Life of Highs, Lowes, and Super Villainy (No SV, You are a Supervillain)

Sunshine's Rumor Mill Extravaganza! (AKA Rumor Mill 1)
Sunshine's Rumor Mill Extravaganza! (AKA Rumor Mill 1)

(Sunshine POV)

Sunshine looked at the computer and weighed all the options before them, it was a difficult choice to ask the man they were going to be taking from for this sort of power.

Information was valuable, perhaps more valuable then the energy of the most powerful supervillain on record.

But it had to be done…they needed the information to flow so that progress could be made in building something more powerful.

Power came at a price and Sunshine was willing to pay it.


Logging In…Welcome Agent Sunshine.

Sunshine: Nobody…I need to piggyback the network or my new boss.

Nobody: And you are breaking the one rule of working for me…why?

Sunshine: Long term gain…I really need to do this so I can stay on the payroll and keep things going.

Nobody: Send data packets of personal information on the Goons and specialist recruits and I'll forget the matter ever came up.

Sunshine:YES!!! Wait…why?

Nobody: Adaptor is acting up and being a cowboy and I want a good candidate pool just in case it gets to the point where action is needed.

Sunshine: Oh…yes sir, I'll get you them without issues…anything else sir?

Nobody: Has anyone been botheering you about your personal life?

Sunshine: No sir…they arn't bothering me about it.

Nobody: Good, I don't want my most promising agent bogged down by poor workplace manners.

Sunshine:I understand sir.

Nobody: Don't go too crazy kid, you're still green.Soon the thick skin will form and you'll be a natural at all of this.


Space Station 1 Rechristened "Beyond Beach":

Following a tense "Naming Election" in which the citizens of SS1 all gathered and voted for the new name to celebrate the Five Year operation of the Station.

It was decided that Beyond Beach would be the Name of the Station with a 56% of the Popular Vote.

The Ceremony was punctuated by the Arrival of Beyond's first true Super Hero

"Adam Beyonder"

A terrible name for a Hero, but he's only 17…what is there to complain about.

Reward: SS1 has been renamed Beyond Beach.


The Terra Titan Project has entered Stage 4:

The ISS Terra Titan, the first Spacecraft created for the exploration of the Solar System has entered the fourth stage of Ten.

In the fourth stage's suite, an Industrial Fabricator from India's Super Team's very own Deli Defenders shall expand the longevity and mission statement to studying the various minerals found on Titan's surface.

Reward: SPACE Exploation is getting more Equipment


Mysterious Disappearances Continue in Mexico:

For the Second Streight Year, the disappearances of tourists and citizens alike has forced Mexico to issue travel and curfew warnings for all individuals in half the country.

Though still without a true culprit the Mexico Super Investigation Team Lux Eternita, claims to have finally found sufficient evidence to finally make progress in the case.

In other News, The Cartel and Supervillain war continues to once again escalate into another bout of iolence,

Starting from the Battle of Tijuana in 1989 with the Sinaloa Cartel and the Destros Invicta Supervilalin group over territory and drug control, the Sin-Destros War as it is popularly called is the longest reigning Gang war in Mexico's history with over 30,000 dead in nearly 20 years of simmering conflict.

Reward: More Trouble south of the Border it seems…

AN: The first rumor mill, and look into Sunshine and the working relationship between the enigmatic Mr. Nobody.

Maybe Canon:Project Blue Book by Themarineguy
Project Blue Book
In a secluded, shrouded room, a small group gather to discuss their alien invasion contingency.

"May I ask all of this secrecy? I mean my company really loves the help on their latest game by the way. But surely there are better ways to handle the matter than video game rankings." States a man in his 30s, head of a major video game company.

"We both know just how valuable secrecy is. There is already factions sniffing around earth, with one seeming to already be doing something in Mexico. There may be suspicions about the games UI, but given the games promoted between Supers, and outside interest, suspicion shouldn't point towards the truth, Stratego." Responding to him, is someone whom is wearing clothing which hides their figure, someone whom if you look close enough, looks to possibly be in their 50s, and is from some sort of spy service.

