LANCER: BATTLEGROUP - Breaking Upon the Diamond Shoals

Bold Text Indicates a Viewpoint Character

Admiral Bryce Garrison: Shadowy leader of Harrison Armory's forces

Admiral Talbert Shane: Untested leader of Battlegroup December

Ambassador Langly: Asshole face for Harrison Armory

Belladonna-331: Queer NHP in a sexy Subaltern aboard the Derecho

Captain Sven Halston: Recently promoted captain of the Hurricane

Chief Xon Brailey: Grumpy chief of operations on the battle scarred Butterfly Hill

Deck Chief John Mandala: Grumpy deck chief aboard the Harrison Armory ship, Fearsome.

Dr. Yata: Fleet Astrophysicist, Battlegroup December.

Engineer Sarial Serial: Overworked fabrication engineer, dragooned into service aboard the Gale.

Flight Lieutenant Ines Ibanla: Cocky combat pilot stationed on the Cú Chulainn.

Flight Private Alot "Neck" Xanata: Lancer aboard the HA ship, Fearsome.

Flight Private Tane "Catboy" Wallstein: Snarky catboy, mecha pilot aboard the Fearsome.

Flight Sergeant Lim "Bio" Biovare: By the numbers ace pilot stationed on the Harrison Armory ship, Fearsome.

Gunnery Captain Vane Omelas: Grizzled Union Veteran, in charge of the Derecho's (very large) gun.

Lieutenant Jade Gala: Signals and Intelligence officer for the Hurricane, Fisher.

Lieutenant Samuel Varine: Redhead of little words, helmsman of the Hurricane.

Lieutenant Xammie Galapagos: Best friend of Jade Gala, gunnery officer of the Hurricane.

Lieutenant Pilot Malard Morganstern: Newbie addition to Wolf Squad, attached to Butterfly Hill

Lieutenant Pilot Mark Vanderbilt: Cocky squad leader of Wolf Squad, attached to Butterfly Hill

Lieutenant Pilot Poius Chenard: Chenard just wants to grill, man - Lancer from Butterfly Hill

Lieutenant Pilot San Quanski: Buff warrior woman of Wolf Squad, attached to Butterfly Hill.

Technician Tanner Tan: Lowly technician aboard the Butterfly Hill.

Zivian: Overworked DOJ/HR Lawyer

Satastroy Republic Orbital Navy ships

CS - Capital Ship
OC - Orbital Carrier
SC - Strike Cruiser

SRON-CS Derecho

HP: 28/33 | Defense: 10
Spinal Petajoul Kinetic
Single Target, Accurate, Charge 3, Critical
Range: 5-2, 15 damage​
30 ISP-N Barracuda Corvettes
6 HP
30 HA Wagner Corvettes
6 HP
30 GMS Combahee Corvettes
6 HP​
Subaltern Combat Crews: May use an additional tactic per turn
Single-Plane Shield: May re-roll interdiction and take the better result.​
Superior Logistics: Escorts begin with 2 Overshield.
Combat Refit: Tactic, Limited 1. Repair up to 3 escorts within the range band. One may be repaired even if destroyed. May then issue orders to two Escorts.​

HP: 11 | Defense: 14
Message Lead Laser
Special: May add +1 damage to a Payload Weapon at 0, up to +4.
Range: 4-2
Message Lead Laser
Special: May add +1 damage to a Payload Weapon at 0, up to +4.
Range: 4-2​
30 ISP-N Barracuda Corvettes
6 HP
16 ISP-N Bowsprit Destroyers
8 HP​
Close Support: Allied battlegroups may use tactics granted by this ship's escorts as if they were under its control.​
SRON-SC Bomb Cyclone

HP: 16 | Defense: 10
Single-Stage Torpedo Tube
Single Target, Payload -1
Range: 4-2, 8 Damage​
Message Lead Laser
Special: May add +1 damage to a Payload Weapon at 0, up to +4.
Range: 4-2​
Fire Control Network: 1/round, when an allied battlegroup in range consumes a lock-on, it may re-roll that result but has to take the second result. Additionally, when defensive screening, it may lock on a hostile capital ship or escort.​
SRON-SC Hurricane

CAPTAIN: Lt. Commander Sven Halston
HP: 16/16 | Defense: 10
Single-Stage Torpedo Tube
Single Target, Payload -1
Range: 4-2, 8 Damage​
Brace for Impact!: Tactic, Limited 1 - entire battlegroup becomes Bolstered​
Repair Drones: When assigned to Defensive Screen, the ship the Hurricane is screening regains 2 HP
Fleet Triage: 1/encounter, Tactic. One of your capital ships, escorts or allied of the same in the same range band repair 5 HP.​

Union Navy

BB - Battleship
CV - Carrier Vessel
LS - Line Ship


HP: 24/28 | Defense: 12
Long Spool Primary Lance
Single Target, Charge 3, Critical, Reliable 3
Range: 4-0, Damage: 12​
Primary Kinetic Batteries
Single Target, Reliable 1
Range: 3-0, Damage: 1d6+1​
Flyswatter Missiles
Range: 3-0 | Damage: Special, when fired alongside a primary weapon, deal 2 damage to up to 2 wings in the target's battlegroup
Secondary Turrets
Range: 3-0 | DAmage: when fired alongside a primary single target weapon, deal +1 damage to the same target.​
Subaltern Combat Crews: May use an additional Tactic during their turn.
Insightful Commanders: 1/round, whenever a hostile effect or ability forces move any number of range bands forward or backwards, your next single target attack gains +1 Accuracy, or +2 Accuracy if attacking at range band 5-4. This effect lasts until the end of next turn, does not stack.​
Paragon: 1/round, add +1 Accuracy to any roll made by you or an allied battlegroup within range. 1/engagement, add +3 Accuracy instead.​
UNS-CV Blair Mountain

HP: 19/19 | Defense: 12
8 Balor Combat Wing (LL 3)
HP: 8/8 | Tenacity: 14
8 Tortuga Wing (LL 3)
HP: 8 | Tenacity: 14​
[Classified] [Redacted] Limpet [Classified]
Tenacity: 12​
Bulwark Redundancies: +3 HP​
Away Teams: Boarding attacks gain +2 Tenacity.
UNS-CV Cú Chulainn

HP: 12/14 | Defense: 15
4 Various Frame Wing (LL6)
HP: 4/6 | Specials: NHP Co-Pilots, Goalkeeper, Aggressive Pickets
150 Legion Drone, Nexus Point 4
4 HP​
Escort Formation: This ship can be assigned as a defensive screen as if it were a frigate.​

