Teaching the Next Generation To Blame Danzo: A Jounin Sensei Quest (A Naruto AU)

Genin Days (Personal Moments)
Genin Days (Personal Moments)

-[X]Talk to your Fellow Jounin: It seems that Ayako has invited everyone from the meeting to her house to have some quality get-together time. It's been a while since that happened, and everyone appreciates her cooking. At least its ingredients are prepared for her. Rolled:D100 => 67

Ayako's house was still as homely as it always was… though the strange weapons you had to admit, they looked stupid. Seriously, a weapon that can shoot a projectile at the speed of sound? Preposterous. Even she said that it didn't work because the ammo she tried to make was stupid.

But anyway, she had Kakashi there, the estranged son, along with Shiro the exiled apprentice, and Asuma, the son of the Hokage. And you, the insane tree man.

The Jounin that were now leading Genin teams…

Well, Asuma wasn't, he was looking for a way to talk to people, namely Kuranei without arousing too much suspicion. Everyone knew he was after that booty and it would be a shame if he failed.

Good for him for trying.

"Mom, I'm not exactly feeling like enjoying your cooking today, because I think Kagami is being…"

"Kagami got his ice cream, so he will be helping out and not trying to burn the sauce this time. Right Kagami?" Ayako said with a singsong voice to the wandering shadow that looked suspiciously like Ayako, who was cooking at the stove.

"You better give me more ice cream after this is done, I refuse to believe that you had that much cookie dough, and are hiding the rest." The shadow talked. "Oh hi, Yamato."

"Kagami." You bowed your head. "Curry?"

"You know it." The Beast of Ayako replied. "Ayako, please pass the sage."

Ayako threw the sage over her shoulder before the beast caught it, dabbing it two times before setting the container down.

"You know Kakashi, I always wondered why you don't have a Beast, despite Ayako being your mom? Don't they like-" Shiro asked before Ayako slapped him.

"We don't talk about why Kakashi doesn't have a beast." You felt the pain that Shiro felt from the slap before she turned to face Asuma, who shrugged.

"It's complicated and a state secret." He ended the conversation with a smile, though all who were there knew that it was time to drop the subject. Now.

Kakashi just waved. "Thanks. I thought you called us here because you wanted to talk about the teams."

"We were waiting for Yamato. How is it going dear?" She smiled as she offered a place at her table.

"It's pretty good. I can't believe Hiruzen made Naruto almost want to stop being Hokage because of paperwork." You replied.

Asuma laughed. "Yeah heard about that. I can't believe you were stupid enough to go for that as your first mission."

You frowned. "It felt like a good idea at the time, you know, with Naruto wanting to be the Hokage. How wrong I was."

Shiro laughed. "Well, I was lucky that Hinata, Kiba, and Shino were happy to walk dogs. I almost had them go for Tora, just to see if we could go for the record."

Everyone laughed.

"You wanted to throw them at Tora for the first mission?" Kakashi bellowed, and it was nice to see him enjoy himself, enjoying the living, as well as mourning the dead. "You know my team still has the record, and it's stood there since the war."

A moment passed as you thought back to Tora the Demon Cat, Madam Shijimi's cat. The fact that Daimyo's cat is released to the village has been something of a joke ever since Konoha was founded. The Daimyo and the previous daimyo had cats that they bred to try and sell them to the village as nin-cats. And their wives always let them out to see how smart they were, to see if they came back to her.

The cats were smart, strong, and demons to the local wildlife… they were also a public health hazard. They went after the birds, killed dogs, and acted like Shiro, always finding out where all the ANBU were hiding.

But never ROOT Agents, which pissed you off. You would have liked to see those damn cats find the ROOT agents that were hiding.

And thus the Daimyo cat retrieval missions were born. Mostly to keep ANBU safe, and to prevent a public health crisis. Because if a cat could find them, then enemy ninjas most certainly could. And that would not do.

Tora was the latest in a long line of feral kitties that had to be rescued and returned to her owner.

Then everyone looked at Kakashi. "So what did you do for the kid's first mission Kakashi? Tora Retrieval?" You asked.

