Arc 1 Post 18: In Flame's Wake
In Flame's Wake
The Season of Still Stone
"I know little of sorcery, for all I can see its marks on the world, but this much I know," you speak with as much conviction as you can muster. "Bearing magic you do not know is like bearing a unknown centipede in your pack. To know that it is death magic, then the centipede is red and black, perhaps it is a false Blood Crawler and not the true, but it is not a risk I would want to sleep through."
"Death magic is... magic that explodes into a lotta death?" Cob asks, a crease between his brows. "Maybe we make it explode at enemies...?"
"Alas, master goblin, that sort of magic is more likely to wither than explode," Mina replies, very deliberately looking him in the eye. "Too slow to be useful in a fight, even if we were mad enough to use it like that, but more than enough to wither our bodies and befuddle our minds in a long journey."
"Pale bellies seemed to hold up well." Gorok is unmoved.
"I will take your word for it, but they did not seem that healthy to me. Even beyond broken bones and stabbed guts there is much that is wrong with them; gum rot, ithiscolios, deformities of the feet I do not even know the name of, I just know it is not supposed to bend that way."
"How does that hang in the scales?" the hunter cuts short the long list of ailments that had started to dip into Mina's own tongue for words that the tongue of the People, and presumably that of Gorok's folk, did not have.
"She is saying they are so miserable they would not even notice being cursed by that thing," you answer. Odds are you would have done it with a laugh if you had not noticed the sorceress' expression soften to pity.
Whether Gorok's hiss is amusement, agreement, or something in-between you do not know for sure, but he helps hoist the corpse out of the chest with ropes while Cob assembles a pyre with faintly worrying skill. After placing the withered thing in the middle the hunter douses it in foul smelling waxy secretions from the crab thing's abdomen. No sooner had he set it alight that it goes up like dried shelf-shroom, the flames eating greedily at the blackened flesh.
The light at least is a healthy red. It can't have been too bad, you tell yourself.
The four of you then returned to camp tasks, be they securing the swords in place to the already worryingly ungainly harnesses, making stew out of conjured water and duergar trail rations to ward away the monotony, or in your case trying to make mending magic catch on Mina's shoes. Sadly they do not seem to remember 2hat it was like to be new-made, only slightly less scuffed and torn.
"Was'dat?" Cob points at the mound of cooling ash. Then, before anyone else could get out a word in answer, he plucks something out. At first you mistake it for a shard of charred fungus wood, but then you notice that it is round... a ring.
Cob Perception: 1d20+ 6 = 22 (Success)
"Cob no!" Alas, your warning comes too late as the goblin decides to clean the thing off with his tongue, revealing black steel covered in unfamiliar runes.

"Is cold," he proclaims, sounding only a mildly miffed at the discovery. Tilting your head and twisting your sight sideways to the world, the same plaid aura as had clung to the corpse reveals itself, but... weaker.
Gained Dark Steel Ring (Aura: Faint Necromancy)
"Well, if it didn't hurt to put it in his mouth I guess it can't hurt to let him keep it," you hear Mina mutter under her breath. The marks, she later tells you, are leaves and flowers, the fungus of the Burnlands. Though looking more closely at the thing, after you had persuaded Cob to let it go for a moment, she says that the flowers are called night-bloomings.
Mina's Knowledge (Nobility): 1d20+ 6 = 22 (Success)
"I saw them on a coat of arms once, a sort of shield marking, and they were quartered with the moon." She is so proud of the recollection that you do not have the heart to tell her you have no idea what a 'moon' is.
Instead you note: "There was no ring on the corpse's finger, it must have been inside of it."
"Why would anyone swallow a ring, much less a magic one?" Mina muses, less at you and more at the now eternally silent ash pile.
Thankfully the night passes without incident, unless one counts the trio of worm-lizards stealthily trying to get at your refuse pile. Sleep restores your magic and with it the chance to interrogate the morlocks.
Do you have any suggestions for questions to ask the morlocks?
[] Write in
OOC: I thought about rolling through this, but this is a mystery and asking creative questions might get you answers you would not have if I just asked what I thought Akorian and friends would come up with.
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