"Ever since XCOM 2 Released, the same guy whom got one of the only three Skyrangers that exist. Yes I know the model had another name, but try telling the public that. Has commissioned me to try and make a flying base reminiscent of the Avenger from the freshly released game. At least the deal has provided me some good business Colt." Replies a rather haggard woman in her twenties, wearing a labcoat with the hallmarks of being a mad scientist.

"The base is built, complete with Smith's new Command and Control systems. In theory it should aid greatly in organizing the resistance groups that survive any opening strike. As long as I do my job and make sure the base and it's nature stay's hidden. Though after the first usage, we'd likely be unable to hide it or another such base again. Likely having to pivot to making the place tougher to break into than any other place on earth." States an old woman at 60 years old, with the bearing that distinguishes herself as a bureaucrat.

"As the one person whom actually seen the base, it is a remarkable foundation, even with the limitations you had to work under Cassandra. Especially the hangar meant to service the two Skyrangers. Those things are hangar queens compared even towards spec ops transports, and yet, you were able to fit everything needed to keep them battle-ready on said small base. Do any of you have contacts with someone whom could help with powering a VTOL aircraft big enough to be a base in and of itself? Possibly at NASA given that it may be easier to outright make a spaceship?" Smith compliments Cassandra earnestly, then begs for help.

"At this point, you should consider going straight to the governments and attach the design work to the efforts to colonize space. Because that was QUITE the ask. Speaking of, did he offer anything to help? Considering such a design is a major ask. A mobile airship with the speed and evasive capability to be a useful mobile base like the Avenger is unlike anything currently out there. The Skyranger was a great feat, but making something with the capabilities of the Avenger is a whole new scale to work at, with the demands still being pretty high." Colt replies, trying to give some advice.

A/N: No clue how much, if at all, it might fit in the world. But the base idea is somewhere on earth, there is a hidden base waiting to be activated, with two bleeding edge craft of which has only been seen under the hand of a Villain whom happens to be a big fan of the XCOM series, and a state of the art system designed to be a Next-gen C&C system, which due to secrecy was pulled from to make a real-time strategy game that in secret, also serves to figure out whom would be the best commanders should the base get activated. Kinda silly, but ain't unheard of in anime for something like that to exist.

Someone's plans are running now.

Enjoy your +10.
Didn't mean to mess with anything... 😅 :oops:

Written it as basically a small conspiracy whom basically have a hidden deactivated base, notable for basically two things, mad scientist level RRF craft, albeit only 2, and very good communication infrastructure, and that's kinda it due to secrecy concerns.
Written it as basically a small conspiracy whom basically have a hidden deactivated base, notable for basically two things, mad scientist level RRF craft, albeit only 2, and very good communication infrastructure, and that's kinda it due to secrecy concerns.
They are In the Texas Mexico Border Area, and they are seeing weird shit.

Its called the "Warzone" down south for a reason, @Martin Noctis will give you a brief intro to it if you ask him later.
Didn't mean to mess with anything... 😅 :oops:
You didn't I just didn't expect anyone to make an Omake for a bit.
Turn 3
Turn 3

Cash Reserves:6,570Dollars


+200 (City Racket)


-300 (Professional Goons)


(You have 2 options)

[]Send out an Ad in the Paper: These days you've got to get things set up again, what with the Strike being over, get some goons and whatnot...proper villains have goons. Cost:200 Chance of Sucess: 40% Reward: Send an Add in the paper about a new Supervillain in Town.

[] Contact the Villians: Its nice to know who else is in the neighborhood, hash out terf borders and troll the Mafia, things like that, or they could be an S-Rank telling you to get off their lawn, hope it doesn't come to that. Cost: 100, Chance of Success: ??? Reward: Meet the Local Villains, and pray they don't kill you.

[]Attend Villain Conference: Ahh the 2006 Villain Conference is currently being scheduled in Toronto Canada, guess its time to rub shoulders with the Villain elite again, at least the orders for meals are good. Cost: 200 Chance of Sucess: 90% Reward: Attend a Villain Conference and meet your betters as it were.

[]Defame Councilwoman Crystal: It's one thing to blackmail someone, it is another to publicly humiliate them, let's do it, you petty enough. Cost: 200 Chance of Sucess: ??? Reward: You Publicly defame the Council Woman for ruining your Hideout's most basic function.

