Springtime of Freedom: A Guns of Old John Brown Riot Quest

[X] [Radical Republican Party] Plan Edging closer to True Goals
-[x] Plank 1: Reverse all expropriations.
-[x] Plank 2: Normalize relations with the European powers.
-[x] Plank 3: Halt non-European immigration.
-[x] Plank 4: Establish bans on unionisation in critical industries.
-[x] Plank 5: Weaken labour laws as much as possible.
-[x] Non-legislative plank 1: Pogroms, pogroms, pogroms!
-[x] Non-legislative plank 2: Send members to Britain, ask for support to reestablish the correct place of white man on American continent.
-[x] Coalitions: Freedmen's Party

I am also reposting my plan unchanged.
1879 Primary Results
The Socialist Party had mostly recovered from the unfortunate bouts of illness that had struck at their party conventions before, and were eager to mobilize for the coming election. Their extensive mutual aid networks and unionization support had led to a surge in their popularity, as well as indirectly attacking a number of patronage networks.

-Institute a maximum 40 hour work week and 8 hour workday, with provisions to adjust both of those numbers down as mechanization and automation improves. Stipulate that total pay is not allowed to decrease, effectively increasing hourly and salaried pay to compensate for fewer worked hours.
-Subsidize the mechanization of the nation's mining and farming industries, trading machines for workers wherever possible, to improve both outputs and workplace safety. While doing that, make sure to provide retraining services to the miners and farmers so that they do not have to find themselves out of work as much as possible. If any workers are displaced fully without opportunity for retraining, they are to be placed in the Ouvry at their last pay rate or higher.
-Begin expanding the Navy with a number of new steel-clad, coal-fired ships, with the hope that soon a marine diesel engine will enable us to replace them with faster and more powerful craft.
-Continue expanding the pharmaceutical industry as before.
-Begin a Working Class Culture program, funding artists, musicians, entertainers and all the other myriad forms and expressions of culture across the nation (provided they aren't trying to whitewash slavery or something).
-Expand the Party's mutual aid efforts to include housing initiatives, housing the homeless and helping tenants form tenant's unions, and encouraging the formation of housing collectives.
-Create a mechanism for party members to change the party list as a means to effectuate the recall system.

Discipline: 8
Popularity: 6
Localism: 1

The International Revolutionary Party maintained their bombastic enthusiasm, a spirit which turned their convention into a raucous celebrations that saw several Radical Republicans offices attacked and burned, leading to a series of clashes and conflicts that had to be forcibly halted.

-Construct shore batteries to deter imperialist ships from bombarding our major cities situated on the coast!
-Build a transcontinental railroad so we can move troops from our heartlands to the borders of Pacifica quickly!
-Send agents to make contact with those resisting European imperialism in Africa!
-Expand diesel engine development and production! They're a strategic resource!
-Harmonize internal promotion standards within the DMA's military forces in a manner agreeable to all!
-Non-legislative plank 1: Acquire some printers and start a public information campaign to inform people about military matters!
-Non-legislative plank 2: Gather up the Militant Suffragettes and start agitating about opening the military to women!

Discipline: 4
Popularity: 5
Localism: 4

The Worker's Party held their convention with all the grandeur and ceremony of the natural party of governance, even if there was an awareness that they were facing sharp competition for that position. However, their effective organization and outreach among rural and urban workers led them to be confident in yet another successful election.

-Aid worker organizations in developing the means to satisfy and integrate worker hobbies during their off days and free time. For example organize a book club based on members of a co-op or unions near each other that are interested.
-Enact a universal minimum wage in the republic.
-Enact the latest automated mining technology and ideas to mitigate pollution from mining.
-Make a trade deal with Haiti as well as coordinate with the rest of the DMA to minimize any negative disruptions to their economies. Offer Haitians aid in launching a literacy campaign and the constructions of schools as well as sending their best students to study in the republic's colleges.
-Develop deeper ties with worker organizations with fellow members of the DMA as well as sponsor similar organizations with our neighbors and allies. Mainly Haiti, Pacifica, Mexico and Canada.
-Non-legislative plank 1: Promote a worker centric policy when an industry is about to be created or expanded.
-Non-legislative plank 2: Promote for the passing of a universal minimum wage.
-Coalitions: Socialist Party, Socialist Workers Party and International Revolutionary Party

-Discipline: 6
-Popularity: 7
-Localism: 3

The Radical Republicans faced conflicts both internal and external. Radicalized by further losses of property, new taxes, and assaults from what were widely believed to be government agents, a segment of the party wished to explicitly campaign on re-establishing white supremacism and the destruction of organized labor and begin openly seeking support from Great Britain. After a tense convention, during which many members were likely government agents, that platform lost in favor of one that simply advocated for compensation and peace.

-Plank 1: Compensate the businessmen who have had their property so unfairly taken away, and attempt to reverse some of the expropriations.
-Plank 2: Normalize relations with the European powers. We need peace!
-Plank 3: Establish sensible immigration quotas, keep them high for now to appeal to moderates.
-Plank 4: Provide more funding to law enforcement to keep order, especially in Texas.
-Plank 5: Designate some coastal cities as Free Economic Cities, where businesses can operate under less bureaucratic red-tape to bring in more trade and investment.
-Non-legislative plank 1: Make pacifist propaganda, novels, plays, etc. showing the horrors of wars. Turn the RRP into the Party that stands for peace.
-Non-legislative plank 2: Create an aid organization for businessmen who have suffered due to the government's radical policies, focusing on those who were expropriated first.
-Coalitions: Freedmen's Party

-Discipline: 6
-Popularity: 5
-Localism: 6

The Freedmen's Party has continued to restructure itself, dismantling its own connections to bureaucratic patronage networks in favor of becoming the party of farmers, pacifists, and a number of other interest groups, a transition nearly completed.

- Negotiate with the rest of the DMA how their expanded economies will affect the republic and ensure a fair and just economic agreement between alliance members.
-Focus on building up the government bureaucracy to better implement its policies.
-Encourage and promote rural cooperatives in such a way as to empower the Freedman's party base.
-Be anti-war and propose cutting the military budget and shift it towards peacetime expenses such as better healthcare for all.
-Campaign on a return to electoral district voting, with the implementation of an STV system.
-Non Legislative 1: Continue building support mainly from the rural areas such as farm-workers associations and unions as well as taking the lead in the anti-war movement in the country.
-Non-Legislative 2: Continue working to remove our reliance on the patronage networks and pin our hopes on the rural areas and the anti-war movement.
-Coalitions: Anyone

-Discipline: 5
-Popularity: 6
-Localism: 4

The Socialist Worker's Party was beginning to struggle to find a niche, as its left flanked merged with the Socialists and the right flank with the Worker's, while elements of both shifted into the International Revolutionary Party. Backroom discussions about a new identity for the party were beginning, but for now the party would continue their course.

-Institute a national minimum wage and tie the renumeration for Assembly delegates to it.
-Subsidize programs to ameliorate the environmental damage caused by industrial society.
-Create a Consumer Protection Bureau, with responsibilities including, but not limited to, ensuring goods are fit purpose and maintaining accurate sets of weights and measures.
-Establish an Intelligence Oversight Committee, with no Assembly delegate allowed to sit on it for more than two consecutive terms.
-Provide support to various Celtic Separatist groups which share our values, striking at Sasannach imperialism in its very heart.
-Non-legislative: Denounce the Belgian proposal for a conference to divvy up undeveloped nations and offer support to any nation targeted by such a conference.
-Non-legislative: Create a mechanism for party members to change the party list as a means to effectuate the recall system.

-Discipline: 6
-Popularity: 5
-Localism: 2