From Genesis (Riot God Quest)

[X] link to the void
Slowly over the age the swarmlings get a link to the void, there minds connecting not just with it but with eachother increasing there wisdom, they still could not think like a dragon can but there cunning has evolved, they can no longer be herded by the dragons and instead attack them once they try, the chaotic energy's inside of there bodys making it so they can assimilate a fraction of the power and ability's of what they eat there hunger growing more and more as the swarm slowly become a hive mind learning to put the swarm before the self there feral bodys hungering for flesh and bone, as some know hunt the goblins there abilitys making it so they can swarm goblin strongholds with pure numbers

Willing to trade
[X] Nightmare Lord
[X] Void Awakening
[X] The Spark of Time Bending
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[X] A System of Spindles, Wheels, and Spools
It emerges from the Darkness, a divine system of spindles, wheels, and spools constantly spinning Yarn from the fibers drawn from that-which-is-not. It is a gravity-powered machine, powered by the sheer grave weight of existence. It is autonomous and answers to no authority.

The Great Machine spins skeins of Mystical Yarns. The produced skeins fall off the Great Machine and find themselves dropping somewhere in the universe. The Mystical Yarns come in a variety of flavors:
- Strength: the ability to apply force to the world.
- Dexterity: the ease and precision of movement.
- Constitution: the ability to resist impact applied to oneself.
- Charisma: the aesthetic ideal of form and appearance.
- Intelligence: the speed of thought and rigor of memory.
- Perception: the extent and acuity of sensibilities.

Anyone who acquires these may spool the yarn to their to acquire the attributes ascribed to the yarn. All creatures begin with zero yarn in their soul, and every yard of yarn spooled nets them an 1/10 increase of that attribute. The body will be changed to reflect the amount of yarn they have spooled.

To spool yarn into one's soul, one must perform feats of that attribute; the more of that attribute one has, the more impressive the feat has to be. The weight that lets a mouse spool ten yards of Strength does not let a dragon spool even a yard. To spool one's tenth yard, one must tenfold their feat to spool the first yard.

A skein does not hold an infinite length of yarn, and eventually, it will run out. To advance further, one must either find more skeins or refine the yarn they have. There are a few ways to refine yarn.
1. One is tightening the weave of the yarn, turning it into a thinner thread. This makes the yarn more potent, but may also make specialize the effect of the yarn (i.e. Charisma -> Intimidation).
2. Another is twining two or more yarns. This fuses the attributes of the yarns, creating a rope with a specific scope and effect. Some ropes are attributed with skills instead of qualities. End results may vary with tightness and technique even with ropes with the same component yarns.

The Mystical Yarn may also be woven into mystical clothing that enhances attributes.

[X] Create Wisp Weed. A black flower that grows both in reality and in the dark dream. It grows in dark spaces and is said to taste like smoke and ash. Notably it's able to enhance certain other plants by gathering discarded threads and if cooked skillfully binded together.
[X] The Thassalians
[X] Game of Champions
[X] The Elemental Fish of Life
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Within the waters, a new race is born. Aquatic beings that have a somewhat humanoid form with mesmerizing visages. They are capable of living on land, but are moderately slower compared to when in water. Their skin is somewhat rubbery and very resistant to physical impacts and deep sea conditions. They possess echolocation and can focus it into a weaponized sonic blast to disrupt and stun other organisms. They can produce and shoot out jets of highly pressurized water from the palms of their hands with enough force to cut through solid granite stone and plates of steel. They are highly agile while underwater, being extremely adept swimmers on an instinctual level. Their physical strength is enough to kill a great white shark (or local equivalent) with a single punch to the head. They are also fully sentient.

So question.

What does this species even look like?

A System of Spindles, Wheels, and Spools

And for this, where does it appear? The Higher Realm of the Tapestery, the middle realm of Reality, or perhaps the nascent lower realm of the Dream?
[X] Diluvian Polliwogs

The Diluvian Polliwogs are large hardy amphibious toad-like creatures, with massive finned tails to allow them to glide through the seas with ease almost unbefitting of their forms, and powerful legs that allowed them to grip and cling to the earth just as easily as to leap around it though outside of the water they were much less graceful. Behind large crystalline eyes that sat on massive flat heads their was a great, yet clearly beastial, intelligence. Curious and ravenous in equal measure, but directable by those that offered them patience, material, and interesting tasks to perform.