[] Schedule a fight with nemesis: Alright, you have a nemesis, have to keep their real life in mind so we can hash out a battle, if they don't show, the first crime committed that day is freebies. Cost: 100 Chance of Success:??? Reward: Meet your nemesis in Combat…or whatever you plan to do.

[]Schedule an Interview: The Media's slow days are perfect timeslots for a brief look into the Villains of America, sure it sets a bad example for the Kids, but its just so interesting. Cost:200, Chance of Success: 50% Reward: Get your public Profile out there with an interview.

[]Meet the Heroes: You know what's better than meeting the villains? Heroes, they like having moments of banter, if they aren't busy. Cost: 50, Chance of Sucess: 70% Reward: Meet the Local Heroes.

(You have 1 option)

[]Establish Proper Territory: Now that you've taken the general area now its time to make it official and make it proper. Cost: 20 Chance of Sucess: 90% Reward: Properly "Claim" territory you've stolen, it will keep the other villains out…the respectable ones that is.

[]Take over the local gangs: It's a waste, Gangsters, Cartel men, Mafiosos. They have all the energy and potential to make something good, yet they spend all their time being parasites on good people, now you are not a man without mercy per se, but as a professional, you believe that a good thrashing and a meeting is required to set a good example because killing them will not entirely stop the problem. Cost:1000, Chance of Sucess:50% Reward: Take over the Local gangs, seize their assets.

[]Destroy the local gangs: It's a waste, Gangsters, Cartel men, Mafiosos. They have all the energy and potential to make something good, yet they spend all their time being parasites on good people, as a professional, such vermin belong in the grave, where they will be more useful in death than they ever were in life. Cost:500, Chance of Sucess: 75% Reward: Kill off the local Gangs, seize their assets.

[]Train your goons: It's the Mark of a good leader, to find the weakest link in a chain and reforge it into something stronger. Cost: 100, Chance of Sucess:50% Reward: Train your goons to a higher standard.

[]Hire a Professional: What you need is someone who can keep the Goons in line, and fight your many many battles.Cost:1000 Chance of Success: 40% Reward: Hire a Professional Villain for Hire, or at least a Mercenary.

[]Recruit Capes: Heroes either always fall off the wayside looking for work, or need those remedial "Empathy Credits" so they can operate. Best hit the market and see who needs them. Cost: 100 Chance of Success: 40% Reward: Hire a Hero to be on your Staff, lord knows they need the work.

[]Recruit Villains: Hired Help is good, you know the story, they need experience and security, and who knows maybe one of them might make something of themselves. Cost: 100 Chance of Success: 40% Reward: Hire a Villain that needs the work.

(You have 2 options)

[x]Build a Lair: Every honest and well-made Supervillain needs a Lair, mostly to use as storage and cheap housing for the Goons, but a LAIR is everything, it is proof you have personality. Cost: 10,000, Chance of Sucess:70% Reward: Build a Villain Lair.

(Underground Lair will finish in 1 turn)

[]Sell the Ragnorite Ore: This is one of the newest rarest minerals on the Market, and you think it'll attract some more trouble as well. Best to just sell it. Cost: 0 Chance of Sucess: ??? Reward: You sell it to a buyer and get cash influx.

[]Buy Workshop Parts: You know damn well that you need tools for long term projects, best get them bought right now while they're cheap. Cost: 20 Chance of Sucess: 40% Reward: Buy Workshop Parts and tools, and unlock the building of gadgets.

[]Manage the Malcontents: You know your goons are using you as an easy payday, it is time to remind them that such things cut both ways in this business. Cost:0 Chance of Sucess: 50% Reward: You sort out the Goon's…issues with your way of doing things and put them in your place.

