[x] Watch them a little longer.
But then again, you might be a bit too hasty if you were to act now. Perhaps you should keep an eye on them a little longer? Yes, that would certainly do. You focus a little bit and in a blink of an eye, you were right over the woman's shoulder and now that you were up close you had a much better look at them.
The mohawked man had pale white skin and very old camera lens for eyes, he had a ratty black synth-leather jacket on and some loose-fitting pants. He looked quite malnourished with how thin he is, he looked more like a scarecrow than a normal human being and his compatriots weren't in any different shape.
At the sight of the dirty man, you can't help but wrinkle your non-existent nose in disgust. His thick green coat was covered in all sorts of filth and stains that time and dirt have masked their origins. His face was sunken as if half of the water and blood had been drained from his body, turning him into this desiccated walking corpse.
Finally, the woman. With a glance, one would think she was pretty but upon closer inspection, she was anything but. Her face was riddled with scars, some old, some new, and the enormous coat that draped over her body looked old and ragged. She was definitely naked under it save for a pair of dirty white shorts which provided the barest of modesty along with a thin belt that kept her coat from flying open to further expose her chest.
Through your divine senses, these three reeked of greed. You catch glimpses of past crimes whenever you focus on each of them and from what you gather. The mohawked man was someone who liked to hurt others, the dirty man was a drug addict looking to get his next fix and the scarred woman was just looking for an opportunity to ruin someone's life for the heck of it. Just what would they be doing here?
The mohawked man kicked aside the broken glass that fell into the room and from the looks of this it seems to be a bathroom, what with the tiled floors the sink, and the toilet against the walls. As the man provided the near-naked woman a safe place to plant her bare feet and she didn't bother to thank him for giving her a clear landing area, instead she just pushed through him to push herself against the wall next to the door crack it open, pulling the door a little to the side too peer into the next area.
"No one's home." She said a moment later, before opening the door to creep into the hall, the two men trailing along after her. "Grab what you can."
The three split up, Mohawk going into the kitchen, the dirty man into the bedroom and the woman going into the living room. It didn't take long for them to start breaking things. You watch as the woman yanks a picture of an old woman with two younger men off the wall and throw it all the way across the room, breaking the frame. Mohawk shoved as much food as he could into his pockets and as for the dirty man? You watch as he started turning the bedroom upside down for any valuables.
Oh, this would not do. This would not do at all.
How shall you deal with these criminals?
[ ] Alert one of your followers to handle this.
-[ ] Tanner Montoya
-[ ] Tano Asa
[ ] Reveal yourself and give them a stern talking to. (-5 Faith)
[ ] Afflict them with a Curse.(-5 Faith)
-[ ] Punishment, if they ever try to break the law, they shall suffer.
-[ ] Misfortune, may their fortunes reverse as they steal others.
-[ ] Disease, their souls are plagued with greed, let it show on their skin.
[ ] Afflict them with Guilt, make them see the errors of their ways. (-5 Faith)
[ ] Write in: (Throw in your suggestions and I'll decide how much Faith it would cost)
[X] Sure, want me to invite Cox along?
April 11, 2075
Det. Tanner Montoya
Night City, Watson, Lizzie's Bar
"Lizzie's bar?" Montoya stared at the giant neon sign of a skull-headed woman with an axe raised in one hand performing the cancan kick that sat atop the building. Now that he was off duty, it's back to wearing the old leather jacket, something that actually made him look like he was a part of the crowd.
Cox and Lycan however were a bit more casual, the former clad in a simple long-sleeved Tee and pants, while the latter had a rockerboy tank top on to show off a bit of skin and some leather pants. Neither of them looked all that bad actually!
"They serve good drinks." Came Lycan's defensive reply. "It's not like we'll get into Riot anytime soon." His fellow officer gave him a pat on the arm. "Come on, night's a wasting!"
"Plus, they're one of the better gangs in Night City." Cox added, giving Montoya a shrug as he trailed after the large and muscular cop, hands in his pockets as Lycan spoke with the bouncers.
"Barely a gang but still a gang," Montoya mumbled under his breath, while the Mox definitely is one of the better gangs as they're basically sex workers, punks, sexual minorities, and the occasional anarchist protecting the working boys and girls in this side of Night City…. and well... that was it really. Their territory is just that. Lizzie's Bar and the various brothels that are nearby. One of his Mox contacts has told him that it's simply because they don't have the eddies to be a proper gang. Everything they earn goes back into managing the bar and the brothels with no profit to help the gang grow.
"Montoya! You coming or what?" Lycan yelled, already past the door and giving the detective an amused grin.
"Yeah, yeah! I'm comin'." Montoya rolled his eyes a little as he followed him in, the scantily clad bouncer merely giving him an upwards nod of her head.
"Rita." He tips his imaginary hat to her as he passed.
"Welcome to Lizzie's." He heard the smile in her greeting as the door shut behind him and passed through the lobby to head into club.
"They know you here?" Lycan asks, noticing the friendly looks and respectful nods that he had been getting as soon as they entered.
"I… helped them out a few times while on a couple of cases." Montoya admitted, "Long story."
"You'll have to tell me over drinks, Cox went on ahead to get the booze."
"Oh shit," Montoya froze in his tracks, eyes widening in alarm as Lycan gave him a confused look. "We should double time it, he'll get the most expensive booze and leave us with the bill."
Lycan's eyes widened as he understood the threat to his wallet and ran after Montoya who started screaming at Cox to not order anything.
[Montoya went out for drinks with Officer Andrew Lycan and Officer Jingyi Cox. Relationships with both characters improve.]
A/N: To those who thought it was Rebecca and Pilar, I assure you that was not my intention. I am so sorry xD Also, thoughts on adding more mechanics to the quest? Should I add more mechanics? What sort of mechanics should I include? Anyway, we've given Montoya the spotlight long enough, let's do a little more godly hoo-ha in Night City! Vote's Open! Have fun!
edit: Some minor grammar errors here and there, that no one definitely noticed! hahaha.. ha...