The Young Xian of the Celestial Realm: Space Cathay 4x Warhammer 40k Quest

[X] Exemplary Executive
-[X] Zhu Xiang
--[X] An extraordinary manager
--[X] The Bastion moves where it pleases
--[X] Exemplar of Production

[X] Superior Sage
-[X] Zhu Xinyi
--[X] A wise scholar
--[X] Lords of the Tempest
--[X] Patron of Scholarship
[X] Exemplary Executive
-[X] Zhu Xiang
--[X] An extraordinary manager
--[X] The Bastion moves where it pleases
--[X] Exemplar of Production

[X] Superior Sage
-[X] Zhu Xinyi
--[X] A wise scholar
--[X] Lords of the Tempest
--[X] Patron of Scholarship
Faction Primer: Holy Empire of Sigraum part 1

(Credit to Wolfmoon25)

"Our Empire is founded on three things. Faith, Ceramite, and Lightning" - Empress Gelthilda Luxembourg von Thalmann
The centrepiece of the Holy Alliance consisting of itself, the Fey Royarchy of Nouvelle Bretonnia, the Clandoms of Avalon*, the United People's Witchdoms of Kosmoriye**, the Confederation of Hesperian Kingdoms***, the League of Reman States****, and the Padishah Sultanate of Qadira***** to name the some of the most prominent members, the Holy Empire of Sigraum and its Holy Alliance are major obstacles in the path of the Imperium's claims to humanity, and have a strange, complex relationship with the Commonwealth of People's States that has varied in warmness and coldness over the many millennia since its inception.

Founded by Sigmar and the other Gods of the Old World who fled the destruction of Malus and followed the disruptions in the Empyrean caused by Orikan's last trick, the Empire is a constitutional, federal monarchy that considers the churches of the "Central Gods" to be the state religion, particularly honouring the deities Sigmar, Taal, Rhya, Shallya, Ulric, Verena, Elspeth, Mannan, Ranald, Dyrath, Arvala, and Gelt; though other cults are also widespread. As a Polytheistic society, a general expectation of religious pluralism is observed with in the Empire, even if the Churches often compete with one another and jockey for favour.

When Sigmar brought the core of what was once Malus to the world of Altwelt to start the process of building a new society with the humans left scattered by the collapse of old civilisation in the long night, he and the other gods encouraged the development of technology melded to the arcane practices they had brought from home, showing how to tame the winds of magic and create new colleges of wizardry and schools of alchemy while seeking to integrate this new learning of machines into their work.

As the worlds selected for the seeds of these new societies were already selected ahead of time by the refugee gods, contact with the other nations of the Holy Alliance came relatively swiftly upon warp travel being remastered and navigator guilds being cultivated. Unlike the Imperium, the Sigraumisch did not have the benefit of the astronomicon to guide their explorations; instead relying on beacons established by careful cooperation of the college of wizards, the churches, and the engineers. These beacons would be vastly more limited in range than the Astronomicon or its Avatars that caught, concentrated, and then re-radiated its brilliance to new parts of space. Thus forcing the Empire to develop in a much denser pattern, with careful, deliberate pacing around the Star Beacons that also served as faster-than-light communications.

Unlike the Imperium, the Holy Empire would not have Space Marines, but it would have the Stormcast Eternals. Clad in materials blessed by Sigmar and wrought with the power of the Blue wind of Azyr around the souls of the worthy dead, they would be as legion and grow in number in the coming days after the first were forged from a whole history's worth of heroes. Able to return to the world if slain, albeit at the price of lost memories and pieces of their identity, and able to tirelessly spearhead the expansion of the Holy Empire and its allies as well as defend what was already there, they would present themselves to the first elected Empress of the new Empire, Ishild Horowitz von Kaiser.

Worlds were contacted, brought into fealty into the Empire, and fleets and armies grew large and mighty. Technologies strange to Sigmar, but apparently quite vital to the makings of a spaceborne society were catalogued by the Engineering Societies and the Cult of Verena, pieces of STCs recovered to provide for a growing basis of technological capability that saw the Empire grow into a prosperous state spread through many of the linked galaxies of the garden in only a century by the time contact could be made with the old allies. It was of course, not uncontested, among many obstacles were the omnipresent and always ready to battle Orks.

It of course, hardly pleased Sigmar to find that not even in space could he escape wars with the Orks, and as a god he found manifesting in the Materium difficult beyond the sending of avatars bound by much of the same rules as daemons or seraphons. However, he was freer to give more direct signs to his people, and their fleets and armies would manage to cast back the green tide and other threats whether they be the marauder technobarbarian tribes loyal to Chaos or Liche Lords and Vampiric Rulers of the undead to live to meet with the leaders of the other displaced old world nations.

A pact sworn in the Empyrean was affirmed in the materium, one that would bind the destiny of these nations, and those who stood with them, together against the odds, and to ensure that nothing like the fall of Malus would ever happen again. A treaty with the Karaz Ankor was sought, as well as with Eldar Craftworld Confederations, Votann Leagues, Exodite Groves, and Tyrion's new Phoenix Kingdom whenever they were encountered. Whereas the Imperium preferred to crush its opposition whenever submission or assimilation could not be procured, the Empire was significantly more keen on the art of diplomacy, planning a great front against what they believed was an inevitable war with Chaos and other dangers.

However the expansion of the Holy Alliance would eventually bring it into contact with the Imperium of Man, which was growing far more ruthlessly and aggressively, buoyed by the caches of resources the Diad of Atham and Erda had prepared ahead of time for their great crusade and the partially divine military prowess of their sons and daughters; the primarchs. The Imperium, operating under the edict of the atheistic Imperial Truth, would see the pagan nations of the Holy Alliance and within moments decide that it it all had to go.

The Imperium waged unprovoked, aggressive war as soon as the Diad were made aware of the Holy Alliance, finding the nature they had with divine beings in the warp to be utterly abhorrent and the Stormcast Eternals abominations. The unexpected barbarism of the initial contact buckled the Up-Southerneastern frontier of the Holy Empire as the first contact protocols were met with the Word Bearers, Knights Glorious[1], Vylka Fenrika, Astrosaurs[2], Night Lords, and Mortificers[3] and elements of other legions in a spectacularly bloody offensive. Even the Emperor himself, separate from the Empress Erda who had other commitments at the time; would appear with some of the ten thousand shield hosts of the custodes, his silencers, and the lucifer blacks to try and tip the tide.

But the Holy Alliance endured, digging in and bringing up its own great assets in response, the Astartes finding a not exactly perfect, but indeed equal match in the Stormcasts and a more than worthy foe in such great warriors as the Ice Witch Guard or the Grail Knights. Stalemates would eventually ensue, even counteroffensives to retake lost territory from the invading Imperials, and the Holy Imperial State Army and Navy would grind the Astra Militarum to a bloody halt with the aid of its allies.

Parley would not be coming anytime soon, and even when the Emperor was recalled elsewhere in the endlessly growing number of fronts the Great Crusade was facing and command fell unto a rotating chair the war would keep going. It was a seemingly unprecedented amount of human on human bloodshed, one only given temporary pause by the Imperials drawing down with the commencement of the Ullanor offensives against the Greenskins. A ceasefire only agreed to by the Holy Alliance out of their own need to deal with the Orks who were drawn to the violence like a mecca as well as upswellings in chaotic activity.

After the anointment of the new Warmaster, the war would resume to try and finish old business, but the Holy Alliance was far more prepared now, bringing forth its Celestant Prime and far more prepared forces and operational reserves. This time, they would be the first ones to strike, breaking the ceasefire under order of Chancellor Ulrica von Clausewitz with the blessing of Emperor Johann von Geltstein. Catching the Imperials still preparing to attack, they managed to overrun wide swathes of space before a coherent response could be organised in a reverse of the prior slaughter, hunkering down and consolidating to prepare for the inevitable and ruthless counterattacks.