[]Upgrade your Hideout: Well any good hideout needs some degree of fine-tuning, before or after its completion. Chance of Sucess:??? Reward: Hideout Upgraded
Line Tail Upgrade

Upgrade List:

[]Enhanced Aerobics Center: An Enhanced Gym and Center that will help your Goons get into shape. Cost:2,500

[]Danger Room: The Ultimate test of a person's skill and ability, the greatest training ability on earth, only about 12 of these exist. Cost: 25,000

[]Casino and Bar and Grill: Ahh, its a nice clean and relaxing place to unwind and enjoy life, Cost: 1,500

[]Great Lake Skiffs: The Boats and Boat-based areas to train them how to use and abuse them. Cost:3,000

(You have 2 option)

[]Properly Hide your Hideout: A Hideout is not just a place where you can store loot and bodies, it is a sanctuary, and if an average joe can find it, you not doing your job right as a villain.Cost:0, Chance of Sucess:60% Reward: Hide your Hideout from people PROPERLY THIS TIME.

[]Investigate the weird happenings: SO…certain things are getting rather big yet people aren't talking about it, for one reason or another, you wonder why? Let's go and see shall we?Cost:100, Chance of Sucess: ??? Reward: You learn about…options.
-[] Hawaii
-[] Alaska
-[] Washington
-[] The Warfront

[]Look into the New Heroes: The New Capes on the Block, as it were. Its good to know who's there to be a problem, and who needs Empathy credits. Cost: 100, Chance of Success: 75% Reward: Learn about new heroes.

[]Launder your Money: You don't care for Taxes, and you want to make sure that is understood. Cost:0, Chance of Sucess: ??? Reward: Halve Expenses for one turn.

[]Destroy Councilwoman Crystal's Career: You know that she's being ill-courteous due to outside factors, but she slighted you and that has consequences. Cost: 5 Chance of Success:??? Reward: Ruin Councilwoman Crystal's Career via blackmail.

(You have one option)

[]Hire A Mad Scientist: Ahh the Scientist, the Intellectual backbone of Supervillainy, without them could you really be Super? Cost:100, Chance of Sucess:30% Reward: Hire a Mad Scientist.

[]Research Genetic Enhancement: Ahh Human Genome, the little thing that makes us all up, how do we enhance it? Cost: 5000,Chance of Sucess: 35% Reward: Unlock Gene Upgrades for Hero's and yourself.

[]Research Drug Purity: While you personally don't approve, drugs, especially superhero ones, are one of the biggest sellers on the market. Let's see if any of its pure.Cost:2000, Chance of Sucess: 45% Reward: Study Drugs and purity.

[]Reseach Powers:Well, that is peculiar, what exactly does it do? Cost: 0, Chance of Sucess: 60% Reward: Learn about your Hero units Powers.
-[]Witch Hero Unit's Powerset do you want to research?

[]Contract work with a Research institute: Its not villainy, but it pays the bills and gets a reputation and leeway with the rest of the world, mostly…but it gives them something to do. Cost:10, Chance of Sucess: 50% Reward:Send your Science Team for Contract work.

[]Research Uniform Improvements (Goons): The Man on the Street must look good, for he represents you and all your works. Let us also spend time making sure he can survive, prosper, feel pride, and look fabulous doing it. Cost:200, Chance of Sucess:50% Reward: Improve the Goon Uniforms

[]Research Uniform Improvements (Hero Units): A True Henchman's uniform must be an expression of who they are, they also must be able to survive a megaton punch from a whiny self entitled god in spandex…better work on that. Cost: 400, Chance of Sucess: 30% Reward: Improve Hero Unit Gear.
-[]Witch Hero Unit do you wish to Improve?

[-]Research Ragnorite Ore: You think that once you get someone who is a specialist, you think you can find something the researchers up there missed.

(You have 2 Options)

[]Buy/Smuggle Weapons: Some income gets you some good arms and equipment to sell, or use for yourself. Cost: 5, Chance of Sucess: 70% Reward: Gain Income from Weapons, get equipment for the Goons.

[]Hire Goons (Small Fries): From the Homeless vagabonds, who need to get clean physically and emotionally, those who need a home, to the dispossessed by circumstances to…struggling college students who need a job, this is the bottom of the barrel of Goon recruitment. Cost:20, Chance of Sucess: 90% Reward: Hire Low Tier Goons.

[]Hire Goons (Minor Leagues): Middle-income sorts who need a Job, Ex-army guys, the recently fired office workers, the workers…they don't need much work to be the best men and women for the Job. Cost: 40,Chance of Sucess: 60% Reward: Hire Mid-Tier Goons.