Union Navy

BB - Battleship
CV - Carrier Vessel
LS - Line Ship

UNS-BB Butterfly Hill

HP: 33/33 | Defense: 10
Long Cycle Primary Lance
Single Target, Charge 3, Critical, Reliable 3
Range: 4-0, 12 damage​
Heavy Kinetic Batteries
Single Target, Reliable 2
Range: 4-1, 5 Damage​
150 Legion Drone, Nexus Point 1
4 HP
20+4 Various Mounted Chassis (LL 3-4)
5 HP | Tenacity: 11
+4 Wolf Squadron (Attached to Chassis Wing)
6 HP - Jettison Ram, NHP Co-Pilot, Shipkiller​
Brace for Impact!: Tactic, Limited 1 - entire battlegroup becomes Bolstered​
Hook Jab: 1/round, whenever a capital, escort or wing in this BG consumes a lock on as part of a single target attack, may issue one command to a wing.
Body Blow: Maneuver, Limited 1, repair one wing to full HP (even if destroyed) and fire one superheavy or two primary weapons. Then, issue commands to all this ship's Wings.​
UNS-LS Sekwun

HP: 12 | Defense: 10
Spinal LinAc Coherent Beam Cannon
Single Target, Charge 2, Critical
Range: 4-1, 8 Damage​
VEGA-Pattern Targeting Laser
Single Target, Reliable 2, on a hit, apply a lock on to target
Range: 5-2, 2 Damage​
Purpose Built: Can carry that fucking gun it has.​
UNS-LS Tukwakin

HP: 12 | Defense: 10
Spinal LinAc Coherent Beam Cannon
Single Target, Charge 2, Critical
Range: 4-1, 8 Damage​
VEGA-Pattern Targeting Laser
Single Target, Reliable 2, on a hit, apply a lock on to target
Range: 5-2, 2 Damage​
Purpose Built: Can carry that fucking gun it has.​

BG Orchard
(4) LONG RANGE: BG December

SRON-CS Derecho
1 Charge Counters

UNS-BB Chesapeake
1 Charge Counters

UNS-BB Butterfly Hill
1 Charge Counters

UNS-LS Sekwun

UNS-LS Tukwakin



CORSAIR: 0 HP, 10 DEF, 1d6 ID
Wing 1: 0/5 HP | Wing 2: 0/5 HP | Wing 3: 0/5 HP | Wing 4: 0/5 HP
HIVEQUEEN: 14 HP, 8 DEF, 2d6 ID [Graywash attack in progress!] [BOARDING IN PROGRESS]
Mastermind Template (Applied to Hivequeen)​
STALWART 1: 10|10 HP, 8 DEF
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[X] Battleplan CASTLE

Having Diamond in front makes a lot of sense. I have a risky plan for Orchard...but honestly more effective if Orchard goes second or even third.

Putting this Orchard plan here for future reference in case I'm not here for the next vote as I've got a busy few days.

[] Plan: Risky Gallop
-[] BG Orchard
-[] Free Tactic: Lock Firing Solution (This would be the free tactic from starting at range 5)
-[] Tactic: Emergency Maneuvers - Advance to Range 4
-[] All Ahead full - fire a Vega Targeting Laser, consuming the lock-on and thus triggering Hook-Jab(and with luck also locking on)
-[] Hook-Jab Free Wing Tactic - Chassis Command: Breach and Clear(board enemy capital ship)
-[] NHP Copilot Ace Squadron Free Tactic - Ace Squadron Jettison Ram(board enemy ship)

Positives of the plan. It gets use out of the Greenland's passive and gets its chassis/ace wings into the fight, boarding enemy ships and hopefully forcing the enemy ships to decide to clear use actions to clear those boarders(otherwise they'll be taking damage over time). With luck, it'll also net an extra lock-on(if the Vega Hits) which will allow BG December to trigger its Fire Control Network trait(if it goes after).

If December goes before it and is in range band 3 with it, we'd be able to eke out a little extra damage from using its escorts. If that is the case and Orchard is last in the turn order, fire the Heavy Kinetic Batteries instead of the VEGA because lock-ons expire.
If December goes before it and is in range band 3 with it, we'd be able to eke out a little extra damage from using its escorts. If that is the case and Orchard is last in the turn order, fire the Heavy Kinetic Batteries instead of the VEGA because lock-ons expire.

The idea here is that December will go before Orchard, screen something (probably Diamond's Tawa) with its Caspian Sea to lock on to the Corsair, inflicting 4 Damage from its Corvettes. Then when Orchard goes, it should be free and clear to use the HKB, or Vega if it wants to try to maintain the lock-on for its LinAcs.

Hopefully. We kind of have to see what the enemy does.
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Adhoc vote count started by DragonCobolt on Mar 14, 2023 at 12:17 AM, finished with 22 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] Battleplan CASTLE
    [X] Plan: I have no idea
    -[X] BG December
    --[X] All Ahead Full: move 1 range band forward, fire one primary weapon (CORSAIR)
    --[X] Ace Squadron Command (Strike Package: Deal 1d3+1 damage to a hostile capital, escort or wing. Additional effects depending on battlegroup. (DILUVIA)
    --[X] Destroyer Command (Cannonade): Deal 3 damage to hostile Capital ship (CORSAIR)
    --[X] Legion Drone Command (Hunt/Kill, Defensive): Deal 1 damage to Capital, Escort or Wing of your choice (DILUVIA)
    [X] Battleplan CASTLE
    -[X] BG Diamond
    -[X] Emergency Manuevers (1 Range Band Forward, to Scope Range)
    -[X] Retrograde Burn: Ignore the next hostile action that forces movement. Ships become Bolstered (+2 defense, +1d6 interdiction)
    -[X] Subaltern Combat Crews Tactic: Balor Hive Frenzy on target Hivequeen.
    -[X] NHP Co-Pilot Tactics: Strike Package on target Corsair.

EDIT 5: There were tons of edits, so I am rewriting this to be clearer!

BG Diamond moved forward to RANGE BAND 3, then launched their Balors and their Ace Squad (starring Ines!) The Balors dropped 2 Graywash counters onto the Hivequeen, while Ines and her band of merry troublemakers did 4 damage (!!!) to the Corsair with their guns and shit.

Meanwhile, BG Corsair attempted to use their Legionspace Siren to move BG Diamond - but your retrograde burn kept you safe. They also scrambled two of their combat wings (mostly Everests) to do chip damage to the Balors (doing 1 damage each and taking 1 damage each.) Meanwhile, their ace squad (starring Bio) used their special beam attacks to do 1 damage to the Cú Chulainn (and gain 1 heat token - they can use heat tokens to do even more damage later.)

The d6 labeled as "attacking the limpets" was me not realizing that you can't attack Gourd Limpets - so instead, the Diluvia as dropped 3 graywash counters onto the Chesapeake!

EDIT 6: Oh, uh, the graywash tokens are not yet applied - that happens in the boarding phase, which hasn't happened yet!

