and around, but in the end it is your decision. What will be the first task of the restored Adra Ship Design Bureau?

[][SCOPE] Upgrade
[][SCOPE] New Design

[][SIZE] Corvette
[][SIZE] Frigate
[][SIZE] Cruiser

The exact nature of the ship to be upgraded will be determined next vote. No need for a plan vote, just vote for each category.
Scheduled vote count started by Jalinth on Nov 26, 2023 at 9:00 PM, finished with 8 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] Minimizing Fires
    -[X] Administration
    -[X] Architecture 1
    -[X] Electronics 1
    -[X] Hyperspace drives 1
    -[X] Power systems 1
    -[X] Shields 1
    -[X] Structure 1
    -[X] Sublight drives 1
    -[X] Support Systems 1
    -[X] Weapons
    [X] Solid split
    -[X] Administration
    -[X] Architecture 1
    -[X] Electronics
    -[X] Hyperspace drives 1
    -[X] Power systems 1
    -[X] Shields 1
    -[X] Structure 2
    -[X] Sublight drives
    -[X] Support Systems 1
    -[X] Weapons 1

I'd like to show my immense gratitude for the support of my plan given to me by my passionate supporters, all three of you (myself included). It was touch and go at times, but together we pulled through!

Voter turnout was massive, easily one of the most intense rounds I've ever taken candidacy in. A whopping 5 people! :V


Here's my conservative pitch. There will likely problems we'll only see when we start a ship from scratch, but while id like to go straight for a new one of our smallest class (corvette), the understaffed nature of our bureau encourages me to vote for a simple upgrade for our first go.

[][SCOPE] Upgrade
[][SIZE] Corvette
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I'm hoping now we're into the ship portion the thread will heat up. I'm thinking frigate & upgrade to shake off the dust and not be in direct competition for that corvette slot. Corvette & upgrade might let us be super quick though as a stepping stone to frigate & new design.
the understaffed nature of our bureau

Corvette & upgrade might let us be super quick though as a stepping stone to frigate & new design.

Somehow I forgot how understaffed we are trololo. I like the quick upgrade corvette into new frigate notion, maybe could even get first one done before Ira arrives and she can help on Frigate, bringing that expertise back to Cimtar mwhahaha.

[X][SCOPE] Upgrade
[X][SIZE] Corvette

(there's no moratorium right? The Voting is open bar is visible to me anywho)
[X][SCOPE] Upgrade
[X][SIZE] Frigate

Because we can, because Frigates are a currently untapped market space, and being able to have Big Ship as a counterweight on the east side of the Reach could pay off big.
In this I didn't see the point in delaying the vote. Plans might have been a better option here, but TBH I'm perfectly content with the chaotic possibilities coming out of a group that is being lead by the former Janitor.
Not sure. @Jalinth we'll go ahead and vote since the Voting is Open banner is up. Just in case you forgot a Moratorium announcement.

[X][SCOPE] Upgrade
[X][SIZE] Corvette

Edit: Ah, space ninja'd.

I figure frigate might potentially be feasible, but being understaffed means there's a good chance our first product is gonna be a poor one, if a worthy one by virtue of our understaffed nature.

Still, a smaller ship means smaller costs if it turns out to be a bust or more or less mediocre. We'll gain a lot with corvettes or frigates (more if frigates) but right now Id mind the costs more since theyre the more likely right now, even if the perspective is a cynical one.
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[X][SCOPE] Upgrade
[X][SIZE] Corvette

Eh, I'm of two minds but I'll throw this out until I read some other debate.

Small project so we get a chance to see how the game system works (categories, gates, types of choices, workflow) for minimal cost. Will we get to throw in an extra frame or two/do any structural stuff or only equipment. Output probably won't be great but at least we'd get a chance to see how the subsystems stuff goes which would save our ambitious rolls on the Frigate for other things.