A moment passed before he smiled under his mask. "I haven't actually taken them on a mission yet. Just training."

"Coward." You heard Shiro mutter.

Kakashi frowned under the mask. "Quiet brat. You don't get to talk."

"My first mission with you was retrieving the White Chakra Sabre with you." He smiled. "You know, an A-Rank that I should have never been on."

"But I never took you on the Tora mission because I would like to keep my record." You and Ayako then laughed at Kakashi's childish reason to not give Shiro a Tora Retrieval mission, because Shiro was the master at finding everyone in the village. Kakashi then pointed at Shiro. "I also needed your eyes."

Then Kagami spoke. "Um… Dinners ready." He said with a smile appearing in the shadow. "Ayako, you owe me."

Ayako then smiled. "Alright, everyone, let's eat."

Reward: You spend time with the other Genin teachers, Ayako and Asuma. And enjoyed a nice meal prepared by Ayako's Beast, Kagami.

-[X]The First Part (Sasuke's Everything): Sasuke was sitting, looking at the compound where he was… cleaning it. Much of the Uchiha compound was ruined, and he was trying to rebuild it. Rolled: D100 => 72

Sasuke was cleaning the overgrown compound when you arrived. He did not notice you, as he continued throwing the weeds into another pile. The compound was ruined still, as the village was not legally allowed to claim it as a member of the Uchiha clan still lived.

So it was left alone. Left alone and untouched since the day of the massacre. Save for the work done by one Sasuke Uchiha, who had almost every day after the academy, when he wasn't training, spent several hours trying to maintain the houses, the gardens, and what was left of his old home.

Much of the cloth was torn, hastily put together with rough stitching, and patches. The wood of the houses had been torn apart and replaced one board at a time, and several houses were dilapidated, almost falling apart from being left to the elements. Roofs were damaged, and windows were destroyed. The bodies may have been gone, and they may have been cleaned, but dust and disuse were all that was left, as this part of the village was slowly falling apart.

It was a broken shell of a place that was once so kind, bright, and full of life.

Just like the young boy in front of you.

"Sasuke." You said his name, but the boy did not listen, he just continued to work, focusing on the last of the weeds that were in the garden that was dead, with no flowers, vegetation, or anything. Just a piece of empty lifeless dirt.

"Sasuke." You said his name again, feeling a need to raise your voice.

"WHAT!" He screamed as he turned back, his hands ready to fight. He froze for a moment, recognizing you after a few moments of silence. "Sensei."

"Are you alright?" You asked. He wasn't you knew that. You knew what he was doing. You had done it before you sought help.

"I'm fine." He said looking away and getting back to work.

You knew not to push it, but instead, you sighed and walked towards him, and made a few signs. You used the Mokuton to pick all the weeds and place them neatly into a pile along the pathway. A moment later, the wood popped out and made new fences for the formerly dilapidated gardens.

You took a moment to breathe and give a smile. Sasuke was amazed by the feat, and he turned to face you. "You-"

"You looked like you needed a break from the labor." You then offered a hand. "We'll finish cleaning these weeds, and then let me buy you some dinner. We can talk there."

Ichiraku's Ramen… Naruto's favorite restaurant. You found it a comforting place, with a happy staff and a nonintrusive ear. Most people ignored this place when Naruto was around, but when he was not, it was the most popular restaurant in the village.

But today it was empty. It seems Naruto was on a ramen binge and that meant people avoided this place today.

But he wasn't there when you arrived. Meaning you could talk to him alone. "Are you alright?"

"I am." Sasuke said angrily, but you knew he was lying.

You sighed as you ordered two bowls of the special. "Not to pry, but I think I can understand."

"What do you mean?" Sasuke was legitimately confused by the statement.

"When I was young, I was part of an experiment, that gave me my unique set of skills. And for a very long time, I thought it would be the sole thing that defined me, my powers, and the experiments done to me." You said with empathy in your voice. "You think that after everything that has happened, that that day will be the only thing that defines you. Because Itachi wanted that day to define you." You looked him deep in his eyes. "He wanted himself to define you."

