Definitely, I definitely got the feeling that the HPSC is a spook organization, like the CIA or Homeland Security. Don't trust them as far as I could throw them.
Well. To sum it up, for those who haven't touched MHA much beyond the first season or so. Two canonical HPSC Deals are…

1. Having personal assassins who murdered villains, corrupt and 'corrupt' heroes, maybe others who don't align with their world view.

2. Adopting and grooming several children, with Hawks being one into being their Personal Sponsored Heroes who also double as spies and assassins if called for, just in case.
Well. To sum it up, for those who haven't touched MHA much beyond the first season or so. Two canonical HPSC Deals are…

1. Having personal assassins who murdered villains, corrupt and 'corrupt' heroes, maybe others who don't align with their world view.

2. Adopting and grooming several children, with Hawks being one into being their Personal Sponsored Heroes who also double as spies and assassins if called for, just in case.
Oh cool. It's Halo's Office of Naval Intelligence. Like modern spooks, but 10 times worse.
Are there any particular questions that people have for your counselor, or any for me? I'll try to answer any that Izuku should know about modern society
What is Moondrop's quirk?

How many people work at the Moondrop agency and in what capacity?

What was Sundrop's most difficult counseling session?

What was Sundrop's debut fight?
Are there any particular questions that people have for your counselor, or any for me? I'll try to answer any that Izuku should know about modern society
Izuku to Miss Matsuri: if your friend maybe did some things that were maybe not really things a friend should do, and this friend has a, well, temper, how would you go about trying to talk to that person?

Trying to avoid some pitfalls in the upcoming conversation. Izuku and Bakugou are shining beacons of poor communication skills.

Izuku to Miss Matsuri: I was asked to lie about the fact that I was Quirkless by HPSC rep who brought me here, to avoid people trying to use trigger to get a quirk. I sort of get why, but, even if I lie, won't there be people desperate enough to try anyway? Wouldn't that just disprove my lie, and make people reluctant to believe the HPSC when they tell them they shouldn't do it because it's dangerous later?
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[X][Book] Hero Analysis #1
[X][Book] Quirk Analysis Notebook #1
[X][Book] Quirk Counseling Book #1

[X][Counseling] Light
"Will my arms ever stop itching?"

I think I'd go crazy if I got superpowers that made me itch all the time
I feel like Izuku would know #1 and #4 already.

While #3 is delving into the secrets of another client which no counselor should ever do.
We don't know and Lunar said she'd tell us what Izuku would.

as for 3, you can be vague about the answer to that kind of question to protect privacy and not break confidentiality if it will be answered as Sundrop speaking to Izuku, and not Lunar just telling us.
After a few long minutes to thinking, you blink and shake your head. There is a part of you that has to wonder if you might be putting way too much thought into something as simple as the name of a notebook. It isn't like this decision is going to completely and totally shift the entire direction of your life going forwards.

It's just the name of a notebook after all.
If I had to mention a defining moment, something that really put me on a new track in the long road towards my was probably when I decided to give my new notebook a new name, to signify how things had changed.
Midoriya Izuku, #1 Hero, probably.

Honestly, you hate waiting. More accurately, you hate sitting and doing nothing for long periods of time. You just aren't any good at it, which is why there is a part of you that is thankful that you must have lost track of time somewhere along all your working to get everything ready, because before you know it there is a knock at the door.
Honestly he might as well have written some notes. He does it all the time, they would have been a decent starting point for the session
So there is a chance that this might not be the person that you are waiting for. You can't find out without opening the door, so with a gulp you push your fears down and open the door.

...what, no peephole or camera?

The man standing there on the other side of the door seems... You hesitate to use the word 'normal', if only because it is distinctly hard to try and describe him in any other way.

what even IS normal in MHA world?

The four fingered gloves that lack a middle finger are specially designed to assist those people who have five-finger-touch activation based quirks. What is odd however, is the fact that he adjusted his glasses by using the palm of his hand, making sure to keep all of his fingers away from his glasses.


