Edge of the Inner Sphere (A BattleTech Quest)

Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Fullyautomagic on Jul 12, 2023 at 6:45 PM, finished with 11 posts and 10 votes.
Fullyautomagic threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: SF: IC (1-3), SF: TSotP (4-6) Total: 2
2 2
Quarter 1, 3002 (Turn 9)
Edge of the Inner Sphere
A BattleTech Quest

Quarter 1, 3002​

[X] Connect Landung and Rockton
[X] Speech Focus: International Cooperation

Samantha's speech was received quite well by the populace of Giant's Shoulders, dealing a blow to the more isolationist Giant's Shoulders First and Young Moderate parties. Even better received than that was the announcement of intracontinental rail systems being built across the planet's three major landmasses.

Already she'd begun receiving messages from businessmen and industrialists of what they could do to help, and if they could begin reserving trains for their use ahead of time. However, the messages that drew her interest the most where those from the minor settlements of Giant's Shoulders.

Giant's Shoulders had been an independent world since the Demarcation Declaration that cut off all colonies further than a single jump from Terra, and in that time its population had grown quite a bit. Though people generally only thought about the five major cities, several smaller settlements also existed across the planet.

While they were protected by the forces garrisoned at larger settlements, they hadn't received anywhere near as much economic aid or assistance in reconstruction as their larger cousins had. It was because of this that many of the leaders of these smaller settlements had begun requesting stops be made at their settlements. While a few had already been planned for maintenance reasons, fulfilling this request of theirs would put an even larger strain on the government's coffers, especially at a time when they were already dipping into the near-negatives.

Nevertheless, if Samantha truly wanted to, she could take out a loan with the Free Worlds League, Lyran Commonwealth, or even ComStar. Each of those options had their benefits and drawbacks... should she even wish to take out a loan at all!

[ ] Take Out a Loan with the Free Worlds League
- (Receive 1000 Currency, must pay back 1200 Currency by Q1, 3004. Adds 75 Currency to Quarterly Expenses until Q1, 3003.)

[ ] Take Out a Loan with the Lyran Commonwealth
- (Receive 500 Currency, must pay back 750 Currency by Q1, 3004. Adds 75 Currency to Quarterly Expenses until Q1, 3003.)

[ ] Do not Take out a Loan

Adam Cirion
Commanding Officer of the Black Warriors
Circinus Federation​

Colonel Cirion rolled his eyes as he watched the President gnash his teeth in rage and demand to know why he hadn't been informed of the brewing coalition to their west. It wasn't his fault the namby-pamby bastard hadn't spent enough time away from tea parties with foreign dignitaries to be briefed on the changing military situation.

Regardless of his feelings towards the man, Adam decided it may be for the best if he tried defusing the situation a bit. "McIntyre... I really don't see the problem here. It's not like we weren't already expanding in that direction, what difference does it make if they huddle up with each other?"

Unfortunately, it seemed that his attempts at calming the President down only provoked a more severe reaction.

"What difference? What difference?!" He shouted wrathfully, his face more akin to a tomato than the refined leader of peoples he liked to depict himself as. "Tell me, you stupid bastard. Do you know what concentration of force is? What about defeat in detail? If they can properly organize a defense, it doesn't matter that they're insects compared to us. They'll be able to fend off our invasion!"

Adam grit his teeth in anger, but he was able to hide the irritation he felt towards McIntyre after taking a deep breath. "What defense can they organize? We're going to be attacking by next January, there isn't enough time to do that!"

"That is an entire year! Twelve months of building fortifications, and twelve months of cross-training between their respective military forces. Hell, twelve months to hire mercenaries to aid in their defense! We need to move the plan forward and attack now!" He grumbled out.

Adam's eyes widened, and he put his foot down. "Hell, no! We haven't even got the DropShips loaded yet, and a bunch of our men are still recovering from the Iolas campaign."

McIntyre suddenly stood and stomped across the office towards Adam. "We're moving things forward, there will be no arguments. You have three months to get everything ready."

Adam stared his technical superior in the eyes, daring him to spit out another order... and yet it was him who broke off the impromptu staring contest first. "We'll need at least six months, but I've got contacts with a pirate band holed up in Shahr Kord. We can send them in to soften up their defenses before launching our invasion."

"...fine." McIntyre muttered. "You're dismissed, colonel."