EDIT 7: Fun fact, the Marauders can't target the Balors cause the Balors are BOARDING, so the damage is to the ace squadron instead auhuhh
DragonCobolt threw 3 3-faced dice. Reason: +1 Total: 5
3 3 1 1 1 1
DragonCobolt threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Attacking the Limpets Total: 5
5 5
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1.0: A Gray Sortie
Klaxons dragged Flight Lieutenant Ines Ibanla out of bed with a blaze of adrenaline. She scrambled out of her bunk while still wearing her combat suits, and ducked reflexively - but she wasn't in the brig, not anymore. She had spent the weeks flying to this position in the brig, but they had shunted her out of it in time for precombat training and honing. Not that she needed it. It took more than a few weeks to sand her edges off.

"Think this is another drill?" Kailen, her wingmate, asked as they rushed from the bunk rooms to the throbbing deck. The sudden jolt of acceleration that almost slammed them to their knees, which came without warning or indication, and made every single new astro on the ship drop to the ground at once, made Ines and Kailen both shake their heads.

"Definitely not a drill!"

The past two days had been maneuvering at extreme ranges. Ever since the Armory had nuked the outer system telescopes and effectively blinded their best ships, the whole fleet had dispersed out into a staggered, defensive posture. There were rumors that some of their spoolships were way back in orbit around the Shoals itself. Ines, though, didn't give a shit about lances or kinetics. She cared about the fact that-


The Cú Chulainn had just jinked again.

"We're getting shot at!" Kailen said, huffing.

"Well, yeah! That's the fun part, isn't it?" Ines asked as they came to the flight briefing room. Their flight coordinator was a finger of the Fleet Legion, poked down into their subjectivity and into a subaltern, who looked like a faintly abstracted, slightly professorial mechanical spider. It lurked in the middle of the briefing room, where the rest of the squadron was gathering. The projection showed the current disposition of the ships - and the travel time and time to targets on several preliminary attacks from both sides. The fleets were still at the ranges where things could take hours before they took seconds.

"All right, Lancers," the NHP that wasn't entirely an NHP at the moment said. His voice was musical, interweaving different tones and shifting gender subtly every few seconds. "We don't have much time, so I'll lay it out. We've got an optimal target within your flight window. The Cú Chulainn is going to be burning hard on a tangent course and you will be taking some flying mounts out and engaging the PCV-GC Fearsome. We've already seen launches from their flight pods - expect friends out there. Your primary goal is going to be securing the route past the Fearsome and to the Ra. Blair Mountain is launching Century Rain squad and we need them to reach their targets."

Ines' smooth, slippery gray neck prickled. If she had had body hair, it'd have tried to rise right up.

Everyone in the battlegroup had heard...rumors about some of the squadrons and escorts that they were packing. The brass didn't like talking about it and no one wanted to come out and say it. But that much not talking about stuff made Ines want to break out in hives. If she could.

Sharks didn't get hives.

At least, not girls who had modded themselves to look like cute shark girls did not get hives.

If she had, she'd have left a really mean review on the omninet, growing a tail had hurt.

Ines focused again as their Legion laid out their routes and prospective enemies. But all the while, she was buzzing to get to her very own chassis. Her pride. Her joy. Her chassis.

"Good luck, good hunting."

The Lancers stood and hurried through the door. Ines was locking her helmet on as she and Kailen arrived in the hanger bay. Flight mounts were being strapped onto the shoulders and hips of the chassis that stood in the hanger, while last minute spot checks and loads were being trundled from the printers to their stations. Kalien grinned. "Good luck, Ines," she said. "Remember, keep your head!"

"And I'll watch your tail," Ines said back. The two girls slapped hips and Kailen's scorpion tail and Ines' shark tail slapped together. Then they were off. Kailen was swinging into the mountainous head of a burly looking HA Sherman, which had been painted dayglow pink with tiger stripes and the bizarre and inexplicable motto of KANE LIVES across the meeting planes of the chassis head. Ines had asked Kailen to explain it, and Kalien had gone on rambling precise of early Cradle media entertainment that had left Ines wishing she had just stung her instead. No, Ines' chassis was much classier: Sky blue and gunmetal gray, with white highlights, it stood out in a hanger of exotic choices and tailored picks.

Ines flew an GMS Everest.

"Your BGM-998 is prepped, Ines!" her chassis tech called down. "We've got it loaded with your choice - I swear, if I didn't see the authorization from the admiral, you'd be up before the DOJ/HR!"

"Paracausal ammo isn't that bad!" Ines said, stepping into the elevator under her chassis, which shot up, putting her right into the cockpit. She settled into the chair as she locked in. Her voice clicked onto the coms. "It just gives techies headaches. See, the trick is, you don't even pretend to understand it and just assume it's magic!"

Her techie seemed unamused from the grunt alone.

With her heavy machine gun locked into her arms and her backup - a big knife - at her hip, Ines flicked on the controls and her cockpit came to glowing life. A cheerful, female voice spoke. "Weapons, online. Systems, online. Coolant is good. Flying attachments at full reaction mass." A beat later. "Glad to see you're out of the brig, Lieutenant Ibanla."

"Hey, Cerulea," Ines said. "Ready to kick ass?"

"I do not have legs with which to kick, Lieutenant Ibanla. Besides, even if I did, I believe the 10cm paracausal rounds loaded into your BGM-998 would be far more efficacious than a kick," Cerulea crooned, her voice so soft and so demure that it had to be sarcastic.

"Launch in five."

Ines breathed in.


The systems whirred.


The rocket engines rumbled.


Ines felt the thumps of the magnetic catapult locking home.

"Go! Go! Go!"

Her chassis was flung from the hanger bay and into the depths of space, whipping away from the Cú Chulainn so fast that between blinks the ship went from a sleek skyscraper of blue, gray and red to a glittering star. The rest of her squadron was visible from the green triangles that flared to life around them. "All ring, Ines, you're on my wing," Kailen said as the chatter of the rest of the wing crackled through the line. The flying mount kicked on and Ines was jammed back into her seat by the Gs. Her lips skinned back as Cerulea threw up the blue indicators for Century Rain squadron and the red indicators for the bad guys coming their way. She sighted on her target.

The time between launch and combat felt eternal, but it couldn't have been more than a half hour. Everyone knew where everyone was, and everyone knew when they were going to meet. That didn't make certainty, though. No one knew what each chassis carried, nor what each pilot could do...nor who was going to get lucky.

During that half hour, Ines took a moment to glance around. She saw pale winks and flashes that could have been kinetics, long spool lances, thrust plumes, anything. X-beams and grazers were equally invisible. And the fleets were so far apart that she mostly seemed to share space with nothing but the stars. Then...the gap between wings closed.


A twin appeared before Ines, her subjectivity snapping into the dreamlike slowness of action. She twisted her controls and her Cerulea brought the heavy machine gun to a shoulder firing position. She loosed. And the rounds in her magazine did something. The counter in her HUD spun dizzily as her machine gun's barrel glowed with blue-white flurry. Rounds whipped out, tracers lining through space and the other chassis - a red painted GMS Everest - blew apart as Ines whipped past them.

"Hah!" She laughed, while Juji, one of the other pilots in her wing, cried out.

"Fuck! I got winged. My left arm actuators are shot."

