Star Wars: Galaxy in Flames - Arda Ship Design Bureau

[]Plan We Cleaned Too Greedily And Too Deep, And Awoke A Phantom Menace
-[][ADVANTAGE] The Cleaning Force is Strong with this One (Janitor)
-[][ADVANTAGE] Soul Girded by Caf
-[][ADVANTAGE] Proper Planning Prevents Particularly Poor Performance (6Ps)
-[][DRAWBACK] A Well Earned Grudge
-[]Bureaucracy 2
-[]Finance 2
-[]Sapient Resources 3
-[]Support Systems 1
-[]Chemistry 1
-[]Uncommon Sense 5
-[]Technical Translation 3
-[]Peacemaker 3

4 free points into Admin and 4 into Janitor

Tweaked @KarmaA plan to be more RP imo (I think yours is probably better from a strategic perspective :p). Tried to pick pure janitor advantages of hard work, planning, and a fanatically inspired staff, while gaining a grudge from someone who thinks yeah no, the janitor shouldn't be in charge of designing starships. Let the petty departmental politics commence!

Mild Bureaucracy and Finance from running cleaning department, good Sapient Resources in line with our adoring mini-Janitors.

Knows support systems from mucking about them and chemistry from cleaning products.

Expert at the Janitorial Three, particularly what those over educated whippersnappers never grasp, uncommon sense.

Let me know if I messed up into illegality and I shall fix!
Vote open
"You said we would have 12 hours before the voting opened! We had deal!"

"I have altered the deal. Pray I don't alter it further."

6 hours with no discussion, so I'm just going to open the doors to a vote. Both plans look perfectly resonable so choose whatever you think is going to be more fun.
[X]Plan Good Help isn't hard to find
-[X][ADVANTAGE] The Cleaning Force is Strong with this One (Janitor)
-[X][ADVANTAGE] Proper Planning Prevents Particularly Poor Performance (6Ps)
-[X][ADVANTAGE] Talented: Sapient Resources
-[X][DRAWBACK] Scarred by War
-[X]Bureaucracy 2
-[X]Finance 3
-[X]Sapient Resources 3
--[X]Spec: Headhunting 1
-[X]Security 1
-[X]Support Systems 1
-[X]Biology 1
-[X]Uncommon Sense 3
-[X]Technical Translation 3
-[X]Peacemaker 2
[X]Plan: I know a thing or 2 because I've seen a thing or 2
-[X][ADVANTAGE] The Cleaning Force is Strong with this One (Janitor)
-[X][ADVANTAGE] Soul Girded by Caf
-[X][ADVANTAGE] Proper Planning Prevents Particularly Poor Performance (6Ps)
-[X][DRAWBACK] No Formal Education [Mandatory]
-[X][DRAWBACK] A Well Earned Grudge
-[X] Bureaucracy - 2
-[X] Finance - 2
-[X] Sapient Resources - 1
-[X] Security - 2
-[X] Architecture - 1
-[X] Power systems - 1
-[X] Structures - 1
-[X] Support Systems - 1
-[X] Uncommon Sense - 3
-[X] Technical Translation - 3
-[X] Peacemaker - 3
[X]Plan Good Help isn't hard to find

GIven what happpenes at Arda [ ] I have a Bad Feeling about this will probably result in a Wound in the Force.
[X]Plan We Cleaned Too Greedily And Too Deep, And Awoke A Phantom Menace
-[X][ADVANTAGE] The Cleaning Force is Strong with this One (Janitor)
-[X][ADVANTAGE] Soul Girded by Caf
-[X][ADVANTAGE] Proper Planning Prevents Particularly Poor Performance (6Ps)
-[X][DRAWBACK] A Well Earned Grudge
-[X]Bureaucracy 2
-[X]Finance 2
-[X]Sapient Resources 3
-[X]Support Systems 1
-[X]Chemistry 1
-[X]Uncommon Sense 5
-[X]Technical Translation 3
-[X]Peacemaker 3
I've had the next two posts ready to go since yesterday. Since all of the plans are pretty similar I will close the vote when I get up and moving tomorrow. The next section will be hiring your staff. That is where you will allocate your dice to the different departments.

Following that we get into the meat of things. Do you upgrade an old ship design or start from scratch? What size of ship are you going to attempt first?

I look forward to seeing the answer.
Will we be able to increase Stars later?
In theory, yes. As mentioned in the OP this quest is an experiment so I am unsure if I will go beyond a couple ship designs.

It is possible that after a bit I'll put this quest away for a while and then pull it back out once I've reworked the system in light of the early results.