As such, we at the HPSC have graciously offered out services to support one of our valued heroes. After all, the safety of you the public falls to our organization as well, Mr. Midoriya."

... Yeeeaaaaah... no. I don't buy it, and I don't trust them.

For obvious reasons. Remember Lady Nagant

It would have been a white, unmarked van that looks like it should have the words free candy spray painted across it. But even as you stand there, it clicks in your mind that the very fact that this is the kind of thing that you would have never expected it exactly why it is so perfect for this.'s surprisingly fitting, seeing what we know of them from canon.

Still, even though you know that this guy is a part of the HPSC, and so he is someone that you can trust...

There is a long moment where he just stares, eyes half lidded behind his glasses. You can't help but feel that you are being weighed. You are being measured.

And for the life of you, you can't tell if you are being found wanting or not.

I don't know what would worry me more, his approval or disapproval

There's no winning there

"Izuku Midoriya." The agent says flatly, his eyes still locked on your own. "You must understand that the circumstances around you have caused no small deal of trouble for the HPSC."

All deserved, I'm sure.

...well, maybe not all of it. but a good part of it, certainly

. "I understand that you are to have an interview in the next few days. It would be... advantageous to the HPSC if you were to tell your interviewer that you had an invisible quirk. Rather than letting the information out that it may be possible for quirkless individuals to gain Quirks of their own." He says, and there is something about the flat, toneless words that feels almost menacing. As if he is trying to threaten you without saying as such.

what? NO!

If we hide this, I'm sure they'll do their best so that research on how to awaken quirk through the controlled use of Ideo Trigger never even start! That would be completely unfair to every single quirkless person who desperately wishes for a Quirk, like Izuku did.

What they should do is instead make a clear statement that they're going to start research into the field, and that they'll soon accept volunteers for testing!

What I would agree with, though, would be to NOT make the specifics about which drug was used public, to discourage quirkless children from trying and get access to it, while at the same time making it clear that legal ways of trying it are being worked on.

Basically, revealing that Izuku was quirkless would push the Hero Association to actually do their job and try to make things better, instead of just keeping up the (flawed) status quo.

Of course, that doesn't make any sense. The Hero Public Safety Commission entirely exists to protect the public, so they wouldn't go about hurting people. Still, without any other idea of what to say, you say the only thing that you can think to say. "Okay?"

...oh, Izuku... you poor, naive boy...

None of the offices answered your applications, and the only location that you actually went to literally laughed at you when you tried to ask about your application
...MHA Japan is a diseased country. be fair, REAL LIFE JAPAN is also a diseased country in many ways, but this is even worse.

"You survived." The woman says quietly, "And you didn't try to become a villain. You didn't push any of your classmates down a flight of stairs or try to stab anyone. That makes you a saint in my eyes." The girl says, before she reaches in a pocket and presses a card into your hand. "Maybe... Sometime when things aren't so crazy, you'd be willing to come by at some point. Meet my friends?" She asks, and as you glance down at the card you blink in surprise.
I'm going to bet she's quirkless.

Also, yeah, except I don't know if Izuku is just that much of a saint, or... just too naive and guillible.

or possibly both.

The nearly blank black card has just three lines of text on it. A time and day of the week, a location, and in the center of it all in golden text the words 'Quirkless Support Group'. "Wha?" You finally manage to say, and she just smiles. "After what happened to you... Well, the fact that you are here, that all on it's own is enough to give the rest of us hope, Izuku." The girl says softly. "You're showing us that there is a chance that things might be able to get better in the future."

That... You don't have the slightest idea of how to react to what the girl is saying. There are so many words, all swirling around in your head, not the least of which being the fact that this girl... This means... She's quirkless. Just like you were.

That man from the HPSC wanted you to lie about the fact that you were quirkless. He wanted you to say that you didn't have a quirk, and yet...

Yet here is someone who doesn't have a quirk, and they are treating you almost like a hero because of the fact that you have a quirk. How are you supposed to try and balance those two different ideas. You just don't know. So you stand there, looking down at the card, a soft smile on your face.
called it. I swear I didn't read it before thinking it.