The wars would raise many questions in the Imperium as to the nature of the warp, and why these humans were so eager to die for their religion and defy the Imperial Truth. Some conclusions were good, others were bad, with Lorgar himself looking to the powers of Chaos that the Sigmarites so hated to find something above this petty division in the superior species. It would also unfortunately, lead to a ban on Atheism in the Holy Empire that was only recently given tacit decriminalisation without recognition as the Holy Empire came to associate a vocal disbelief in gods with the barbarism of the Imperium, even long after the Imperium ceased being Atheist as the reasonings for the ban became largely lost to history and the ban itself was forgotten about in the codex of Holy Law, but nearly always causing tragedy whenever law enforcement discovered and used it.

The war would not pause for the Horus Heresy or the later internal conflicts, with the Holy Alliance taking to the offensive against all factions with equal vigour. Only once Guilliman was named Lord Commander of the Imperium and negotiated the armistice of Vinburg with Emperor Rudolph zu Herzdorf did peace settle in after it became fully clear that total victory for either side was entirely out of the question. The Imperium was mightier than any one of the Holy Alliance's members, but all of them together would be a fight that would be uncertain in its outcome, and even taking out one of the major members would be immensely costly in terms of resources that the leadership of the Imperium did not want to spend while the Alliance was in dire need of reprioritising resources.

In the hundred centuries, hence, the Empire has had many conflicts. Great Skaven incursions, Undead Conquests, Chaotic Invasions and Greenskin Waaaghs would regularly assail the Alliance. Local, and even Empire wide civil wars have sometimes struck at the polity; generally not involving the Imperial army but rather the Electorate troops, which would culminate in the Electoral Crisis war of M35 that would end in a great centralisation of the Empire by the government of Herschel von Ritter who instated a new constitution that more clearly laid out the powers of the Emperor and Chancellery, limited the nobility's privileges, and reformed the military to greatly reduce the ability of the Electors to repeat this sort of nonsense by chaining down their ability to wage war to the Imperial government.

Internal conflicts for Electorate supremacy would still continue, waged in the halls of government to try and push the advantage of one over the other, The growing power of the burghers and the proletarian guilds warranted another major transformation in government in response to the 848-98 M38 Spring of Commoners that would see the first non-noble born chancellor elected. The status quo of dancing great powers lacking the speed or strength to finish each other off, while slowly growing new powers grew in the gaps and slowly but surely the rim of the garden was expanded through the exploration efforts across the known universe.

But the late Terran Imperial 41st millennium would bring a sudden end to this slow, stagnant history and give way to a barrage of major incidents. The oncoming of the Tyranids, the mass awakening of the legacy of the C'tan, the gatherings of the Dregs of Chaos, the rousing of the unliving, ever growing Greenskin hordes, the rapid expansion of new polities such as the T'Au Spheres or the Draxian Hegemony and more have plagued the reign of the most recent Emperors. Now the newly crowned Empress Hannah Leitpoldt von Einstein and Chancellor Amalia Braun face a universe at war and a Holy Alliance that stands on the precipice of great change; though whether for the better or worse only time can tell.

*Space Albion
**Space Kislev
***Space Estalia
****Space Tilea
*****Space Araby

[1]OC Legion, lead by the Female Primarch Mordra Urdrake, colours are Silver and Gunmetal, Later Silver and Black. Known for its love of mounted warfare and the taming of warbeasts to ride atop (Along with an atypical for astartes love of the glory of being a strike craft or tank ace) as well as a deepseated genteel arrogance and disdain for the common rabble. Would fall to Chaos over Mordra being chastised by Primarch Deirdre of the Tyrant's Bane for wasting ever-growing assets on self-aggrandisement to the point of causing an attempted revolution against the Knights Glorious in their conquered territories because they siphoned up all the resources into monuments dedicated to themselves to the point of mass famine and poverty. Presently a Legion of Chaos Undivided, or more correctly, the Legion of Daemon Princess Mordra.

[2]OC Legion, lead by the Female Primarch Ernestene Veldegard, colours are red blue and yellow. Specialised in armoured warfare, tanks, and mechanised troops. Known for approaching the horrors of war by learning to smile and have a laugh at it and find your own fun within it, leading to the Orks to label them "da beakiez 'oo getz it", encouraged by Ernestene's own "guts and glory" attitude. Loyal to the present day, generally regarded as Codex Deviant due to still organising their equipment production around supporting enormous armoured pushes and mechanised offensives. Ernestene would go AWOL trying to explore what is now known to be a construct of the Void Dragon; the Impossible Fortress.

[3]OC Legion, lead by the female primarch Atraya Endarm, colour are bone white and tar black; later Purple, Blue, Grey, and White. With a mutation where each Astartes grows more geneseed than those of other legions and grows them faster and for implanted recruits to develop faster, they were the legion known for overwhelming foes with sheer numbers as well as an utterly contemptuous attitude for collateral damage, taking casualties, or those who griped about either of them; indoctrinated in the glory of death and martyrdom inherited from Atraya's time as the understudy of the fascist dictator of her home region and winning his wars for him before killing him and taking his place. Massive assholes who eventually lead an attempted coup on Guilliman post-heresy with the aid of defectors from the traitors, undead "benefactors" who saw an opportunity, and other "loyalists" who thought Guilliman was far too soft. The Atrayan Apostasy would see Atraya defeated and fully embracing Nagash and the undead as one of his Mortarchs; along with the other Undead Primarchs.

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[X] The Esoteric Scholar
-[X] Zhu Xiang
--[X] A Wise Scholar
--[X] Lords of the Tempest
--[X] Exemplar of Production

[X] The Paragon of Diplomacy
-[X] Zhu Xinyi
--[X] A Graceful Diplomat
--[X] Mercenary Manager
--[X] Harmony between Species

I'm switching my vote.
[X] Exemplary Executive
-[X] Zhu Xiang
--[X] An extraordinary manager
--[X] The Bastion moves where it pleases
--[X] Exemplar of Production

[X] Superior Sage
-[X] Zhu Xinyi
--[X] A wise scholar
--[X] Lords of the Tempest
--[X] Patron of Scholarship
Last edited:
[X] The Esoteric Scholar
-[X] Zhu Xiang
--[X] A Wise Scholar
--[X] Lords of the Tempest
--[X] Exemplar of Production

[X] The Paragon of Diplomacy
-[X] Zhu Xinyi
--[X] A Graceful Diplomat
--[X] Mercenary Manager
--[X] Harmony between Species
Cadia amd the thirteenth black slog

The War Continues

Cadia, epononymous planet of Cadia province, was, like basically all planets, systems, and sectors within its province, a fortress in the guise of a world. The Eye of Terror, looming large over the corpses of the galaxies that had once been the heart of Eldar space, bled its strange and evil energies into the void, save for a corridor massive enough to be seen clearly if one got the right angle to look at the eye from; a factor of many things, but most of all slumbering Necron relics keeping the warp rift at bay.

The Mournival; Abaddon, Asmodea, Apollya, and Astaroth; self-appointed heirs to Horus and Edda[1]even if the Dark Harbingers would probably turn their ships around and start shooting them even in the middle of the ongoing offensive if they said the second one out loud; had declared that this thirteenth Black Crusade would be the one to fell the Imperium. After all the millennia of preparations, all the slow progress, often frustrating as it was, this would be their hour.

They would march to Via Lactea, sweep into Segmentum Sol and then land upon Terra, conquering it for the Space Marines once and for all. Ending the Astartes' shackles to lesser, weaker beings, and then finishing the Great Crusade as it was always meant to be, under the ceramite boot of a space marine stratocracy that would give the xenos and those who would resist the Black Compliance no mercy.

