Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Workings to modify a spirit that you have in your power are a subtle and difficult art, although more forgiving than those for doing the same to a living human. Longterm, as a minor elemental permanently bound to you, Verdigris is a very convenient canvas for this kind of work.
Well I can't ignore something being downright convenient.

[X] Spirit modification
Before either of you can directly respond, though, there's a disgusted scoff from behind you. "Bad enough that this school would allow anyone to openly study as debased a practice as necromancy, let alone a Sesus."

You glance behind you, taking note of the boy there. He's in the process of pushing his spectacles up his nose, a motion you're entirely sure he does to draw attention to their blue jade lenses rather than from any need. "I don't recall seeking your opinion on the matter, Cathak," you say.
Kind of interesting sequence, here. Both Ambraea and Sola move to defend Amiti, but neither of them do it by disagreeing with Hylo.

I'm not sure if he understands the context he's making his argument in.
Workings to modify a spirit that you have in your power are a subtle and difficult art, although more forgiving than those for doing the same to a living human. Longterm, as a minor elemental permanently bound to you, Verdigris is a very convenient canvas for this kind of work.
- The Serpent Witch (long term growth direction)
-- More snakes
-- Upgrade Verdigris
-- Establish a reputation
[X] Spirit modification
this is good for completing one of our serpent witch goals.

Well this update was a punch in the gut. Poor Peony.

Hylo has insulted the cinnamon bun. So much for deescalation. He's spirit snake chow now.
[X] Elemental cultivation
Discovering new methodologies of cultivation feels like the most personally beneficial. Even if we can't directly use them ourself, it may still give us further ideas and insights.

Also, I'm not wild about experimenting on our nope rope buddy. I have a mental image of a TV commercial with a sad snake in a dirty cage as a voiceover asks us to donate money to prevent animal abuse.
[X] Spirit modification

I would normally be more interested in elemental cultivation but this is a more direct method to achieving a snake-witch goal. Though I suppose cultivation could do it too.
[X] Spirit modification

Workings to modify a spirit that you have in your power are a subtle and difficult art, although more forgiving than those for doing the same to a living human. Longterm, as a minor elemental permanently bound to you, Verdigris is a very convenient canvas for this kind of work.
[X] Spell tracings

All 3 options look amazing, but I think learning more general things about wards and spells is better.
[X] Elemental cultivation

Frankly there was no other choice I could have made. Elementals climbing the ladder of cultivation towards immortality dragonhood is one of my favorite things about them.
No one else blinks at this. Maia, however, bites her lip. "Wait," she says, "but, I thought she'd been with you since—" Looking at her, you inexplicably have the impression of someone who has charged their way up a steep hill only for their momentum to fall short, feet skidding briefly before they go out from under her. "... For a long time," she finishes, suddenly uncertain.
Huh, I'd have thought that if anyone remembered anything, it would have been Amiti.