Adhoc vote count started by bengalqueen on Feb 15, 2023 at 11:24 PM, finished with 112 posts and 48 votes.

Current tally. Feel free to change your vote to something that stands a chance at winning if you don't like Head Empty.
Is it really so bad that Izuku won't look "normal"? Like... Are people actually seriously upset that a character might look ugly that they want to Caucasian him? Lol what the fuck maybe sit down and consider that a bit.

Edit: Lunaryon please consider just pick what you want and make us deal with it like people have to in real life. Jesus Christ.
Have you considered that maybe some people like to play forum games to escape from reality a bit and wanna pretend to look cool for once

"deal with it like people have to in real life" not in my fiction, thank you
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Have you considered that maybe some people like to play forum games to escape from reality a bit and wanna pretend to look cool for once

"deal with it like people have to in real life" not in my fiction, thank you
The way people are reacting to space eyes as drawn by the GM is insulting and not fictional, and but muh escapism is an exceptionally shitty excuse for certain players behavior. Especially when the GM has made it clear she wants to explore the more serious and real life applicable themes of MHA. Oppression and discrimination aren't very escape from reality, and neither is being blonde. Having star eyes, however, is. If not looking ugly is that important to you then I have some skincare tips you might enjoy.

Perhaps this quest is just not for some of the players in this thread due to how hostile they are to the gms art.
I'd like to point out that while I found the original eyes a bit disturbing (it's something about that twinkle), I did not mean I wanted them changed. A disturbing appearance makes sense in MHA.

and if we're talking about the current vote options, I find only the [ ][Mutation] Current and [ ][Mutation] Head Empty, and on a lesser level [ ][Mutation] Gemstone Twinkle and [ ][Mutation] Gemstone V2 as disturbing, and I'd still be fine with them because it makes sense for the story and quirk we have.

... on the other hand I think that [ ][Mutation] Starry Eyed Youngster just looks stupid. the stereotypical star form just doesn't fit here I think.
The way people are reacting to space eyes as drawn by the GM is insulting and not fictional, and but muh escapism is an exceptionally shitty excuse for certain players behavior.
You finding other people's opinion insulting is more your problem than theirs.

And for myself at least I'm reacting far more to people making accusations of racism over preferring one piece of art over another than to the artwork itself.

Especially when the GM has made it clear she wants to explore the more serious and real life applicable themes of MHA. Oppression and discrimination aren't very escape from reality, and neither is being blonde. Having star eyes, however, is. If not looking ugly is that important to you then I have some skincare tips you might enjoy.
The GM hasn't made that clear. Not anywhere in the thread.

Perhaps this quest is just not for some of the players in this thread due to how hostile they are to the gms art.
And perhaps there are reasons that gatekeeping and hugboxing are frowned upon.

If Lunaryon wants their pics evaluated as artwork then there are places on the forum for that.
Here they are asking people what they want the character to look like. In this context who made the art does not matter.
Adhoc vote count started by bengalqueen on Feb 16, 2023 at 4:33 PM, finished with 128 posts and 59 votes.

So Head Empty is currently winning, (Why) with Pale Burst a few votes behind it, and none of the others really have a chance at this point.

So everyone should now be voting on whether they want Head Empty or Pale Burst to win.
I think Head Empty is nice and uncluttered.
Pale burst clashes too much with the background for my tastes.
After seeing the blonde vote, I started googling to see if there's anything like an Aurora borealis out near to stars, but couldn't find anything that fit what I was thinking of. I like the black/green hair Midoriya has, though maybe if it was just slightly neon or something, to go with the starry eyes... Or maybe hair like Luna from MLP, with her flowing galactic coiffure?
I'm honestly just confused about how Pale Burst works? Do his eyeballs look like empty star fields with a couple jade spheres hovering in the middle?
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Lunaryon on Feb 15, 2023 at 2:13 AM, finished with 133 posts and 60 votes.
I'm honestly just confused about how Pale Burst works? Do his eyeballs look like empty star fields with a couple jade spheres hovering in the middle?
Don't worry about it it looks cool so it works Just like the guy with a dialog bubble for a head. Mutation quirks will just make you look like whatever or give you shit unrelated to the main power the Quirk provides.