Ironic then, as the Aspiring Champion Vorgon Skalthrax the Youthslayer; so named in mockery for boasting about slaying the unarmed children in a Schola Progenum; would say, that the Abaddon in all his wisdom, saw fit to cut deals with all these xenos. Skaven, Dawi Zharr, and the other xenos specially chosen by one of the Chaos Gods for being especially pleasing to them as the sorcerers would say (the dark apostles who preached the human supremacist creed would likely not approve) and more were gathered here, along with the ancient and bitter Fimir who clung to the hope of the Gods noticing them once again, and the dragon-legged Shaggoths whose centauroid forms trampled through the battlefield to name but a few.

What mockery was this? What madness had taken the Mournival's mind? It was bad enough the other twelve times, but in their moment of triumph he'd have to breathe the same air as xenos?

"Insolent xenos! This is supposed to be our hour! How dare you try to upstage us?!" He shouted, pointing his black sword towards a Skaven Warplock Engineer as the ground behind him erupted with a rain of earthshaker rounds, not even flinching as he snarled, bald head growing its own horns from the energies of chaos, the eight-pointed star burnt into the forehead of his pallid skin.

"My name is-is Mereek Skabstab ngahh." The Skaven Master Engineer growled in clear annoyance.

"Stupid-dumb big-man-thing want-wants throne-thing fortifications smash-crushed yes-yes?" The Warplock Engineer hissed through its own helmet, the Skaven clicking his teeth together without even looking at the Chaos Space Marine.

"You insult me? I will rip your spine out and play skip-rope with it for my morning exercise!" He said as he whipped out a plasma pistol to emphasise the threat he was making.

"Semi-half original threat, never heard-knew that one before." The Skaven said with an air of absolute contempt for the Space Marine as he flicked the safeties off.

"Go ahead, shoot-shoot me, you use plasma gun and cannon go boom-boom and chaos-thing go die-die." The Skaven scoffed, though normally a mutual kill would normally not be enough security for a Skaven to be this confident to someone like him.

Titan Warhorns drowned out his doubtlessly deeply witty reply, red starting to flush to his cheeks as he started to shout louder and louder only for the Titan to get nearer and nearer and thus louder and louder. By the time the god-machine's war horns stopped, he was at the point of stomping his feet for emphasis while the Skaven pointed and laughed.

"I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS! DIE WRE-" The Chaos Space Marine never finished before thirteen jezzail launched rounds from thirteen different sniper teams from thirteen different directions obliterated his cranium, the Warplock Engineer finally mentally letting go of the strands of magic that were working to confuse his Astartes' danger sense. The headless body had enough life left to grasp at where the head one was before it fell over, directionless and soon, motionless.

Packmaster Numnumz leaned over at the corpse and took a syringe patterned after Apothecary progenoid extractors and quickly yanked out the first of the progenoid glands, chuckling to himself while Mereek eyed her as if she was doing something crazy like trusting another living thing.

"Gland worth many-much warpstone yes-yes...mine-mine!" She cackled to herself as she got her orderlies to start pulling out the rest of the space marine's organs with a corkscrew shaped pole devised by clan moulder's best and brightest. The resulting process upon jamming the front end into the neck stump and pushing in, is best left to the imagination. The end result was leaving the armour intact, but taking all the organs out and stuffing them into jars.

"FOR THRONE AND KEEP!" A blood curdling shout that indicated that the fighting was getting close, swarming around the feet of the colossal chaos titan that was currently casting its shadow over the titan.The Skaven who didn't have full face helmets' ears and noses visibly twitched as they sniffed the air.

"Man-Things approaching." One of the Skaven said, hissing with displeasure as the Clanrats

"Job-task not done-done. What about our pay-cash?" Another asked.

"Chaos-things are stupid-dumb, not quick-smart like Skaven. We put weapon underground and move-move it quick-fast!" Mereek said, with Numnumz pointing to him and cackling in approval.

"Yes, much smart-genius you are. Will get burrow beasts quick-fast!"


The Sun hung wan overhead, and it was raining shells and missiles. With overlapping void and refractor fields as well as extensive surface to space weapons rendering Orbital bombardment in sections of Cadia not already firmly in the hands of one or the other a suicidal impossibility, the old king of battle would be tasked with deciding things.

God machines walked in numbers to introduce creeping cracks in the plates of the world. Thundering megatanks rolled mountain tall while the lesser infantry and vehicles battled in their shadows. Stabbing, piercing bolts of light and shrieking contrails of missiles racing from one side to the next. The sky was darkened not by clouds, banished by the power of the weapons being wielded, but by aircraft and dreadful flying things.

The full weight of the Imperium was present, all under the Command of one Ursarkar Creed on the ground, and Lord Strategos of the Imperial Navy Spire in the stars. And Creed couldn't help but light another one of his beloved cigars, dragging it briefly before exhaling a ring of smoke as he looked at the holotable showing a scaleable view of the battlefield collated from all the intelligence that could be gathered. Able to be shrunk down to squad level or scaled up to view battles across multiple systems, using alcubierre channel carried vox messages; shorter ranged than Astropathic communication, but less dependent on the warp or the peculiarity of the individual psykers.

"I'd wager that this is going rather well, wouldn't you?" He said with good humour, his aide Kell nodding in agreement while the gathered Imperial commanders mulled over his words.

"The Skaven don't seem to have their hearts in the contest at Sanctus Ultima War-Hive, what are they planning?" Marshal Algar, a Mordian, through and through, and always looking at war as a matter of fighting spirit and grit, said as he noted the Skaven siegelines seeming to be content to let the Black Legion eat the bulk of return fire and deployed well apart from the Dawi Zharr whom they despised.

"The Skaven are a species of treacherous cowards, even the Warmaster couldn't command the Under-Imperium's loyalty. This is no great surprise." High Marshal Helbrecht of the Black Templars said with a dismissive tone.

"They are likely preparing some manner of device or subversive infiltration. Direct assaults are rarely the strength of the Rattus Horrificus xenos." Archmagos Dominus Hespera Vesperax replied in the typical monotone of a high ranking techpriest, her form's many mechatendrites linked to the display device to give her that micron less latency to maximise efficiency, something Creed found a bit pointless.

"We shouldn't give them a millimetre, a penetrating strike should put paid to them, have the available forces infiltrate from the gaps in their lines and strike their power supplies, then we can close in for the kill." Creed mused before Marshal Varne-411, a resolute krieger interrupted.

"A frontal assault to break through would take less time, we have the numbers. My army group can launch the assault immediately, while the xenos think the traitors and barbarians are keeping them safe." He said, getting a frown out of Creed.

"I know that you are very proud of your expandability, but in this army lives are to be spent thoughtfully." Creed retorted, puffing his cigar at the gas masked krieger.

"Irrelevant. We march out of the vitae wombs in every base and colony of our regiments endlessly every day. We can be replaced faster than the traitors can slay us. This is our ideal place in the field of battle." The Marshal replied with somehow even less emotion than Hespera did.

"However quickly your forces emerge from the Vitae Wombs, you need mechanicus support to produce your weapons and equipment. Thoughtless expenditure of such assets cannot be abided by my colleagues." Hespera said, stock still in an unnerving way.

"Spire?" Varne asked, seeking to try to override Creed with the vote of the Admiralty.

"+This is not my field of expertise, I will not intervene.+" He replied, his holographic avatar only briefly paying the meeting mind before he looked to his own command table to organise the Imperial Fleet assets holding the line against the Black Fleet.

Quietly resentful, Varne withdrew his plan, remaining quiet for now and letting Creed continue.

"The Dust Born[2] and the Death Guard seem content to wage war with one another behind the trench lines, we can press on their flanks and envelop them, then let the Exorcists, Mechanicus, and Peregrinas squeeze them to death." Creed said, identifying a weakness as easily as he could use his eyes.