You took a breath. "It took me some time to figure out that I didn't have to let those things that happened define me. I found something to distance myself from it, and in the end, I accepted it as part of who I was… but I refused to let it define me."

As the Ramen appeared, you smiled. "Just, think about that Sasuke. I always found that time is one of those things that might help."

Sasuke was confused. But as you both ate, you could see the wheels of his mind turn.

And you knew he would be thinking about it.

Reward: Maybe you got through to him, to get him to finally ask for help.

To finally move forward from the pain that Itachi caused him.

You hope.

Ah, Another Day, another bout of TRAINING!

Training: As you are training the Genin, you can choose to do them all together, or train them separately.

The Write in is entirely on you to come up with an idea to train them.

How do you want to Train Naruto:
[]Write in

How do you want to Train Sasuke:
[]Write in

How do you want to Train Yakumo:
[]Write in

Missions: These are the missions ninja forces take to earn their paycheck. As you are teaching Fresh Genin, you are restricted to D-Ranks and they will join you.

(Must Choose 1)

[]Walk the Dogs of the Izunuka: The Izunuka clan needs some extra dog walkers as the kennel master is sick. That's going to be easy, as those dogs are smart.

[]Catching the Demon Cat Tora: The most dangerous D-Rank in the village. That cat is utterly insane, and it's time to go for the Record that has stood since Team Minato took it all those years ago.

[]Weeding Gardens: You honestly just think people are lazy, considering that the weeds are so easy to pick. Well, time to pick them, and make the gardens beautiful.

[]Gate Duty: The Second Easiest Job in Konoha that may put you in actual Danger. Most of the time the Gate duty is not the same as guard duty at the gate. This means that the kids will be treated to the joys and wonders of Paperwork. Are you cruel? Are you mad? No, but you think that things are going to be alright.

[]Rebuilding the Uchiha Compound: A mission from Sasuke, who is putting up quite a bit of money for it. He wants the Team to help him rebuild the Compound. He… says it will help him get Closure.

Personal Actions: What do you do?:
(Choose 2)

[]Go to Therapy: Dr. Kujo is surprised to see you again so soon. He has something to say to you about the Minimum Sanity requirement.

[]Talk to your Fellow Jounin: Another dinner, for mission talk. Yay!

[]Troll Danzo: Time to relish in the fact that Danzo cannot touch you at all, and you want to make sure that ROOT remembers that you are not a fucking member anymore. Freedom feels so sweet, doesn't it Danzo?

[]Getting the Team into Therapy: Dr. Kujo will be seeing this team, to get them mentally ready.

[]Celebrate: You now have a team of Genin. They deserve to have some fun.

[]The First Part (Naruto's Trust Issues): You are looking at Naruto in his home. "May I come in?"

[]The First Part (Yakumo's Beast): You looked at Yakumo. "Can I speak to Hanzo?"

AN: enjoy. and plan format.
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[X] Plan Rolling Stones
-[X] Naruto will be drilled in beginner taijutsu/bukijutsu (weapons work) with experimentation to see what kind of jutsu he can use with his poor chakra control - chakra control comes later. Focus on experimenting with different weapons to see what works best for him, and demonstrate chakra flow as a goal to strive for. Further motivation will be done with offering to teach him the finer points of pranking for especially good work. We'll have him trolling Danzo in no time!
-[X] Sasuke will be drilled in water walking and continuing his medical training. If he completes one or both, move on to nin-taijutsu, with a focus on the fine art of shanking bitches with medical techniques.
-[X] Yakumo will begin with a round of DODGE THE STICK. Then she'll move on to mixing genjutsu and taijutsu. Do some basic experimenting to see how she handles trap work, and rope in Naruto to provide suggestions. Traps and genjutsu is a bitchin combo.
-[X] Rebuilding the Uchiha Compound: A mission from Sasuke, who is putting up quite a bit of money for it. He wants the Team to help him rebuild the Compound. He… says it will help him get Closure.
-[X] The First Part (Naruto's Trust Issues): You are looking at Naruto in his home. "May I come in?"
-[X] The First Part (Yakumo's Beast): You looked at Yakumo. "Can I speak to Hanzo?"