Their tongues were elastic sticky ropes, that held a bioluminescent bulb of crystal that held many intricate lenses that they could manipulate to produce communicative lightshows and even project three dimensional images before them. They could gather such data through illuminating an object of their fascination over time or simply digesting it, breaking it down within until they understood its parts fully and completely. But their greatest trait was the ability to convert any matter they consumed and analyzed into other materials and things as long as the composite parts were there, this process was inefficient requiring greater amounts of things than what they would produce but still a resource of some use. While over time a few could recreate mundane simple life, it seems anything besides a mockery of intelligent beings is beyond their capabilities, the moving husks they produce are little more than hungering bodies with at most the ability to be directed by light signals.

(Magical Frog-Fish Beasts, that are swimming/jumping alchemical factories, that individuals can use to make clone "zombies" or just raw resources is a weird idea I had, but I'm really into it now and I could see any of the various factions having some interest in them so I'm interested in what could become of them.)

[X] Game of Champions
By @gracnieumierac

[X] The Thassalians
By @ShieldCrown

[X] The Elemental Fish of Life
By @Planetary Tennis

[X] Cat's Eye
By @Zipf

From the Earth Mother many Elementals spawned, each moving to their place in the Tapestry, generations rose and worked but where the first were great oceans, mountains, and rivers of magma, later generations were often quainter beings, such as those of mud, clay, or even crystal. Important pieces of both the Tapestry and Earth Mother but often easily bullied and directed by their more major siblings, which led to often short-lived alliances and creations, one such experiment that survived were the Diluvian Polliwogs whose quaint beginnings found them important intermediaries between many Elementals.
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Do note that the Elementals are currently at the stone age level of advancement supplemented by some crude control over their elements and 99% of them are non-sentient beasts. So them creating any form of life form is beyond them.

The Goblins are early bronze age at most, and they cheated by using the power of the Light of Creation to create items with specific effects rather than true craftmanship.

The Celestial dragons are also still in the stone age, but don't look it because their equivalent of stone is them weaving space from the Light of Creation.

edit: For perspective expect every turn to last 2-5 generations depending on events.
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Okay dropped the creation myth bit. I just like trying to utilize something that came before than creating from wholecloth, but its still early I can suck up that bit. Also I don't expect that most creatures will have great use for these weird things at current, but seeding these things into the world is still of interest to me.

edit: For perspective expect every turn to last 2-5 generations depending on events.
Oh interesting, I thought it was much longer span of time... though I guess generation or which species? Just for general curiosity?
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And for this, where does it appear? The Higher Realm of the Tapestery, the middle realm of Reality, or perhaps the nascent lower realm of the Dream?
I think the Dream should be appropriate. I kinda wanted it to be on the boundary of existence, spinning yarn from chaos, but that has been repeated said in the previous quests to be an unwise move. The Dream should be close enough, and in fact, would probably be a more intriguing place for it.

Actually, is what-is-not a different kind of stuff to chaos?
[X] Tree of "liberation"
A tree whose fruits "liberate" from fear, hatred, traditions, morality, joy, mercy. Bring harmony between mind and heart. Some philosophers believe that they turn the intelligent into beasts subject only to momentary whims. This is only part of the truth.

[X] Rebirth of Gnomes
The Gnomes at present at barely a race of their own - they are the children of Goblinda, and so carry her kindness, but in form they are still Goblins, creations of Gobbus. This, however, changes over successive generations, as the Gnomes take on a new fairer form. They now stand taller than Goblins, with pale skin and dark hair. Their noises are bulbous instead of pointed, and their eyes sparkle with joy, of which they feel deeply. Their minds become clever, instead of cunning, and their fingers are deft and quick. Even Goblinda undergoes these changes, matching her children's children's children, and in time takes on the new name of Gnominda. But the greatest change is hidden; all claim the Hated Tyrant had on the Gnomes is severed, removing any previous claim he had upon their souls and flesh.

[X] A System of Spindles, Wheels, and Spools
[X] Diluvian Polliwogs
[X] The Thassalians
[X] Game of Champions
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[X] The infinite tablet
A stone tablet etched with runes of sunlight, always reflecting the past in its entirety. Perusing it may grant one great knowledge, but to look too long is a dangerous thing, as the mind may be overwhelmed.

Just found this quest, is this something that works?
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[X] The Spark of Time Bending

The Artist saw worry and inspiration in existence of Void Dragons. They were existance of non-existance in a way, but he didn't want to just look how his family fight and die. The Maker wasn't violent, he didn't fight by himself too often and never liked it in the slightest. He already created and gave away all Smaller Sparks of Space Shaping to other siblings: Three Royal, Seven Greater, Nine Lesser. These weren't the best tools for such a problem as Void incarnate unfortunetly. However, something needed to be done and the Artisan did, what he did always - started to create new thing. It would be start of his second Masterpiece.

