Fake Name: Ga'la Frey Moonshadow
Real Name: ???

Playbook: Scion/Witch
STRESS: 1/10
XP: 0


Estate: You have an Estate (the town of Cinterburn.) It has a wealth score of 1 (max 5). Each Routine, roll 2d10+Wealth. On a 16+, it gains 2 wealth. On a miss, it loses 1 wealth. At any time, you may tap the resources of the estate, reducing the wealth by 1 and gaining 10 gold coins. When you visit your Estate, you may give it 15 gold OR do a single job pro bono once per session to add +1 wealth. At -3 wealth, they revolt.


The Finer Things: Each routine, you must spend an additional gold coin on your personal upkeep. If you do not, gain +2 stress. The second time you Burn Out, this move goes away.

Teacher: You can teach other characters how to use Magic as part of a Move Exchange. The student gains a Wild of -1 and a Focus whose nature matches their character. You can also help them create Bonds to a Focus: you take the Stress, they get the Focus

Don't You Know Who I Am: When you use your title and bluster to get what you want, Press the Issue + your personal Company Value.

Annexation: When you incorporate a new town into your Estate, add +2 Wealth. If they join willingly, add +4.




Once per battle: Advantage with Hard
Once per battle: Set Enemy ON Fire Fire
Once Per Battle Advantage with Eyeball or Bomb a Target

Air: Flighty, spontaneous, unbound! Reveal what's hidden, move things, deceive, trick, escape, fly, Induce or stop a Stall, push things away, catch a falling person. Reveal hidden foes, create illusory distractions, fool scouts, raise a fog or bitter wind, accelerate or lift vehicles, throw aside incoming aircraft or bombs, or even teleport.
Fire: Destruction, rebirth, anger, hatred. Consume with flames or rage, destroy things, provide light. Start a fire, deal 1d10 damage/2 Injury, double a weapon's damage. Blind the foe with light, illuminate a dark night, burn down cover, tear apart buildings, strike fear into your foes, reignite a dead engine, give attacks a burning edge, or even shield yourself from harm in a halo of flame.
Water: Soft, gentle, kind, life-giving. Communicate, heal and repair, gain empathy, induce sympathy. Repair a part, heal 1 Injury, fix 10 Damage, revive someone. Act as a human radio, turn the ground into mud, put doubt in your enemies, repair vehicles, heal wounds, summon and control beasts, or even bring a lost comrade back.

The Sky Destroyer Malevelous
Speed: 5 | Handling: 15
Hardness: 9 | Soak: 0

DAMAGE: Fine | -1 Speed | -3 Guns | -1 Speed | -3 Guns | Sinking

Two Light Egg Tossers | Fore (x1) | Starward (x2) | Sunward (x2) | Aft (x1) | Up (-)
Six Heavy Sticks | Fore (x2) | Starward (x1 [2 damaged]) | Sunward (x3) | Aft (x2) | Up (x6)
Two Automatic Ballistas | Fore (-) | Starward (- [1 damaged]) | Sunward (x1) | Aft: (-) | Up (-)

Light Egg Tosser
Egg: 1 Mass | Fire Rate: 3 | Accuracy: 2 | Min Range: Close

Heavy Stick (Blast)
Hits: 5 | Damage: 2 | AP 0 | Range: Long
Burst, +1 AP versus Unarmored Vehicles, -3 to hit airplanes
Special: Can fire rapid fire (roll x2 burst attacks)

Heavy Stick (Beam)
Hits: 1(2)| Damage: 16 | AP 3 | Range: Close
-3 to hit airplanes

Automatic Ballista
Hits: 3(6) | Damage: 2 | AP: 1 | Range: Long

x5 launch catapults

0 Eggs, 0 Ballista reloads


Dropoff: 11 | Reliability: -3 | Overspeed: 24 | Altitude: 0-29 | Fuel: 6
Visibility: -2 | Stability: +2 | Energy Loss: 4 | Turn Bleed: 1

Toughness: 21/21 | Max Strain: 51/51 | Escape: +2 | Crash: -1 | Stress: 1

FULL FUEL: Boost: 2 | Handling: 95 | Climb: 5 | Stall: 7 | Speed: 19
HALF FUEL: Boost: 2 | Handling: 95 | Climb: 5 | Stall: 6 | Speed: 19
EMPTY: Boost: - | Handling: 96 | Climb: - | Stall: 6 | Speed: 0

Twin Fixed Forward Accessible Automatic Crossbow (Interrupter Golem)
Hits (knife/close/long/extreme): 8/6/4/2 | Damage: 2 | AP: 1 | Ammo: 10/10
Rapid Fire (can spend +1 ammo to get advantage while shooting) | Jam [1/2] (jams on a 1 or 2)
Gunsight: +1 to attack
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[X] Plan A Team
[X] Plan Road Trip
The trouble with this quest continues to be: All the options are good options.
A strange and troubling error - some random post had been stickied instead of the character sheet - has been fixed!
A strange and troubling error - some random post had been stickied instead of the character sheet - has been fixed!
Yes, apologies- I believe that what happened there was I made a post, then edited it like 10 times because I'm too much of a perfectionist, it got flagged as "hey this might be a spambot", and then for some reason when it got approved it got slipped in as the time it was originally posted and... okay I'm unclear on that last part but
Adhoc vote count started by DragonCobolt on Apr 6, 2023 at 11:25 AM, finished with 23 posts and 15 votes.