"If we do not shatter those daemonspires our advances will be all for naught. Let our brothers and sisters deploy and eliminate the empyreal menace's anchors in reality, then you may advance freely." A figure in incredibly chrome, purity seal-decorated armour said, clutching a glaive in heavy, armoured hands, her hair kept short, simple. A Grey Knight, one of the secret weapons against the spawn of the warp.

"Let us go with you, sacred warrior! We can resist the taint of the daemon!" Cannonness Aelita Steyn pleaded, dark hair and pale skin given a strange pallor by the light.

"The frontline needs you, we need a spearhead to break the back of the Chaos Warriors and Marines so we may take out their bases and leave their guns running dry!" High Cannonness Stella Aster replied, getting her less senior comrade to calm down.

"Well...with that in mind we sho-" Creed started before Lysander cut in from the Phalanx in orbit.

"+We have unknown contacts emerging from what we believe to be the webway. Due to the flanks of the Chaotic formations. They seem to have them boxed in.+" He said, stoic and calm as the Phalanx's batteries discharged so powerfully that the holodisplay showed a number of exclamation runes; engaging entire sections of the chaotic fleet as nonchalantly as walking.

"+Eldar?+" Spire asked, he was good at working with them.

"Only partially, Duardin and Quetzal signatures are also detected. Leagues of Votann, Interex, and Kosmoriye warp signatures are also translocating into the fray." The Archmagos replied, using the Imperial name for the Dawi and the Itzecan.

"So the centre might just hold after all." Creed smirked.

"And accept help from Heathens and xenos?" Varne asked.

"Do not look a gift horse in the mouth Varne. Nobody wishes for the Eye of Terror to spread elsewhere in the universe save for Chaos itself. We'll worry about the particulars later." He hummed.


The war for Cadian Province had, to the Mournival's frustration, ground to a halt. The Imperium had, against expectations, received significant non-imperial assistance by those who had understood the importance of the gate holding. Often it wasn't so much aid, as it was co-belligerence, engaging the forces of Chaos in supersectors and segmentums within the province that they had deemed safely controlled or striking forces still in muster or consolidation.

Abaddon and the Mournival were frustrated to say the least. They had thought that with the crises elsewhere, and with the mistrust between the Imperium and other forces opposed to Chaos; that they would have an easy time conquering Cadia after ten thousand years of preparation. Yet they were stalling, stopping, grinding to a halt.

Their forces were starting to lose focus, splintering into their warbands to go find other, easier prey, starting with those who weren't of the Black Legion to begin with until even his own black legionaries were starting to "creatively interpret" their orders or simply act without them. The Scourges would have to be dispatched to reaffirm discipline, but the damage was already being done.

There would be no swift, glorious offensive to keep the attentions of Chaos focused and to outrun the harrying forces of Malal who nipped at the heels of any gathering of multiple Chaos Gods' forces for long enough. There would be the bitter grind, the churn of manpower and materiel that the Black Legion would increasingly have to lean on the powers of Daemons and the aid of the more industrious chaotic xenos like the Skaven and Dawi Zharr to provide for munitions.

And as for the Marauder Tribes promised glory and riches...promises would need to become rewards out of the black legion's treasury sooner rather than later, lest the Tribesmen let their disdain for the fallen imperials take over.

Not a great conquest or triumph, just another, bitter, bloody, graceless slog in the long war.

[1]Primarch of the Kingmakers, one of the four founding traitor legions along with the Children of Horus, the Knights Glorious, and the Word Bearers. Fell due to her resentment towards having to kowtow to normal humans whom she considered inferior and feeling like they were holding the crusade back, and ultimately seeking to parlay rather than just banish daemons she ended up meeting, who promised her a world where the Astartes could have what they deserved; and after embitterment from the cancellation of offensives against the Lizardmen after all the blood and treasure sunk into it to try and entreat with the Slann; she decided it was the final straw.

While in theory as Executor of the Legio Astartes she was largely equal to Horus, she focused more on the metaphysical end of Chaos, and sought to alter the paths that unprotected human souls in the afterlife take to save them from Nagash whom she could perceive. As the official histories go, when it was clear that there was nothing left in her daughter to save, Erda annihilated her to ensure the Silver Keep project that would, when completed, keep Imperial Souls away from the God of Death nagash; be completed. She is like, Horus, super mega-ultradead, and the Dark Harbingers that her Legion renamed themselves afterwards have been assmad ever since.

[2]Original Legion, has a female Primarch in Aurelia Argenta, colours were Silver, Purple and Gold trimming pre-heresy, became Blue gold and silver post-heresy. Devoted to Tzeentch. Specialised more in raw psychic power than the sorcery of the Thousand Sons or the Wizardry focus of the Dragon Blades, particularly the power of Telepathy. Fell due to Aurelia trying to seek power from Tzeentch to overcome the attacks of the Khrave rather than call for help and admit to fault after deciding to take on a major Khrave Empire without assistance. Cult troops include but are not limited to both the Dust Marines, quite familiar to standard 40k as the direct expies of the Rubric Marines made from their dead who do not have the psychic power to be worth trying to resurrect, and the Witch Marines who having died once only to be called back by the magics of Tzeentch; have attained enough mastery of their psychic prowess to be able to spam psychic power rather than need standard guns.
[X] Exemplary Executive
-[X] Zhu Xiang
--[X] An extraordinary manager
--[X] The Bastion moves where it pleases
--[X] Exemplar of Production

[X] Superior Sage
-[X] Zhu Xinyi
--[X] A wise scholar
--[X] Lords of the Tempest
--[X] Patron of Scholarship

this is likely the best combination of options for long term survival, growth, and maybe even victory.
[X] The Esoteric Scholar
-[X] Zhu Xiang
--[X] A Wise Scholar
--[X] Lords of the Tempest
--[X] Exemplar of Production

[X] The Paragon of Diplomacy
-[X] Zhu Xinyi
--[X] A Graceful Diplomat
--[X] Mercenary Manager
--[X] Harmony between Species
Adhoc vote count started by Spartakrod on Jan 19, 2023 at 11:15 PM, finished with 27 posts and 12 votes.

So it seems that the vote for Zhu Xiang in particular is tied. Six for Scholar and Five for Executive but Dracul's vote for Steady Bureaucrat votes for an identical set of options. Thus putting it at an exact, even stevens six to six.

Xinyi is currently leaning towards diplomat with six votes (including kreen's which is counted separately due to formatting) to five for sage and one for general.

So it's likely we'll need some tie breaking before I am able to call a vote. However, I will be writing a primer to the first region you'll be interacting with, and your very first enemy.
[X] Exemplary Executive
-[X] Zhu Xiang
--[X] An extraordinary manager
--[X] The Bastion moves where it pleases
--[X] Exemplar of Production

[X] Superior Sage
-[X] Zhu Xinyi
--[X] A wise scholar
--[X] Lords of the Tempest
--[X] Patron of Scholarship
Drae Nang Territory Primer, a Brief history

A primer to your first objective

The Drae Nang Territory, or Draenal to the Imperium, to the centre-north-west of the Tai-Dan wormhole that connects this part of the universe to Tian'Chao's primary expanse; had seen many conquerors and rulers, contested between many beings, powers, and societies and monstrous things over the ages. It was a battlefield for countless wars since the very first wars between the first great powers of the garden. Part of the Shai Tang galaxy, it was rich, nestled between many important permanent channels in the warp and longstanding wormholes and plentiful ancient gates to the webway and space warping tunnels that made it a place of trade and exchange.

Once it was primarily occupied by the Maetar Dominate in M33 of the Imperium of Man's existence, a rising power which engaged in a period of manifest destiny, conquering large regions of space with their vatborn and mechanical armies produced by their roving mobile base construction vehicles and factory ships. They had expanded into this sector and conquered many of the smaller, local polities with their rapidly growing armed forces, sending waves of refugees to escape their exponentially growing military conquest.