I kind of like the team dynamic we're starting. Naruto as a front-runner, Sasuke as a mid-liner, and Yakumo as a back-liner/support specialist.
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"You better give me more ice cream after this is done, I refuse to believe that you had that much cookie dough, and are hiding the rest." The shadow talked. "Oh hi, Yamato."
"You know it." The Beast of Ayako replied. "Ayako, please pass the sage."
Why wasn't Kagami's dialogue in the first paragraph bolded?

They went after the birds killed dogs,
There should be a comma after "birds".

But never ROOT Agents, which pissed you off. You would have liked to see those damn cats find the ROOT agents that were hiding.
Watch as it turns out the cats are ROOT agents! :V

He wasn't you knew that.
There should be a comma after "wasn't".

[]Talk to your Fellow Jounin: It seems that Ayako has invited everyone from the meeting to her house to have some quality get-together time. It's been a while since that happened, and everyone appreciates her cooking. At least its ingredients are prepared for her.
I'm pretty sure that the description for this should be changed considering we just did this.

[X] Plan Mental Health
-[X] Naruto will be drilled in beginner taijutsu/bukijutsu (weapons work) with experimentation to see what kind of jutsu he can use with his poor chakra control - chakra control comes later. Focus on experimenting with different weapons to see what works best for him, and demonstrate chakra flow as a goal to strive for. Further motivation will be done with offering to teach him the finer points of pranking for especially good work. We'll have him trolling Danzo in no time!
-[X] Sasuke will be drilled in water walking and continuing his medical training. If he completes that, move on to nin-taijutsu, with a focus on the fine art of shanking bitches with medical techniques.
-[X] Yakumo will begin with a round of DODGE THE STICK. Then she'll move on to mixing genjutsu and taijutsu. Do some basic experimenting to see how she handles trap work, and rope in Naruto to provide suggestions. Traps and genjutsu is a bitchin combo.
-[X]Rebuilding the Uchiha Compound: A mission from Sasuke, who is putting up quite a bit of money for it. He wants the Team to help him rebuild the Compound. He… says it will help him get Closure.
-[X]Getting the Team into Therapy: Dr. Kujo will be seeing this team, to get them mentally ready.
-[X]The First Part (Yakumo's Beast): You looked at Yakumo. "Can I speak to Hanzo?"

Our teams still desperately needs therapy, and I think the Compound Mission will do Sasuke at least some good. Prioritizing Yakima over Naruto because it seems his trust issues aren't as immediately problematic as I thought.
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Watch as it turns out the cats are ROOT agents! :V
... Dammit DANZO!
Our teams still desperately needs therapy, and I think the Compound Mission will do Sasuke at least some good. Prioritizing Yakima over Naruto because it seems his trust issues aren't as immediately problematic as I thought.
Eh, hopefully he understands thats we're going in first aid standards.

He isn't the worst off. :V
[X] Plan Rolling Stones

A Poor Student (Academic): He hates class and school work. That is not a problem but needs to be addressed, as he is lacking in numerous theoretical subjects that all ninjas should know. (-20 to all teaching rolls when it involves trying to teach Naruto through lecture, or with books)
This is still on Naruto's sheet? I would have thought we mitigated some of this flavor text? Do we still need to cover some more basics?
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[X] Plan: I blame Danzo for almost failing the Paperwork mission
-[X] Naruto: We have discovered his talent for forgery and should nurture it
-[X] Sasuke: He just needs motivation.Waterwalking again.But this time invite his fanclub to the show.
-[X] Yakumo:More Dodge stick, but this time it is a hydrastick.Every time Hanzo just disintegrates the stick or clone. You make two new ones.
--[X] Hanzo: Test how much he learned at the academy as distraction
-[X]Rebuilding the Uchiha Compound: A mission from Sasuke, who is putting up quite a bit of money for it. He wants the Team to help him rebuild the Compound. He… says it will help him get Closure.
-[X]Getting the Team into Therapy: Dr. Kujo will be seeing this team, to get them mentally ready.
-[X]The First Part (Yakumo's Beast): You looked at Yakumo. "Can I speak to Hanzo?"
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Hokage Wannabe: He wishes to be Hokage… Poor kid has no idea what he's getting into.

