I'm looking forward to what our informants and public service bureau will tell us. We managed to reduce some of the unrest last turn by ending the rationing measures but I'm curious what are the hot issues now. Health or water.
One little thing to announce, due to real life circumstances I will have to stop writing to focus on school for the forseeable future. As such all my projects are now on hiatus for the forseeable future. I hope everyone had fun.
Resources: 1053 (+80 Resources per Turn)(+90 before corruption)
Maglev Line Expansion (Phase 2) 217/200
With the amount of cargo, be it unprocessed resources, refined materials or supplies, that needs to be shipped around the various parts of the Exegol facilities rising, so does the need for maglev capacity to actually perform the shipping. Large ferrocrete slabs are lifted into place left and right to protect the above ground portion of the lines from the regular sandstorms howling over the planet's surface and new tunnels with greater diameter are drilled to allow for more lines to allow parallel. Much to your surprise, work actually progresses within schedule. The only problem looming ahead is that the supply of maglev trains and containers is not unlimited, but this is a problem that can be addressed at a later date.
Water Treatment Plants (Phase 2 of 2) 103/150
Exegol is a dry planet with very small existing freshwater deposits. As such, each liter has to be painstakingly extracted from the atmosphere with water condensers dotting the surface. Used water that cannot be recycled thus needs to be dumped not only reduces your available water supply, but is also a sign of inefficiency, something you will not stand for. While the expansion of the water treatment facilities continues, construction of the basins, pipes and filter components progressing at a slightly delayed pace, the fresh water problem looks, for now, to be a solved issue, soon.
Space Mining (Phase 2) (Subordinate)
After the first asteroid mine follows the second, extracting valuable ore from the system's bountiful asteroid field, your subordinates continuing while you focus on more important matters. Built in the shape of a cylinder, the mine will gradually dig deeper into the asteroid hollowing it out in the process. While all prospected sites will be able to be mined for decades to come, once exhausted the asteroids can be converted into covert starbases serving as anchorages and supply points for fleets, hidden within the asteroid ring.
Perform Surface Prospecting
Perhaps the Emperor had his reasons to choose this inhospitable planet as the location for his First Order project. Exegol and the other planets in the system and neighboring systems are extremely rich in valuable ores compared to the galactic average, at least according to your prospectors. Many of these sites are accessible from the surface via open pit mines, though underground mines would be harder to target and identify by rebels or other groups seeking to undermine you but also more of a challenge to exploit.
Bacta Farms (Personally) 118/400
As you learn, growing Bacta is a delicate task requiring extensive infrastructure, well-trained staff and a little bit of luck. The growth tanks have to be installed under the strictest hygiene procedures, as even the slightest contamination could ruin the production batch and require expensive cleaning or outright replacement of the tank. Progress has been slow, but the project was never projected to complete quickly.
Wineries (Subordinate) Autopass
Wine is a beverage made by fermenting fruit or other vegetation with a rising agent, typically yeast, but other fungi can also be used. As the Imperial administrator you tasked with this particular project noted over a bottle of wine from your personal storage, it is not so different from growing bacta. Both require handling of nutrient rich base solutions that need to be colonized with microorganisms. If the conditions are right, you end up with a product that potentially goes for many hundred credits per bottle. It will take a while for the first Exegol wine to be available and the first vintages will be made from grain (and strictly speaking be a form of beer) and simple fruits more associated with cheap wine, as nothing else is available, but with the geneticists under your command, cloning and modifying expensive fruit should be an easy task if you could get your hands on their genetic templates.
Set up local informant networks 136/100
Hiring informants is a simple matter. You need to identify the right people susceptible for a little motivation in the form of credits, rations or consumer goods. People are predictable and greedy, which can be an asset in your case but could also turn into a danger if anarchists and rebels falsely convince them they are better off without the protective hand of the Empireabove their heads. As it stands, your network is active and a steady flow of information makes its way to your desk. Hopefully it will help catch any rebel activity eventually before it can threaten your operations.