"Are you MKed?" Wing Lieutenant Mercer barked.

"No, I still have my shoulder-"

The deceleration that slammed into Ines was as brutal as the acceleration. The dot ahead of her went from star to toy to skyscraper. Then she slammed home, her magnetic boots clamping onto the skin of the Fearsome. Nobby towers that were point defense guns jutted from the side, while long chute-doors were recessed into the sides like canyons. Ines sighted and fired in a quick spray, and a burst of high caliber, quasi-real bullets tore a nearby defense gun to shreds. She charged-scrambled forward, feet and one hand keeping her connected to the Fearsome despite its movements through space. Her shoulder crunched against the point defense tower and she peeked around - while Cerulea murmured.

"They're deploying hardsuits."

Men, actual human sized men, came boiling out. Several of them were carrying shoulder mounted munitions that launched whizzing rocket-swarms that started to whip past her, trying to hit her without hitting the ship. A scything line of molten hull material announced Kailen shooting by as a streaking star. The hardsuits were gone and air was gouting into space from the impact site.

"Come on, Ines, we gotta keep dancing out here!"

Ines grinned, detatched one of her hip mounted munitions, stuck to the ship...and then yelped as the Fearsome engaged a sudden acceleration, jerking her off the side. She tumbled, corrected herself - and then saw the winking flare of her munitions going off. The big carrier was still manuevering. Still fighting.

But she'd taken a lick - no two ways about it.

Ines shouldered her BGM and sighted on the next chassis to cross her line of fire.

Flight Sergeant Lim Biovare barely flinched as the Balor whipped Bunny in half with a crackling, buzzing hellwhip. The two halves of the Genghis that had been flying by her right tumbled through space, the pilot shouting over the lines. "Redlining! Critical! Fusion brea-" And then he was lost in a wave of static - reduced to ghost and radiation by the flare as his upper torso exploded into a flare of white light. Bio barely had time to register Bunny's death. She was too busy trying to avoid getting slashed in half by the Balor across from her. This squadron, identified as Century Rain by SIGINT and HUMINT, hadn't been easy to identify from a distance.

Up close...


They were unmistakable. No one else looked like shambling mounds of hissing death like a Balor. Wreathed in the witchfire of their nanoswarms and made only slightly more solid by their flying frames, each Balor was distinct and horrible in their own way. Not all of them had the damn hellwhips - several had graywash sprayers, others had hive nexues and a few had mixed in some more mainline, normal weapons like rail rifles or machine guns...but even those showed signs of HORUS infection.

Bio hated HORUS. Creeping, awful, inexplicable cell of terrorist. It was one of the reasons why she was, in the end, loyal to the Armory through thick and thin. Union, in their attempt to accept everyone, allowed anything. That included HORUS. She frowned, fiercely, as she felt her control almost slip as the Balor ahead of her slash its hellwhip at her. She dodged away from it with a spurt of her maneuvering thrusters and lifted her 0-Beam rifle up, scything it straight along the midsection of the Balor. The enemy chassis boiled like reactive metal being dunked in water, but she wasn't sure how much of that was damage, how much of that was the nanoswarm acting to protect itself.

"Fearsome-2, ignore Century Rain. Target of opportunity identified." The cold voice of FLEETCOM made Bio scowl. She hated to see HORUS get away...but the Balors, after their little bit of fun with their hellwhips, were already on a divergent tangent. She wasn't sure where they were going - but FLEETCOM had the big picture. So, she glanced down at her charts and let out a little grunt.

There was an enemy carrier getting dangerously close to her and her wing.

"Catboy, Neck. On me." She said, over the direct line - before grunting as she was pushed back into her seat by the acceleration. Catboy and Neck joined her, their thrust plumes cutting curved arcs through space. The enemy ship swelled before her - a skyscraper with two fluted, sweeping flanges spreading from the back. A pocket carrier! And her wings were far enough away to give her a chance that pilots dreamed of. "Pick your targets - aim for com pintles and PDGs."

"Got it!" Neck said.

"Yes, Mom," Catboy said, his voice flushed with the excitement of battle.

0-Beams took time to really warm up, so the initial spray that Bio put down was pretty no-nothing to write home about. Armor plating bubbled and streamed as she aimed down range - but then she had to focus on jerking herself left, right, up, down, all to avoid streamers of rounds and lasbeams that were trying to slice her out of the sky. According to doctrine, you needed to do three passes with a 0-Beam for maximal effect...but according to doctrine, you also had to avoid getting killed if you could help it.

"Come around for another pass once they're cooling," Bio said, grunting as her chassis was launched out of immediate, easy range of the pocket carrier's PDGs.

"Oh shit! Those Balor assholes have reached the fucking Ra!" Catboy exclaimed. The Ra at this range was a tiny speck in the distance, glittering and glinting. But it wasn't like it was hard to miss the Balors on scopes and radar. With a moment to breathe, Bio glanced down at her own scopes and was able to get a view locked and stabilized image of a Balor, hellwhip in one hand, cutter in the other, slicing into the side of the elegant sweep of the Ra's outer skin.

"We should do something!" Catboy said.

"No," Bio said, her voice firm. "We have our orders. FLEETCOM has the big picture. We're good for another pass, right?"

Streamers of tracer shells, barely visible as hissing beads of pale white, whipping around the sleek pocket carrier - her nameplate visible from this new angle as the UNS-CV Cú Chulainn. Bio squared her shoulders as she saw just how much angry, angry death was flying her way. She stuck out her jaw, knowing it was square.

"You first, Sargent," Catboy said.

Biovare kicked her chassis into full gear - screaming towards the Cú Chulainn for another pass.


[ ] Until the end of BG Diamond's next turn, BG Diamond cannot take or benefit from actions or effects that would move it back any number of range bands.
[ ] A ship in BG Diamond, chosen by the QM, takes 1d6 damage

[X] Until the end of BG Diamond's next turn, BG Diamond cannot take or benefit from actions or effects that would move it back any number of range bands.

Yeah, I'm not giving the QM a free shot this early.

Now for the plan...

[] Plan: speak softly...
-[] Free Tactic: Lock Firing Solution on HIVEQUEEN
-[] Open Fire (Primary): VEGA-Pattern Targeting Laser on CORSAIR & TURTLEBACK
-[] Tactic: Emergency Maneuvers - Advance to Range 4

A more conservative verso of @Talkos plan that locks onto all the enemy capitals and preps them for world of hurt next turns

[] Plan Special delivery!
-[] Free Tactic: Lock Firing Solution on CORSAIR
-[] Tactic: Emergency Maneuvers - Advance one range
-[] All Ahead Full: move 1 range band forward, THEN fire Single-Stage Torpedo at CORSAIR (Reroll on a miss due to Fire Control Network)
-[] Corvette Command Combahee (Defensive Formation): Gain +2 Interdiction until the next turn and a reroll due to Single-Plane Shield.

This is a more offence based plan focused on lobbing a Torpedo right into the enemies face.
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[X] Plan: speak softly...