On the other hand if I have a really good time then I'll stick with the game.
Working from scratch is the most expensive thing a company can do. Upgrading old ship designs is cheaper and more efficient.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Jalinth on Nov 25, 2023 at 5:20 PM, finished with 14 posts and 8 votes.
  • 5

    [X]Plan Good Help isn't hard to find
    -[X][ADVANTAGE] The Cleaning Force is Strong with this One (Janitor)
    -[X][ADVANTAGE] Proper Planning Prevents Particularly Poor Performance (6Ps)
    -[X][ADVANTAGE] Talented: Sapient Resources
    -[X][DRAWBACK] Scarred by War
    -[X]Bureaucracy 2
    -[X]Finance 3
    -[X]Sapient Resources 3
    --[X]Spec: Headhunting 1
    -[X]Security 1
    -[X]Support Systems 1
    -[X]Biology 1
    -[X]Uncommon Sense 3
    -[X]Technical Translation 3
    -[X]Peacemaker 2
  • 1

    [X]Plan: I know a thing or 2 because I've seen a thing or 2
    -[X][ADVANTAGE] The Cleaning Force is Strong with this One (Janitor)
    -[X][ADVANTAGE] Soul Girded by Caf
    -[X][ADVANTAGE] Proper Planning Prevents Particularly Poor Performance (6Ps)
    -[X][DRAWBACK] No Formal Education [Mandatory]
    -[X][DRAWBACK] A Well Earned Grudge
    -[X]Bureaucracy 2
    -[X] Finance - 2
    -[X] Sapient Resources - 1
    -[X] Security - 2
    -[X] Architecture - 1
    -[X] Power systems - 1
    -[X] Structures - 1
    -[X]Support Systems 1
    -[X]Uncommon Sense 3
    -[X]Technical Translation 3
    -[X] Peacemaker - 3
  • 2

    [X]Plan We Cleaned Too Greedily And Too Deep, And Awoke A Phantom Menace
    -[X][ADVANTAGE] The Cleaning Force is Strong with this One (Janitor)
    -[X][ADVANTAGE] Soul Girded by Caf
    -[X][ADVANTAGE] Proper Planning Prevents Particularly Poor Performance (6Ps)
    -[X][DRAWBACK] A Well Earned Grudge
    -[X]Bureaucracy 2
    -[X] Finance - 2
    -[X]Sapient Resources 3
    -[X]Support Systems 1
    -[X]Chemistry 1
    -[X]Uncommon Sense 5
    -[X]Technical Translation 3
    -[X] Peacemaker - 3
Hiring Staff
Hiring Staff
Arda II, Arda System, Gordian Reach, Outer Rim
41:07 - Seventh month of the Year 41 after the Great ReSynchronization

Your first month is spent in a whirlwind of resumes and interviews. You quickly run into the problem that all of the most promising candidates were already hired and thus are no longer with you. Instead you're forced to go through and examine the people that didn't make the cuts the last time and bring them on board.

Your two department leads have absolutely no experience with human resources, while you've been in charge of hiring for a mid-sized corporation at a previous job. You left because cleaning was less stressful, but you still remember some tricks.

[Lora Sapient Resources (Headhunting) check. 4d10, Double 9s. 9,7,4,10 = 5 Successes]
[Jaa Sapient Resources 0d10. 0 = 0 Successes]
[Sola Sapient Resources 0d10. 0 = 0 Successes]

You manage to weed out a number of unsuitable people and find others that lacked the formal qualifications but you were confident could do the job. Jaa and Sola provide some input but are only able to have the smallest influence on the process.

With the quantity and quality of people available to you there is no way you're going to be able to bring the bureau up to a full staffing level. This means you're going to make some hard choices and hope you can limp along until more people become available.

[Lora Uncommon Sense check 3d10. 4, 2, 7 = 1 Success]

Jaa is particularly vocal about making sure that he has enough staff for the Architecture department. You realise that the man is skilled enough to compensate for vastly under strength staff. It might be better to allocate more resources to departments that are lacking a proper department head.


Hyperspace drives
Power systems
Sublight drives
Support Systems

Each category starts with one die. You have 1 additional die per major character (3) and 1 more per success on the headhunting roll (5) for a total of 8 dice to split between them. You can assign a maximum of two additional dice to any category.

One die is very understaffed. Two dice are slightly understaffed. Three dice are fully staffed. More dice will represent more skilled teams, but that will be for later.

This will be a plan vote. I will open the voting later today, depending on how active the discussion is.

[] Example plan here
-[] Administration 1
-[] Architecture 1
-[] Electronics 1
-[] Hyperspace drives 1
-[] Power systems 1
-[] Shields 1
-[] Structure 2
-[] Sublight drives
-[] Support Systems
-[] Weapons
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That worked out better than I hoped! Baseline before we made the character was ~2 successes.

[] Plan: Solid split
-[] Administration
-[] Architecture 1
-[] Electronics
-[] Hyperspace drives 1
-[] Power systems 1
-[] Shields 1
-[] Structure 2
-[] Sublight drives
-[] Support Systems 1
-[] Weapons 1

Skipped Admin since I'm hoping we can DIY for a bit. Otherwise I split things fairly evenly with a gap for sensors/E-war because I think a lot of that stuff can be fitted into a platform afterwards as an upgrade (~real life planes/submarines). Sublight drive was the other gap because often being able to respond or make money depends on hyperspace ability. Same deal though with putting new engines onto old planes so who knows.