The invasion started to overrun the Council Commonwealth of Teleax, one of the myriad small allied polities of Tian'Chao on the other side of the wormhole; and thus necessarily provoked a response as local authorities petitioned for support with the Cosmic Lantern network, which passed up the nested councils of the realm to the Presiding Council. The result would be swift, using the lanterns to quickly bring up additional forces for the response. When diplomacy ascertained that the Maetar had no interest in diplomacy and indeed, refused to even believe such a large polity could exist; the order would be given.

Two Longs to have achieved the status of Tian Xian*; Xiao Li and Xin Shenhe would lead the response, leading entire banner hordes of the People's Celestial Revolutionary Army and Navy in what was absolutely an overkill response to demonstrate in no uncertain terms that such attacks on even outer allies would not be tolerated. Even though the Maelengar fought hard and viciously, they were thrown back and castigated with their military shattered and their leaders made to sign a treaty accepting the existence of splinter polities formed out of rebels and a return of captured territory to the affiliates of the teachers.

Though Drae Nang territory was just one small part of the overall conflict, it did see the battle of the Gel Aread Nebula, waged across many light years in the ancient stellar nursery born of the demise of many large stars in the war in heaven, anchored by a series of strange megastructures built long before. In the sight of young molten planets and dim proto-stars, the fleet of the Xian Xuanwu, Dai Yao would defeat Fleet Commander Vorid in a months-long running surface and void battle. Often regarded as perhaps the beginning of the end of the Maetar advance and an important cascade into overall defeat.

In Drae Nang proper, the territory would be the seat of the Popular Republic of the Hairan, who had been subjugated earlier by the Maetar and would have a rather lengthy space of time to enjoy relative peace and freedom as a newly independent people.

Though beaten, Dominate would not forgive this insult, and would plot its revenge, seeking to expand elsewhere for a rematch at some point. A goal it would stick to even when the Boreinac Crusade brought the Imperium into proximity of the territory shortly afterwards. With the Imperium would come a major reinforcement of the local Greenskins by the arrival of Overlord Morkill Flashchoppa. One of his underlords would invade the Territory as the Waaagh fanned out, crushing the Hairan and clapping them into chains in M35.

The Greenskin hordes established there would end up overrunning even the warp rifts within the territory, closing out the power of Chaos, Undeath, and other malign forces with the might of the Waaagh! while they started raiding and attacking other things of interest. By this point, Drae Nang was no longer of interest to Tian'Chao, following the Hairan undergoing a military coup that cut ties with the Celestial Realm and pursued a more nationalistic line for itself. But the Imperium very much was interested, hiring Votann and Ogor mercenaries to help in scouring the Morgutz Ork Empire and conquering the territory among others in the M37 of the Imperium, renaming the territory "Draenal" following the closure of the second Boreinac crusade.

The Imperium would do as the Imperium does, and shoved the teeming masses of Hives and Vitae Wombs onto any planets deemed useful and crushed the pockets of Hairan resistance and a number of...stranger things also present. Two thousand years of Greenskin occupation however, transformed the region tremendously with the vitality of Greenskin ecology, and only some bodies were deemed valuable enough to fully purge of feral greenskins.

The Imperials would rule the territory for thousands of years with the occasional hiccoughs of internal governing disputes, cult uprisings, external invasions and raids. The Viridian Stars Chapter would later be founded to guard the territory's parent galaxy of Ullara, from the ranks of the Excelsius Wanderers that had helped spearhead the crusade against the greenskins. Many of its recruitment worlds and chapter fortress monasteries would be located in the Draenal territories, and its mighty fleet would regularly patrol in the region; battle brothers and sisters becoming mythologised by the local imperials.

The Maetar would return in force in M39 after its ageless leadership had deemed that the time had come for the final conflict of revenge, with the Imperials being regarded as in the way of the Dominate and its hoped for invasion of Tian'Chao through the Tai-Dan wormhole. Attacking this and many other avenues to close towards the wormhole, the Imperium would find itself in a wary alliance of convenience with Tian'Chao when Xiao Li and Xin Shenhe came to settle accounts, and the Orks; refusing to be left out; got rowdy again and other powers began to act up.

The Maetar would be repulsed at significantly greater cost than the first time, with their country sharply reduced in territory and indemnities to be paid to the victorious powers on a continual basis. But by exploiting the division between its vanquishers, the Dominate's leadership would remain in power, waiting for another chance.

The myriad wars of varying scale to affect the region around the territory would eventually be interrupted by the arrival of the T'Au through the reactivated A'Rad'Rai gate in M41 during the third sphere of expansion, with the T'Au conquering the rump Maetar state and starting to put pressure on Draenal.

However in Draenal, the Imperium having to reshuffle resources elsewhere and the Imperium's general squalor would see the rise of the "Electric Brotherhood of Action", which sought to build the basis of an authentic, rejuvenationist movement that railed against the feudal stagnation of the Imperium and its unwillingness to prosecute anti-xenos wars out of "soullessly material so-called pragmatism". Due to their use in dealing with more revolutionary movements, they would be tolerated for some time even as they ranted and railed about "aristocrats and plutocrats who hold our human nation down and prevent us from fulfilling the Throne and Keep's vision!" even with the Mechanicus' growing irritation at being targeted by their rhetoric.

However their emphasis on blind anger, actively disregarding the facts that serve the narrative of "those who seek to rig things against us", the cult of action over thought, and violence against those blamed for holding the Imperium back and allowing the xenos, heretics, heathens, and mutants to thrive would open the door to Khorne. Secretive proselytes would spread the faith of the gorefather amongst the Brotherhood, speaking of the Bloody Emperor and the Brass Empress and that the idea of the trinity with the Omnissiah was false. The attempted invasion of the great forgering Hypataus by their brass-jackets and their "citizens' fleet" made with the assets of sympathetic chartists and lords who appreciated their attacks on organised labour and political enemies would be the start of their downfall.

The Mechanicus, seeing the attack on the ring world they had constructed to make use of colossal economies of scale in tandem with a starlifter and convoys of delivered resources to churn out an incredible degree of produce; as nothing less than sacrilege, promptly blew the Citizen's fleet out of the void the second they announced their intention to "seize the wealth of the Imperium from the technocratic parasitic heresy of the mechanicus." Gravitonic beams would hold their fleet in place for the Mechanicus to methodically wipe them out one by one, and those who had actually landed were opened fire upon immediately.

Their experience in breaking strikes and street wars was utterly out of their depth when facing the Skitarii and Legio Cybernetica or the Knight houses used to make an example of them. The leader of the raid, Tartyn Uldir, would be publicly flogged to death by electropriests after being made to watch the executions of his followers. The Mechanicus would demand, and generally get, the purges of known members of the Brotherhood even sending agents of the Mechanicus to hunt them down with or without arbiter support.

This was to the plan of the Khornates, as those purged could be replaced with true followers of the blood god to turn the remaining resources of the Brotherhood towards bringing in the forces of the blood god for the coming thirteenth black crusade, using the desperation of the remaining brotherhood to their advantage to convince them to go through with the rituals, bringing in other cult assets to, in 999 M41, bring forth a Slaughterhost of Khorne fresh from the Black Crusade and allow daemons to walk the worlds of Draenal, exploiting the sense of xenophobic outrage that conventional politics had fostered for years to begin the bloodshed.

With the Viridian Stars busy elsewhere and the Imperium's presence in the galaxy having much of its military assets stripped to commit against other fronts far away, the forces of Chaos and other foul things could advance far and deep, with Draenal being almost wholly overrun by the Brotherhood of Burning Blood as the Khornates built up brassy citadels and monuments of slaughter and bone.