[X] Until the end of BG Diamond's next turn, BG Diamond cannot take or benefit from actions or effects that would move it back any number of range bands.
Okay, good news everyone! The Corsair has gone, the threat of the scrapcaster is removed until next turn, which it's not going to get.

To get the obvious our of the way:

[X] Until the end of BG Diamond's next turn, BG Diamond cannot take or benefit from actions or effects that would move it back any number of range bands.

Diamond doesn't want to get farther than Range 3 anyway, and doesn't care that much about being in Range 2. No enemies beside the Corsair have weapons that are super effective in Range 2, and we are Not Going To Let It Have Another Turn.

The question to me then is how much we're going to focus on getting rid of the Brothers in Arms. If we do, I think it looks like this:

[ ] Battleplan ABLE
-[ ]BG December
-[ ] Emergency Maneuvers to Range 4.
-[ ] All Ahead Full, Fire Torpedo at Brother in Arms #1, use Destroyer as Auxiliary Weapon.
-[ ] Free Tactic: Destroyer Command, Snapflight Torpedoes on Brother in Arms #1.
-[ ] Subaltern Combat Crews: Screen Chesapeake with Bomb Cyclone, Lock On to Corsair (Caspian Sea Ability), inflicting 4 Damage (Corvettes).

The torpedo attack here is kind of a fake; all it's really doing to let us do the 2-point ping damage with the Destroyer's Auxiliary weapons. Then, we use the Destroyer's snapflight torpedoes to delete the Brother in Arms and reduce the incoming beam damage by half. Only four damage on the Corsair, though, so we'll be in a good deal of trouble if the LinAcs miss.

Alternatively, we just try to force a miss by boarding the Turtleback on Orchard's turn, and focus on the Corsair.

[ ] Battleplan BELLOWS
-[ ]BG December
-[ ] Emergency Maneuvers to Range 4.
-[ ] All Ahead Full, Fire Torpedo at Corsair, use Destroyer as Auxiliary Weapon.
-[ ] Free Tactic: Corvette, Trade Blows (4 damage, 2 damage back, absorbed by overshield).
-[ ] Subaltern Combat Crews: Screen Chesapeake with Bomb Cyclone, Lock On to Corsair (Caspian Sea Ability), inflicting 4 Damage (Corvettes).

That's a full ten damage to the Corsair (ignore the torpedo, it's never going to hit), on top of the four already inflicted, which puts us much more comfortably in "just remove it" range next round.

My inclination is to stick to focusing on the Corsair, but the odds are pretty good on the LinAcs doing something, we can maybe do some more ping damage with the HKBs just to be on the safe side. The nightmare scenario is if we're insufficiently diligent about putting the Corsair down, both LinAc shots miss, and then we're stuck in melee range with the Scrapcaster.

A more conservative verso of @Talkos plan that locks onto all the enemy capitals and preps them for world of hurt next turns
The danger with this plan is that it leaves Orchard at Long Range (4) with no way to mitigate forced movement. If the Battlethreads push them one back, it can scrub the LinAc shots (since they're range 4-1). We very, very do not want them to do that, so we're waiting to see what the Hivequeen/Battlethreads do before we move Orchard, (or if the Turtlebacks activate first, we'll be forced to move them to Range 3 to avoid that happening, which I don't love but it is what it is).
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Okay, having thought about it some more...I think I need to go with Battleplan BELLOWS here.

[X] Battleplan BELLOWS
-[X]BG December
-[X] Emergency Maneuvers to Range 4.
-[X] All Ahead Full, Fire Torpedo at Corsair, use Destroyer as Auxiliary Weapon.
-[X] Free Tactic: Corvette, Trade Blows (4 damage, 2 damage back, absorbed by overshield).
-[X] Subaltern Combat Crews: Screen Chesapeake with Bomb Cyclone, Lock On to Corsair (Caspian Sea Ability), inflicting 4 Damage (Corvettes).

My reasoning is that I don't want to pin too much on the LinAcs hitting. There's a 25% chance they just miss, and a 75% chance only one hits. That means inflicting as much damage as we can now, so in the worst case scenario we can ensure destruction of the critical target; any damage left over is a bonus used on other targets.

I think boarding the Turtleback is a good idea anyway, so we might as well lean in to that as our defense against the Brothers in Arms.
We should be focusing on the Brothers In Arms in my mind with the scrapcaster being down for the round.

We are going to get first call on the action phase of Round 2, right? Cause if so, then we should be able to finish off the Corsair with BG Diamond if the Corsair survives the impact phase. We were putting Diamond in this spot expecting the scrapcaster to fire anyways, so as mentioned worst case is if both the Brothers and the Corsair survive long enough to fulfill their duties in the 2nd round.

So I am happy going hard on the Brothers here. Might put Diamond at more risk but it also puts our own charge guns at a better chance of firing a 2nd time.

Edit, Gonna steal this:
[X] Plan ABLE
-[X] BG December
-[X] Emergency Maneuvers to Range 4.
-[X] All Ahead Full, Fire Torpedo at Brother in Arms #1, use Destroyer as Auxiliary Weapon.
-[X] Free Tactic: Destroyer Command, Snapflight Torpedoes on Brother in Arms #1.
-[X] Subaltern Combat Crews: Screen Chesapeake with Bomb Cyclone, Lock On to Corsair (Caspian Sea Ability), inflicting 4 Damage (Corvettes).
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We are going to get first call on the action phase of Round 2, right? Cause if so, then we should be able to finish off the Corsair with BG Diamond if the Corsair survives the impact phase.
Keep in mind that the maximum guaranteed damage we can do is 12, and that's assuming BG December stays at range 3 (not guaranteed); also the Corsair will probably grab five overshield next logistics phase. Even with a Lock-On + Caspian reroll (which we can't guarantee we have!) odds are good at least one misses. If both miss...well how bad that is depends on what the Hivequeen does.

We were putting Diamond in this spot expecting the scrapcaster to fire anyways
No, we made absolutely sure that couldn't happen. If we were willing to accept the 'caster maybe firing, we wouldn't have retrograde burned and used the firepower to heap more hurt on the Corsair.
[X] Battleplan BELLOWS

The Corsair has already gone, we can't stop the Hivequeen or Turtleback from getting a turn, but we can do our best to make sure that the Corsair does not get a second turn. This also has the advantage of putting some hurt on the Diluvia.

Action economy is the name of the game.
I keep trying to think of ways to get rid of the goddamn Albedo Cavalier, and keep coming up short with our current loadout. I think the only option is to just nuke enemy capital ships as fast as possible, and accept that at some point it will probably delete one of our ships. Or, if the battle looks like it's turning our way, if they can be talked into standing down? I've got nothing, that's sort of it at this point.

In completely unrelated news, here's a battlegroup composition designed for the purpose of deleting aces as quickly as possible.