Insert local double agents 140/200
Inserting double agents is more complicated however. The Exegol remnant is not large, a few hundred thousand people, still enough to make the project possible, but already small enough to make it hard. New paperwork and identities need to be created without the local administrators, foremen and officers noticing the plants among their midst. An obvious double agent is a useless one. Putting trustworthy people into the right positions will take a little longer according to your agents.
BRT Supercomputing System Installation (Services) Stage 1 149/100 - Critical Failure
Integration of the BRT systems into the service department has progressed nicely…and run into a problem. Despite what the documentation of the module claims and the Imperial technicians hoped, installation of the BRT with the service systems will require more resources than anticipated. Part of the problem are with the Exegol facilities itself, which are in many cases poorly equipped for the computerized integration required, and with the BRT itself, which will need more auxiliary processing nodes to properly interface with these systems. Nevertheless, the first stage of integration is complete and while far from completed, the BRT is already providing valuable assistance to the administrators and scientists of the Exegol Remnant.
Storage Maintenance 142/300
High end military storage requires high end solutions. Air, heat, water, sand and human interaction wear down components and for proper storage, equipment has to be isolated from these environmental factors. This begins with the climate control units controlling humidity and temperature in the storage hangers to minimize rust and corrosion, a task which in itself requires most of the projected work. For many years the Exegol facilities were laid unmaintained and uninhabited while the Empire disintegrated and the New Republic advanced.
Imperial Army Training Facilities 103/100
After a lengthy construction period, the training facilities for the Imperial Army have been completed. Meant to fight the large scale battles of the Empire, the Army's training facilities need to tend to those requirements. Areas where the troops can train maneuvers, combat, tactics and strategy on a larger scale as well as being taught how to use and maintain their equipment. At your orders the units of various levels of discipline, experience and likely, loyalty, under your command can be trained and drilled into the groundside fist of your will, proficient and deadly in using the elite equipment left behind on Exegol.
Stormtrooper Training Facilities 53/75
Stormtroopers on the other hand are meant to be elite formations for special operations like urban- and starship combat, assaults on well fortified position and operations in difficult environments, or at least were meant to be. Their training facilities reflect those combat roles. Facilities to simulate those environments and where to train in high intensity smaller scale infantry tactics are under construction, but have yet to be completed.
Public Service Bureau 128/100
As much as you don't want to admit it…you are dependent on your current workforce to an uncomfortable degree. If you want to fulfill your ambitions of unity, you will need their cooperation and skills. Threats of force and a harsh fist can only get you so far if you cannot replace unruly staff with more cooperative personnel. Some sort of public service bureau to investigate the needs and wants of the Exegol Remnant's lower strata should help you with maintaining a cooperative workforce. The prospects are not good. Many of them are less than satisfied with their relocation to a planet deep in the unknown regions and the burdens that come with it, notably the disappointing food situation and the water rationing measures. More luxurious housing has also been noted to potentially placate them, but your agents note that once the needs have been fulfilled, others will likely follow.
Organisational Reorganisation 175/120
it cost you too much time, nerves and hairs to bring this to fruition, but you actually did it. Your colleagues are silent, either bribed with material goods or new positions while you have placed more competent people into various critical positions. With that out of the way, only the grumbling of your colleagues, subordinates and friends will stop you from investigating where and how the Imperial system faltered against the Rebellion and the new Republic and if possible, even improve upon it.
Resources: 1133 (+80 Resources per Turn)(+90 before corruption)
Free Dice: 1
Infrastructure (3 Dice): +3
[]Planetside Facility Construction (Phase 1)
As the Exogol Remnant expands operations, more groundside facilities to house people, industry and civilian infrastructure are required.
(0/100 10 Resources per Die)(+3 Basing)
[]Space Facility Construction (Phase 1)
As the Exogol Remnant expands operations, more void facilities to house people, industry and civilian infrastructure are required.
(0/150 15 Resources per Die)(+5 Basing)
[]Luxury Residences
The officials in charge of the Exegol Remnant are dissatisfied with the current state of their residences. Constructing ones more befitting of their status will hopefully satisfy them.
