Pretty far still. The Books will help once you've finished paying for them. Gretchen may be reconsidering things.
Discussing magical theory with her should definitely be part of the plan, then. At the very least our guys should learn a few things. Ideally, we convinve Gretchen that the Republic adding White Wizadry to its Necromancy would make it
better, rather than just stronger.
Most of them are still in agriculture, just cash crops instead of food. Many of the rest have been picking up some craft or other. Some are just socializing. They are also having a lot of sex. Reading, writing, and arithmatic aren't actually all that useful for the people of the republic. A class on rhetoric may be well received tho, considering how democratic the republic is.
It occurs to me that our economy must be accumulating a lot of wealth. Probably scientific knowledge too, lots of wealthy people with the free time to experiment, which seems to describe a lot of the early modern age's scientists quite well.
We should probably see if we can tap those resources somehow, though. While letting people enjoy their good fortune is fine in normal times, we should also prepare for less fortunate times.
Also, we have a baby boom incoming, it seems.
The same reason its a bad idea to use any two winds at once. necromancy is one step removed from directly funneling Dhar right though your soul. Using necromancy and Hysh at the same time wouldn't be.
Actually, isn't necromancy basically a specific form of dark magic / dhar, and using Dhar is basically just using all winds at once without having the skill / making the effort to keep them in balance? At least that's what my wikidelving tells me.
Might be that being a necromancer / white wizard at once is actually surprisingly possible... or maybe not, and we'll have to go with necromancer / white wizard teams. A topic for our theoretical discussions with Gretchen, I guess.
Anyway, here's my slightly modified version of stomp some goblins.
[X] Plan Stomp goblins, discuss White Wizardry
-[X] Help a nearby prince defend their land 2 Dice Total
--[X] Thane Josef Okrisson
--[X] Dante
-[X] Create Necrofex Colossus, requires 3 dice
--[X] Nightmare Colossi (6 warpstone)
-[X] Discuss Magical Theory with Gretchen
My reasoning is that setting up wards might be nice, but those wards are going to need maintenance, and we need somebody to do that maintenance. Currently we can't train those somebodies. Changing that should be priority #1. An extended scholary dialogue with a White Wizard seems like a useful step in that direction, especially when it might also gradually serve to convince her to actively help.