[]Hire Goons (Professionals): These are men and women who knew they would be here, and trained to be the best and they are fucking expensive. Cost:60, Chance of Sucess:30% Reward: Hire Professional Goons for the Operation.

[]Give the cops false leads: Best not let the Cops anywhere near your operation, false leads certainly help. Cost:150, Chance of Sucess: ??? Reward: Lie to the Cops about your operation.

[]Plot a Heist: It's old fashioned, its rather small, but Heists, they BUILD CHARECTER! And get you good paydays.As long as they don't kill willy-nilly. Cost: 20, Chance of Sucess: 50% Reward: Plan a Heist of something important.

[]Organize Rackets: Now that you have Street Rakets, now you can oganize them to be more efficient, and faier, because the only thing worse then an inefficient racket, is one that is not being productive due to…poor working relationships.Cost: 20, Chance of Sucess: 50% Reward: Work out inefficiencies in the Rackets.

Personal Actions:
(You have Two option)

[]Oversee Project: You need to see this matter Personally. Reward: Oversee an action. (Add your character stats as a bonus to a Roll)
-[]Write in what Action you want to oversee.

[]Talk to Melissa:You want to chew the Rag with your HR manager.

[]Get Annoyed by Sunshine: "Boop." She said. "Alright, what do you want."

[]Talk to Felix: "Hmm." He said.

[]Send an Advisor: You think one of your subordinates can deal with the matter, that you are too busy to deal with.
-[]Write in which action and Hero you wish to assign.

[]Reconnect with Family:Its been a few years since you last talked to your family, and well, ever since the Kids moved out and your wife went back to working more hours at work, you haven't had time to talk more beyond holiday visits. Let's change that.

[]Move Zheng's Family: It's time to move his family into the country so they can resettle properly.

AN: Plan Format, please.

Also I hope the Rolls start giving me interesting story potential.
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[X] Plan Conference
-[X] Attend Villain Conference: Ahh the 2006 Villain Conference is currently being scheduled in Toronto Canada, guess its time to rub shoulders with the Villain elite again, at least the orders for meals are good.
-[X] Defame Councilwoman Crystal: It's one thing to blackmail someone, it is another to publicly humiliate them, let's do it, you petty enough.
-[X] Establish Proper Territory: Now that you've taken the general area now its time to make it official and make it proper.
-[X] Buy Workshop Parts: You know damn well that you need tools for long term projects, best get them bought right now while they're cheap.
-[X] Manage the Malcontents: You know your goons are using you as an easy payday, it is time to remind them that such things cut both ways in this business.
-[X] Properly Hide your Hideout: A Hideout is not just a place where you can store loot and bodies, it is a sanctuary, and if an average joe can find it, you not doing your job right as a villain.
-[X] Look into the New Heroes: The New Capes on the Block, as it were. Its good to know who's there to be a problem, and who needs Empathy credits.
-[X] Hire A Mad Scientist: Ahh the Scientist, the Intellectual backbone of Supervillainy, without them could you really be Super?
-[X] Buy/Smuggle Weapons: Some income gets you some good arms and equipment to sell, or use for yourself.
-[X] Organize Rackets: Now that you have Street Rackets, now you can oganize them to be more efficient, and faier, because the only thing worse then an inefficient racket, is one that is not being productive due to…poor working relationships.
-[X] Oversee Project: You need to see this matter Personally. Reward: Oversee an action
--[X] Hire A Mad Scientist: Ahh the Scientist, the Intellectual backbone of Supervillainy, without them could you really be Super?
-[X] Move Zheng's Family: It's time to move his family into the country so they can resettle properly.

hows my first plan ?
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Hey cyber in the villain conference you spelled elite wrong and also you forgot to add a c in street rakets
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(You have 2 options)

[X]Attend Villain Conference: Ahh the 2006 Villain Conference is currently being scheduled in Toronto Canada, guess its time to rub shoulders with the Villain elite again, at least the orders for meals are good. Cost: 200 Chance of Sucess: 90% Reward: Attend a Villain Conference and meet your betters as it were.

