Springtime of Freedom: A Guns of Old John Brown Riot Quest

[X] A formal apology and reasonable compensation
[X] A formal apology with token compensation (Britain will be more hostile, minimal domestic backlash from hawks and from doves)
Into where in Canada did Des Moines alliance forces incur? Ontario (yellow), Manitoba (green), the Northwest Territories (purple), or some combination of two or all three? Map:

It matters because depending on which territor[ies] we entered, we can get cheeky with our apology and compensation (given the lead that official apology and nominal compensation has, I'm assuming it's gonna win) - directing our apology and/or compensation to a provincial government whose territory was violated, or to the Confederation if it was the Northwest Territories' territory or a combination of multiple jurisdictions' territories, rather than to Her Majesty's Government in London. The aim being to provoke a diplomatic kerfuffle between London and the colonial authority over the sovereign power of the latter to accept official apologies.
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Into where in Canada did Des Moines alliance forces incur? Ontario (yellow), Manitoba (green), the Northwest Territories (purple), or some combination of two or all three? Map:

It matters because depending on which territor[ies] we entered, we can get cheeky with our apology and compensation (given the lead that official apology and nominal compensation has, I'm assuming it's gonna win) - directing our apology and/or compensation to a provincial government whose territory was violated, or to the Confederation if it was the Northwest Territories' territory or a combination of multiple jurisdictions' territories, rather than to Her Majesty's Government in London. The aim being to provoke a diplomatic kerfuffle between London and the colonial authority over the sovereign power of the latter to accept official apologies.

The Warlord States seem to border the NWTs, so probably that.
We really do need to fix up our economics, our expenses problem is getting worse, rather than better, so we need to increase taxes and more importantly improve collection if we're going to be able to continue expanding these things.
We really do need to fix up our economics, our expenses problem is getting worse, rather than better, so we need to increase taxes and more importantly improve collection if we're going to be able to continue expanding these things.
It's a bit strange, our ability to meet expenses declined from Critical to worse-Critical in 1878, but our treasury rose from Low to Adequate in 1878. This is probably due to the significant asset seizures from banks and traders in 1878, but it's also indicative of something of a liquidity problem - these new assets were not convertible to media of exchange that could be used to fund expenditures.
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[X] A formal apology with token compensation (Britain will be more hostile, minimal domestic backlash from hawks and from doves)
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by notbirdofprey on Jan 18, 2023 at 10:25 PM, finished with 45 posts and 35 votes.

  • [X] A formal apology with token compensation (Britain will be more hostile, minimal domestic backlash from hawks and from doves)
    [X] No apology, token compensation, and a statement that the troops were in hot pursuit of an enemy (Britain will be significantly more hostile, very small risk of conflict or war, some domestic backlash from doves)
    [X] A formal apology and reasonable compensation
    [X] No apology or compensation, but a call for the people of London to rise up and overthrow the crowned heads that oppress them ( Britain will almost certainly declare war, significant domestic backlash from doves)
    [X] No apology, token compensation, and a statement that the troops were in hot pursuit of an enemy (Britain will be significantly more hostile, very small risk of conflict or war, some domestic backlash from doves)
    [X] No apology or compensation, but a call for the people of London to rise up and overthrow the crowned heads that oppress them ( Britain will almost certainly declare war, significant domestic backlash from doves)
    [X] A formal apology and reasonable compensation
    [X] A formal apology with token compensation (Britain will be more hostile, minimal domestic backlash from hawks and from doves)
1878 Primaries and Foreign Affairs
[X] A formal apology with token compensation (Britain will be more hostile, minimal domestic backlash from hawks and from doves)
The matter of the Warlord's War ended with token compensation and a formal apology being delivered to the government in Ottowa, which dutifully transmitted the apology but kept the compensation for itself. The Imperial government did not officially give any notice to the matter, but additional military assets were transferred to its various colonial holdings near "the uppity alliance of savages, slaves, and slaughterers" such as Canada, Pacifica, and Jamaica.