Now the domain of Gartak the Worldripper, A Shaggoth; or Dragon Ogor to some; blessed by Khorne with two extra arms able to bend at utterly unnatural angles, enhanced size and might, and a collection of daemon weapons, Gartak leads Chaos Marauder Technobarbarian Tribes, Chaos Space Marines lead by his co-commander Ortikal the Inferno, Beastmen, and many chaos xenos to paint these stars with blood, already having killed trillions to seek to anoint new Chaos Warriors with Khorne's favour and recruit for new Chaos Astartes. However, for the time being, they are uninterested in creating Daemonworlds and warp rifts, wanting stable realspace to plan their next conquests.

All the while, unaware that this is something that Tian'Chao cannot and will not accept, and that two young Xian Longs are eyeing their gore-drenched conquests with concern.

*There is a difference between those who have reached the rank of Xian, the Immortals who are akin to more well-known Exalted Greater Daemons, and those who have achieved Tian Xian which is essentially equivalent to the Primarchs, and Tian Shen Xian who have essentially become gods in the material realm like the Emperor. There are steps in between the three, but you start off as pretty new Xian.
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[X] The Esoteric Scholar
-[X] Zhu Xiang
--[X] A Wise Scholar
--[X] Lords of the Tempest
--[X] Exemplar of Production

[X] The Paragon of Diplomacy
-[X] Zhu Xinyi
--[X] A Graceful Diplomat
--[X] Mercenary Manager
--[X] Harmony between Species
The tie with Xinyi was broken but now we're back to a tie with Xiang lmao.

You have about an hour to make your vote to decide one way or the other before I decide via a coin flip to break the tie. Since the twins cannot have the same specialties if I do tie break, it's going to be as a package which I would prefer to not have to do as I'd rather the mysterious processes of internet democracy decide their character than the even more arcane processes of random number generators I can find in a thirty second google search.
Feh. If the Diplomat thing is going to win, then I'd reluctantly have to accede to Esoteric Scholar as so we don't lose any science bonuses. If more people are willing to vote for Superior Sage, then obviously I'd like to have Exemplary Executive to go with it.
[X] The Paragon of Diplomacy
-[X] Zhu Xinyi
--[X] A Graceful Diplomat
--[X] Mercenary Manager
--[X] Harmony between Species

[X] The Esoteric Scholar
-[X] Zhu Xiang
--[X] A Wise Scholar
--[X] Lords of the Tempest
--[X] Exemplar of Production
First vote result
Adhoc vote count started by Spartakrod on Jan 20, 2023 at 5:00 PM, finished with 34 posts and 15 votes.

So that's a win for Paragon of Diplomacy and Esoteric Scholar.
The Tai-Dan expedition
[X] The Esoteric Scholar
-[X] Zhu Xiang
--[X] A wise scholar
--[X] Lords of the Tempest
--[X] Exemplar of Production
[X] The Paragon of Diplomacy
-[X] Zhu Xinyi
--[X] A Graceful Diplomat
--[X] Mercenary Manager
--[X] Harmony between Species

Bridge of the Chuangdao Zhi Bi, 000.M42, Tai-dan Wormhole

The Cuangdao Zhi Bi, the Quill of Creation, was a massive warship by most reasonable standards, a Xian enhanced Juggernaut several score kilometres from end to end. It was not the largest ship in the fleet, but it was one of the most carefully constructed, one that could move from hotspot to hotspot quickly while still having the firepower to make its mark where needed. Its twin, the Qiming Shzhe, the Bringer of Enlightenment, remained in visual range of its counterpart, the two ships rested at the head of the great muster emerging from the systems-wide wormhole to gather at their designated exit points. But it was not the ships themselves that would be the stars of the drama to come, but those aboard.

Within the bridge, a somewhat cozy place full of esoterica that were arrayed to the desires of the Xian Long who rested on the command chair. Taking the form of a divinely tall young man in ornate but agile-looking red, green, and black armour with scarlet eyes, a short ponytail, and two sidelocks that went from black to red at their tips, a pair of antlers emerging from his temples while a long, sinuous tail clad in flexible armour wagged back and forth. He was Zhu Xiang, a noted scholar who had found much success in the wars for Shenyang and the governance of Jiaodong.

In his hands was a tablet, passed to him to by his sister; whose own armour was blue, purple, but also black like his to show kinship in her form of a tall young woman. Her own hair, though it was often white with blue tips, presently black with blue tips as part of a mind game understood only between the two, tied into long twin tails behind her own sharper antlers. Her eyes azure and the smile on her face somewhat more calm than the look of muted excitement on her brother while her tail raised somewhat upwards to show interest.

"Are you sure this is correct, sister?" He asked.

"Brother Xiang, would I lie about something this important?" She replied, giving a gesture of mock offence, palms reaching cheeks and lips making a gasp while Xiang briefly gave a small show of his tongue to return a silly face with one of his own.

They were dragons, Xian, children of Shen Yang and Qiao Yin themselves, but they were still young, still twin brother and sister; they had not, and hoped they would never, grow out of their sibling games of teasing as only twins do.

"What secrets do you have in that tablet that are not privy to me first?" Cheng Haoyu said as the Fenghuang slinked into view in his humanoid form. Thinner and a bit shorter than Xiang, the arcanotech spectacles he wore gave him a rather nerdish countenance, feathered wings folded behind him and a plume tail trailing his movements. His armour was blue, white, and gold, his azure with yellow tips hair kept rather shorter, with a swept, slightly messy cut, no sidelocks or ponytail.

"Kong Nue's followers have not expected us. We should achieve total surprise, and thus ensure that the blood for the blood god is mostly theirs." Xiang said with a smirk, referring to Khorne by his Tian'Chaoren name.

"It does not do well to expect victory without knowing the enemy as well as we know ourselves. Or have you already started to deem yourself wiser than the old artists of war?" Cheng Kexin said, her own armour Orange, Black, and Purple, her wings tapered in a somewhat different way from her brother, purple to orange hair kept in two simple braids and her form a bit broader but a bit shorter than her twin's.

"Fear of Chaos is a path to Chaos itself." Haoyu responded with a self-satisfied expression.

"Oi, when do we get eatin' the spikey lads?" Dragra boomed, the massive chunk of skin, muscle, fat, and bone that the Ogor Overtyrant represented sounding as much like an elephant as anything humanoid. She was not exactly beautiful or even particularly feminine by human standards, but she kept a harem of the best mates of her own kind all the same and she seemed to be considered attractive to her kind all the same. Of course, the Fenghuang and Long; given their fondness of mingling with Aeldari and Humans among others; understood the differences in standards of appeal quite well, even if Ogors didn't quite do it for them.

Dragra was bigger than a Carnifex, and as Ogors continued to grow as long as they had plenty to eat, she was huge. Her kind on average was six metres tall and she was three times that, able to stare down at a bloodthirster while also being considerably heavier. Her armour was thick, powered plating designed to add to her agility and strength while protecting her massive bulk, with an added gut plate worn to further guard her belly. A hair-plumge and sharp spikes decorated her helm, while the brown, grey, and dark blue plating shook with her movements.

"Patience, Dragra. We will have plenty of foes for you to cleanse." Xinyi said, patting her on the ankle.

"Yeah yeah, just tell me when da ladz need to get smashin'." She harrumphed and sat down in an oversized chair made for her, yawning a bit and motioning towards the Automata to bring her more food as she removed her helm, grabbing at and then chowing down on fistfuls of popped corn while her preferred haunches of meat were being readied.