[X]Meet the Heroes: You know what's better than meeting the villains? Heroes, they like having moments of banter, if they aren't busy. Cost: 50, Chance of Sucess: 70% Reward: Meet the Local Heroes.

(You have 1 option)

[X]Destroy the local gangs: It's a waste, Gangsters, Cartel men, Mafiosos. They have all the energy and potential to make something good, yet they spend all their time being parasites on good people, as a professional, such vermin belong in the grave, where they will be more useful in death than they ever were in life. Cost:500, Chance of Sucess: 75% Reward: Kill off the local Gangs, seize their assets.

(You have 2 options)

[X]Build a Lair: Every honest and well-made Supervillain needs a Lair, mostly to use as storage and cheap housing for the Goons, but a LAIR is everything, it is proof you have personality. Cost: 10,000, Chance of Sucess:70% Reward: Build a Villain Lair.

(Underground Lair will finish in 1 turn)

[X]Manage the Malcontents: You know your goons are using you as an easy payday, it is time to remind them that such things cut both ways in this business. Cost:0 Chance of Sucess: 50% Reward: You sort out the Goon's…issues with your way of doing things and put them in your place.

Line Tail Upgrade

Upgrade List:

[X]Enhanced Aerobics Center: An Enhanced Gym and Center that will help your Goons get into shape. Cost:2,500

(You have 2 option)

[X]Properly Hide your Hideout: A Hideout is not just a place where you can store loot and bodies, it is a sanctuary, and if an average joe can find it, you not doing your job right as a villain.Cost:0, Chance of Sucess:60% Reward: Hide your Hideout from people PROPERLY THIS TIME.

[X]Look into the New Heroes: The New Capes on the Block, as it were. Its good to know who's there to be a problem, and who needs Empathy credits. Cost: 100, Chance of Success: 75% Reward: Learn about new heroes.

(You have one option)

[X]Contract work with a Research institute: Its not villainy, but it pays the bills and gets a reputation and leeway with the rest of the world, mostly…but it gives them something to do. Cost:10, Chance of Sucess: 50% Reward:Send your Science Team for Contract work.

(You have 2 Options)

[X]Buy/Smuggle Weapons: Some income gets you some good arms and equipment to sell, or use for yourself. Cost: 5, Chance of Sucess: 70% Reward: Gain Income from Weapons, get equipment for the Goons.

[X]Hire Goons (Minor Leagues): Middle-income sorts who need a Job, Ex-army guys, the recently fired office workers, the workers…they don't need much work to be the best men and women for the Job. Cost: 40,Chance of Sucess: 60% Reward: Hire Mid-Tier Goons.

Personal Actions:
(You have Two option)

[X]Reconnect with Family:Its been a few years since you last talked to your family, and well, ever since the Kids moved out and your wife went back to working more hours at work, you haven't had time to talk more beyond holiday visits. Let's change that.

[X]Move Zheng's Family: It's time to move his family into the country so they can resettle properly.

(Am I voting properly?)
Turn 3 Results
Turn 3 Results

-[X] Attend Villain Conference: Ahh the 2006 Villain Conference is currently being scheduled in Toronto Canada, guess its time to rub shoulders with the Villain elite again, at least the orders for meals are good. Rolled: D100 => 66

Finally they accepted you into the C-Rank Villain Pass entrance.

At least you have access to the better food trucks at least.

"SUNSHINE Stop trying to get into the A Rank orderves, I know they are good, but you'll have to manage with the food of lesser villains."

"But its Caviar, they are serving Caviar." She said holding the menu.

"I know, but we have to earn our way into it." You said.

(Continued in Villian Conference '06)

-[X] Defame Councilwoman Crystal: It's one thing to blackmail someone, it is another to publicly humiliate them, let's do it, you petty enough. Rolled: D100 => 90

All you needed to do was hack her social media account on MySPACE and reveal the various unbecoming photos of her with her…various lovers, friends, and acquaintances in compromising positions.

Or as Sunshine called it "The Fun Private Positions"

Well, those and the various bribes of hush money, didn't want those out now the city forced her to resign.

A good day for you and many others.