The Artist noticed an interesting feature of Void Dragons. Despite their destructive power and ability to corrode reality, they were still subject to time and causality. They spent time while eating something, they could not eat things in the past or retroactively and over time they would starve to death. They were still subject to the arrow of time and this was an answer. The Artisan started to forge in his inspiration - the Spark of Time Bending was created. Same in it's base as the Space Shaper, but focused on other domain - time in all its physical and metaphysical manifestations. It could manipulate clocks of objects, owned age, seen and bend causality. But as the Space Shaper these abilities were possibilities at first and needed to be revealed in action, to be learned by host. At its core the Spark of Time Bending gave only the ability to feel the cause and effect, as well as to measure time like the most accurate clock.

The Artist started to use this tool first, before it would be given away. He could heal and restore his family and their creations, if there was material or destruction was not too old. But even then some imperfect workarounds could be found. Void Dragons could be stopped and studies inside bubbles of frozen or looped time. Or they could be destroyed by multiply accelerated arrow of time until they die of starvation. Or killed by reversing time until they come back into purest form - nothing. So their nature as the embodiments of destruction and the end could be turned against them in many ways. Because they weren't True Void - they were just smaller manifestations.

However, after one accident the Artisan had to give away his new toy to his mother earlier, than planned. The Artist was so carried away by his new creation that one day he decided to go into the past to correct all the cruelty of the present before it happened. Pyralis stopped his paw right before this grave mistake, because it would be rude intervention in the domain of Fate and Tapestry of reality. So they took the Master Spark, asked the Maker to forge Lesser from it and she carefully used it to stop the Void War once and for all. One of Smaller Sparks, Royal One which contained aspects of time travel, post- and precognition was forbidden to use, before Pyralis negotiate with the Fate on the matter.

The end result of an agreement with Fate was: "Any time traveler falls under the full power of the Fate. It can decide what to do with this creature. The paradoxes caused by them will be resolved in one of the following ways: casualization closure - time loop, destruction of the time traveler, temporary or permanent stratification of the timeline, change of travel destination or complete ban for it. Any knowledge gained through True Precognition can be limited by the Fate to prevent the premature destruction of reality. For these agreements to come into force, the Fate was given the ability to see the world through the Spark of Time Bending on the level of the Artisan. This gave them a thread to control who the Shard sent to and who it should avoid."​

[X] Nightmare Lord​
By @Zalkon [Traded]

[X] A System of Spindles, Wheels, and Spools​
By @MangoFlan

[X] link to the void​
By @jjjwn [Traded]

[X] Stone of Law
By @Tarumath
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[X] The Elemental Fish of Life
From the stone of the earth a pair of fish each massive in its form and in the shape of guppies are born into the sea before it recedes. They are changed to be made of flesh and bone and as they swim they leave all manner of sea and water born life though the two grand fish are destined to die for when the sea is drunk by the tree no body of water on the earth will be large enough to support them. If by this time they have met a generation of new life fish may be born with power and scale far below their parents but who will find themselves able to live in the world once the great waters are gone, and of course they can produce more fish of life but only rarely so that the world does not drown in their kind. Those left outside the seas at the end be it the two great ones or any of their children find themselves returned to stone they are made of, leaving marble corpses laying where they were left on the soul of the earth. These fish are not themselves truly sentient, but their instincts is to swim and to congregate together into as large a shole as they can make except for their first year of life where their kin fills them with great terror causing newborn fish to scatter as far as they can. Even dead the stone of the two great fish of life retain a fragment of their power should a being capable of producing life of its own take and submerge a fragment of the marble into the waters of the earth, they will find themselves with a fish of life intrinsically linked to them, with a mind only a fraction less than that of the other creature potentially find wiser than other fish, it will love its parent and seek to help them with the life it can make.

[X] Diluvian Polliwogs
[X] The Thassalians
[X] The Infinite Tablet
[X] Cat's Eye
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My imagination put forward the possibilities of frogs, murlocs, or tentacle-people.
But most important: "Did you like what you seen?"

Edit: Hmm, interesting can I do something like...
The Thassalians are a truly breathtaking sight to behold. Their bodies are sleek and graceful, with long, flowing fins that ripple through the water like silken scarves. Their skin is a shimmering, iridescent blue-green, like the surface of a calm sea at sunset. Their faces are delicate and finely chiseled, with large, luminous eyes that seem to glow with an inner light.

As they move through the water, they seem to dance, their bodies twisting and turning with effortless grace. They are like mermaids come to life, their beauty and elegance unmatched by any other creature in the sea.