"The fleet iz movin' soon, I feel it in mah belly. We're gettin' close to da spicy meat! Meat!" Raug Meatspicer declared, the fifteen metre-tall colossus of a Grand Slaughtermaster stomping his feet in jolly song. His own armour was decorated in religious iconography dedicated to the Great Maw

Xiang knew better than to ask the Ogors to calm down once they started, just making sure that the contingent aboard was provided the food needed to ensure that they didn't get any thoughts about eating the rest of the crew. But the time for banter would soon be over, the time had come.

Protective fields were made, pathways in the warp were opened by the Cosmic lanterns to allow for quick translation in the warp, and the armada would make the journey to the Territory with the intent of striking with full and overwhelming force. Fleets Baise De and Heise De; along with Ogor fleets "Munch" and "Crunch" would tear open their rifts to the Empyrean and disappear into the othersea.

The trip from the satellite galaxy that the Tai-Dan wormhole inhabited; Hii-Gara; to the one of the Drae Nang Territory; Vay-Gir; would be relatively brief.

They would enter into a realm cast into blood and hell.

Khornates had made their claim here. Though they were not fully immersed in the rage and bloodthirsty of the Gorefather, they were indulging themselves in violence and slaughter upon hapless people. Against both the remaining pockets of resistance and the civilians who were deemed more useful as fuel than labour or converts. HUman or Xenos, they cared little for whose blood it was, as long as it was blood.

Even each other, as rival lords under the overall authority of the higher leadership of this bloodhost tore into one another for territory, for favour, for resources, or simply because they didn't like each other very much. So long as they continued to pay the appropriate tithes to the masters of this place, it was tolerated, encouraged even.

But over thousands of worlds, Mandeville points would give way to the opening of warp drives. The brute ships of the Ogors and the imperious craft of the Tian'Chaoren emerged like a fireworks show giving way to a snowstorm of dots moving in the black void of space.

The Chaos Fleets were myriad for it was in essence, a combination of many cultures. The Marauder Technobarbarian tribes who lived in or near warp rifts had their fast, spiked shape craft meant for raiding and long distance fighting with lances and waves of strike craft. The traitor imperials had defaced and mutilated mockeries of Imperial classes of warship, gargoyles remade in the image of daemons, figurehead transformed to glorify the skull throne. Alien vessels made in their own myriad ways, with the alien Kulrathi; a species that had done more to please Khorne than any other; flying their bladed brassed skull ships, drinking in the massacre.

The occasional daemonships were peculiar, evil things, almost more akin to hellish mechanical seamonsters than conventional craft. Strangest of all, were the soul grinder vessels, which were a grotesque fusion of warpflesh and tainted metal, pseudo-cyborg monstrosities that while thankfully rare like the daemonships, showed that it was probably a deliberate choice to not call on the warp more.

Having only recently conquered these places, the process of rededicating them to Khorne was not entirely complete, nor was replacing fortifications they had just recently smashed. And that was when the followers of the blood god could even be bothered with such things. The process of wanton mass murder was not a lightly taken task, and more were interested in how they could advance themselves or take out their frustrations than in creating a fully functioning Empire.

It was not anarchy, for there was a law here; a law of slaughter and rage and pointless violence, where only those who proved there was a reason to not kill them were given the privilege of life, and even fewer the privilege of comfort. Khorne was a lord of rage, blood, war, brass, skulls, slaughter, gore, and flame; luxury was not part of that. Luxury would never be part of that, It would not give power to the people who ruled this place, and so was dismissed as a waste of time whose requests only merited a response of a quick decapitation.

And where the lead fleet of the armada arrived, over the former capital of this territory; Tylanius; the Khornates would seemingly be glad to show their work. Hives soaked in blood, pyramids of skulls reaching high like mountains, tens of millions at a time forced to fight in mock wars against the khornates in huge arenas of walled-off areas to be slaughtered by raging warriors who wanted something more visceral than simply smashing chainaxes and emptying machine guns into crowded stadiums full of people.

The system had many bodies that had managed to be large enough to collapse into spherical shapes by gravity's call, but twenty five were real planets. Five hot, borderline molten mostly metallic worlds like Mercury, close enough to the three primary stars of Tyrador A, B, and C to be roasted down to their cores. Five Terran worlds, the closest a warm and humid planet that never got colder than a Macraggian spring day, the farthest a place of tundras, borealic forest and great polar ice caps. Tylanius would be the middle, the most comfortable for humans. Five Gas Giants, interspersed by two red dwarfs captured by the triple stars' gravity, providing additional warmth to their moons and rings. Five Ice giants in the outer beyond, and five great balls of frozen solid ice before the great clouds and belts of comets, shepherded by five brown dwarfs in orbits so distant that they needed tens of thousands of years to complete singular sweeps.

The Ordo Astronomicus of the Mechanicus found the system fascinating, debating, modelling, and theorising how it could have formed, wondering if it had anything to do with ancient structures placed upon it. But the Khornates could not care less.

Cold shattered wreckage was left behind by their initial conquests, with newer wreckage from conflicts between them. But the emergence of fresh prey was enough to rouse the Khornates from their post-conquest drunken bacchanalia of rage induced massacre and frenzy. They would turn themselves around to face the newcomers, vox cast channels full of barbarous chants and frenzied litanies as they burned towards the enemy over the vastness of space.

The forces of the blood god barely pause their current slaughters and battles with each other. These were not wars waged for fun, like the Greenskins, they were wars waged out of anger and hatred, furious rivalries that could not be settled by any means outside of blood. A common enemy would only offer a ceasefire, but there was no sport in these conflicts.

On countless worlds, they would take in the word of incoming enemy fleets, and spit out curses and jeers, many swiping their weapons skywards, as if it would make them appear faster somehow. But the war had only just begun.


Khornate Assets account for a Magnitude 2 tier Primus fleethordes, you have two Magnitude 1 tier Extremis fleethordes (de facto magnitude 2), and two magnitude 1 tier primus fleethordes.

Khornate forces are in space, strongest in the Clash and Skirmish but weaker in bombardment and while good at pursuit with fast ships, tend to be too bloody-minded to bother with escape if they're in a bad situation.

On the surface, they are most deadly at shock and penetration, but their tendency to break formations and chase down any runners means that they are poor at exploitation and while offensively strong at reduction; tend to get annihilated due to rarely making any effectual effort at retreat.

As a Chaos army, the more favour the Khornates gain, the more they can call on warp power to empower themselves and call in daemons, generally gaining favour by killing and being killed.

As Tian'Chao you have three high magic actions, and the more territory you control, the more harmony you can generate which you can use to augment your own troops in the battlefield.

Ogors are essentially immune to Chaos Corruption, and can purge Chaos tainted areas without High magic actions.

High Magic actions can be used offensively, augmentatively (enhancing your own forces), debilitatingly (weakening the enemy), or to purify tainted areas.

Overall Space Situation:

- The Khornates are definitely surprised to see a fleet that's not the usual powers in this part of space arrive in the Territory.
- The Khornate fleet assets are not in combat positions, and many were often fighting each other over the typical chaotic internecine rivalries before your arrival
- The Khornates have not extensively worked to taint reality with the warp, wanting more stable real space territory.
- Present Khornate fleets are weighted towards cruisers, smallcraft, and capital ships.
- Khornate forces are divided into Traitor Imperials, Marauder Tribesmen, and Chaos Xenos
- Khornate forces will generally advance in a bull's head formation, with the tougher ships in the front, and the less durable ships in blobs at the flanks.
- Khornate Fleets are attempting to close to engagement ranges with the enemy, due to their disparate composition they will be engaging in different manners.
- The Traitor imperials will be trying to first bombard with spinal and prow cannons, some lance fire, and torpedo fire and then close to clash range for broadside combat and boarding through boarding torpedoes and strike craft landers.
- The Kulrathi and Khornate xenos will charge recklessly into clash for ramming, firing in all directions, and boarding by assault tubes once they close, and have the generally toughest ships in the fleet save for the relatively few chaos space marine ships.
- The Chaos Marauders will try to focus on skirmish, sticking to lance range and sending out flights of strike craft while waiting to pick off vessels they see as weak and vulnerable, but they will slowly work to close over time and the bloodlust overcomes them.
- Chaos Fortifications are weak and largely nonexistent due to having only recently conquered this place and having a hard time finding enough people interested in even bothering, though they have restored and expanded on the Void Field generators and surface-to-orbit defences, limiting the effect of orbital bombardment.
- The personal fleets of the Khornate leadership have not yet been sighted.