-[]Personally(0/100 20 Resources per Die)(+2 Consumer Goods, -3 Basing)(+5 IS)
-[]Subordinate(40 Resources)(-3 Basing, +2 Consumer Goods)(+6 IS)(moderate rise in corruption)
[]Luxury Residual Accommodations (Phase 1 of 3)
As laid out in the reports by your informants and the administrators of the Public Service Bureau, the state of the housing has been identified as a problem causing unrest and discontent among the Imperial populace. Providing them with more luxurious accommodations, with more space, better amenities and luxuries should placate them somewhat.
-[]Personally(0/200 10 Resources per Die)(+2 Consumer Goods, -4 Basing)
-[]Subordinate(40 Resources)(+2 Consumer Goods, -4 Basing)(+1 IS)(small rise in corruption)
[]Maglev Line Expansion (Phase 3)
Maglev lines and trains to transport goods and people are one of the cheapest and easiest methods of transportation.
(17/200 10 Resources per Die)(Logistics +3)
[]Surface Spaceports
Currently Exegol only has facilities to allow smaller shuttles and freighters to be serviced. Larger spaceport facilities would allow capital grade ships to be loaded and unloaded.
(0/400 15 Resources per Die)(Basing -4, Logistics +10)
[]Water Treatment Plants (Phase 2 of 2)
While the Exegol facilities are expansive, the current water treatment facilities are insufficient to provide enough clean water for the Remnant population.
(103/150 15 Resources per Die)(Basing -2, Health +1)(-2 Imperial Support)
[]Kaminoan Cloning Facility (Phase 1)
Kaminoan tanks for comparatively slow, industrial production of labourers.
-[]Personally(0/200 15 Resources per Die)(-1 Strategic Goods, -1 Capital Goods, -3 Food, -1 Health, -1 Logistics)(Each phase produces +18 labor every 18 turns)
-[]Subordinate(60 Resources)(-2 Capital Goods, -3 Food, -1 Health, -1 Logistics)(Each phase produces +18 labor every 18 turns)(minor rise in corruption)
Industry (3 Dice): +3
[]Novator Station Automation Refit Development
The Novator alone has a crew of roughly fifty-thousand. The engineers claim it should be possible to replace a large percentage of that with droid systems, a proper refit just has to be developed.
(0/100 20 Resources per Die)
[]Open Pit Mines (Phase 1)
Exegol and nearby planets have several sites suitable for open pit mining using bucket excavators.
-[]Personally(0/200 10 Resources per Die)(+15 Resources per turn)( -1 Labor, -3 Logistics)
-[]Subordinate(40 Resources)(+15 Resources per turn)( -1 Labor, -3 Logistics)(miniscule rise in corruption)
[]Subsurface Mines (Phase 1)
Subsurface mines are more difficult to construct, but the depths of planetary crusts offer much greater rewards.
-[]Personally(0/300 15 Resources per Die)(+40 Resources per turn)(-2 Capital Goods, -1 Labor, -2 Logistics)
-[]Subordinate(90 Resources)(+40 Resources per turn)( -2 Capital Goods, -1 Labor, -2 Logistics)(moderate rise in corruption)
[]Space Mining (Phase 3)
Asteroids are an investment intensive and highly productive source of valuable ores.
-[]Personally(0/200 20 Resources per Die)(+25 Resources per turn)(-1 Capital Goods, -1 Labor, -1 Logistics)
-[]Subordinate(80 Resources)(+25 Resources per turn)(-1 Capital Goods, -1 Labor, -1 Logistics)(moderate rise in corruption)
[]Consumer Industry Sectors (Phase 1)
Industrial installations to produce all the consumer goods a civilian population needs, from clothing to consumer electronics.
-[]Personally(Progress 0/200 20 resources per die)(-1 Capital Goods, -2 Basing -2 Labor, +4 Consumer Goods)
-[]Subordinate(80 Resources)(-1 Capital Goods, -2 Basing, -2 Labor, +4 Consumer Goods)
(Small rise in corruption)
[]Computer Assembly Plant (Stage 1)
Computers are ubiquitous pieces of hardware utilized in a multitude of applications throughout the galaxy, from droids to starfighters to datapads. As such a steady supply of them is always needed.