  • [X] Plan A Team
    -[X] They're a pair of nerdy tieflings named Darren and Arren Angelblack. They've managed to get their hands on an old war sky destroyer, with hanger space for its own combat airwing, but the dang thing is falling apart, has no ammo for the main guns and is constantly breaking. If they weren't also excellent warlocks, the whole thing would collapse.
    -[X] And we'll hand pick a team of the best fliers in Moonshadow!
    [X] Plan: The Hot Weebs And More
    -[x] They're a pair of humans. But not formoian humans. They're humans from...ANOTHER UNIVERSE! ...also twins, named Dakota and Idaho Cheddar. THey don't...actually have any kind of flying machine at all, they arrived in a bizarre contraption, a kind of automated land carriage that runs on burning dinosaurs. But they've been working on enchanting it to fly - and it's HUGE! They call it Truck-Kun!
    -[X] And we'll hand pick a team of the best fliers in Moonshadow!
    [X] Plan Road Trip
    -[x] They're a pair of humans. But not formoian humans. They're humans from...ANOTHER UNIVERSE! ...also twins, named Dakota and Idaho Cheddar. THey don't...actually have any kind of flying machine at all, they arrived in a bizarre contraption, a kind of automated land carriage that runs on burning dinosaurs. But they've been working on enchanting it to fly - and it's HUGE! They call it Truck-Kun!
    -[X] And we'll go it alone! Two sisters against the world, with two hot twins to fuck while Mantifrey watches and suffers! Yes!
    [X] Plan: The Legally Distinct Companionship of the Ring
    [X] Plan: There is Plenty of Room on the Lazy River
    -[X] They're a pair of big buff lizardmen named H'unk and R'ippet who run a cargo airship called the Lazy River. Sweeties, but dumb, but also, hung like horses, but also, kinda dumb. But also, so sweet. And they can get you anywhere without you running out of fuel - a major issue when islands are far apart.
    -[X] And we'll hand pick a team of the best fliers in Moonshadow!
    -[X] Plan: The Legally Distinct Companionship of the Ring
    [X] They're a pair of charming hafllings named Samwine and Froderick Bundlebrush who have tamed their very own sky whale, who they have named Little Merry. She can fly far and she can fly fairly fast and she never tires, but she's not exactly comfortable, and she is terribly vulnerable to crossbows.
    [X] And we'll hand pick a team of the best fliers in Moonshadow!

Good news everyone! We get to use boat mechanics! I mean, assuming you get the money to fix them. Also, tieflings have knots!
Battlestations Ahoy! (1.1)
Mantifrey looked down at her paws. "They're...twins. Named..."

"Yes?" you ask.

"Arren. And Darren."

"Annnnnd? Surname?" You asked, poking her mane.

"...Angleblack?" she whispered, her voice very soft.

"I KNEW IT!" you explode. "Tieflings, are they hot?"

"Of course they're hot, they're tieflings!" She shot back. "That's why they wear so little, because of their internal biology." She paused. "They're also so sexy."

You rolled out of bed and sprang to your feet, hands on your hips. Mantifrey huffed slightly, as you thrust out your chest and lifted your chin. "Now, we must save the world and stop Lord Vile - of course. I need to work with the Angleblack twins - long and close and intimately." Your tongue darted over your lips while Mantifrey kept glaring at you. "But you can come along. And we'll need allies too!"

"That's why i came here, yes. As much as I didn't- EEP!" Mantifrey squeaked as you picked her up and set her on your shoulder. You cast on some filmy, semi-transparent white robes that hung around your shoulders, then cinched them tight as Mantifrey settled, for all the world like a normal manticore kitten. You slipped out of your room, then padded down the corridor to Sari's door. You paused, putting ear to the door, frowning slightly.


Sari was getting laid. To be fair, she had missed her scheduled slutting it up after the processional, so she had to be making it up at the expense of sleep. How very Sari! You'd never do anything so absurd, and that had nothing to do with how comfy and big your bed was, nor how fun it was to sleep. You opened the door and peeked in and...


What luck!