Adam marched out of the office, walking for a minute or so before stopping and punching a wall. He shouted in pain and rage as his fist nearly broke against the marble walls of the Presidential Palace. He took a few deep breaths before making up his mind. He'd show that bastard, but first he had to reach out to his friends in Hector's Hellriders about a job.

- 0 - 0 - 0 -​

Unknown Jump Signature Detected

The response this time around was a lot calmer at the Festival DSOC, and they were able to transmit a message to the unknown vessel before immediately starting a panic across the settlement.

Unfortunately, starting a panic might've been the more appropriate reaction. Soon after transmitting the message, they were able to pick up the fusion plume of a detached DropShip burning for Giant's Shoulders. Judging from the size of the plume and the speed of the vessel, they were able to determine it massed nearly 10,000 tons.

Over in Landung, the government had to decide between invoking the defensive treaty with Andiron and Balthazar or dealing with the raid on their own.

[ ] Invoke the Defensive Treaty

[ ] Face the Raid Alone
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Thank you for the update!

[X] Take Out a Loan with the Free Worlds League
I'll take this one, it has better repayment rates.
[X] Invoke the Defensive Treaty
Reasons for this option: 'Blood' the troops, hope that the incoming jumpships can grab the pirate jumpship(if they appear nearby) and because we just did a speech about 'interstellar co-operation' so we should walk the talk.
[X] Take Out a Loan with the Lyran Commonwealth

We don't need as much money and the more we borrow the more that needs paid back. Plus it'll Provide an avenue to improve relations. We don't want to be potentially caught cooperating with a rival (admittedly in regards to business but still) while attempting to improve our friendship with the Lyran Commonwealth.

[X] Invoke the Defensive Treaty

A potential opportunity to put to the test the coalitions ability to cooperate within a battle! At the very least it may put to light problems that need solved sooner rather then later. Like for instance the question on how well command will work. See if any... Additions... May be needed to improve coalition cohesion.
[X] Take Out a Loan with the Lyran Commonwealth
- (Receive 500 Currency, must pay back 750 Currency by Q1, 3004. Adds 75 Currency to Quarterly Expenses until Q1, 3003.)

We're going to war soon, and to remain solvent, we'll need the funds. We have a bonus towards negotiating with tbe Lyrans too thanks to the 200 currency we spent a few turns back (Rerolls a 1 in Lyran negotiations once per quarter), so if need be, we'll hopefully be able to negotiate repayment or something.

Someone else is gonna have to do the math again since it's late, but I think we can afford it?

We currently have a quarterly income of 7 and a debt of -44. That'll take 8 turns to pay off, or 2 years to be exact assuming nothing changes.

With the loans, we get 500 now and a quarterly income of -68. Meaning our treasury would look as follows:

Q1 3002: 456 Currency, -68 Q. Income
Q2 3002: 388 Currency, -68 Q. Income
Q3 3002: 320 Currency, -68 Q. Income
Q4 3002: 252 Currency, -18 Q. Income (RAID completed)
Q1 3003: 234 Currency, 57 Q. Income (Loan Interest Payments complete)
Q2 3003: 291 Currency, 57 Q. Income
Q3 3003: 348 Currency, 57 Q. Income
Q4 3003: 405 Currency, 57 Q. Income
Q1 3004: 462 Currency, 57 Q. Income (Remaining 450 Currency Loan to be paid here)

This is assuming we maintain our mercenary contract payments which are a big drain on our treasury (We probably will due to the war), and that nothing else changes.

That said, I think unless things go terribly wrong for us, I think we can pay off the loan.

[X] Invoke the Defensive Treaty

This might annoy our allies, but establishing the precedent that our militaries all participate in anti-pirate operations sounds good to me.
Lyran loan is a worse deal, we end up owing 250 Currency instead of 200 currency of the FWL loan, and the payment dates and quarterly expenses are otherwise the same.

[X] Take Out a Loan with the Free Worlds League
[X] Invoke the Defensive Treaty
It's a loan a necessitaty?

I don't like the idea of owing debts to suscessor states, specially the Lyran Commonwealth. It reaks of a financial trap by the latter, these guys are a merchant society that written the Battlech huidebook for commerce.
Just so you guys are aware, there are actually a few more factors involved in making the decision on whether to invoke the defensive treaty or not. By doing so you'll end up revealing to the enemy that you have what amounts to a command circuit set up for immediate responses to any invasion.