No change? Naruto must have chosen to forget paperwork ever existed! This could be serious! Even more if the trait for a fear of paperwork is invisible, for a trait that fears paperwork needs not to submit itself to be filed!

The Beast in Me (Fear and Loathing): She is part of the Kurama Clan, meaning she has a reality-warping Alter Ego that can bend reality to their will, with training, and trust. Gaining trust and training will allow her to control it, and assist greatly in changing the shape of battle (Every rank up of this trait will open up her creativity, and her Beasts ability to assist you, with weapons, armor, people, or even change the battlefield to whatever you need.)
And I think this is the last significant must be altered one that might need a update. I would believe Yakuma and Hanzo moved from the rank "The Beast in Me (Fear and Loathing)" based on the flavor text we saw in training and mission. They did not?
No change? Naruto must have chosen to forget paperwork ever existed! This could be serious! Even more if the trait for a fear of paperwork is invisible, for a trait that fears paperwork needs not to submit itself to be filed!
No... Not yet. He just thinks the Hokage is fucking with him.

There will be a change, but thats if he finally realizes that Paperwork is actually a thing that he has to do.

Instead of just Yakumo genjutsuing it done and falling asleep on the hokage's couch.

Also, it wasn't a crit fail, so he still thinks being hokage is cool.
And I think this is the last significant must be altered one that might need a update. I would believe Yakuma and Hanzo moved from the rank "The Beast in Me (Fear and Loathing)" based on the flavor text we saw in training and mission. They did not?
Actually no.

Part one of Yakumo's action will change that flavor text and status. not just training

Yakumo has only worked on it with you involved and training. Not with her on her own.

Which is a very big thing. Yakumo herself needs to build trust with Hanzo, and she hasn't done that yet.
[X] Plan Mental Health

We need to meet therapy's minimums, we have 3 people with trauma/anger activated powers, we need a baseline for how messed up everything is,
[X] Plan Rolling Stones

While I like the idea of getting everyone to therapy, I think there would be negative modifiers until we address the trust issues.
[X] Plan Rolling Stones

We need to meet therapy's minimums, we have 3 people with trauma/anger activated powers, we need a baseline for how messed up everything is,
5 people. Yamato also has issues, but they are less... well his issues stem from his youth in ROOT and his ability trying to take control. And Hanzo is technically his own person, who just happens to share a body with Yakumo.

Also, you may wonder why Yamato isn't getting XP for missions and training. Easy.

He only gets XP for missions outside the village.

And his special traits won't be given to you till you level 30. After all, you are teaching the kids, not becoming the greatest badass ever.

We need to meet therapy's minimums, we have 3 people with trauma/anger activated powers, we need a baseline for how messed up everything is,

The Therapy lock is less a issue than you think. The solution to deal with the genin's issues is to take on those actions towards dealing with their issues, not throwing the genin into therapy before they have mostly resolved their issues. The goal should be one therapy session for the genin at all to clear them.

As for Yamato's therapy clear? Eh, we can take missions outside the village if we can convince the Hokage to let us without having a Therapy all clear for Yamato. Right now though we really should be focused on training our team. Until the team can all perform a genjutsu dispell, can make basic storage seals from scratch (This is for a few reasons, one is to test to see if any of the three genin would be considered a natural at fuinjutsu, two is to give the genins a storage space, three is to see if teaching fuinjutsu would be quick to the Kurama member as fuinjutsu+traps+genjutsu is chef's kiss), and are all capable of the Tree Walking exercise. I don't want to leave the village yet.

The current foundations are good direction, but more can be done before we take missions outside the village. C-Ranks be cursed.
The current foundations are good direction, but more can be done before we take missions outside the village. C-Ranks be cursed
The first c rank always goes wrong as is tradition.