On land, they are just as striking, their rubbery skin glistening in the sunlight. They move with a fluid grace, every step a symphony of motion. Their voices are soft and melodious, like the sound of distant waves lapping against the shore
The Thassalians are truly a sight to behold. Their bodies are sleek and streamlined, with long, flowing fins that extend from their arms and legs like elegant wings. Their skin is a deep shade of iridescent blue-green, shimmering in the light like the surface of the ocean itself. Their eyes are large and expressive, with a hypnotic quality that draws you in and leaves you unable to look away.

Their faces are almost human-like in appearance, with delicate features and high cheekbones that give them an air of refinement and grace. Their hair is long and flowing, often adorned with intricate braids and woven with seaweed and shells. They move with a fluid, almost dance-like grace, their bodies undulating in perfect harmony with the currents around them.

Despite their aquatic origins, the Thassalians possess a certain allure that is undeniably sexy. Their bodies are toned and muscular, yet still feminine and alluring. They exude a raw sensuality that is impossible to ignore, drawing others to them like moths to a flame.

In short, the Thassalians are a stunningly beautiful species, with a unique blend of strength, agility, and grace that makes them truly captivating to behold.

This is pretty funny to play with.

Could you try adding in the new description of them resembling orcas?
Edit 2: I don't know. Let's try it.
The Thassalians are a sight to behold with their sleek, black and white bodies resembling those of orca whales. Their skin is smooth and glistening, reflecting the light in a way that makes them appear almost iridescent. Their faces are strikingly beautiful, with large, expressive eyes that seem to hold the secrets of the deep.

Their bodies are slender and streamlined, built for speed and agility in the water. They have long, powerful tails that propel them through the water with incredible force, leaving behind a trail of bubbles and foam. Their arms are long and slender, with webbed fingers that allow them to swim with incredible grace and precision.

Despite their aquatic nature, the Thassalians possess a certain sensuality and sex appeal that is hard to ignore. Their movements are fluid and graceful, almost hypnotic in their beauty. And when they speak, their voices are melodic and soothing, like the gentle lapping of waves on a shore.
It is only good for guidelines and inspiration maybe. Too bad I cannot use it unlimitedly - not in my region.
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[X] Game of Champions
The Trinity of Trinities the triplets of Growth and Loss, those who are the hands of the Three Who Are One. Thought in service to a greater cause each desire either the simplification of reality or a growing complexity so one may imagine they are in a game of tug and push for the future of the world. A desire still remain in both for their origin as the all knowing die continues to pull at their existence demanding a game of luck and skill, a gamble of sorts.

Loss and Growth desire to play a game in the material world to decide who shall hold greater authority in shaping the universe and who shall have to bend their heads. A game not of great reality warping power and combat between each other that could shake the fabric of the new born world but rather a more subtle game. A game of eternal manipulation of the mortal inhabitants of the universe to see which force is more deserving of greater action in the Age.

Were the Hands shall pick their Champion's in the mortal world to play a game of constant change, in which Loss and Growth shall battle it out for an agreed upon goal. Their Champions much like pieces in a game each with a goal the Hand's desire for them to achieve so they may surpass their rival and claim victory. Through the manipulation of luck, omens and subtle signs each of the divine hopes to guide their many chosen champions on the mortal plane to success.

So they may claim greater dominion in this Age until the next game is played.

(Kinda wanted to keep the whole game of chance aspect so I thought this would be fun. Criticism?)

[X] Rebirth of Gnomes
[X] Nightmare Lord
[X] Create Wisp Weed. A black flower that grows both in reality and in the dark dream. It grows in dark spaces and is said to taste like smoke and ash. Notably it's able to enhance certain other plants by gathering discarded threads and if cooked skillfully binded together.
[X] The Elemental Fish of Life
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It's actually funny that you did that act.

In this age the One for Growth is giving mortal the first magic to push them to grow and develop with the hope that the scattershot method will lead to a revolutionary change in society.

The one for loss is supporting Gobbus in his efforts to wage a war against reality that would lead to mass death and push back the progress of society.

[X] Game of Champions

[X] Diluvian Polliwogs

[X] Create Wisp Weed. A black flower that grows both in reality and in the dark dream. It grows in dark spaces and is said to taste like smoke and ash. Notably it's able to enhance certain other plants by gathering discarded threads and if cooked skillfully binded together.
[X] Void Awakening: The Void matures, beginning to rapidly understand the world around it. From contact with the God of The Broken and suffering, it decides no one should suffer, it gives a bad taste. It then creates an avatar and decides to meet with the other primordials, making a dragon shaped avatar for the Pyralis meeting. It aso sees what Gobbus does and decides to yeet him away from civilization so he may terrorize no one else.

[X] link to the void
[X] Nightmare Lord
[X] Stone of Law

Wiing to trade, aso decided to change it because you guys convinced me, not kiing,still yeeting him.
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