However, they could also take advantage of this by jumping in a portion of their force at the opposite Jump Point and then waiting a week or so before allowing the rest of their force to come in. Assuming you sent your DropShips to either apprehend the other JumpShip or to respond to the attack on the planet, you'd be leaving your own JumpShips vulnerable to seizure.

At the same time, by invoking the treaty there's a possibility you could seize this current JumpShip and increase the size of your fleet by 50%. This, of course, assumes that the previous owners aren't being held hostage on it or still demanding its return from across the Inner Sphere. At least with the latter you could file off the serial numbers and change the paint job to pretend it's actually a different ship.

Also, I just realized that I should probably have included in the vote whether or not you apprehend the other JumpShip before heading down to fight whatever raiding force they sent. I'll probably just look at the general opinion in the thread and include whichever seems more popular in the update.
Space warfare confusing, but I'm for playing it safe. Prioritize taking down the raiding force rather than attempting to take the enemy Jumpship since it leaves our own Jumpships vulnerable.

We have 1 enemy Dropship burning for our planet to our 2 (3 with the Mercs! Potentially with ASF support), and I'd rather not risk an enemy landing that would ruin our fragile economy and infrastructure. If we shoot down the Dropship, that'll hopefully be enough of a message to local pirates that we are in fact willing to kill them all and that we're too tough of a target to be worth it.

If this is all we're facing, I think it's best to face it alone. We can handle this level of attack since we have the numbers, tonnage, and defensive advantage, and I'd rather keep our command circuit a secret. It'll be a massive advantage for us when the war does kick off in earnest since it's one more thing the Federation's hastily assembled invasion force will be unprepared for.

[X] Take Out a Loan with the Lyran Commonwealth
[X] Face the Raid Alone

As for why the Lyrans, it's one more thing we can use to build relations with them and hoepfully renegotiate our factory deal with them.
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forget shooting down the thing. dropships be rare in the periphery.....and at 10,000 ish tons its a dictator, mule or jumbo running light or more likely a overlord and if we can capture that our force projection goes up massively. albeit we'll need a mule or some other cargo dropship for any sustainable non defensive action especially since our other 2 permanent transports are mech carriers and thus not blessed with a lot of cargo space.
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forget shooting down the thing. dropships be rare in the periphery.....and at 10,000 ish tons its a dictator, mule or jumbo running light or more likely a overlord and if we can capture that our force projection goes up massively. albeit we'll need a mule for any sustainable non defensive action especially since our other 2 birds are mechs
We have 2 Unions (3,600 tons and 3,962 BV each) and a Leopard Dropship (1,900 tons and 2854 BV) available for intercept. That's 9,100 tons in total, with a combined BV of 10,503.

In comparison, the BV of the proposed enemy Dropship is:
- Dictator: 4,863
- Mule: 1,282
- Jumbo: 1,857
- Overlord: 4,702

Judging by this, we should be able to take the enemy Dropship assuming it's not loaded with a ton of ASF in which case, we'll hopefully be able to bring our own ASF to the fight.

We should be able to take this fight without reinforcements and preserve the surprise of our command circuit for the big invasion so we can soundly defeat it and end the war sooner.
We have 2 Unions (3,600 tons and 3,962 BV each) and a Leopard Dropship (1,900 tons and 2854 BV) available for intercept. That's 9,100 tons in total, with a combined BV of 10,503.

In comparison, the BV of the proposed enemy Dropship is:
- Dictator: 4,863
- Mule: 1,282
- Jumbo: 1,857
- Overlord: 4,702

Judging by this, we should be able to take the enemy Dropship assuming it's not loaded with a ton of ASF in which case, we'll hopefully be able to bring our own ASF to the fight.

We should be able to take this fight without reinforcements and preserve the surprise of our command circuit for the big invasion so we can soundly defeat it and end the war sooner.
reinforcements though should enable us to secure their jumpship and perhaps force a surrender of the dropship before we need to damage it seriously or perhaps at all
We have 2 Unions (3,600 tons and 3,962 BV each) and a Leopard Dropship (1,900 tons and 2854 BV) available for intercept.

I've realized that I never actually assigned your DropShips to the coalition fleet, just the Lexington and the Ticonderoga. However, since this was an error on my part as QM, I'll still be allowing you guys to use your Unions as part of the intercept force.
And now I just realized the 2nd huge benefit of capturing that dropship before it lands. It presumably has a fair amount of military equipment on board and if it's a dictator or overlord and fully loaded sans the ASFs in the case of the overlord since presumably we'd shoot those down that's a entire battalion of mechs(or 2 companies if they're the combined arms variant for either design) albeit I'd question the quality of their maintenance and repairs before we send them through our factory level repair facility.