But this time at least it will be different from wave as being Shiro is suffering.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Magoose on Sep 10, 2023 at 7:50 PM, finished with 22 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X] Plan Rolling Stones
    -[X] Naruto will be drilled in beginner taijutsu/bukijutsu (weapons work) with experimentation to see what kind of jutsu he can use with his poor chakra control - chakra control comes later. Focus on experimenting with different weapons to see what works best for him, and demonstrate chakra flow as a goal to strive for. Further motivation will be done with offering to teach him the finer points of pranking for especially good work. We'll have him trolling Danzo in no time!
    -[X] Sasuke will be drilled in water walking and continuing his medical training. If he completes one or both, move on to nin-taijutsu, with a focus on the fine art of shanking bitches with medical techniques.
    -[X] Yakumo will begin with a round of DODGE THE STICK. Then she'll move on to mixing genjutsu and taijutsu. Do some basic experimenting to see how she handles trap work, and rope in Naruto to provide suggestions. Traps and genjutsu is a bitchin combo.
    -[X] Rebuilding the Uchiha Compound: A mission from Sasuke, who is putting up quite a bit of money for it. He wants the Team to help him rebuild the Compound. He… says it will help him get Closure.
    -[X] The First Part (Naruto's Trust Issues): You are looking at Naruto in his home. "May I come in?"
    -[X] The First Part (Yakumo's Beast): You looked at Yakumo. "Can I speak to Hanzo?"
    [X] Plan Mental Health
    -[X] Naruto will be drilled in beginner taijutsu/bukijutsu (weapons work) with experimentation to see what kind of jutsu he can use with his poor chakra control - chakra control comes later. Focus on experimenting with different weapons to see what works best for him, and demonstrate chakra flow as a goal to strive for. Further motivation will be done with offering to teach him the finer points of pranking for especially good work. We'll have him trolling Danzo in no time!
    -[X] Sasuke will be drilled in water walking and continuing his medical training. If he completes that, move on to nin-taijutsu, with a focus on the fine art of shanking bitches with medical techniques.
    -[X] Yakumo will begin with a round of DODGE THE STICK. Then she'll move on to mixing genjutsu and taijutsu. Do some basic experimenting to see how she handles trap work, and rope in Naruto to provide suggestions. Traps and genjutsu is a bitchin combo.
    -[X] Rebuilding the Uchiha Compound: A mission from Sasuke, who is putting up quite a bit of money for it. He wants the Team to help him rebuild the Compound. He… says it will help him get Closure.
    -[X]Getting the Team into Therapy: Dr. Kujo will be seeing this team, to get them mentally ready.
    -[X] The First Part (Yakumo's Beast): You looked at Yakumo. "Can I speak to Hanzo?"
    [X] Plan: I blame Danzo for almost failing the Paperwork mission
    -[X] Naruto: We have discovered his talent for forgery and should nurture it
    -[X] Sasuke: He just needs motivation.Waterwalking again.But this time invite his fanclub to the show.
    -[X] Yakumo:More Dodge stick, but this time it is a hydrastick.Every time Hanzo just disintegrates the stick or clone. You make two new ones.
    --[X] Hanzo: Test how much he learned at the academy as distraction
    -[X] Rebuilding the Uchiha Compound: A mission from Sasuke, who is putting up quite a bit of money for it. He wants the Team to help him rebuild the Compound. He… says it will help him get Closure.
    -[X]Getting the Team into Therapy: Dr. Kujo will be seeing this team, to get them mentally ready.
    -[X] The First Part (Yakumo's Beast): You looked at Yakumo. "Can I speak to Hanzo?"
Team 3 Accendence (Training)
Team 3 Ascendance (Training)

At Training Ground 3, you sat down and watched your students gather for their training. "Alright everyone, let's talk the basics. We're going to be doing something different this time."

-[X] Naruto will be drilled in beginner taijutsu/bukijutsu (weapons work) with experimentation to see what kind of jutsu he can use with his poor chakra control - chakra control comes later. Focus on experimenting with different weapons to see what works best for him, and demonstrate chakra flow as a goal to strive for. Further motivation will be done with offering to teach him the finer points of pranking for especially good work. We'll have him trolling Danzo in no time! Rolled:D100 => 87+40=127

"Naruto." You handed over a few Kunai and a few training scrolls, all with B Rank Jutsus and above. "We are going to be working on some experimentation today, where we will be working on weapons training, and Taijutsu, as well as trying to find out which jutsu among this pile will serve you well to add to your arsenal."