Fuck Aces
[11] UNS-BB David Hume
(7) HA Michel Ney Class Dreadnought
(0) Aggressive Commanders
(0) Long-Cycle Primary Lance
(2) Mass Accelerator Turrets
(2) Mass Accelerator Turrets
(0) Piper Drones

[5] UNS-CV Huishan
(4) GMS Amazon Class Line Carrier
(3) Ace Squadron
(1) Fighter Wing
(1) Fighter Wing
(0) Legion Drone Nexus

[4] UNS-LS Seto
(3) GMS Huron Class Frigate
(1) Heavy Kinetic Batteries
(0) Flyswatter Missiles

- Ace Squadron
- NHP Co-Pilot
- Redline Operation
- Goalkeeper
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Adhoc vote count started by DragonCobolt on Mar 14, 2023 at 2:50 PM, finished with 8 posts and 5 votes.
  • 7

    [X] Until the end of BG Diamond's next turn, BG Diamond cannot take or benefit from actions or effects that would move it back any number of range bands.
    [X] Battleplan BELLOWS
    [X] Plan: speak softly...
    [X] Battleplan BELLOWS
    -[X]BG December
    -[X] Emergency Maneuvers to Range 4.
    -[X] All Ahead Full, Fire Torpedo at Corsair, use Destroyer as Auxiliary Weapon.
    -[X] Free Tactic: Corvette, Trade Blows (4 damage, 2 damage back, absorbed by overshield).
    -[X] Subaltern Combat Crews: Screen Chesapeake with Bomb Cyclone, Lock On to Corsair (Caspian Sea Ability), inflicting 4 Damage (Corvettes).
    [X] Plan ABLE
    -[X]BG December
    -[X] Emergency Maneuvers to Range 4.
    -[X] All Ahead Full, Fire Torpedo at Brother in Arms #1, use Destroyer as Auxiliary Weapon.
    -[X] Free Tactic: Destroyer Command, Snapflight Torpedoes on Brother in Arms #1.
    -[X] Subaltern Combat Crews: Screen Chesapeake with Bomb Cyclone, Lock On to Corsair (Caspian Sea Ability), inflicting 4 Damage (Corvettes).

Looks good but my power is out :(


God, I love libraries, they're so great
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On your turn, you moved BG December into Long Range and started slapping at the Corsair with a combination of corvettes and destroyers - real Homeworld hours. This did 10 damage to them and the corvettes took 2 damage, which was soaked by your overshield. Meanwhile, you also put out some torpedoes!

On the bad guy's turn, they used their Battlethreads to move BG Diamond to collapsing range, then Hivequeen launched their K-drone payload with 2 tokens, then they used the other Battlethread to remove 1 token. Oh no!

Then they used the Hivequeen's tactic of launching boarding pods to drop a drone pod on the Gale! Finally, the other action from the mastermind triggers: You need to either move BG Orchard to Long Range OR take damage!

And that's what happened.
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Well, if BG Diamond is now in Range 2, they aren't being screened by the Bomb Cyclone anymore. Right? They will still be Bolstered against the missile for some bonus interdiction at least.

I guess we are allowing BG Orchard to get pulled into Range 4?
Well, if BG Diamond is now in Range 2, they aren't being screened by the Bomb Cyclone anymore. Right?
No, the screening effect sticks around until the next turn regardless of movement effects. It ends on next turn, though, and can't be re-established unless the groups are in the same range band again.

I guess we are allowing BG Orchard to get pulled into Range 4?
Absolutely. We are 100% going to do that. If they are going to give us free movement who are we to disagree with it?

We also get a free shot with BG Diamond's guns (Insightful Commanders) and a free damage ping from BG Diamond's Aces with Aggressive Pickets.

This is frankly an amazing turn for us. It is now imperative that the Hivequeen be overloaded with boarding parties; it didn't use its most effective and impactful Tactic and we are going to make damn sure it never gets a chance to.
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1.1: Trading Blows
At the ranges Captain Sven Halston's frigate, the Hurricane, was currently fighting in the engagement that was beginning to swirl throughout the Diamond Shoals, he could launch torpedoes when he rolled out of bed, take a shower, breakfast, go to the bridge, accomplish his morning duties, go to lunch, handle any emergencies that cropped up during the day, handle his afternoon duties, have dinner, and retire to his quarters for his off-shift time while his first officer took the bridge, go to sleep, then wake up again before the torpedoes that he had fired had even become visible to the enemy fleet.

It was an odd way to fight a war, he reflected as he sat in the officer's mess, over the busy chatter of conversation and clink of dishes. Their Union allies had already reached the range where enemy ships were visible on mid to short ranged scopes - the part of the winding gyre of war that their battlegroup worked best at. Carriers were sitting at just the edge of their effective operational ranges...and that was the discussion for the evening table.

"Have you seen the reports on this wing that the Armory's brought? They're firing some kind of semi-coherent paracausal lance weapon that we're still trying to figure out the rough physic approximation on," Gala said as she salted her already salty meal, stirring with some recycled plastic chopsticks. "According to the fleet astrophysicist, they're on some kind of increasing curve."

"Lets hope it's not an exponent," Apa said from her place across from Gala.

"You can't tell this early," Gala said, shaking her head and beginning to shovel food into her mouth so fast that Sven was shocked that she wasn't biting into her toothpicks.

"Do we have any firing solutions for our payload?" he asked Apa. "We've been looking for a chance to opportunity fire our torpedoes..."

"Not yet, skipper," Apa said, sighing as she used a fork to twirl up noodles. "Legion's still trying to punch a hole through their outer syntactic interpolations. My whole department is throwing their math at it, but...well." She shrugged. "There's a lot of weird going on out there, from a demi-real perspective." She flashed him a very Gala-esque smile.

Sven shook his head. He turned to Varnie. "And our long term maneuvering?"

"Good, sir," Varnie said, before going back to shoveling meat chips into his mouth.

"Quite," Sven said.

Sleep was hard. Sven laid in his bed, considering popping a pill - but some part of him rebelled at the idea. Maybe it was the straight laced, Diasporan isolation in him that recoiled at the idea of taking a pill. Maybe it was the eminently logical part of his brain being leery of mixing the psychology of long-term warfare and unpredictable pharmacological effects. Maybe it was he just hated pills. He laid in bed, looking at the ceiling with soothing music piped quietly from his pillow, and tried to not imagine the slowly gathering energies that were building up on either side of the fleet. Of the torpedoes, already on flight.



He sat bolt upright in bed, his heart hammering, before his wrist cuff - which hung loose and limp in his uniform, cast over a chair next to his desk - flared to life. "Sorry, Captain!" Ada's voice piped through the wrist. "We got a firing solution - too perfect to pass up."

"No, it's fine," Sven said, rubbing his face with his palm. "Good work, Ada." He laid back in bed, his eyes closing.

When Sven finally got to sleep, those torpedoes were hundreds of kilometers away - slender black bolts, still burning. The thin plumes of their acceleration were so well concealed that it'd take crossing the plume directly to have a good chance of spotting them at any range. Their noses pointed towards their distant targets...and those targets glittered with throbbing, pulsing weapons fire.