Honestly that does give me a idea. Factory level repairs and maintenance are pretty rare to the extent we might be able to make a fair bit of cash and a increase in shipping arriving in system from mercenaries and private mech owners shipping their mechs or coming with them for a trip to get said repairs and maintenance. This is especially true once we upgrade to modern production capabilities. This certainly would be a good way to curry favor with both the lyrans and FWL along with merc units.

On another note anyone want to see the specs of a jumbo in name only that I developed in a solid combined arms transport?
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Vote closed
Quarter 2, 3002 (Turn 10)
Edge of the Inner Sphere
A BattleTech Quest

Quarter 2, 3002​

[X] Invoke the Defensive Treaty
[X] Take Out a Loan with the Free Worlds League

In order to catch their foe off-guard, the forces stationed at Giant's Shoulders waited about two days before sending the Ticonderoga out to inform their allies of the pirate incursion. This allowed the relief force to jump in and almost immediately capture the Scout class JumpShip that had ferried the raiders into the system.

Unable to leave through their JumpShip, the only hope the pirates had for escape was to occupy a settlement on Giant's Shoulders and negotiate for safe passage out of the system by using said settlement as hostages. Unfortunately for them, the Gladiator and Normandy were able to intercept them mere hours before landfall.

It was a hard fought battle, but they managed to stop the Overlord from reaching the surface. The Gladiator's engines were rendered inoperable during the battle, necessitating a tow from the Aludra to get it back into Shouldersian orbit. Additionally, both of the Corsairs were lost in combat.

However, unlike the last incursion, this time they'd managed to capture the enemy DropShip intact! Aboard was nearly two companies' worth of BattleMechs, albeit poorly-maintained and outdated models. Nevertheless, in addition to the JumpShip it would be quite a boon towards the defense of Giant's Shoulders.

Well, if they decided to keep it all for themselves that is. It was due to the assistance of the vessels stationed at Andiron that they'd managed to capture the JumpShip in the first place, so many of those in Parliament were questioning whether it ownership should be divided between the three allies.

[ ] Claim all Salvage from the Raid

[ ] Divide the Salvage between all Participants (+3d6 Standing with the Kingdom of Andiron and the Balthazar Directorate)
-[ ] Write-In desired Salvage
You may spend up to 913 Points​
Scout JumpShip (650)

Overlord (Combined Arms) DropShip (450)

Light 'Mechs
- 1x SDR-5V (62)
- 3x JVN-10N (59 x 3)
- 4x COM-1A (47 x 4)
- 3x JR7-D (87 x 3)
- 1x FS9-H (69)

Medium 'Mechs
- 1x DV-1S (86)
- 1x BJ-1 (95)
- 1x HBK-4P (114)
- 3x CLNT-2-3T (77 x 3)
- 1x VND-1R (102)

Heavy 'Mechs
- 1x ON-1K (142)
- 1x DRG-1N (112)

[ ] Offer to Sell the Salvage (+1500 Currency)

Of Men and Mercenaries
Both of the companies contracted by Giant's Landing were quite satisfied with their stint on the planet, and who wouldn't be? Les Gards Payés had increased the size of their forces from a Lance to a Demi-Company, and the Finsterwalde Finishers had managed to direct a decent lump of C-Bills back towards their homeworld in the Lyran Commonwealth.

Both of them were more than willing to continue the contracts under their current terms, though Les Gardes Payés were willing to go even further and join in the defense against the Circinus Federation. They had no problem continuing to be paid the same amount, though they would also be willing to work for 'free' should you insure any losses they may take and allow them to claim 100% of the salvage that comes about as a result of their involvement.

The Finsterwalde Finishers were similarly willing to join in the fray, though they'd be charging 50% for in exchange for being stationed in an active warzone.

[ ] Extend their Current Contracts

[ ] Change their Contracts to One of Defense Against the Circinus Federation
-[ ] Only change the contract for Les Gardes Payés
-[ ] Only change the contract for the Finsterwalde Finishers

[ ] Dismiss the Mercenaries
-[ ] Only dismiss Les Gardes Payés
-[ ] Only dismiss the Finsterwalde Finishers
We lost two of pur ASF. That's gonna be painful considering we have no easy way to replace them. Still, having a extra JumpShip and mechs is worth the trouble.

