Snake Eyes - A Casino Owner Quest in an Occult City
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In the City, everyone tries to mind their own business, but each of them knows that something unnatural is going on. You and your crew are the new owners of a Casino and whether you like it or not, you are going face to face with that it's under the layer of reality as you know.
(Note: This quest is a remake of @nwish425The Die is Cast - Cult Leader Quest . I asked him for permission to do so a year ago, now I think I have something that could work. So it's partially original, but I put the tag nonetheless. Don't expect everything to be equal in mechanics, settings or else.) "In the beginning, there was nothing. No law, no matter, no concept. Then, suddenly, Reality began to take shape, giving shape to concepts, establishing laws and forming matter. Reality was the beginning of everything. But the existence of a beginning implicates the existence of an end and of a story. Reality found that everything moved again toward nothing, like water moving toward a drain. The drain was Annihilation, the End to the Beginning that was Reality. Between the two was Change, the force that turned Reality into Annihilation and Annihilation into Reality. These three are the basic forces in our universe. Understanding these is the first step in seeing things as they really are, behind the curtain of ignorance."
Theodoros, "Of the True Principles", translated from Ancient Greek".
The City has always been an interesting place, with its dazing lights coming from all the various establishments surrounded by kilometres of desert, appearing as a beacon in a sea of sand.
For people coming from outside the City, it was almost like a dream, existing for a small fraction of their existence, already fading in their memory after leaving.
But for the local people? For them, it was more like a nightmare. The lawless appearance was not just an appearance and where there are money to be made, violence was just behind the corner. Most of them would swear that the City even had a name, but even they don't remember it anymore.
You? You are a new player in this City, ready to make a name for yourself, unlike the City that lost its own. Like everyone who grew up here, you know that there are things that don't have an explanation: why nobody remembers the name of the City, for instance. What howls in the desert under the moon or the reason the police and the journal purposely ignore vanishing people or acts of violence in the streets.
As everybody, you know that there's something bigger than just cash and drugs in the City. Unlike everybody, you are not afraid of it. You feel almost attracted to it.
You would call it a hunch. The same hunch you felt when you got the opportunity to put your hands on one of the Casino in the City, "recently vacated". The previous owner vanished without a trace and now is yours.
But first, told me about you. What did you do before?
[ ] Violence was your job. By gun or by knife, you took what you wanted. This Casino is of such things.
Your beginning stats are the following:
Fist: +3
Brain: +1
Shadow: +2
Tongue: +1
Occult: +1
You start with the following traits:
Violence is a universal language: When you threaten someone with the promise of violence if they don't act as you demand, add +1 to your Tongue roll.
Experienced in harming: When you deal damage, you deal +1 damage.
??? : This trait will be revealed when things are right.
[ ] You were the mastermind behind a phone or a computer, giving orders and making sure that everything went according to your plan. This Casino is your last reward.
Your beginning stats are the following:
Fist: +1
Brain: +3
Shadow: +1
Tongue: +2
Occult: +1
You start with the following traits:
No room for errors: When you execute a plan that require to be stealthy and leave no traces, add + 1 to your Shadow roll.
Saw this coming: When an enemy is moving against you or your organization, roll 2d6 + Brain. On a 7+, you have something in position to make their life harder.
??? : This trait will be revealed when things are right.
[ ] People didn't see you coming or leaving. You were like a ghost, getting information or breaking inside locked doors with ease. These were useful skill for getting this Casino.
Your beginning stats are the following:
Fist: +1
Brain: +2
Shadow: +3
Tongue: +1
Occult: +1
You start with the following traits:
From the blind spot: When you resort to violence against enemies unknowing of your presence, add + 1 to your Fist roll.
Everything has a keyhole: When you need to get to something hidden behind security, you know exactly what to do to get through it.
??? : This trait will be revealed when things are right.
[ ] A silver tongue opens many doors, but a golden one opens any door. You know what to say to people to make them tick as you wish or give what you desire. An example? This Casino.