Also yeah, this is why I absolutely do NOT want Izuku to lie about being formerly quirkless. He can give quirkless people hope, AND light a fire under the Hero Commission to actually start these clinical trials for the effects of Ideo Trigger on quirkless people.

He shouldn't say WHICH drug was used, I think, but he should DEFINITELY say that it was an unforeseen effect of an unnamed drug, that the Hero Commission and his doctors have been made aware of which one it was, and that "I'm sure the Hero Commission will start clinical trials and experiments on how to use it in as safe a manner as possible to give quirkless people a chance to develop a quirk, if they're interested. Not that there's anything wrong with being quirkless, but if it's possible for them to develop a quirk they have a right to try."
oh, by the way there's a small mistake in the underlined part. He wanted Izuku to say he DID have a quirk, but an invisible one.

EDIT FROM READING MORE COMMENTS: and sure, we technically don't know IC if Izuku had a dormant/invisible quirk or not. We should just say that: we don't know, and we're sure the Hero Commission will proceed to test the various hypotheses, and if not them then hospitals or universities
"Ah..." The girl says, but the tone of her voice is... odd. Like she just heard something that she didn't want to hear, but that doesn't make sense. You just told her that you got a ride from someone with the HPSC.
Izuku, you're not dumb, please realize why she'd speak like that!
QUIRK: Photoplast
Photoplast is a powerful Accumulation/Emitter(E)/Meta Quirk that allows for Mirai to absorb energy from the sun through special organelles in her skin and hair and store that energy in a stockpile that she is able to manipulate and shift between the five primary manifestations of her power. These manifestations are Strength, Durability, Flight, Beam, and Shield. Each power burns through the gathered stockpile at different rates, and so long as she chooses not to activate her powers at all, she is able to store this energy apparently indefinitely. Similar to the same methods that her father accessed his own Quirk, Mirai registers the amount of power that she has access to in 'drops' of power. Sundrop's abilities are wildly versatile as she is capable of reaching levels of strength enough to hold up collapsing buildings, or is capable of reaching speeds faster than twice the speed of sound when relegating all 'drops' to a single attribute. The highest abilities in her other aspects are not known the public.
well, when low on stored power (does she even have a max?) sunbathing on top of her building and UV/Tanning lamps are likely to help a lot.

I mean, no reason why she can't replace sunlight with artificial light, though it depends on which components of the light are most important.

Mirai has gone on record to say that she believes that the level of quirk counseling that most children are given is inadequate, and that misconceptions that can be formed during Counseling can lead to bad decisions later in life. Particularly in cases where children are either told that they have exceptional quirks, or more scathingly villainous quirks. Mirai believes that everyone can be a hero if they truly put their mind to it, and that if children are raised right then perhaps one day there will come a day when she no longer needs to fight.
If only she had been Himiko's or Bakugo's quirk counselor... or Shoto, even!

Villainous Quirk: Shinso.
Himiko more than Shinso, really.

I mean, sure, Shinso also counts, but he still aimed to be a hero, so all in all he turned out alright, especially after the tournament.
Yeah, this is what I want, too. I don't want to vote on who Izuku wants to date, but voting on when/if he asks is fine. If he falls for Tsuyu, awesome. Uraraka? Cool beans. Himiko? Momo? Iida? All wonderful, but I don't want to have a vote that could devolve into a flame war over who Best Waifu is. Once Midoriya/the Dice/the QM has decided on his paramour, I'm all for jumping aboard and shipping it next day delivery. But only after the initial choice has been made, because there are really only two characters I wouldn't vote for—Bakugo and Mineta.
all good, though I can't really see Izuku with Iida.

Now, admittedly I'd prefer a girl, but if this Izuku ended up with a boy, rather than Iida I'd much rather prefer Shoto or Tokoyami I think.

...I'm pretty sure Shoto is a common yaoi pairing, actually.

Yeah, she's cute and all but she's an adult and Izuku is a teenager, even putting that aside, this way lies trouble.