Other foreign affairs of note reached the eyes and ears of the National Assembly. The French Empire maintained its bellicose posture towards Prussia, but took another step in the matter, signing a formal treaty with Austria and Bavaria, recognizing spheres of influence outside of Europe (an agreement which strongly favored France, but did offer Bavaria some choice bits of Africa and ceded the Balkans to Austria) and agreeing to a strictly defensive alliance.

Meanwhile, an attempt at boosting the economy by slashing pensions in the German Confederation saw strikes in the Rhineland, Hamburg, and Berlin. While a number were bloodily suppressed, they were nevertheless victorious as Bismarck gave in to avoid boosting the popularity of the SDP and weakening the military to the extent that a full suppression of the worker's movement would require.

A number of Latin American societies have begun forming, advocating for the end of imperialism and exploitation. Whether these societies have taken the form of escaped slaves in the Amazon, indigenous peoples in the Andes, or impoverished farmworkers, they have existed for some time, but have recently formed a loose federation and sent delegates north asking for aid and support.

French and Chinese troops have begun skirmishing in Southeast Asia.

Popular Sentiment

Victory! Victory! Onward and forward! (Medium, boosts all parties in government during the Warlord's War)

We barely avoided war with the mightiest empire on Earth, we can't afford more conflict now. (Low)

Those government bastards took my business and gave me nothing! (Low)

I want my direct representative back! (Medium)

The new cooperatives are doing great, but our old boss is trying to shut us down. We ought to teach him a lesson! (Medium)

Each platform may have five legislative planks and two non-legislative planks. In addition, you may also list who you wish to have or not have as a coalition partner.

Platforms should be voted for in this format:

[] [Party Name] Plan name
-[] Plank 1
-[] Plank 2
-[] Plank 3
-[] Plank 4
-[] Plank 5
-[] Non-legislative plank 1
-[] Non-legislative plank 2
-[] Coalitions

You may vote for multiple plans, but only for one party.
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The Revolutionary Reconstructionist Working Group
Consider the Following
  1. Establish a nationalized pharmaceutical industry specializing at first in the production of aspirin. Part of the product is to be traded overseas at markup while another part should be distributed within the nation at cost. The profits from foreign trade are to be routed back into expanding the industry in a self reinforcing loop that will rapidly grow our capacity without straining our coffers.
  2. Work with the WRA to expand the mines of native copper in Michigan, in order to provide enough of the material to keep up with the demands of increasing electrification - especially of the national rail system. Copper is a key element of electrical motors, generators, and transmission lines.
  3. Establish a foreign intelligence service tasked with making contact with foreign revolutionaries and providing covert aid, mostly training. Congratulations, we've recreated the CIA from first principles. Well, a based mirror universe version.
  4. Establish a domestic intelligence agency tasked with rooting out reactionaries and foreign interference in our domestic matters.​
  5. Look for foreign investment from the TCI and WRA into strategic industries such as diesel engine manufacture. While capital intensive, these will be a boon to all our nations by allowing more agricultural mechanization. They also allow for mechanized infrantry, bomber/scout dirigibles, and self propelled artillery, hehehehe.
  6. Cooperate within the DMA to metricate and standardize our weights and measures in order to allow easier cooperation between our industries and expand our accomplishments in army logistics to the field of civilian shipping.​
  7. Continue our efforts into establishing a Joint Command by standardizing weapons calibres and equipment, with an emphasis on technological and industrial transfers to the TCI which currently borders Pacifica.​
  8. For the love of all the gods. Unfuck our taxes. Please.​
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[] [Socialist Workers Party] Internationalism and Living Standards
-[] Increase penalties for cartelisation and work to bust the trusts
-[] Provide targeted aid to the Latin American federation
-[] Impose higher tariffs on luxury goods coming from England and its colonies
-[] Abolish the two-tier welfare system, setting a new standard rate halfway between the previous two
-[] Introduce a tax on incomes greater than five times the national average
-[] Non-legislative: Work to improve our food independence
-[] Non-legislative: Establish a party Propaganda Bureau to coordinate the political positions of party newspapers, and the positions taken at rallies and debates by party candidates according to the party program; and to purchase and distribute phonographs and loudspeakers to party branches
-[] Workers Party, Socialist Party, International Revolutionary Party
We should invest in further infrastructural and industrial improvement, both consumer and military goods. Governments got to step up and do better then the private sector in actually building things.
[] [Socialist Party] The Means of Production
-[] Conduct an extensive campaign to boost the construction of steel mills and improve the quality of their output.
-[] Subsidize the creation of one or more railway cooperatives to create and maintain better railways as directed by the Social Planning Committee.
-[] Subsidize the expansion of currently existing shipyard capacity to increase the size of our Navy.
-[] Institute a proportional income tax across all citizens of the nation.
-[] Subsidize the creation of one or more pharmaceutical cooperatives aimed at mass-production of penicillin and other antibiotics and other such items as only producible in the Freedmen's Republic.
-[] Create a program of assistance wherein the Party purchases food and clothing and distributes it to the needy in as many locations as possible with the aim of increasing our votership and popularity.
-[] Distribute literature on unionization to non-unionized workplaces and set up a fund to support unionization efforts and strikes.
-[] Socialist Workers Party, International Revolutionary Party, Workers' Party
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There's some other plans in the drafting stage aside from Shadows's, for the Socialist Party. Shadows just slapped down her plan first, Leeroy Jenkins style. xD
Credit to CyberEnby for many of these planks.