Your beginning stats are the following:
Fist: +1
Brain: +1
Shadow: +1
Tongue: +3
Occult: +2
You start with the following traits:
Stalling words: When you take time using your words to come out with a plan or a solution, add + 1 to your Brain roll.
A slip of the tongue: When you have a chat with someone for some time, you get something on that person unbeknown to him.
??? : This trait will be revealed when things are right.
[ ] You used your hunch in many ways. You were closer to the inexplicable things than many, always a step behind from understanding the bigger picture. But you have fragments of information and even if they were little things, they still hold power. You used them to get this Casino.
Your beginning stats are the following:
Fist: +2
Brain: +1
Shadow: +1
Tongue: +1
Occult: +3
You start with the following traits:
The sixth sense: When you are facing something occult or magic, you get a hint of what it is or what is happening.
???: This trait will be revealed when things are right.
??? : This trait will be revealed when things are right.
And what do you see when you look in the mirror?
[ ] Gender
[ ] Name
[ ] Physical description
Hello! Just wait for me to threadmarks the posts that I need and then you can vote. Vote by plan only.
Welcome here for this quest, hope you'll have as much fun as I hope to have.
So, learning from the mistakes of my previous quest, I decided to come beforehand with the mechanics, mostly based on my favourite RPGs (Apocalypse World, Blades in the Dark, City of Mists) and so on.
In this post, I'll explain the basic mechanics. Currently, they are not beta-tested, so I may change them if necessary.
Rolls and Clocks
Rolls and Clocks
The main elements of this game are the resolution mechanics. For each roll, I'll use 2d6 + stat modifier + trait bonus and each roll has an associate level of effect (how powerful the consequences will be) and a danger level (how dangerous are the consequence in case of failure).
You get pure success on a 10+, partial success (you achieve your main goal, but things get complicated or you get harmed) on a 7-9 and you get a fail on a 6-.
To account for ongoing events, long-term projects or anything I come up with, I use a clock system borrowed by BitD. Each clock has its length, its progression condition and the consequence when the clock continues. Information may be hidden, but discovered by investigating.
The level of effects are the following:
Limited Effect: The action will result in small benefits or gains
Standard Effect: The action will result in a considerable benefit or gain.
Great Effect: The action will result in a major benefit or gain.
This means that different approaches can lead to different effects according to the narrative. Level of effects can be improved or decreased according to narrative, other actions or resolution of clocks.
The level of danger are the following:
Low Risk: This action may cause small harm or losses.
Risky: This action may cause harm or losses.
Desperate: This action may cause severe harm or significant losses.
It's important to not mistake the danger level for the success chance: the success chance depends on the usual thresholds above, while the danger refers to how bad the results of a 6- or a 7-9 are on the character taking the action. As for level of effects, other actions, narrative and resolution may change the level of danger.
Rolls are rolled by users in the thread. If no one has rolled after 30 minutes, an user who has already rolled can roll again.
There are five stats and two clocks associated with your characters.
Fist: The stat associated with violence, guns and brute strength (Think about Strength)
Brain: The stat associated with planning, knowledge and being quick (Think about Intelligence)
Shadow: The stat associated with stealth, trickery and being fast (Think about Dexterity)
Tongue: The stat associated with persuading, bargaining and convincing (Think about Charisma)
Occult: The stat that you use to work with forces that shouldn't be. (Self-explanatory)
Health: How many injuries can you suffer before dying (Self-explanatory)
Sanity: How much stress and physicological damage you can suffer before going mad (Self-explanatory)
Stats cannot be improved from the starting ones.
Traits are short keywords that provide advantages and fall under the following categories:
Traits that enable particular actions.
Traits that add a modifier to specific situations.
Traits that represent some particular modifications
Basically, everything has traits: places, characters, weapons, and books. For objects, traits represent narrative modificators (in this type of game, narrative and mechanics are deeply connected, so a trait has both a meaning in the narration and a consequence in mechanics).