And besides, there's perfectly cute people in his year group too! Uraraka is very cute, and Izuku should be able to see Tohru as well given how his perception works, so that's a viable approach as well.

(Though it would cause incredible awkwardness when she decides to start running around in the buff because that's how she becomes Completely Invisible, but this also breeds Funnies which is the most important thing)
Ah, if only this quest was on QQ...

I like the idea of this Izuku and Tohru, and all the hilarity and embarassment of him being able to see the NAKED invisible girl :rofl:

Honestly, almost all the students at UA are pretty cool and would make interesting relationship material, depending on how things go.
Keyword: Almost.

We still have Mineta after all

HSPC has cultivated a profoundly unhealthy view of Heroes, which is really the only reason Stain managed to be popular to any degree.
Stain even had SOME good points.

I mean, you can't look at Endeavour in the beginning and think he's a good role model.

But his insistence of heroes who are not completely selfless and that worry about money being wrong is just... shortsighted

Heroes are people too. they NEED money to live, and they have their own wishes and goals, and there's nothing wrong with that, as long as they ARE still helping people.

I mean, isn't All Might actually pretty rich?

Are there any particular questions that people have for your counselor, or any for me? I'll try to answer any that Izuku should know about modern society
the obvious one to start with: Izuku should ask Mirai about what he should say about the Ideo Trigger and quirkless vs invisible quirk in the interview, making it clear what the Hero Commission asked of him, and how it feels wrong to deny other quirkless (or "quirkless") people a chance to develop a quirk.

My current idea would be to basically go "we don't know, it worked on me, but I also nearly died, hopefully the government can start some study and clinical trials to see if it can be done safely".

Also I think we should talk to her about what our school life was like, how our classmates AND TEACHERS behaved, the "bullied or not bullied" cognitive dissonance, and especially Bakugo.

Hey! I'll have you know that I'm responsible for that line of dialog! He sounds very sincere and trustworthy. :D
You'll understand if I don't trust the words of Monokuma :V
Can we all take a moment to admire the quirkless receptionist for going out of her way to get the loudest keyboard she could so that people can't just ignore her existence in a brilliant show of passive aggressiveness?

Also didn't the description of the HPSC guy have orange glasses? I can think of 2 evil Japanese guys with those, and only 1 has hair and wears gloves. We didn't get a face claim though so probably not that important.
... I just assumed the keyboard was part of the Receptionist Aesthetic. I mean, if your key board doesn't go Clickety Clack , can you even call yourself a true receptionist? :V

More seriously, mechanical keyboards are a thing people explicitly get because having a keyboard go Clickety Clack can be rather satisfying, no passive aggressiveness involved.
Tfw u go the thread prepared to apologize for getting heated and immediately see someone who wants this to become something where a vulnerable and mistreated child dates an adult bc muh harem


I told myself I'd jokingly vote for rainbow eyes as a reference to how LGBTQ Lunaryon's Sailor Moon quest is. I'm now going to vote to hold hands with the age group peer bros for the rest of all time.

Is this a joke? Maybe.

But anyway.

[X][Book] Quirk Counseling Book #1
[X][Counseling] Light

It's an accurate title for the notebook and this way Izuku can have two notebook series. As opposed to one that's split between himself and others. Better categorization! I would like to start a third notebook when we get to hero school.

I'd like to ask Matsuri if she's ever gotten other late bloomers, and what problems they tend to have. Not that Izuku is a standard late bloomer.
Im suprised a lot if people would rather do light stuff than be able to walk without issue.

Also i say screw about lying about our quirk, this tv interview is our chance to point out things like quirkless discrimination and other issues, not saying we should reveal the full strones of our quirk cuz villans are a thing but lets not lie about it either.
Izuku can already walk without issue, and this is the hero that uses sunlight as a powersource for her quirk. It feels an appropriate place to begin with.

I wouldnt say without issue, and also he hasnt really been doing anything else other than walking, we dont know what could break his control over his gravity, and we could end up finding out at the worst possible time.