[][The Worker's Party] In terms of money we have no money
-[] Establish a progressive income tax to raise much needed revenue, justified by the war and the need to have state-backed industry to compete with the imperialists.
-[] Establish a nationalized pharmaceutical industry specializing at first in the production of aspirin. Part of the product is to be traded overseas at markup while another part should be distributed within the nation at cost. The profits from foreign trade are to be routed back into expanding the industry in a self reinforcing loop that will rapidly grow our capacity without straining our coffers.
-[] Expand healthcare by establishing more government owned hospitals and clinics that treat people for free, based off expanding the successful veterans healthcare program.
-[] Cooperate within the DMA to metricate and standardize our weights and measures in order to allow easier cooperation between our industries and expand our accomplishments in army logistics to the field of civilian shipping.
-[] Work with the WRA to expand the mines of native copper in Michigan, in order to provide enough of the material to keep up with the demands of increasing electrification - especially of the national rail system. Copper is a key element of electrical motors, generators, and transmission lines.
-[] Non-legislative: Try to connect with agricultural coops, emphasizing the policies we have put in place for them.
-[] Non-legislative: Investigate talk therapy and ptsd.
-[] Coalitions: Socialist Party, Socialist Worker's Party, Freedman Party

Healthcare to help with stability, of course. Happy healthy people won't be convinced by the capitalists.

Then two planks cooperating with the DA. We need better quality rail, which we are automatically building, but extra copper will make it cheaper.

I also want to establish a customs union but not sure we should do it before we have assurances of enough income. I don't think we have the knowledge to guess in advance how much the income tax will give us?

Not sure what I want to do for non-legislative yet.
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[] [The Freedmen's Party] Securing the Peace
-[] An equitable settlement to be reached with all members of the Des Moine Alliance over the division of the Northern Warlords. No member will be left out.
-[] Raise tariffs to offset the government deficit, with a pledge to not raise taxes if we are elected in the next year.
-[] Grant business owners whose businesses have been nationalised with equitable compensation in the form of long term government bonds.
-[] A halt on any rise in military spending and expansion in the short term order to assuade foreign fears of revolutionary war and help with balancing the government books.
-[] A pledge to return to electoral district voting, with the implementation of an STV system.
-[] Non Legislative 1: Build support in rural areas with literacy drives and continued rural organizing into farm-workers associations, unions, and more, to heighten their power and influence.
-[] Non-Legislative 2: Continue gradual and careful transition from total reliance on the old machine to a focusing on these rural farm-workers associations and any urban counterparts, transitioning from one sort of machine to another that will be more sturdy and politically apt.
-[] Coalitions: Anyone, really.
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[] [Freedman's Party] Triumphing Over The Peace
- [] An equitable settlement to be reached with all members of the Des Moine Alliance over the division of the Northern Warlords. No member will be left out.
-[] Tax enforcement reform is necessary to improve government incomes and kickstart things. Taxation needs not be raised, at least not yet, but a more skillful bureaucratic collection of it can only pay off.
-[] Encourage and promote rural cooperatives in such a way as to empower the Freedman's party base.
-[] Halt the rise of the military budget and shift towards a peacetime footing, including further recognition of veterans.
-[] A pledge to return to electoral district voting, with the implementation of an STV system.
-[] Non Legislative 1: Build support in rural areas with literacy drives and continued rural organizing into farm-workers associations, unions, and more, to heighten their power and influence.
-[] Non-Legislative 2: Continue gradual and careful transition from total reliance on the old machine to a focusing on these rural farm-workers associations and any urban counterparts, transitioning from one sort of machine to another that will be more sturdy and politically apt.
-[] Coalitions: Anyone