Traits can be acquired or lost according to some important events or during level-up. Not easy to grind for them, then.
There are three ways for a character to get an experience point:
Rolling a 6- (failing an action)
Rolling a Desperate action (max Danger Level)
Fulfilling a long-term goal (usually resulting in an experience point for all characters in the organization).
Once a character has 5 experience points, he can choose an upgrade. An upgrade is usually a trait, an upgrade to an existing trait or a one-off reward.
Turn Phases
Turn Phases
The turn is made by four phases:
Main Action Phase: The voting step, where you pick the actions you want to do this turn.
Resolution Phase I: The step where the dice get rolled and action results get defined. Further voting can occur here according to the consequences of the actions.
Resolution Phase II: The clocks that advance do so here and, if any concludes or triggers further consequences, further voting can occur.
Ending Phase: New clocks get created, injuries heal, resources get updated and everything is ready for the next Turn.
To understand better when you get the effects of your actions so to plan in advance, here's a short scheme:
- Main Action Phase
- Resolution Phase I
- Character sheets get updated
- Resolution Phase II
- Clocks get resolved
- End Phase
- Character sheets get updated (Healing happens here)
- New Main Action Phase
Main Character
Main Character
The Main Character, the one you are going to play, has the following advantages compared to others:
Higher stats
More starting traits
Two actions per turn
You have only one; if it dies, it's the end of this story.
Named Characters
Named Characters
A Named Character is a secondary character, with lower stats and traits compared to the Main Character and able to perform only one action per turn. They can be found in special circumstances, so don't expect to just go and get more of them.
At the bottom of the food chain, there are normal followers. Followers are treated as an indivisible group of people and they don't have stats, meaning that they roll low by themselves and it's a good idea to send them with a named character or the main character to take advantage of their stats. If necessary, they can act with one action per turn. It's easy to get more of them, but it's also easy to lose them.
Enemies respect partially the division "Main character, Named character and followers". You can expect each organization to have one Main-Character grade enemy that runs things and several Named Characters that work as second in command. Then you have the Followers that are at the bottom of the food chain. The number of traits, weapons and health points may change according to how strong their organization is.
Occult Entities may not respect completely this division due to their "particular nature".
Not all combats will be fought with the following rules, only main encounters. This is done to keep things as smooth as possible and don't bog down the quest with a large number of fights.
Each character (the Main Character, a Named Character or a group of Followers) has its weapon, present in its profile. A Weapon has a range (how far it may hit), a damage rating (how much damage it does) and further traits.
A Main Character has 10 health points (HP), a Named Character has 8 HP and a group of Followers has 6 HP.
Each wound until half of the HP of the character is considered a light wound and restores naturally at the rate of one at the End Phase of the next turn. Actions or resources can be spent to increase the number of wounds healed.
If the number of wounds exceeds half the HP of the character, the character is considered gravely wounded and gets -1 to all rolls, including those outside combat until they are healed back to light wounds. To heal grave wounds, it's necessary to spend actions or suitable resources at least to get back to more than half HP.
Followers are an exception: instead of being gravely wounded, they start dying down, meaning that more than healing them, you need to recruit them back to strength. The difference is mostly narrative, but mechanics and narrative are interconnected with each other in this type of quest.
Body armour can reduce damage dealt flatly. The max armour you can get is 2, but most protections are armour 1 with 2 being rare (and expensive to get).
Enemies don't have a turn to act: they have a weapon profile and HP, but they don't get to roll and inflict damage as a consequence of your actions (i.e. as a consequence of a partial result) in combat or a consequence of missed actions. If you attack someone in a way that it cannot fight back, you get no damage, but in active combat expect to hurt yourself. This means that flanking and surprise attacks are very useful.
The Casino
The Casino
Your Casino will be your first base of operations and your first source of revenue. Losing it wouldn't be directly a game over, but surely it will hurt and would make things extremely hard.