Naruto looked at the scrolls and then raised an eyebrow with confusion. "Um… aren't these Jutsu all B-Ranks? I'm only a genin."

"You are correct, but seeing as your chakra pool is quite literally an ocean, and using the lower ranks with finer control is like trying to fill a cup with an ocean, I thought it would be better to try and use something that requires far more chakra to see just how much we can cheat with those large reserves."

Naruto then seemed to deflate, as if he was not going to have as much fun as the last training session. But instead, you smiled. "But if you succeed in one of those jutsus, or we find something we can work on…"

You paused and pulled out a list, your list of the Agents of ROOT and Danzo's favorite restaurants. "Pranking. And how it can be used to help the village."

Naruto looked at you. "How is pranking going to help the village?"

You smiled. "Do you know Shiro Hyuuga?"

He shrugged. "Yeah, Glassy Eyes, always hangs out with some random guy in the cemetery, he's one of the few people who can stop me from pranking the villagers… why?"

You smiled. "Well, he finds out how to penetrate the village defenses by finding everyone. Now think about how you can test the village's defenses with your pranks?"

You saw the devious smile of Naruto appear before he ran off with those scrolls.

Should you have warned Hiruzen about the monster you have created, and the chaos you will bring?


Did he deserve it after the whole Hokage paperwork debacle?


And you could finally find all those Damn ROOT Agents who were stealing your bacon… and stealing your art supplies. What kind of person would do that?

-[X] Sasuke will be drilled in water walking and continuing his medical training. If he completes one or both, move on to nin-taijutsu, with a focus on the fine art of shanking bitches with medical techniques. Rolled:D100 + 40 => 118

"Sensei, am I going to!?" Sasuke tried to gain control of the conversation but instead, you stopped him.

"Unfortunately, I know you want to practice your combat skills. But for this time, I am going to continue with your chakra control."

"What, I'm-" Sasuke complained.

"Sasuke." You said his name softly, but instead of making him angry, you saw he stopped and listened. He must have been thinking about what you told him. "We are continuing where we left off last time… But." He seemed to perk up after that.

"We will be going over how medical ninjutsu can be used in combat. And how it can not only keep you alive… but also keep everyone else alive. And how even the great Uchiha can be beaten with it."

That earned a peek of interest, and you smiled.

He went to the pond to train his water walking skill.

And then, you saw him stay above the water. On his feet.


-[X] Yakumo will begin with a round of DODGE THE STICK. Then she'll move on to mixing genjutsu and taijutsu. Do some basic experimenting to see how she handles trap work, and rope in Naruto to provide suggestions. Traps and genjutsu is a bitchin combo. Rolled:D100 + 40 => 67

"Yakumo… now we are going to do something different. As you are still getting up to the other's level, you will be still dodging the stick."

Yakumo seemed to be a little troubled at that, but instead, you stopped her. "First. Then we are going to work together with your teammates to work on your taijutsu, get you up to snuff."

You stopped and realized that the pranking idea that you had with Naruto gave you an idea. "What is your opinion on pranks?"

Yakumo looked down. "Um, due to Hanzo, pranks are frowned upon by the clan, mostly because they can potentially cause great destruction and other stuff."

There was a smile that rose on your face. "What about Traps?"

That made Yakumo see your line of thinking. "Traps using my genjutsu?"

"Yes." You replied with a smile.

She then nodded. "I'll try Sensei."

"Hanzo… you better help her!" You ordered.

"Fine." The Beast complained as they both worked together to create their own way.

You would have Naruto critiquing the traps after you help him with those Jutsu.

Something told you that he would be far better at this thing then you were.

You also needed to get to Shiro. You really wanted to see if he could help you in your crusade against ROOT.

Maybe get Kakashi involved. That would be nice, the three of you back at it again to right some wrongs and blame Danzo for all your problems.
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