A slightly more left wing version of the above.
[] [Freedman's Party] Triumphing Over The Peace
- [] An equitable settlement to be reached with all members of the Des Moine Alliance over the division of the Northern Warlords. No member will be left out.
-[] Tax enforcement reform is necessary to improve government incomes and kickstart things. Taxation needs not be raised, at least not yet, but a more skillful bureaucratic collection of it can only pay off.
-[] Encourage and promote rural cooperatives in such a way as to empower the Freedman's party base.
-[] Halt the rise of the military budget and shift towards a peacetime footing, including further recognition of veterans.
-[] A pledge to return to electoral district voting, with the implementation of an STV system.
-[] Non Legislative 1: Build support in rural areas with literacy drives and continued rural organizing into farm-workers associations, unions, and more, to heighten their power and influence.
-[] Non-Legislative 2: Continue gradual and careful transition from total reliance on the old machine to a focusing on these rural farm-workers associations and any urban counterparts, transitioning from one sort of machine to another that will be more sturdy and politically apt.
-[] Coalitions: Anyone

A slightly more left wing version of the above.

Honestly, could I nick your non-legislative planks? I think we both agree that the rural vote is where we should pivot towards, and your proposals are far better than mine in that regard
[X] [Radical Republican Party] Plan Against Radicalism
-[x] Plank 1: Compensate the businessmen who have had their property so unfairly taken away, and attempt to reverse some of the expropriations.
-[x] Plank 2: Normalize relations with the European powers. We need peace!
-[x] Plank 3: Establish sensible immigration quotas, keep them high for now to appeal to moderates.
-[x] Plank 4: Provide more funding to law enforcement to keep order, especially in Texas.
-[x] Plank 5: Designate some coastal cities as Free Economic Cities, where businesses can operate under less bureaucratic red-tape to bring in more trade and investment.
-[x] Non-legislative plank 1: Make pacifist propaganda, novels, plays, etc. showing the horrors of wars. Turn the RRP into the Party that stands for peace.
-[x] Non-legislative plank 2: Create an aid organization for businessmen who have suffered due to the government's radical policies, focusing on those who were expropriated first.
-[x] Coalitions: Freedmen's Party
[X] [Socialist Party] The Means of Production
-[X] Conduct an extensive campaign to boost the construction of steel mills and improve the quality of their output.
-[X] Subsidize the creation of one or more railway cooperatives to create and maintain better railways as directed by the Social Planning Committee.
-[X] Subsidize the expansion of currently existing shipyard capacity to increase the size of our Navy.
-[X] Institute a proportional income tax across all citizens of the nation.
-[X] Subsidize the creation of one or more pharmaceutical cooperatives aimed at mass-production of penicillin and other antibiotics and other such items as only producible in the Freedmen's Republic.
-[X] Create a program of assistance wherein the Party purchases food and clothing and distributes it to the needy in as many locations as possible with the aim of increasing our votership and popularity.
-[X] Distribute literature on unionization to non-unionized workplaces and set up a fund to support unionization efforts and strikes.
-[X] Socialist Workers Party, International Revolutionary Party, Workers' Party