Overall Surface Situation:

- Khornate surface forces across engaged surfaces and worlds are incoherent as the Khornate followers are busy trying to carve out fiefdoms or advance their own positions in the eyes of the Gorefather.
- Khornate forces are still attempting to deal with local resistance who are still able to fight back against the rampaging blood tithes.
- Khornate troops are very often waging war on each other, not just on the lines of the different forces making up this horde, but rivalries between different traitor imperials, different tribes, and different sects.
- Khornate Daemonic Presence is relatively limited, but can grow later.
- Khornate forces are divided into Traitor Imperials, Marauder Tribesmen, and Chaos Xenos
- Khornate forces will respond to landings by beelining towards them once they breach through their anti-aircraft and surface-to-orbit defences, static defence is not really the way of this particular Khornate fraternity.
- Present Khornate focuses are focused on Vehicles, Infantry, and Massives
- Present Khornate forces are often being distracted with massacres against civilians, but this can empower them if not stopped.
- Khornate forces will prioritise battles of annihilation over strategic and operational objectives, such as the industrial centres of the hives and forges they've conquered or food output facilities.
- Traitor Imperial Khornate forces will most likely respond with stampedes of Chaos Knights and swooping aircraft and an onrushing mass of tanks and IFVs to disgorge their infantry while throwing artillery wildly. Titans and Megatanks will follow suit, while their Lords, Heroes, and Agents will try to target anything they can to collect skulls.
- Marauder Tribesmen Khornate forces will rely more on large numbers of horrid monsters, barbarian forged vehicles made to maximise death on both sides all to attempt shock and twisted fiends while the Chaos marauders and the much more elite Warriors of Chaos, clad in power armour and wielding the weapons of their barbarian origins will work at penetration.
- The Kulrathi will send forth daemon engines and legged mechanical monstrosities while the creatures themselves, growing stronger from violence and feeding on blood and bone to add to their mass and regenerate wounds even faster than their unnatural healing factors can, they will also focus on shock and penetration.

Tactical Orders​

[ ] Write-in battle plans.

You can look at this thread for an idea of how to format your tactical orders.

Split your orders into space and surface actions.

Orders should be one line. You can give up to ten orders per section.

High magic actions should also be one line.
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Do we have a list of our forces anywhere? Or are we just assumed to have a mix of appropriate units?

Edit: Ah I see the bit about our fleethordes. I'm not sure what the difference between Primus and Extremis is.
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Do we have a list of our forces anywhere? Or are we just assumed to have a mix of appropriate units?
Assumed mix,

Tian'Chao's surface forces are focused most strongly towards support, behemoths, and individuals of importance; in space its smallcraft, macro-capitals, and the "other" section.

Trying to track unit comp outside of the OOB's notes on the roles each unit does would probably be too granular for this quest and require exponentially more math.

Which is to say, you can expect to dominate in terms of artillery and titans as well as the really big ships and support related stuff in general.

You're a tier above, being on par with the Leagues of Votann and other factions between the Imperials and Tau on one side and the Necrons and Eldar on the other; while the Ogor mercenaries are on par with the forces of Chaos.

Ogor focuses are all ground combat focused, and being absolute l a d s are great infantry.

While a Chaos Space Marine would defeat an Ogor Bull or Irongut handily, they aren't extremely common in this engagement as the superest of Khornate super infantry as the World Eaters and other CSM warbands of Khorne tend to not stick around for too long after the initial slaughter is done. Also because Astartes are bottlenecked by geneseed output.

They aren't absent, but they're not the mainline force which is split between Traitor Imperials (mostly guardsmen and guardsman imitations and navyfolk), the Marauder Tribes (the WHFB marauder barbarians in space with a technobarb vibe), Beastmen, and assorted Chaos Xenos. Though the all consuming nature of chaos corruption means that while they have differing strengths and embody differing aspects of Khorne, they do have broadly similar trends.

Khornate warfare thrives in high casualty conflict, especially if its the enemy's casualties, though their own casualties can still fuel their blood magicks. It also means that they really don't care for strategems that would require them to abstain from killing or being killed for long periods of time, so expect them to yeet themselves at you in the typical frenzied rage. They might do so with tactical acumen, but they tend to have shockingly little sense of self-preservation because their deaths also fuel Khorne.

It also means that all the teamkilling they do serves a purpose, since they can ramp up from racking up kills and piling on the bodies and the blood, drawing more of that sweet chaos juice to themselves and having more energy with which to call on Khorne's blessings and daemons. Worship also works, but is abjectly inferior to spilling blood while being extremely mad, and we all know what Khorne thinks about people who try building conventional temples to him instead of like; an arena or a killing field or something.
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Okay. Seems like we should probably focus on our strengths in space, ie bombardment, maybe augmented by divination? And we should simultaneously take advantage of our advantage of surprise and the enemy's scattered nature to keep them separated. We also need to focus on getting our groups to ground as fast as possible to prevent Khorne forces from gorging on civilian slaughter. So, three goals that are not exactly harmonious with each other.

I'm tempted to claim a slow and steady advance down the center, covered by harmony fields and bombarding with magical support -divination to guide our shots, perhaps. Maybe cover the Ogors going to the most heavily populated world to contest it. Can our magic teleport troops directly to planetary surfaces from where we are? Can we futz enemy communication? Cause a big psychic space storm that makes it difficult for them to move and coordinate? 🤔. Some benchmarks might be useful here.
Okay. Seems like we should probably focus on our strengths in space, ie bombardment, maybe augmented by divination? And we should simultaneously take advantage of our advantage of surprise and the enemy's scattered nature to keep them separated. We also need to focus on getting our groups to ground as fast as possible to prevent Khorne forces from gorging on civilian slaughter. So, three goals that are not exactly harmonious with each other.

I'm tempted to claim a slow and steady advance down the center, covered by harmony fields and bombarding with magical support -divination to guide our shots, perhaps. Maybe cover the Ogors going to the most heavily populated world to contest it. Can our magic teleport troops directly to planetary surfaces from where we are? Can we futz enemy communication? Cause a big psychic space storm that makes it difficult for them to move and coordinate? 🤔. Some benchmarks might be useful here.
You are able to disrupt their movements with mystic storms. While Khornates are resistant to "cowardly" things like curses, they aren't actually immune so it will still have much of the intended effect.

You could also try to snipe out ships that are likely to be Khornate flagships before the engagements really begin to screw with their chain of command and communication, which would likely also cause enough backwash of mystic power to destroy many of their escorts and damage other ships.

Or you could for example, summon up temporary armies and fleets of the ancestors from the Spirit Dragon's realm to bulk up your forces temporarily.

Also doable would be a widespread buff to enhance some stats like durability and/or speed or shunt some assets locally (ships can jump elsewhere within the system they're in) to try to do some tricky business.

High Magic actions can be thought of as like, casting spells in TW:WH or WHFB/40k but scaled up to the actions of a fleethorde.
So my thinking for three magic actions:

1) Boost our bombardment power by guiding our fleet's shots
2) Shunt our Ogor forces to planet/s to engage the enemy where they are most likely to be able to stymie mass slaughter and prevent snowballing
3) Summon a mystic storm in the system that slows the enemy's movements and gives us more time to engage in dakka

Full orders will probably have to wait till tomorrow.