If we can make a good hull then making refits or updated/different versions should be cost efficient (I hope) which is why I went structure 2 and put 1 in architecture despite what our uncommon sense said. Reliable power, shields, weapons, and comfortable/sensible interior (support systems) mean we'd be aiming for a dependable workhorse version of whatever we design. I'm not sure if we'd edge into a bit clever/elegant in layout, lightweight for its strength, or easier to maintain/upgrade but those would be my hope in the future.

Edit: Probably need to actually look at mechanics for how our specialists stack with this to figure out if we should try to shift and fill in the gaps…
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Honestly I feel like getting everything to slightly understaffed ASAP should be our foremost concern right now.

[] Minimizing Fires
-[] Administration
-[] Architecture 1
-[] Electronics 1
-[] Hyperspace drives 1
-[] Power systems 1
-[] Shields 1
-[] Structure 1
-[] Sublight drives 1
-[] Support Systems 1
-[] Weapons

Admin is our specialty, so we can probably make it (barely) work somehow, then improve staffing before our MC dies of stress.

And I figured the other cutback would be Weapons, because with Cimtar providing non-FTL interceptors, our first major project should be something that ferries those small craft. Either a light carrier, or some lightly armed corvette with some hangar space.
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Edit: Probably need to actually look at mechanics for how our specialists stack with this to figure out if we should try to shift and fill in the gaps…
I've got an example from the mechanics post.

For example: Say you have the Department of Silly Walks with two dice. Professor Python leads the group and has base three dice in humour and two more dice in the specialty of Silly Walks. A test to make a very silly walk would be rolled on seven dice.

On the other hand if the 1 die Department of Lethal Jokes needed to be working while Professor Python was busy with the Department of Silly Walks they are going to be in trouble. Remember the fewer dice you roll the higher the chance of a botch. Botches will never be game ending but they will also never be good.

Each of your 3 characters can be assigned to a single task. Like the reactors for a ship, or the turbolasers. The staff of each department can be used on more than one task during a project. If a task is completed and the project is still on-going then a character can be assigned to another task. If there is an emergency then it is also possible to transfer a character there, but you do not want that to come up as an option.

Departments that do not have a relevant task for the current project will be found something at least tangentially useful to work on.

I have updated all the character sheets with their current skills.

Working on a new ship will require tasks for all departments. Updating an old design means that some things can be left the same. Once you have a deeper well of successful projects then solutions from those previous ones can be used on new projects. There would still need to be a roll, but implementing a sensor suite that has already been proven on another similar ship is much easier then starting from scratch.

You do have baseline existing systems. The problem is that a number of them were imported from elsewhere in the galaxy. Now that supply chains have shattered you are needing to find more local solutions.
Here's the bonuses from our specialists and it sounds like they can only work on one project at a time so maybe we can maximize bonuses by managing sub-project order.

Jaa Beruss
Architecture - 3 (DOUBLE 9s)
-Spec: Delicate Beauty - 2 (5)
Structures - 3
Chemistry - 3
-Spec: Metallurgy - 1 (4)

Sola Bibblie
Electronics - 1
Power systems - 3
-Spec: Compactness - 2 (5)
Shields - 1
Weapons - 1
Physics - 3
-Spec: Power Generation - 1 (4)
Broadly speaking you are only going to have so much time to get projects done. So no matter what, there are going to be times when your understaffed groups are going to be needing to deal with tasks without oversight. At least until something changes.

Arda's Ambassador makes an appointment with you to deliver a proposal. There was an incident involving unexploded munitions from the Stenax occupation and the primary starship design team. Combined with the other casualties suffered by that department this has been a major setback.

They would like you to lend them Ira's services in exchange for a generous compensation package. Before the unfortunate explosion their people had gone over the modifications of their Bayonet and been quite impressed. Her expertise would be critical to a timely revitalisation of their own design bureau. The Ambassador understands that Ira is currently putting the finishing touches on your new corvette design but would like to have her assistance as soon as possible.

If you choose to decline they understand, but inform you it will seriously delay any new ship production coming from Arda's yards.
Broadly speaking you are only going to have so much time to get projects done. So no matter what, there are going to be times when your understaffed groups are going to be needing to deal with tasks without oversight. At least until something changes.

Oh, reminds me, how will Ira's presence help us? Would she be able to contribute somehow to solving the staffing problem? In fact, hypothetically speaking, would Cimtar be able to provide some additional staffing assistance?

Iirc our main concern on Cimtar has always been FACILITIES, we've thus far been able to make do with staff. Plus we'll still get Ira back eventually, so training up replacements should be doable.