-[]Personally(Progress 0/100 20 resources per die)(+5 Resources per Turn)(+1 Capital Goods, -1 Labor)
-[]Subordinate(40 Resources)((+5 Resources per Turn)(+1 Capital Goods, -1 Labor)
(small rise in corruption)
[]Durasteel Foundry
A massive assembly of forges, annealers, and smoking pits of molten metal, durasteel foundries are a beating heart of the galactic economy.
-[]Personally(Progress 0/450: 20 resources per Die)(+15 Resources per Turn)(+3 Strategic Goods, +3 Capital Goods, -6 Labor, -4 Basing)
-[]Subordinate(225 Resources)(+20 Resources per Turn)(+3 Strategic Goods, +3 Capital Goods, -6 Labor, -4 Basing)(Massive rise in Corruption)
[]Hyperdrive Manufacturing Facility
Hyperdrives are the core asset needed for the operation of an intergalactic navy and logistical network.
-[]Personally(Progress 0/450: 20 resources per die)(+20 Resources per Turn)(+6 Strategic Goods, -4 Capital Goods, -5 Labor, -4 Basing)
-[]Subordinate(180 Resources)(+20 Resources per Turn)(+6 Strategic Goods, -4 Capital Goods, -5 Labor, -4 Basing) (major rise in corruption)
[]Shuttle Assembly Hangars
Sentinel- and Lambda-class are important for the transport of smaller amounts of cargo and personnel between planets.
(Progress 0/150: 20 resources per die)(+6 Logistics, -2 Capital Goods, -2 Labor, -2 Basing)
Food Industry (3 Dice): +3
[]Bacta Farms
Bacta is a mixture of kavam and alazhi bacteria combined with ambori fluid and a type of barley known as Vratixia renanicus. Bacta production is an expensive and highly technical process, but a diluted mixture of bacta is important for industrial clone production.
-[]Personally(Progress 118/400 25 resources per Die)(+3 Strategic Goods, -3 Capital Goods, -3 Labor, -4 Basing, +6 Health)
-[]Subordinate(112 Resources)(+20 Resources per Turn)(+3 Strategic Goods, -3 Capital Goods, -3 Labor, -4 Basing, +6 Health)(Massive rise in Corruption)
[]Moisture Farms (Phase 1)
A moisture farm is an area of land devoted to the production of food, irrigated by wringing what little moisture can be found in the arid air.
(0/150 10 Resources per Die)(Food +2, Consumer Goods+2, Labor -1)
[]Orbital Farms (Phase 7)
Orbital farms are environmentally closed-off and automated greenhouses to maximize production of crops.
(92/100 20 Resources per Die)(Food +5, Consumer Goods +3, Capital Goods -1, Labor -1, Logistics -3)
[]Food Processing Facility
Raw food alone can feed people, but many crops require processing into other forms to improve their nutritional value.
-[]Personally(0/200 20 Resources per Die)(Food +4, Consumer Goods +4, Capital Goods -2, Labor -1, -2 Basing)
-[]Subordinate(80 Resources)(Food +4, Consumer Goods +4, Capital Goods -2, Labor -1, -2 Basing)(moderate rise in corruption)
[]Crab Farms
Crabs and hummers are a common delicacy in Imperial high society. While relatively calorie efficient, the ponds require a lot of work, human and droid, to maintain.
-[]Personally(0/200 10 Resources per Die)(Consumer Goods +3, Capital Goods -2, Labor -2, -2 Basing)(+5 IS)
-[]Subordinate(80 Resources)(0/200 10 Resources per Die)(Consumer Goods +3, Capital Goods -2, Labor -2, -2 Basing)(+6 IS)(moderate rise in corruption)
[]Industrial Cattle Farms
Without access to grassland for cattle to graze on, industrial indoor farming is the most efficient way to supplement the food supply with meat and milk.
