Benefaction: A Combine Ck2 Quest in Star Wars Legends

I mean if we start a zombie apocalypse that gives people even more reasons to move into our safe zones and become our citizens!
I mean if we start a zombie apocalypse that gives people even more reasons to move into our safe zones and become our citizens!
Ideally we want to do that after we can swat down escape attempts so they don't spread word of it far and wide. But we'll see how it goes.

We'll see how much spine, brain and suave the Hutts have first.
@Mantising do we have any SPAAG or mobile SAM designs in our database or is our only anti air option at the moment researching those orbital defense munitions?
If we can get our hands on any type of droids, that'll be a godsend for us as we can potentially mass spam them like the CIS does but with improved designs.
If we can get our hands on any type of droids, that'll be a godsend for us as we can potentially mass spam them like the CIS does but with improved designs.
it'd be funny if after a very long redesign process the advisor just throws his hands (psionic manipulation projections?) into the air and shoves a droid brain into a proper UGV; why make a legged robot when you can use a synth, transhuman, or even local forces?

@Mantising do we have any SPAAG or mobile SAM designs in our database or is our only anti air option at the moment researching those orbital defense munitions?
Headcanoning that the APC missiles are anti-air capable, but Striders are able to hit flying objects.
A single one of those damn things could shoot down our rocket. - Arne Magnusson in Episode 2
Also headcanoning that there's an AA version of the Suppression Device, which is included in the one you can build in quest. The Combine must have SOME AA that we just don't hear about, else someone would have done a kamikaze run on City 17 long before we ever see it.
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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Mantising on Sep 12, 2023 at 8:20 PM, finished with 46 posts and 18 votes.

  • [x] Bunker Down And Crab
    [x] Bunker Down And Crab
    -[x] Abstain(Tactics) (Free, take no actions in this category and instead gain it's die as half-strength Free Die for this turn.)
    -[x] 2x Administration Die, 2 Half-Strength Die (Tactics) Small Synthwombs (205/225)
    -[x] 2x Free Die, 1x Half-Strength Die (Diplomacy) Setup a Suppression System (0/100 +10 to location defense once completed.)
    -[x] 1x Research Die Humanoid Augmentation (105/150)
    -[x] 1x Research Die Repulsor Transport Design (0/115)
    -[x] Abstain(Diplomacy) (Free, take no actions in this category and instead gain it's die as half-strength Free Die for this turn.)
    -[x] 1x Psionics Die Practice (DC Variable, Small chance to improve Psionics skill.)
    -[X] Abstain(Tactics) (Free, take no actions in this category and instead gain it's die as half-strength Free Die for this turn.) X2
    -[X] Small Synthwombs (205/225)(Half die/tactics)
    -[X] Setup a Suppression System (0/100 +10 to location defense once completed.)(Full die) X2
    -[X] Defoliant Studies (0/100, Enables non-aerial logistics running out of your base.) (Full die)X2
    -[X] Humanoid Augmentation (105/150) (Half die/diplomacy)
    -[X] Repulsor Transport Design (0/115) (Free die)X2 and (Half die/tactics)
    -[x] Abstain(Diplomacy) (Free, take no actions in this category and instead gain it's die as half-strength Free Die for this turn.)
    -[X] Practice (DC Variable, Small chance to improve Psionics skill.)(Full die)
    [X] Stay on target
If we can get our hands on any type of droids, that'll be a godsend for us as we can potentially mass spam them like the CIS does but with improved designs.

I want to see the ultimate battle in time, available since we have Portal technology.

A horde of B-1s vs a horde of Wheatley based robots.

The sheer incompetence in one location could destroy a sector.
@Mantising do we have any SPAAG or mobile SAM designs in our database or is our only anti air option at the moment researching those orbital defense munitions?
Its very likely we will get accses to such eqjuipment down the line, remember the Combine forces we see in the games are only a garrison. Striders one of the most dangerous units we fight is basically just a moble heavy machine gun, sure it has an anti-matter cannon but put a MBT infront of a Strider and the MBT will likely win the fight. So we can most certainly say that the Combine used something other than Striders to invade Earth.
What sort of fire control do striders have as an aside, that rocket thing is probably referring to one of them shooting it down on ascent when it's still relatively slow and close and traveling in an easily predictable path.
Once the next turn comes. Let's focus on our transhuman augmentation force, repulser tech and the defoliants. Cause we need to clear out large swaths of the jungles and forests in case any pesky hutts decide To hunker down there.
Using headcrabs with the pods and make them able to reproduce would be a very good weapon to have in the future.
Imagen the sheer terror of these seemingly useless creatures when they can hijack the nervous system of a creature
Using headcrabs with the pods and make them able to reproduce would be a very good weapon to have in the future.
Imagen the sheer terror of these seemingly useless creatures when they can hijack the nervous system of a creature

The zombies/headcrabs, do not differentiate between our troops and the local population.

Making it spin out of control, is not conducive to long term goals.

They already are a terror weapon, the zombies being more 'alive' than Rakghouls, able to scream if backwards, plead for help, for death. The Jedi probably will be immediate wanting to stop us whenever they hear of it. The Sith will be like "Dang, why didn't WE think of that? Tip of the hat my rival."
Using headcrabs with the pods and make them able to reproduce would be a very good weapon to have in the future.
Imagen the sheer terror of these seemingly useless creatures when they can hijack the nervous system of a creature

The zombies/headcrabs, do not differentiate between our troops and the local population.
While the idea of headcrabs as terror weapons is quite cemented in Combine tactics.. making them reproduce is just asking for our own forces to be overthrown thanks to the Gonarchs..

Just one is a full on boss battle vs a fully armed Freeman.. a breeding population just simply isn't worth the trouble.

The headcrabs might not be XCOM chryssalids.. but same issues apply to them if they get out of control. Especially with the headcrab variants from Alyx.
imagen what the combine would do once they have their hands on the star wars Rancor or anything else
The Yuuzhan Vong did certainly prove this with their experiments with the Vornsk
Either way, head crabs are bound to escape into the wilderness. While I do see them escaping, we can stop the problem or mitigate it via regularly culling. Cremators exist for a reason people.
Either way, head crabs are bound to escape into the wilderness. While I do see them escaping, we can stop the problem or mitigate it via regularly culling

Dont know if you saw it, but the GM already said that the headcrabs we fire with the canisters are sterile, let me search for it

Edit: Found it!
Your headcrabs are essentially stuck as being sterile clones unless you happen to acquire some Star Wars native biotech to modify them with, so any infestations you make won't be self-replicating under most circumstances.
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