Springtime of Freedom: A Guns of Old John Brown Riot Quest

One of the sources of Boer resentment of the British was that the Brits *forced them to abolish slavery.* They're also settler-colonialists and are actively expanding their colonies at the the expense of their African neighbors. They are not people we should be supporting.

F. How did I miss that. Yeah, that's a nonstarter.

@Andrensath, btw, why did you copy so much of the IRP platform?
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[X] [Radical Republican Party] Let's be honest
-Plank 1: Token compensation for the businessmen who had their property taken away (forget about reversing expropriations after so many years) and a stop to the constant demonisation of private business in order to promote other legitimate options.
-Plank 2: Somewhat cordial or at least neutral relations with other nations, when possible; better the friendly face of someone they can do business with, that the fear of us murdering them in their sleep.
-Plank 3: Establish sensible immigration quotas, keep them high enough; make sure the new arrivals become productive members and tax payers as soon as possible.
-Plank 4: Provide more funding to law enforcement to keep order, especially in Texas; with proper accountability.
-Plank 5: Designate some coastal cities as Free Economic Cities, where businesses can operate under less bureaucratic red-tape to bring in more trade and investment.
-Non-legislative plank 1: Seeing how some of our members may actually be agents of our Intelligence services... Support (discreetly) their efforts at dealing with truly dangerous enemies, such as foreign spies, assassins and saboteurs.
-Non-legislative plank 2: Focus our propaganda on the need of a strong defensive military, in order to deter foreign aggression. Let's keep our house in order, instead of invading someone else's. The Republic shall become a fortress!
-Coalitions: Anyone who will support our planks.

Kept some of the old planks, so that the people who still vote Radical Republican (yes they exist) don't have a heart attack because of too many sudden changes.
[X] [Socialist Workers Party] Internationalism: Its What's For Dinner
-[X] Send military supplies to the Zulu in Africa to blunt British imperialism.
-[X] Fund an underground railroad for draft dodgers in Europe, using this infrastructure to smuggle our agents into Europe so they can organize and agitate among the working classes.
-[X] Mechanize the army with standard trucks for transporting troops, cargo, and crew served weapons, and install diesel engines on our reconnaissance dirigibles.
-[X] Send more supplies to support the Natives in the Amazon, including trainers to teach asymmetrical warfare!
-[X] Tell Argentina to pound sand.
-[X] Non-legislative plank 1: Create a PR campaign to champion women's liberation and educate people about the benefits of equality between the sexes
-[X] Non-legislative plank 2: It's come to our attention that there's quite a few homosexuals in the military! We'll punch anyone who disrespects our troops on these grounds!
-[X] Coalitions: SP, IRP, WP

We can support the fight against Sasannach imperialism without aiding the Afrikaner settler colonists.

How come you're doubling up on some of the IRP's planks?
[X] [Socialist Party] The Socialist Party Program for the 22nd Freedmen's Republic Congress
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Is there a reason why Asian immigrants not targeted? I mean spreading socialist movement there is far more effective there due to colonial rule.
[X] [Socialist Party] The Socialist Party Program for the 22nd Freedmen's Republic Congress
-[X] Plank 1: Further expand water provision and treatment systems, transferring their day-to-day administration to the municipal and rural councils whose territories they serve and from which they draw, but maintaining a regular National Water Inspectorate with sufficient funding to ensure that systems are adequately maintained and, as they age, upgraded to modern standards.
-[X] Plank 2: Form a National Health Administration, with authority to set production quotas and prices for the new glut of drugs and medical devices so that they may be available to the people, not just foreign buyers willing to pay a premium. Give the NHA authority, in concert with the municipal councils, to purchase existing clinics, hospitals, and cemeteries for free use by the people, and land to build more of the same.
-[X] Plank 3: Begin construction of a series of coal powered steam turbine power plants and expand the electrical grid widen access to electricity.
-[X] Plank 4: Lay down the foundations of an aluminum production industry with bauxite mines and aluminum refineries using the electricity generated by coal power plants.
-[X] Plank 5: Expand the RSA with more funding and personnel in order to continue supporting liberatory struggles abroad while maintaining oversight.
-[X] Non-legislative plank 1: Through the International, reach out to sister parties in the DMA states who share the Socialist focuses (i.e., centralized workers' democracy and expanding the productive forces) to both coordinate actions in government and to work towards party federation or unification.
-[X] Non-legislative plank 2: Through the International, call a Peoples' Peace Congress to both determine what a democratic peace in Europe would look like and to coordinate labor and socialist action within the belligerent powers to force them to accept the agreed-upon terms.
-[X] Coalitions: SWP, IRP
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[X] [Socialist Party] The Socialist Party Program for the 22nd Freedmen's Republic Congress
Thank you for writing up a plan, Zimm. Today and tomorrow were not looking good for me to be able to do much of anything. @_@
[X] [Socialist Party] The Socialist Party Program for the 22nd Freedmen's Republic Congress

Tough choice. I was sorely tempted to go with the IRP tbh.