-[]Personally(0/300 15 Resources per Die)(Food -6, Consumer Goods +8, Capital Goods -2, Labor -3, -4 Basing, -2 Health)(+3 IS)
-[]Subordinate(90 Resources per Die)(Food -6, Consumer Goods +8, Capital Goods -2, Labor -3, -4 Basing, -2 Health )(+4 IS)(Small rise in corruption)
[]Cattle Clone Tank Refinement
Conventional cattle raising is crude and inefficient, even on industrial scales. Cloning these animals could produce high quality meat with much less caloric intake and supervision.
(0/100 25 Resources per Die)
Intelligence and Subversion (3 Dice): +3
[]Insert local double agents
Have the intelligence staff plant double agents at key positions in the structure of the Exegol remnant.
(140/200 5 Resources per Die)(Minor rise in corruption)
[]Domestic Rapid Response Kill Teams
Preparing and equipping small squads of armed operatives should allow us to react with force fast in case something unwanted should happen.
(0/175 15 Resources per Die)
Services (3 Dice): +5
[]Luxury Venues
Current establishments are inadequate for the Imperial Elite. Providing them with the venues and resources should create the social spaces they need and make them happy.
-[]Personally(0/150 15 Resources per Die)(-4 Food, +2 Consumer Goods, -3 Basing)(+4 IS)
-[]Subordinate(45 Resources)(-4 Food, +2 Consumer Goods, -3 Basing)(+5 IS)(moderate rise in corruption)
[]Basic Education Initiatives
The matter of education was left to the planetary governors most of the time. Since you act in a similar capacity, the matter is now in your hands. Among your staff there are several opinions on how to structure education for the youngest Imperial citizens, whether or not to focus on teaching them Imperial values while they are still young and malleable, or focus on a broad and comprehensive education.
-[]Propaganda Focus(0/250 10 Resources per Die)(-1 Basing, -1 Labor)(+7 IS, -1 on all dice rolls)
-[]Mixed Focus(0/250 10 Resources per Die)(-1 Basing, -2 Labor)
-[]Education Focus(0/250 10 Resources per Die)(-1 Basing, -3 Labor)(-5 IS, +1 on all dice rolls)
[]BRT Supercomputing System Installation (Completing all suboptions to Stage 1 nets +2 to all Dice)
The BRT is a powerful control and command system capable of analyzing large amounts of statistical data to optimize resource allocation and usage. For maximum effect, the system will need to be connected to as many government substructures as possible.
-[]Infrastructure (Stage 1)(0/100 20 Resources per Die)(Allocation in Service/Infra dice pairs)(-1 Capital Goods)(+2 to Infrastructure Dice)
-[]Industry (Stage 1)(0/100 20 Resources per Die)(Allocation in Service/Industry dice pairs)(-1 Capital Goods)(+2 to Industry Dice)
-[]Food Industry (Stage 1)(0/100 20 Resources per Die)(Allocation in Service/Food dice pairs)(-1 Capital Goods)(+2 to Food Industry Dice)
-[]Intelligence and Subversion (Stage 1)(0/100 20 Resources per Die)(Allocation in Service/Intelligence dice pairs)(-1 IS, -1 Capital Goods)(+2 to Intelligence and SubversionDice)
-[]Service (Stage 2)(49/200 20 Resources per Die)(-1 Capital Goods)(+3 to Service Dice)
-[]Military (Stage 1)(0/100 20 Resources per Die)(Allocation in Service/Military dice pairs)(-1 IS, -1 Capital Goods)(+2 to Military Dice)
-[]Bureaucracy (Stage 1)(0/100 20 Resources per Die)(Allocation in Service/Bureaucracy dice pairs)(-3 IS, -1 Capital Goods)(+2 to Bureaucracy Dice)
[]Clone Tissue Medical Procedure Development
Part of the tasks of the clone program group was developing mechanisms to keep the emperor eternally young through clone organ and tissue replacements. The notes should now be useful for more general applications.
(0/150 25 Resources per Die)
Military (4 Dice): +13
[]Turbolaser Ground Network (Phase 1)
Constructing a series of turbolasers on Exegol would greatly improve its defensive capabilities in the event of a planetary invasion. While unable to engage targets in space, the turbolasers can support ground forces or engage hostile craft that enter the atmosphere.