When Sven came onto the bridge the next morning, he grunted as he saw the payload tracker on the bridge screen - the munitions were a third of the way there. But what drew his eye and paused in the coffee drinking...was the sight of what the rest of his battlegroup had done. The Gale and the Derecho were only a few thousand kilometers ahead, but that had still brought them into enough range to have launched, at roughly the same time he had launched his torpedoes, what looked like their entire corvette and destroyer corps. Chevron after chevron of the tiny dots representing the subline ships glittered on the map, all of them hazing around the formation of carriers that served as the core of the mounted chassis platforms that Harrison's Armory had brought to the field.

"Damn," Sven said.

"They're really giving it to the bastards," Gala said, her shark sharp grin growing fiercer. She turned to her console. "They're almost in our scope range."

The screen blinked from the overview chart to something real. The carriers were all tiny stars, surrounded by the bulbous flowers of anti-subline weaponry. Kill clouds, still red hot from their dispersal launches, and shimmering contact beams and stutter grazers, with a few of the puffy, coiling tongues of railgun exhaust thrown in for measure. The corvettes were easily distinguished from the destroyers by being close in - their bodies winking and flashing as they discharged their over/under high bore kinetic weapons, while the destroyers remained at a distance and peppered the sky with winding corkscrews of missile swarms. The exhaust vanished almost faster than it could be seen, creating the hallucinogenic effect of clawed hands flashing into existence and turning into blooming fireballs around the targets.

"Goddamn," Sam Varnie said, quietly.

"You can say that again," Gala said.

"Goddamn," Sam Varnie said, slightly louder.

"How much damage are they taking?" Sven asked Ada.

"Hard to say, skipper," she said, frowning. "Damn. I've never seen a defensive interlock formation like that - look, they're practically dancing." And now that Sven knew what to look for, he could see the glittering stars that were the Fearsome, the Chastity, and the Davy Crockett were all in constant motion, showing first one, then the other, then the next to the formations attacking them. "They're spreading their incoming hits like a champ - it means each ship goes longer before it gets mission killed. Neat work that."

Then she swore. "Hell!"

"What?" Sven asked.

"Gala, can you check for me this throughline?" Ada asked, making a tossing gesture with her console. Gala clacked away at her keyboard, then hissed.

"Krillshit!" she said. "Sir, we've got a swarm of K-drones and boarding limpets, they look like they were launched from the Ra when their orbits were just so. They're heading right for the Chesapeake and...oh, thank god." she shook her head. "At least a quarter of the limpets missed. See, they're way off course."

She pointed at the projection.

Sven nodded. "I'd have hate to see those land - who knows what nasty shit they had onboard." He sipped his coffee. "God, but I hope the Gale and the Derecho repair crews are ready. They've got a lot of work ahead of them..."

Engineer Sarial Serial had a very serious, and very important job ahead of her. One that required as much of her focus as she could bring to bear. She squared her shoulders...and then whisked off the plastic cover for the fabricated cake before the Hồ Chí Minh's crew of tired, happy looking subline crew and held it out. The cake was ancient beyond reckoning and had changed little across the millennia that the tradition had been dragged, crawling over glass and extinction events.

So long as humanity had poker, they had cards.

So long as they had cards, they had...

"And with this, it's official: You and your crew are turret aces!" Sarial said, grinning as the subcaptain of the Hồ Chí Minh, a chubby cheeked girl named Mary who might as well have come off Cradle she was so innocent, beamed at her. "Enjoy!" She said, then let the crew of the corvette get to work. The Hồ Chí Minh's flight recorder was still playing in a loop in the back of the mess hall attached to the flight deck, and it showed the daring plunge into interdiction fire the scrappy corvette had taken as it flew along the skin of the Davy Crockett and taken out three heavy anti-fighter turrets in a single furious pass. That, plus the turret and the other turret the Hồ Chí Minh had taken down in their last two stories meant that they were an ace - a turret ace, yes, but still an ace.

Considering how dangerous anti-subline and interdiction turrets were, it was almost harder to become a turret ace then a chassis ace or a fighter ace or a subline ace.

"Or drone or limpet or missile or torpedo or nuke or kinetic or..." Sarial muttered under her breath as she came back to the hanger bay. She was about to snatch up her tablet and get to work - only to find it was gone. Not there. Absconded. Stolen. She looked around balefully, then saw Chief Xander was standing at her post, holding her tablet, giving orders over her headset. Sarial scowled and advanced towards him as the repair crews and armory crews worked to refit the needle-long destroyers and blunt, deadly corvettes that had been giving the Armory pukes a pounding for what felt like forever.

"Hey!" Sarial said.

Xander turned to her. "Chief Serial, what are you doing here?" He asked.

"It's my deck!" Sarial said, prodding his chest. "What are you doing here, think you can take over my duties-"


"-I was printing and fabbing shit when you were still learning how to not puke in microgravity, you flatland-"

"Chief!" Xander said, louder. "It's 0930!"

Sarial blinked at him.

"Oh that's why I'm so tired," she said, rubbing her face with her palms. "I just stepped out to print a cake." She gestured with her hand.

"I thought you stepped out to go to bed," Xander said, frowning at her.

Sarial rubbed her palms against her face more. " sure you don't need me for anything more, I can handle-"

"The hanger bay will survive a duty shift without you, Chief," Xander said, pointing with his free hand, straight at the exit. "Get to bed."

That sounded alarmingly like an order from a man who...had the same rank as her, actually. Sarial grumbled under her breath as she turned and started to walk away. With every step, she felt heavier and more weighty, her shoulders drooping as the fatigue she had kept away through sheer dogged determination and adrenaline and...god, how much coffee? She felt the shudder and twitch of the ships acceleration beneath her feet and managed to keep herself walking. She moved out through the hanger bay, found the nearest head, and plugged herself into the machinery. There, she relieved herself of the weight of a solid quarter of that coffee, while her brain buzzed and babbled at her with things to remember.

Sarial's head bobbed forward. Sleep threatened...

She jerked it up, shaking herself. She tugged herself off the toilet, stumbled from the head, then started towards the spinal elevators that would whisk her to her quarters. She considered just finding an out of the way corner of the flight deck to sleep on, but the sudden and horrifying mental image of some idiot crewman running her over with a forklift, or being mangled by a sudden acceleration shift, or depressurized by sleeping in the wrong part of the room, flashed through her. She stepped towards the elevator.

The whole ship rocked slightly. It wasn't quite hard enough for a full hit. Sarial's sleep addled brain puzzled over that. "Not acceleration," she muttered. "Not a hit. So that means..."

A part of her was screaming it, but Sarial didn't quite piece it together until the wall to her left exploded inwards with a spray of hissing smoke and a clunk of collapsing metal. She jerked backwards, coughing and stumbling away. The hole in the wall led towards a seething mass of chittering metal, which spilled inwards, clattering and clinking. Hundreds, maybe thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of clattering spiders, clicking and whirring as they swarmed out of the hole and into the corridor. Sarial stumbled back another few feet.

