Character Sheet
Dahlia Hussain
Inquisitorial Interrogator

Strength: 0
Agility: 0
Dexterity: 1
Awareness: 0
World Knowledge: 2
Analytics: 1
Contacts: 1
Empathy: 1
Devotion: 2
Doctrine: 2
Community: 1
Sensing: 3
Suggestion: 2
Manipulation: 0
Harm: 0/1
Harm: 0/3
Harm: 2/4
Harm: 2/5
Harm: 0/5
XP: 0

- Imperial Psyker +2
- Object Reader
- Mind Reader​
- Spy +1
- Historian +1
- Old Terra​

- Knife
- Web Pistol
- Eldar Slinger Pistol
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[X] You thought you might go down belowdecks and check on the crew and passengers, see how the ship is run and how life is lived on the venerable vessel. You hadn't in your last journey as you'd been mildly ill during warp travel, but Praxis always made a point to.
[X] You hadn't wanted to test the patience of your hosts last journey, but this time curiosity was compelling you. The engine room of this ship must be quite the place, and you wondered how it was kept running. Who was the Magos who ruled this primordial domain?
[X] You thought you might go down belowdecks and check on the crew and passengers, see how the ship is run and how life is lived on the venerable vessel. You hadn't in your last journey as you'd been mildly ill during warp travel, but Praxis always made a point to.

gotta see the hullghast races and bet on the local boxing rings and throw some bones with the foremast jacks!
[X] You discovered in your last journey that the ship has an officer's library, ill-used and half-forgotten. As small and shabby as it is, it must be ancient indeed. What could you find in there?

[X] You thought you might go down belowdecks and check on the crew and passengers, see how the ship is run and how life is lived on the venerable vessel. You hadn't in your last journey as you'd been mildly ill during warp travel, but Praxis always made a point to.
[X] You discovered in your last journey that the ship has an officer's library, ill-used and half-forgotten. As small and shabby as it is, it must be ancient indeed. What could you find in there?

I want to try and follow up on that glimpse of old terra.
[X] You discovered in your last journey that the ship has an officer's library, ill-used and half-forgotten. As small and shabby as it is, it must be ancient indeed. What could you find in there?
[X] You thought you might go down belowdecks and check on the crew and passengers, see how the ship is run and how life is lived on the venerable vessel. You hadn't in your last journey as you'd been mildly ill during warp travel, but Praxis always made a point to.
Dremel and Cass continue to be delights. Especially the... I'm not sure what word to use but I guess respectful way you portray dremel? He's not someone who is funny ha ha stupid he's just neuroatypical.

[X] You thought you might go down belowdecks and check on the crew and passengers, see how the ship is run and how life is lived on the venerable vessel. You hadn't in your last journey as you'd been mildly ill during warp travel, but Praxis always made a point to.

Mother knows best ;)
Ah, nice, more of this; thanks! :)

All three are tempting, but...

[X] You thought you might go down belowdecks and check on the crew and passengers, see how the ship is run and how life is lived on the venerable vessel. You hadn't in your last journey as you'd been mildly ill during warp travel, but Praxis always made a point to.

That one, I think, for that reason at the end.
[X] You hadn't wanted to test the patience of your hosts last journey, but this time curiosity was compelling you. The engine room of this ship must be quite the place, and you wondered how it was kept running. Who was the Magos who ruled this primordial domain?
[X] You discovered in your last journey that the ship has an officer's library, ill-used and half-forgotten. As small and shabby as it is, it must be ancient indeed. What could you find in there?
[X] You thought you might go down belowdecks and check on the crew and passengers, see how the ship is run and how life is lived on the venerable vessel. You hadn't in your last journey as you'd been mildly ill during warp travel, but Praxis always made a point to.
[X] You discovered in your last journey that the ship has an officer's library, ill-used and half-forgotten. As small and shabby as it is, it must be ancient indeed. What could you find in there?
[X] You discovered in your last journey that the ship has an officer's library, ill-used and half-forgotten. As small and shabby as it is, it must be ancient indeed. What could you find in there?

[X] You discovered in your last journey that the ship has an officer's library, ill-used and half-forgotten. As small and shabby as it is, it must be ancient indeed. What could you find in there?
[X] You discovered in your last journey that the ship has an officer's library, ill-used and half-forgotten. As small and shabby as it is, it must be ancient indeed. What could you find in there?
[X] You thought you might go down belowdecks and check on the crew and passengers, see how the ship is run and how life is lived on the venerable vessel. You hadn't in your last journey as you'd been mildly ill during warp travel, but Praxis always made a point to.
People are more interesting than books.

[X] You thought you might go down belowdecks and check on the crew and passengers, see how the ship is run and how life is lived on the venerable vessel. You hadn't in your last journey as you'd been mildly ill during warp travel, but Praxis always made a point to.
[X] You thought you might go down belowdecks and check on the crew and passengers, see how the ship is run and how life is lived on the venerable vessel. You hadn't in your last journey as you'd been mildly ill during warp travel, but Praxis always made a point to.
By the way, the fact that Praxis now has a whole Space Marine chapter aligned with her shows just how much influence she's got now.
[X] You discovered in your last journey that the ship has an officer's library, ill-used and half-forgotten. As small and shabby as it is, it must be ancient indeed. What could you find in there?
[X] You thought you might go down belowdecks and check on the crew and passengers, see how the ship is run and how life is lived on the venerable vessel. You hadn't in your last journey as you'd been mildly ill during warp travel, but Praxis always made a point to.
. "Love Space Marines. You know I'm kinda like one, right?"

"I mean, you're big, yeah," Cass admitted.

"No, I mean… Miss Magos-Ann told me! Everyone says ogryns are big and strong because we used to be little humans that got left on big planets and we evolved, but she says that don't make any sense. Not enough time, and we woulda gotten stumpy and little like the Squats anyway, right?"

"I suppose," Cass said.

"We wouldn'ta gotten dumber neither, no reason to. Brain's the best tool a human's got, she says. Nah, she says sometime a long time ago we musta been proper warriors, waaaaay back before Space Marines; some old warlord made us big and strong and a bit shit at thinking for ourselves much, which…"

Revisiting this, I like this alternative explanation for Ogryns, partially because it's just nice to have an alternative explanation, partially because it gives a slight Thunder Warriors connection, and partially because it's a nice way of showing the overbearing uncertainty and weight of the history of the Imperium.