(0/100, 20 Resources per Die)
[]Orbital Defenses (Phase 1)
While not as good as warships, armed space stations can be constructed in orbit around Exegol to repel enemy warships. Armed with a mixture of anti-warship and anti-starfighter weaponry, these space stations are capable of fighting space battles whilst their lack of mobility reduces their strategic useability.
(0/200, 20 Resources per Die)
[]Storage Maintenance
While legend is that military equipment can survive decades if stored properly this is but a myth. In truth even stored equipment needs occasional maintenance checks to ensure no faults accumulate to make the piece of equipment unuseable.
(142/300 15 Resources per Die)
[]Spaarti Clone Cylinder Refinement
The Spaarti template can theoretically mass produce clones three times faster than Kaminoan ones, the downside being that these clones have relatively low mental capacity and problem solving skills and can thus be used only for low level tasks almost akin to droids. With some adjustment of the process that should be more than enough for Spaarti to serve as mass produced cannon fodder.
(0/200 25 Resources per Die)(Can use Service dice)
Imperial Army
[]Infantry Soldier Engrams
Allows basic combat training for Kamino and Spaarti clones during the growth phase.
(0/100 30 Resources per Die)
[]Vehicle Maintenance Depots
The current storage facilities for Exegol's ground vehicles are enough to keep them from rain, but performing maintenance on them is another matter. Depots with the right facilities and tools will have to be constructed to keep the machines in working order.
(0/250 10 Resources per Die)(Basing -1, Capital Goods -1)
[]Reverse-engineer Exegol Equipment
The blasters, body armor and support equipment we found on Exegol is clearly of high quality and of Imperial production, but we don't have the production templates. Sacrificing some of the units to reverse engineer the templates would enable us to produce it in the future.
(0/100 20 Resources per Die)
[]Stormtrooper Training Facilities
Facilities, shooting ranges, drill grounds and practice areas to train the Stormtrooper Corps.
(53/75 15 Resources per Die)(Basing -2)
[]Demobilize Ground Forces
At the moment the large ground army is only an unproductive appendage. With the threat from the New Republic limited, we can demobilize some of them to add to our workforce.
-[]Small Percentage (Requires one Die)(+6 Labor)
-[]Moderate Percentage (Requires one Die)(+12 Labor)(-5 IS)
-[]Large Percentage (Requires one Die)(+24 Labor)(-10 IS)
Imperial Navy
[]TIE Pilot Engrams
Allows basic TIE starfighter training for Kamino and Spaarti clones during the growth phase.
(0/100 30 Resources per Die)
[]TIE Pilot Training Facility
To facilitate training of additional TIE pilots for a future expansion of the naval forces, grounside or orbital hangar stations some tools and facilities have to be provided. Simulators, training craft and education centers to create the next generation of fighter pilots.
(0/200 15 Resources per Die)
[]TIE Bomber Factory (Phase 1)
While the number of Interceptor TIE models stored on Exegol should be enough for the immediate future, TIE bombers are notably lacking. To maintain a steady number of replacement parts and vehicles, new factories will have to be constructed.
(0/100 20 Resources per Die)(-2 Capital Goods, -1 Labor, -1 Basing)
[]Mothball ISDs
The ISDs contain tens of thousands of men with minimal use at the moment. Mothballing them would free them up for the workforce for building up an industry.
-[]Keep the ISD-II (Requires one Die)(+12 Labor)(-2 IS)
-[]All of them (Requires one Die)(+16 Labor)(-5 IS)
[]Partly automate Star Destroyers
Most of the tasks on Star Destroyers are uncomplicated and can be replaced with some common droid models, even if it will be expensive.
(0/250 15 Resources per Die)(-5 Capital Goods, +5 Labor)
[]Expansive ISD-I Automation Refit Development
Automating with auxiliary droids only goes so far. The whole ISD-I system needs a rework of its systems to reduce the crew needs.