Rules Information: Your squadron is basically going to be handwaved during big battles. but each pilot you have will give you 1 hold to spend in a fight based on their temperament! That's how I'm handling your squad. Now, choose...
[ ] Sari is being utterly railed by big buff butch drow pilot, Devi'landis Scorch. She flies a heavily armed plane known for its brutal efficiency and deadly close in combat fighting style. (You may spend Devi's hold to get advantage when rolling +Hard in dogfighting as she swoops in to support you.)​
[ ] Sari is being utterly railed by Santhar Pantharman, a sexy anthropmorphic displacer beast created by the high arcanist in a labratory accident. Endowed with sentience and a skilled pilot, his plane seems to be in many places at once! (You may spend Santhar's hold to get advantage when rolling +Keen in dogfighting as his displaced planes confound the enemy.)​
[ ] Sari is being utterly railed by the all kobold team of the Dragon's Wings, the biggest bomber in Moonshadow: Kit, Fit, Lit, Zip and Cip! The five 'bolds can either serve their bomber or they work as observers! ...even on planes without observation pits. Cause, you know. They're kobolds. (You may spend the 'bolds hold to get advantage on Eyeballing OR to destroy a land based target with a huge bombing strike.)​
[ ] Sari is being utterly railed by the famous dwarven pilot, Freja Shalefist. Hey, she's trans too! ...also, wait, when did Shalefist get into town!? (Freja Shalefist holds her own in combat so much that she gives you +1 Company Value, boosting your fame and reputation.)​
As you peered in, Mantifrey whispered. "Oh, they'd be excellent as part of the team."

"Quite," you said, rubbing your chin as Sari threw her head back in orgasmic bliss. "We just need to find the perfect way to introduce the idea to them..."

"I have a few ideas," Mantifrey said, nodding. "Maybe wait till they're done?"

"No, I have a better idea," you said, grinning brightly at Mantifrey.

What is your idea?
[ ] Kick in the door and shout SUP BITCHES, LETS SAVE THE WORLD!
[ ] Get a magecapture and start taking some still illusions. Sari will have to do anything you say with THIS blackmail!
[ ] Write In
[X] Sari is being utterly railed by big buff butch drow pilot, Devi'landis Scorch. She flies a heavily armed plane known for its brutal efficiency and deadly close in combat fighting style. (You may spend Devi's hold to get advantage when rolling +Hard in dogfighting as she swoops in to support you.)​
[X] Plan: Blackmail
-[X] Sari is being utterly railed by the all kobold team of the Dragon's Wings, the biggest bomber in Moonshadow: Kit, Fit, Lit, Zip and Cip! The five 'bolds can either serve their bomber or they work as observers! ...even on planes without observation pits. Cause, you know. They're kobolds. (You may spend the 'bolds hold to get advantage on Eyeballing OR to destroy a land based target with a huge bombing strike.)
-[X] Get a magecapture and start taking some still illusions. Sari will have to do anything you say with THIS blackmail!

Anyone but Scorch really.

[x] Plan room for one more?
[X] Plan Pantharman
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[x] Plan room for one more?
-[x] Sari is being utterly railed by the all kobold team of the Dragon's Wings, the biggest bomber in Moonshadow: Kit, Fit, Lit, Zip and Cip! The five 'bolds can either serve their bomber or they work as observers! ...even on planes without observation pits. Cause, you know. They're kobolds. (You may spend the 'bolds hold to get advantage on Eyeballing OR to destroy a land based target with a huge bombing strike.)
-[x] knock and ask Sari if she needs someone to take the heat off a little (bottom), turn it up (top), or stir things up (switch). Explain to everyone while in the process of whichever, doing your best to be Very Convincing. Or just watch, I guess, if she feels selfish (pout, Sari gets to get off on leaving you out and Has to come for being so mean).

Feel like giving Sari/the bolds the option is good. Maybe roll a d4 if DC doesn't have a preference?
[X] Plan Efficiency
-[X] Sari is being utterly railed by big buff butch drow pilot, Devi'landis Scorch. She flies a heavily armed plane known for its brutal efficiency and deadly close in combat fighting style. (You may spend Devi's hold to get advantage when rolling +Hard in dogfighting as she swoops in to support you.)
-[X] Kick in the door and shout SUP BITCHES, LETS SAVE THE WORLD!

Direct! To the point! Get things done!
[X] Plan Pantharman
-[X] Sari is being utterly railed by Santhar Pantharman, a sexy anthropmorphic displacer beast created by the high arcanist in a labratory accident. Endowed with sentience and a skilled pilot, his plane seems to be in many places at once! (You may spend Santhar's hold to get advantage when rolling +Keen in dogfighting as his displaced planes confound the enemy.)
-[X] Kick in the door and shout SUP BITCHES, LETS SAVE THE WORLD!

[X] Plan Efficiency
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[x] Plan room for one more?

Obviously the more the merrier when it comes to the appeal here. Speaking from a mechanical point of view:

Getting Advantage on Hard or Keen is nice, as those aren't our strong stats at the moment. Getting plus 1 fame isn't attractive to me as we should be spending advancements on things that help us do things so we can get that fame ourselves.

Advantage on spotting? That can be incredibly valuable. Getting a bombing run ability? Huge plus here. Wouldn't be as big a deal if we were running the Fighter-Bomber as we could drop bombs ourselves, and a heavy attack plane could still do strafing runs in a pinch, but with only 2 auto-crossbows we are at a real disadvantage in our company for dealing with ground target missions and this will fill that hole quite nicely.

I like how this has synergy with our sky ship.
Mechanically, if you spend the hold to do spotting, then a kobold was in your plane the whole time and pops out at this unexpected moment.

If you spend it on doing a bombing, then the kobolds were in the bomber the whole time.

Yes, they're quantum kobolds, like all kobolds.

Anyway, if you want to know what the kobolds look like, just look up SorcArt on twitter!