[Exalted] The Last Daughter -- Dragon-Blooded Sorcery School Quest

[x] [Character] Sola
[x] [Character] L'nessa

[x] [Spell] Theft of Memory

I am 100% voting for Theft of Memory because I want us to use it to help cover up Amiti's issue. Corrupted Words would also work, but that leads to... counterspell attempts. If they don't know anything is there to be worried about to begin with, they won't do anything to try to get around our cover-up.

It's not a question of if it's a good idea. The question is if it sounds hilarious.
It's not a question of if it's a good idea. The question is if it sounds hilarious.
You know what sounds hilarious? Letting Maia fuck up Peleps Nalri and then just erasing her memory of the ass whooping while she's unconscious.

Though I do wonder whether Maia uses the summer Nalri graduates to get revenge herself if Ambraea doesn't do anything.
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[X] [Spell] Corrupted Words
[X] [Character] L'nessa
[X] [Character] Sola
I know Theft of Memory would be more suitable for subterfuge, but sometimes you need to send a message that you are absolutely not to be fucked with, and that's where horrible curses come in
[X] [Character] L'nessa
[X] [Character] Sola
[X] [Spell] Theft of Memory

Theft of Memory is a very unpleasant spell, but it does give us a less violent option in extreme circumstances where currently we would have to rely on threats, physical violence, imprisonment or murder.

I'd like to take L'nessa for her finding spell and Sola for choppy choppy ghost cleaving sword.
[X] [Character] Maia
[X] [Character] Sola

Best to include Maia, not just for her own merits, but to keep the circle of people in the know as small as possible. Given that, Sola feels like she has the more useful skill set to bring in.

[ ] [Spell] Dragon of Smoke and Flame
[X] [Spell] Theft of Memory

The Dragon seems super useful (especially in this situation!), but it's also fairly straightforward and uncomplicated. Theft of Memory is a messy thing she may be reluctant to use but very, very tempted by, and it feels very plausible she'd have looked into it now that she has Maia's secret to keep on top of her own.
How strong is the memory theft, is it possible to steal months or years, or just a few specific memories separated by a large amount of time? Can we steal someone's skills or spells, for example? Or does it all depend on the gem used?
You steal a specific memory from someone -- I feel like something like "what I did for a few hours" would qualify, but years and stuff is a bit out of scope for an Emerald Circle spell. You can make someone forget how they met their wife of ten years, or their wedding day. You can't make them completely forget their wife. It also doesn't steal skills or abilities.

The text of the original spell specified that it needs to be an emerald, which is just a minor narrative detail, but I was joking about it earlier on Discord:

Gazetteer — Today at 8:01 AM
As a bonus
Theft of Memory is earth aspected
The original text of the spell specifies an emerald
No other kind of gem

VagueZ — Today at 8:02 AM

Gazetteer — Today at 8:02 AM
Fuck you if you brought a green sapphire

VagueZ — Today at 8:03 AM
I can excuse that somewhat when the justification is "it's a weird magic thing".

Gazetteer — Today at 8:03 AM
"Can I just use this nice piece of peridot?"
"You're not rich enough for this spell."

VagueZ — Today at 8:04 AM
[X] [Character] Sola

[X] [Spell] Dragon of Smoke and Flame

I feel like the dragon of smoke and flame gives her a lot more survivability for when the environment is hostile. Like a manse, or a desert, or an ocean. Plus my bet is that it helps finding hidden treasures too.

As you might have guessed, in hoping to take a run at gaining control of the defense grid when the empress disappears.
The text of the original spell specified that it needs to be an emerald, which is just a minor narrative detail, but I was joking about it earlier on Discord:

For context: I'm something of a gem snob, and emeralds are one of the specific gems I'm most down on, so the context here is absolutely me looking down on that.
Hrmm, a time-out spell, a spell for finding your keys, and a therapy spell...

Can Corrupted words be a combat spell? I mean, some folk like to taunt, and then there are the ones who call out their attacks... not to mention using it to block calls for help or shouted warnings... and trying to coordinate a group of combatants...

Can Follow the Yellow Brick Snake be used with conditional modifiers? Going on safari to play Chase the Snake following it on a "find unclaimed(to imperial sensibilities) loot of high value OR high power..." could be fun and profitable. Could it find "a method to learn a cool spell that can reasonably be compelled to teach me"? That'd be great for expanding our repertoire. Could it find a ghost? Could "find the nearest shadowland" be used to determine if the whole entire shadowland were suppressed to the point that scrying wouldn't find anything? Can it be used to find the most distant human who knows your secrets? To find the nearest animate being that is passing your secrets on to a foreign power? Can it accidentally find hidden sidereals? "Amiti's mysterious master is somewhere in the immediate vicinity of this unimportant vagrant, how odd...". I wonder if it could be used in combat for a "find the place I will next be struck" or "find my current opponent" for those sneaky types... . Its use as a lie-detector seems pretty convenient, but meh, the main draw is that it enhances our snekage!

Pretty disappointed that Magical Mind Mugger doesn't create its own gems, but meh, cost of living and princess perks and suchlike... . Again, if it is combat-castable then it could leave an opponent with no recollection of how you fight, while leaving you with everything that you have learned of their own combat habits. Socially it's, uhh, great for making good first impressions? Is it reversible? Can we reward Amiti's less, uhh, cascadingly-disastrous-lack-of-forethought performances by taking away her memories of reading her favourite books? Could we get this into an automatic casting system to hit everyone upon leaving our future hedgemaze? Can it be done subtly? It would help if the subjects of our terrible retribution did not realise that they had earned our terrible retribution...

[x] [Character] L'nessa
[x] [Character] Sola
Maia is a bit more murdery, in her skillset, and personally will likely just kill the ghost on principal to protecc the smols. I wanna talk to the literally insane murderer. #EvilRights
I'm not concerned that Ambraea is gonna go broke if she picks ToM, bit I do think it feeds into her characterization as a princess assuming she will always have social capital and access to vast wealth, which is a fun way for her to not internalize Instructor First Light's larger point about the vagaries of fortune.

I do wanna make one more pitch for Corrupted Words, in the form of a use case where it functions and Theft of Memory doesn't.
It can provide magical surety that someone will not spill a secret you need them to know and act on. For example, if you have a spy who you need to remember they work for you but not tell people they work for you.