(0/125 20 Resources per Die)
[]Expansive ISD-II Automation Refit Development
Automating with auxiliary droids only goes so far. The whole ISD-II system needs a rework of its systems to reduce the crew needs.
(0/150 20 Resources per Die)
[]Crew stored ISD-IIs
The ISD-IIs in storage at Exegol are in good condition, only manpower, droids and some weeks of initial training left to actually use them.
(0/100 5 Resources per Die)(-30 Labor, -10 Capital Goods)
Bureaucracy (3 Dice): +1
[ ]Establish Patrols
To prevent over-ambitious officers from acting against protocol, all deployments of Imperial Navy assets larger than a starfighter patrol must be reviewed and authorized by high command. Without this constant work, entire fleets sit idle in the slips, allowing raiders to act with impunity.
DC: 40/80/110/130 (If not done, then Rebel raiding units and pirates can operate without response. Anything lower than passing the highest DC creates gaps that can be exploited.)
[ ]Prepare Reserves
In the event of a major operation, only the direct oversight of one of the Empire's most-trusted can cut through protocol and allow speedy reinforcement. If the rebels attack, you must be personally prepared to lead the counter-charge.
DC: 50 (Allows deployment of reinforcements against major enemy attacks, otherwise expect major time delays.)
[]Allow undercover agents to act outside the Unknown Regions
The current choice is complete isolation. While hiding us from hostile rebel elements, it also stops us from contacting or supporting the other Remnants. The first step would be to allow our agents to operate outside the UR undercover to interact with the wider galaxy.
(Requires one Die)(Raises Chance to be found)(Unlocks more []Intelligence and Subversion and []Recruitment Drives)
[]Political Bonus Payments
The easiest way to gather support is still "bonus payments" in the right places.
(Requires one Die)(100R)(+5 IS)(Large rise in corruption)
[]Strategic Planning
While the current situation is acceptable it could be better, especially if you want to start making long term plans instead of just reacting to the latest issues. By setting up a department to properly track your various projects, you can predict the future costs of each project to some degree.
(0/200, 5 Resources per Die) (+1 to All Dice) (-1 Basing, -3 Capital Goods)
[]Fight Corruption
By going through the Imperial organizational machine yourself in the hunt for people misappropriating funds and punishing them you can reduce corruption.
(DC 89)(3 IS per Die)(moderate reduction in corruption)
Vote by plan. Thanks to Oshha for giving me access to some of his SW quest notes. Please do []Allow undercover agents to act outside the Unknown Regions.
Quick reminder that we don't want to burn though our Resource reserves until we get our income up to the point we can replenish what we are spending. I know it is a change from other planquests and it has been a while since we made a plan for this quest, but please don't bankrupt/cripple us because you forgot this quest requires moderating our expenses.
Okay, with our income of 80, we are effectively spending 355 Credits this turn. For Infrastructure, I am continuing with our prior projects as I want to get Water Treatment Plants finished while we still need more Logistics to get more mines so we can get more income. Basing is good right now so that isn't a concern and for getting Logistics, Maglev might be less efficient than the Surface Spaceports, but it gets them in a timely manner aka in a turn or two rather than three or four. To be clear, with Logistics, we need expediency more than we need efficiency and the inefficiency will be countered by increasing our income sooner.
Industry is Subsurface Mines because we can afford it and it increases our income by almost 50%. I am doing on Subordinate because with our low dice bonus, corruption is the primary concern with Subordinate actions and I consider a rise in corruption to be an acceptable price for increasing our income by almost 50% this turn. The Computer Assembly Plants to get some more Cap Goods because we are spending those like crazy while it is a relatively affordable project in terms of resources to progress. It also gives a small boost to income.
Food Industry is doing Bacta Farms because, well, I'm not sure, but we started that last turn and I assume we had a good reason for that. Otherwise, a die on Moisture Farms because it is cheap and it gives a nice boost when done. Plus the variety might be useful. Edit: Changed it to Food Processing Facility because while it is expensive and we will probably not have all of the Logistics for it, our people are currently eating raw food and I would rather get a handle on that before it starts turning into unrest. I would rather not wait until Bacta Farms is done before doing this so since that isn't finishing anytime soon, it means doing this instead of getting started on Moisture Farms.