She breathed in. Didn't die.

Not graywash, she thought, even as the drones started to chew into the walls, the ceiling, the floor. Lights flickered. Steam hissed. And Sarial brought her wrist to her mouth, speaking into her cuff.

"Boarding alert! We've got fucking drones!"

The drones seemed to all notice her at once.

"Lots of drones," she said.

Then she turned and started to sprint away as fast as she could as the swarm clattered after her...

Dun dun dunnnn! Also, some tactical genius had put BG Orchard in having to make...A CHOICE!

[ ] Move BG Orchard one range band forward
[ ] Remain where BG Orchard is AND take 1d6 damage and gain Lock on

Next, vote for what do next with...well, with Orchard. Then we'll be done with this phase and we can resolve all the fucking boarding actions going on! Also, you have special abilities called insightful commander and you have pickets, which let you do neat stuff, which people who know how the game work will put into their votes!
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Even with the Bolstering, the Chesapeake is about to have a very rough day. It's not as bad as I feared, though - I was afraid we'd be looking at something like 9 Greywash Counters, or 18+1d6 worth of incoming payload damage.

Their sacrifice has bought us time. Let's make it count.

Next, vote for what do next with...well, with Orchard. Then we'll be done with this phase and we can resolve all the fucking boarding actions going on! Also, you have special abilities called insightful commander and you have pickets, which let you do neat stuff, which people who know how the game work will put into their votes!

Two abilities got triggered when Diamond got pushed forward, Insightful Commanders and Aggressive Pickets. They work like this:

Insightful Commanders said:
1/round, when a hostile effect or ability forces you to move back or forward any number of range bands, your next single-target attack gains +1 ACCURACY, or +2 ACCURACY if you are attacking from Range 5-4. This effect lasts until the end of your next turn and does not stack. Additionally, 1/engagement when moved by a hostile effect or ability, you may instead attack with a single PRIMARY weapon of your choice before or after the hostile movement.
Aggressive Pickets said:
Whenever a hostile battlegroup forces your battlegroup to fall back or move forward any number of range bands, you may deal 2 damage to an ESCORT or WING in that battlegroup.

We can choose not to trigger them, but I don't see any reason not to use them now. I figure we plink the Corsair with the the PKB, doing 1d6+2 (including the secondary guns), minimum 2 reliable.

If my understanding is right, the Corsair currently has has 11/25 HP (4 damage from Ines, 2 Damage Destroyer Support, 4 Damage Corvette Tactic, 4 Damage Corvette Passive) don't think it's updated yet at time of writing). Bringing it down to 9 by itself puts it squarely in easy kill range next turn, though bringing down even more would save on action economy so might be worth it anyway.

[] Plan: Risky Gallop
-[] BG Orchard
-[] Free Tactic: Lock Firing Solution (This would be the free tactic from starting at range 5)
-[] Tactic: Emergency Maneuvers - Advance to Range 4
-[] All Ahead full - fire a Vega Targeting Laser, consuming the lock-on and thus triggering Hook-Jab(and with luck also locking on)
-[] Hook-Jab Free Wing Tactic - Chassis Command: Breach and Clear(board enemy capital ship)
-[] NHP Copilot Ace Squadron Free Tactic - Ace Squadron Jettison Ram(board enemy ship)

I think this plan is broadly correct in design but needs to account for the fact that we're one range band closer than when it was devised. With the extra movement and damage boost from the Chesapeake, it might be possible to eliminate a Brother in Arms and also keep up fire on the Corsair. We also need to decide what our boarding targets are; I think we want one on the Hivequeen and one on the Turtleback.
[X] Plan Interstital
-[X] Reaction, ORCHARD. Move BG Orchard one range band forward
-[X] Reaction, DIAMOND. Use Insightful Commander's 1/engagement ability to fire a primary weapon. Fire the Primary and Seconda batteries at the Corsair.
-[X] Reaction, DIAMOND, Ace wing. Aggressive Pickets deals 2 damage to a Battlethread

Because these all happen before ORCHARD has their go. Mainly so we know how fucked the Corsair is. (There is a slim but non-zero chance we get exceedingly lucky and can kill it with just a VEGA-pattern, however we should not count on it.)
Agreed, gonna vote for this.

[X] Plan Interstital
-[X] Reaction, ORCHARD. Move BG Orchard one range band forward
-[X] Reaction, DIAMOND. Use Insightful Commander's 1/engagement ability to fire a primary weapon. Fire the Primary and Seconda batteries at the Corsair.
-[X] Reaction, DIAMOND, Ace wing. Aggressive Pickets deals 2 damage to a Battlethread

As to what ORCHARD is doing, I think the plan is going to look something like:

- emergency maneuvers to Range 3
- open fire
- - Targeting Laser on Corsair, consume lock-on, use Caspian Sea re-roll if we miss.
- - Heavy Kinetic Battery on Brother in Arms #1
- Hook-Jab Free Activation to launch a mounted chassis boarding party at the turtleback
- NHP Command on the Ace to board the Hive Queen.
- Free Tactic, use the Gale's Destroyers (thank you close support trait) to do Snapflight Torpedoes at Brother in Arms #1.

That deletes the Brother in Arms and I think maximizes our chance of shutting down the Admiral before he can pull any egregious bullshit. But it's late and I'm gonna sleep on it before I write up formally.
[X] Plan Interstital long as Diamond uses its reaction to target the Corsair(as in the plan listed), we can kill both the Corsair and Brothers in Arms with Orchard.
Firing the Primary Kinetics with secondary turrets of Diamond will bring the Corsair down to 9 at least(due to reliable 1 and secondaries +1 damage). 3 at best. Let's assume it only goes down to 9

Potential plan for Orchard's Turn

-All Ahead Full
--shoot Heavy Kinetics at the Corsair consuming Lockon. (Dealing 2 reliable at least) Bringing its HP down from 9 to 7.
-NHP Copilot free tactic - Aces use Shipkiller on Corsair dealing 7 damage(since it's at or below half health), and since it kills it, we would regain the "Limited 1" charge.
-Free Tactic(Posture) Destroyer Command - Snapflight torpedoes at the Brothers in Arms dealing 6 damage.
-Free Tactic(Hook-Jab) - Legion Drone Nexus - Hunt/Kill to deal 2 damage to the Brothers in Arms(taking 2 in return)
-Actual Tactic Chassis Command to board....someone.

Without Diamond shooting at the Corsair this plan would rely on the Heavy Kinetics hitting for 5(relatively likely with a reroll and accuracy from lockon). And if we get lucky on rolls and just outright kill the Corsair before the Aces go, we just send the Aces to board someone instead.

If Diamond's Primary kinetics hit and roll high(5 or 6), this plan could be updated to be even more efficient.
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