[X] [Socialist Workers Party] Internationalism: Its What's For Dinner
-[X] Send military supplies to the Zulu in Africa to blunt British imperialism.
-[X] Fund an underground railroad for draft dodgers in Europe, using this infrastructure to smuggle our agents into Europe so they can organize and agitate among the working classes.
-[X] Mechanize the army with standard trucks for transporting troops, cargo, and crew served weapons, and install diesel engines on our reconnaissance dirigibles.
-[X] Send more supplies to support the Natives in the Amazon, including trainers to teach asymmetrical warfare!
-[X] Tell Argentina to pound sand.
-[X] Non-legislative plank 1: Create a PR campaign to champion women's liberation and educate people about the benefits of equality between the sexes
-[X] Non-legislative plank 2: It's come to our attention that there's quite a few homosexuals in the military! We'll punch anyone who disrespects our troops on these grounds!
-[X] Coalitions: SP, IRP, WP
We can support the fight against Sasannach imperialism without aiding the Afrikaner settler colonists.