I say we curry more favor with our allies by claiming the Jumpship but leaving the rest of the salvage to them. We need a freed up Jump Ship for our economy so that we don't drop into a recession, so maybe handing the Scout-class to the alliance navy to free one of our Merchant-class Jump Ships from military duty could work? Not sure what combination of mechs to take however, so I'll leave that to other players who're more knowledgeable on what mechs would work best for us (That leaves us with 263 points left for salvage, 9 if we also take both heavy mechs).

As for the Mercs, we absolutely need them to augment our military for the upcoming war so I say we keep them even if they are a huge drain to our budget. Let's not get overconfident after 1 victory!

[X] Divide the Salvage between all Participants (+3d6 Standing with the Kingdom of Andiron and the Balthazar Directorate)
-[X] Scout JumpShip
-[X] 1x ON-1K
-[X] 1x DRG-1N

[X] Extend their Current Contracts
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i want that overlord and most of the mechs since we captured them. Our allies captured the scout albeit I need more information on which one of them did so since which one did will get it. Also single collar jumpships literally aren't able to pay the bills in the merchant role unless we subsidize it so its not worth it save for courier and military use or for high priority cargos.
Also we need to get some more ASFs. And provided they aren't suicide sleds or lucifers I'll take basically anything else which we can probably get since the lyran to the point of a meme neglect their ASF branch and thus a fair few of their produced ASFs are available on the market for aligned minor powers and mercs albeit not so much for their high end stuff like the eagle and thunderbird. But we can probably get say chippewas, hellcats, and lightings as stuff we can procure.

so for the mechs.....I think we can safely give up the clints, the spider, the dervish, and commandos to the party not getting the scout. since they're a right bitch to maintain, suck, and are primitive mechs respectively. Not a even split but I think its fair given the whole one party basically did nothing but be in the alliance I think they're getting out ahead.
alternatively.....could make the scout a jointly owned ship controlled by the alliance for military use that would let us pull one of our jumpships back to civilian use and then split the mech salvage as a way to keep people happy. and yes I know this isn't exactly a fair split or what the points totals allow but I'm trying to think strategically.

heck could claim all the salvage and do some gifting of mechs for a lesser relationship boost if our Authorial Overlord allows it. If so I'll prepare a list of a lance or two for the respective parties.

as for the mercs.....if its stuff they've taken down I think its fair for them to have full salvage rights. Especially since in a lot of cases they'll need our factory to put it back together unless they want to do it in the FWL or LC after their contracts with us ends and we might be able to snag a mech or two or some money back as payment for said service.
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Great success!
The Scout jumpship isn't that good honestly, I'd pass on it.
That overlord dropship on the other hand is ours and I ain't sharing!

[X] Plan take the best share the rest.
-[X] Divide the Salvage between all Participants (+3d6 Standing with the Kingdom of Andiron and the Balthazar Directorate)
--[X] Overlord (Combined Arms) DropShip (450)
--[X] 1x BJ-1 (95)
--[X] 1x HBK-4P (114)
--[X] 1x ON-1K (142)
--[X] 1x DRG-1N (112)
-[X] Extend their Current Contracts

edit: As per Knowledgeispower I added the hunchback and blackjack for the remaining points.
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Great success!
The Scout jumpship isn't that good honestly, I'd pass on it.
That overlord dropship on the other hand is ours and I ain't sharing!

[X] Plan take the best share the rest.
-[X] Divide the Salvage between all Participants (+3d6 Standing with the Kingdom of Andiron and the Balthazar Directorate)
--[X] Overlord (Combined Arms) DropShip (450)
--[X] 1x ON-1K (142)
--[X] 1x DRG-1N (112)
(This leaves 209 points left if anyone wants to add some more mechs)
-[X] Extend their Current Contracts
honestly dragon is meh for its price unless we make it into the Grand Dragon prototype variant or something like it. but with the remaining points I'd get the hunchback and the blackjack. they'll pair decently with the orion. well that and the lights as options are basically all meh (Well save the Jenners since they can be made to the excellent F variant super easily and the firestarter due to it well being a firestarter albeit the MGs need to get pulled to make it into the much better A variant) and ditto for the other mediums save the vindicator which well.....is hard to get parts for.
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