Intelligence and Subversion is going all in on Insert local double agents because it is cheap and mostly done so we might as well finish it. Services is doing BRT on Infrastructure and Industry because we want to get all of them to Stage 1 and those two categories have most of our foundational projects. I do want to do Luxury Venues and Basic Education Initiatives at some point, but for now, getting more BRT projects done is a good idea from what I can vaguely remember.
Military is finishing our last two projects. Stormtrooper Training Facilities should finish with one die while I would rather get Storage Maintenance done sooner rather than latter and it is currently one of our cheapest military projects. Meanwhile Bureaucracy is doing a die on Undercover Agents because the QM is hinting it is a good idea while the last two dice go on Establish Patrols because it doesn't cost anything unlike with other options and they might be useful as unlikely as that is.
I am open to feedback and making changes, especially since I am still getting back into the swing of this quest.
My thoughts on a plan, imo once logistics are up a bit we should do +RPT projects.
[X] Plan: Fancy homes for not so fancy Imperials
Resources: 1133 (+80 Resources per Turn) - 405(this plans cost) = 808 next turn
Infrastructure (3 Dice): +3
-[X]Luxury Residences
--[X]Subordinate(40 Resources)(-3 Basing, +2 Consumer Goods)(+6 IS)(moderate rise in corruption) 1D
-[X]Luxury Residual Accommodations (Phase 1 of 3)
--[X]Subordinate(40 Resources)(+2 Consumer Goods, -4 Basing)(+1 IS)(small rise in corruption) 1D
-[X]Water Treatment Plants (Phase 2 of 2) 1D
(103/150 15 Resources per Die)(Basing -2, Health +1)(-2 Imperial Support) Industry (3 Dice): +3 +1 Free Die
-[X]Shuttle Assembly Hangars 3D + 1 Free Die
(Progress 0/150: 20 resources per die)(+6 Logistics, -2 Capital Goods, -2 Labor, -2 Basing) Food Industry (3 Dice): +3
-[X]Bacta Farms
--[X]Personally(Progress 118/400 25 resources per Die)(+3 Strategic Goods, -3 Capital Goods, -3 Labor, -4 Basing, +6 Health) 2D
-[X]Orbital Farms (Phase 7) 1D
(92/100 20 Resources per Die)(Food +5, Consumer Goods +3, Capital Goods -1, Labor -1, Logistics -3) Intelligence and Subversion (3 Dice): +3
-[X]Insert local double agents 2D
(140/200 5 Resources per Die)(Minor rise in corruption)
-[X]Domestic Rapid Response Kill Teams 1D
(0/175 15 Resources per Die) Services (3 Dice): +5
-[X]BRT Supercomputing System Installation (Completing all suboptions to Stage 1 nets +2 to all Dice)
--[X]Service (Stage 2)(49/200 20 Resources per Die)(-1 Capital Goods)(+3 to Service Dice) 3D
Military (4 Dice): +13
-[X]Storage Maintenance 2D
(142/300 15 Resources per Die) Imperial Army
-[X]Stormtrooper Training Facilities 1D
(53/75 15 Resources per Die)(Basing -2) Imperial Navy
-[X]Expansive ISD-I Automation Refit Development 1D
(0/125 20 Resources per Die) Bureaucracy (3 Dice): +1
-[X]Allow undercover agents to act outside the Unknown Regions 1D
(Requires one Die)(Raises Chance to be found)(Unlocks more []Intelligence and Subversion and []Recruitment Drives)
-[X]Strategic Planning 2D
(0/200, 5 Resources per Die) (+1 to All Dice) (-1 Basing, -3 Capital Goods)
[ ]Plan XYZ
Infrastructure 3/3 Dice used, X+Y Resources
-[ ]Project A 2 Dice, X Resources
-[ ]Project B 1 Die, Y Resources
Industry 1/3 Dice used, Z Resources
-[ ]Project C 1 Dice, Z Resources