The Tall Men
In a near unanimous vote it was decided to agree to Ursun's proposal. It would take the bears off the Committee's hands to allow them to focus on the goliaths. Ursun's proposed education was not disagreeable to many members either, especially the knowledge that they'd be taught to respect the Old Ones. The bears practically took care of themselves. It was a win-win all around. There were a few Old Ones that felt slighted that a jumped up winter elemental and spirit animal would invite itself into the Committee, but they were a minority. The matter settled, Ursun read the room to excuse himself from the Committee to speak with whoever was in charge of transferring the bears to the Fated World.
That left the Committee to decide the culture of the goliaths. It was believed that they would do great things in the Fated World. The Chairman believed that their education should encourage their growth in that direction, but made no suggestions directly. No matter what, they would shape the world in dramatic ways, sooner or later. After all, the goliaths were going to be placed between other creations, if separated by mountains and water. The moths had yet to cross south over the Grey Mountains, while the ratfolk had yet to navigate the sea between them. The Old Ones were keenly interested in seeing how they'd interact.
Cultural Education
The plan with the most votes will be the majority culture. The runner up plan will be a minority culture. Keep in mind that a society will grow and develop even after they've been put onto the world. The elven tradition of phoenix kings didn't start as a tradition until Chaos invaded the world. Dwarf ancestor gods emerged after the Old Ones moved on from the dwarfs.
Culture/People Name: Name for the culture, what they refer to themselves. Please try to keep accents to a minimum. I don't know how to type them.
Names: Their naming scheme. It makes it easier to write to have it for reference.
Architecture: What their buildings look like. It's easier to write. It should somewhat reflect the resources they'll have at their disposal.
Sacred Tenets: things considered sacred to their society, everyone is expected to do and failing to adhere to it is seen as a personal failing. It's generally stuff that's considered righteous, common morals, things that kids are taught by adults. Does not mean religious but it will likely be part of the dominant religion
Cultural Tenets: These are things central to society but not sacred, common cultural practices that a lot of people do. It's also values that people hold, though less strictly than Sacred Tenets.
Cultural Facets: Fun quirky things about the culture, like fashion, hobbies, music, pets, etc. The types of things you'd notice when walking down the street or visiting a home.
Government: How society is organized politically. If theocratic put here rather than in religion.
Religion: What their belief system is, how their religion is organized, what's its connection to power, etc. Please feel free to name a god or two, but do try to keep it to a reasonable amount. Do not spawn a dozen plus gods.
Economy: Who owns what and how is labour organized. It should tie back into the ruling class, since land and production is a powerful source of wealth. Free feel to keep this brief, since it's generally assumed that the government and/or religion has a lot of influence over the economy.
General: Anything else you want to describe, put it here. Can also be considered the general vibe of society, if you want to keep other sections brief.
Gift(s): Something given to them by the Old Ones, like knowledge of how the winds of magic function or knowledge of steam engines. Also includes knowledge of other intelligent species, a map of the globe, etc. There are some limits, since the Old Ones won't share their best technology with their creations. Otherwise feel free to spend as many words as you want here if you so desire.
The option to orphan a species is also more explicit. If you don't wish to create a culture for a species and leave it up to the whims of fate, i.e. me and dice rolls, then simply dump them on the planet. This counts as 1 plan, so you may vote for other options. If it ends up in the top three slots it'll cause a run off.
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There will be a limit on votes too. People can only vote for
2 plans.
The limit for plans is
500 words. It can be split up into as many planks as you want. Category names like "Cultural Facet" don't count towards the word limit. Remember that society is interconnected, systems feed into each other to reinforce each other and themselves. If people want to use canon languages for names simply write that in.
Here's an example of a write in plan.
[ ] Plan: Example
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Culture/People Name: Cyrodilic
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Names: Roman/South Slavic
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Architecture: Classic Fantasy Elves/Gondor
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Sacred Tenet: Guilty Before Proven Innocent
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Sacred Tenet: Loyalty to the Empire
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Cultural Tenet: Imperial Cosmopolitanism
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Cultural Tenet: Battlemage Nobility
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Cultural Tenet: Service in the Military or State is fairly common
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Cultural Facet: Widespread Pescetarianism
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Cultural Facet: Facial Tattoos are popular among sections of the population, marking family heritage, religious affiliation, or interests.
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Cultural Facet: Literacy, paper books are easy to produce and people are generally taught how to read and write by multiple sources.
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Government: Founded by a conquering warlord that was recognized by the gods as the rightful ruler. Rulership is passed by patrilineal descent to eldest sons of the current emperor. A council drawn from major noble families, merchant companies, military, and cults help handle the day to day affairs of the Empire. Major cities are ruled by local nobles with the assistance of guilds and vassals. The military is the most organized institution within the Empire, answering directly to the state rather than any individual commander or noble.
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Religion: Worship of the Eight Divine alongside numerous cults for saints, heroes, emperors, ancestors, and even constellations. Temples are run by priestly orders that operate with state approval and funding, but are not directly controlled by the state. There's tolerance for sanctioned heresies, but they receive no support and are encouraged to remain removed from public life.
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Religion: Eight Divine are Akatosh, dragon god of time; Arkay, god of death and cycles; Dibella, goddess of beauty, art, and sexual pleasure; Julianos, god of wisdom and magic; Kynareth, goddess of wind, rain, and patron of sailors; Mara, goddess of love and nature; Stendarr, god of justice, mercy, and righteousness; Zenithar, god of work and commerce.
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Economy: Farms are owned by yeoman families, noble estates, and state farms held by the crown. Officially licensed guilds handle production for most commodities. Merchants are organized into private and state sponsored companies to handle trade.
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General: A people whose cultures and traditions are closely tied with imperial glory. They benefit greatly from the riches it draws to them. The Empire is a sign of progress, wealth, and prosperity over the backwards warring neighbours that once surrounded it. All are equal in the Empire and stand to benefit from it if they work within the system.
Please vote by plan. There is a moratorium.