Reward: Councilwoman Crystal has been ousted for corruption and misuse of city funds, Petty revenge has been served, and the next council will be more open to your demands.

-[X] Establish Proper Territory: Now that you've taken the general area its time to make it official and make it proper. Rolled: D100 => 95+10 (Omake)=105

Territory, is the legal criminal boundaries of a Supervillain's area of control. Its a legal jargon that prevents wider chaos and disorder, to keep the facade of a normal day going.

It is clear, concise and easy to put on paperwork.

Now comes the time to see what you-.

Oh, you knew that Minnesota Superhero activity was closer south but you didn't expect the whole lake coast counties to be empty of most major activity.

God, they were right, most of the Heroes in this state wer in St Paul.

Reward: Your territory is a bit larger then you anticipated, stretching from Cook County, Lake County and St. Louis County…

God this place is empty, it's prime real estate, why is no one in it?

New Actions available.

-[X] Buy Workshop Parts: You know damn well that you need tools for long-term projects, best get them bought right now while they're cheap. Rolled: D100 => 34

Its not much but it works. Parts and Tools, now to do something with them.

Reward: Workshop Tools and Parts acquired, New Actions available.

-[X] Manage the Malcontents: You know your goons are using you as an easy payday, it is time to remind them that such things cut both ways in this business. Rolled: D100 => 99

You looked at the Meeting Hall and sighed. "I expected better from you all."

"But Now I must be forced to be...THAT Boss, don't say I didn't warn you all of the consequences." You finished.

(Continued in Fair Play and Villainy)

-[X] Properly Hide your Hideout: A Hideout is not just a place where you can store loot and bodies, it is a sanctuary, and if an average joe can find it, you not doing your job right as a villain. Rolled: D100 => 81

Finally…it was complete…At last.

Hidden and last.

Continued in Fair Play and Villainy)

-[X] Look into the New Heroes: The New Capes on the Block, as it were. Its good to know who's there to be a problem, and who needs Empathy credits. Rolled: D100 => 11

No one is here…well. Back to work.


-[X] Hire A Mad Scientist: Ahh the Scientist, the Intellectual backbone of Supervillainy, without them could you really be Super? Rolled: D100 => 95+37=133

Ahh, so this who joined…welcome.



(Continued in Fair Play and Villainy)

-[X] Buy/Smuggle Weapons: Some income gets you some good arms and equipment to sell, or use for yourself.Rolled: D100 => 81+5=86

Finally GUNS! Now you can actually do something with a bunch of hard fighting.

M4s, P90s, and all the guns you could use for defense and assault.

Was it basic? Yes.

Is it effective? Absolutely!

Reward: +5 to all Goon Rolls in combat forever. Income from Weapon Trade, +300 now.

-[X] Organize Rackets: Now that you have Street Rackets, now you can oganize them to be more efficient, and fairer, because the only thing worse then an inefficient racket, is one that is not being productive due to…poor working relationships. Rolled: D100 => 74+5=79

Talking to them was the best choice, you organized a payment plan, what to do if they were running late on payments, and what happens if things go wrong outside of their control.

It was… efficient.

Reward: Raket's Income Raised to +400, and your reputation as an understanding but stern Villain rises.

-[X] Oversee Project: You need to see this matter Personally. Reward: Oversee an action
--[X] Hire A Mad Scientist: Ahh the Scientist, the Intellectual backbone of Supervillainy, without them could you really be Super?

-[X] Move Zheng's Family: It's time to move his family into the country so they can resettle properly. Rolled: D100 => 93

A nice home in the Suburbs, as it were, the American Dream.

Zheng is very happy to have his family home, safe and happy.

Reward: Any action that Zheng is assigned to next turn will Autopass, with the reward quality being expanded upon by the roll.

Disaster Roll: D100 => 97
Hero Activity: D100 => 92


Now you know why Northern Minnesota was so Empty.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH!" She said hammering her way into your base and crashing through the concrete.

"YOU RUINED MY LIFE!" She shouted while holding you by the collar.

Oh, dear, you didn't expect this at all.

(To be elaborated in "The Power of the SUN Eternal")

Villain Activity: D100 => 38

Well, no one is doing anything,


AN: Enjoy.