Son of Death (30k Mortarion Quest)

[X] Humility. The Emperor may wage war on the stars and rule over billions, but has he ever laboured for his bread?

What manner of humility exists on that nightmare world called Terra? Does the Lord of Lightning know to fight as part of the line? Has the inheritor of the precious fragments to a past he's never seen glimpsed the everyday people who once lived?
[X] Camaraderie. It was mortal men that scaled the peaks of Barbarus and followed Mortarion into battle. What manner of men have followed the Emperor to this star?
[X] Humility. The Emperor may wage war on the stars and rule over billions, but has he ever laboured for his bread?

Normally, I'd go for Camaraderie, but with Mortarion's (justified) suspicions... Big E's supernatural charisma would absolutely work against him here.

And I feel like this is a much better test given the circuemstances. Mortarion WAS just musing on how outraged his Overlord Father would be if he could see him working in a field, so him throwing down this gauntlet makes the most sense. It's certainly something the Overlord's of Barbarus would never be caught dead doing, no matter the prize.
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[X] Camaraderie. It was mortal men that scaled the peaks of Barbarus and followed Mortarion into battle. What manner of men have followed the Emperor to this star?

This is was what proved essential for Mortarion's victory. It allowed him to develop humility in the first place. Resilience is forged by the planet, humility something we might strife for, but camaraderie is not just our choice or actions, but those of others.

Everyone can be humble for a day or resilient for a single task, but one can not so simply create bonds if there aren't any. Not without a Primarch noticing that something screwy is going on at least.
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[X] Humility. The Emperor may wage war on the stars and rule over billions, but has he ever laboured for his bread?
[X] Camaraderie. It was mortal men that scaled the peaks of Barbarus and followed Mortarion into battle. What manner of men have followed the Emperor to this star?

Humility doesn't matter.
Of course even Big E will work a bit, that's a small price for securing a Primarch (and a planet too).

I think looking at his companions will tell us more.
Will the perfect but perfectly devoted Custodians not how us the worst of Him?
Remnants of people forged into tools of His will.

Will not the word of mortals and Space Marines in turn make His achievements and methods clear?

I think we can see some of the worst and the best of Emps this way.
[X] Camaraderie. It was mortal men that scaled the peaks of Barbarus and followed Mortarion into battle. What manner of men have followed the Emperor to this star?
[X] Humility. The Emperor may wage war on the stars and rule over billions, but has he ever laboured for his bread?
[X] Humility. The Emperor may wage war on the stars and rule over billions, but has he ever laboured for his bread?

One of the emperor fatal flaw is pride and arrogant and I would like to see how you will bring out the scene.
[X] Camaraderie. It was mortal men that scaled the peaks of Barbarus and followed Mortarion into battle. What manner of men have followed the Emperor to this star?

Hmm, hopefully Mortarion would note the Custodes odd behaviour, and maybe poke around deep enough to know about the Thunder Warriors.
I really want to see one of the latter two, but I'm kind of blanking on how the Emperor would even pass those tests. Can this Emperor really be convincingly humble right now? Could Mortarion be convinced of the camaraderie that the likes of the custodes would have? Even the regular humans the Emperor travels with would be all but brainwashed into his cult of personality, and I don't think anyone could see that as true camaraderie.

Still, I think it would be pretty hypocritical to test the Emperor on his humility when the author has made it clear that Mortarion is in no way humble, and other people have pointed out that anyone could be humble for a day, so I'm hesitantly not voting humility.

EDIT: People have been convincing enough for humility that I decided to just hang my vote. It's not like Endurance has any chance of winning, lol.
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[X] Humility. The Emperor may wage war on the stars and rule over billions, but has he ever laboured for his bread?

Resilience feels fairly meaningless, the old Overlords could also survive on the mountaintops. I absolutely want to see what happens when you test the humility of a self-declared Emperor of Man, though.
[X] Camaraderie. It was mortal men that scaled the peaks of Barbarus and followed Mortarion into battle. What manner of men have followed the Emperor to this star?
[X] Humility. The Emperor may wage war on the stars and rule over billions, but has he ever laboured for his bread?
[X] Humility. The Emperor may wage war on the stars and rule over billions, but has he ever laboured for his bread?
[X] Humility. The Emperor may wage war on the stars and rule over billions, but has he ever laboured for his bread?
[X] Humility. The Emperor may wage war on the stars and rule over billions, but has he ever laboured for his bread?

Any great monster can survive poison. Any great warlord can inspire loyalty. But damn if all these options aren't great. I'm sorely tempted by each one.

In the end, I think I want to lean into the idea of Mortarion as… not an Everyman… but more grounded then we tend to see from the other Primarchs. And to make the Emperor do something he's probably never done before.

I'm a little sad that Morty isn't going to get more time to make Barbarus into a garden world.
[X] Humility. The Emperor may wage war on the stars and rule over billions, but has he ever laboured for his bread?

He can claim glory, honor and protection all he wants but can he actually handle basic literal bread & butter issues?
[X] Camaraderie. It was mortal men that scaled the peaks of Barbarus and followed Mortarion into battle. What manner of men have followed the Emperor to this star?