So it's in your interest to keep things working as smoothly as possible.
The Casino is connected to the following values:
Net Funds: It's the number of funds you get every turn and it's the difference between the funds generated by the Casino and its expenses of it.
Reputation: It's a value that goes from -3 to +3 and evaluates how famous (or infamous) your establishment is. It's used as a modifier for random event rolls.
Staff: The number of followers working in it.
The Casino has a list of traits, which represent what rooms are in it and what it's their narrative effect. You can upgrade or add rooms and other functionalities as a long-term project.
[SLIDE title="Ending"]
You probably understood that there's something amiss in the City: if the fact that nobody remembers the proper name wasn't enough, the number of strange events you will encounter in the story will represent a tell.
There's something happening, that's what I'm telling you.
So, at the moment, this story can end in the following ways:
This something is interrupted.
This something is completed.
These two imply the resolution of the story of the City. These will change its face forever and you'll have to work to achieve the ending you want. There's always somebody with different ideas on how the story should end, isn't there?
You Ascend.
For those that know the previous quest, this was the main win condition. It's kept in this remake, but it's not the only way to end the story. If you Ascend, your story in the City will end and another one will begin. But this story will end, nonetheless.
You go mad or die in a ditch.
An ending I hope you want to avoid, but an ending the same.
The story we are here to tell is the story of Ernesto, a man in the City for potential to change things for the better or for the worse. When his story will end, so will this quest.
Funds: 28,5 funds
Net funds: 3,5 funds/turn (+9 from traits, -1 basic maintenance, -4,5 in salaries)
Reputation: 1
Staff: 6/8
Old-fashion Slot Machines: Already here when you bought the place. Not the flashiest thing compared to the competition, but they can do it until you buy something better. Generates 2 funds per turn and requires one staff to work.
Elegant Bar: It's probably the most expensive part of your Casino, but it's worth every cent. Generates 4 funds per turn and requires one staff to work.
Gambler's Den Green Tables: Good for playing cards and other games, but most importantly good for weight your pockets. Generate 3 funds per turn and requires one staff to work.
Small: A part of it's still not fit for operations, so it's closed off. The Casino may contain up to three upgrades (excluding basement rooms).
Scientific Laboratory: Full of high-tech devices, still working even if abandoned for a bit.
Reading Room: A comfortable chair and bookshelves.
Botched Ritual Room: A ritual circle in red paint in a corner, a door without a keyhole with another written in blood. You don't think it's a good idea to try to open it at the moment.
No room for errors: When you execute a plan that requires to be stealthy and leave no traces, add + 1 to your Shadow roll.
Saw this coming: When an enemy is moving against you or your organization, roll 2d6 + Brain. On a 7+, you have something in position to make their life harder.
??? : +1 with actions using ???, Chaos or ??? Lore. (Doesn't apply to reading books).
Mercy, Mercy Please!: After injuring someone, you get +1 to all the attack rolls against him.
Loyal: Paid loyalty is still a form of loyalty. Betraying you will go against her interests.
??? : This trait will be revealed when things are right.
Spearhead: When attacking first gun blazing or ambushing someone, you may also pick these options during your attack roll:
- Your attack is devastating for their moral.
- All the focus is on yourself, leaving a window of opportunity for your allies.
Fundamental Occult Forces (Reality, Annihilation, Change): A book of unclear period of writing. According to the author, all the physical and methaphysical forces derive from the fundamental forces, which he defines as "Occult Forces". (Read)
The Diary of Giuliano Altobelli (???,???): Translated from Latin, 13th century. It's the diary of an envoy from Rome on the trace of Arnaud Amalric, or the man who took its place.
De Anatomia: (???): Translated from Latin, Renaissance period. Observation from a Saxonian Doctor, Konrad Dytel, about a strange body he discovered, which was apparently not entirely human.
The Lost Theorem of Fermat (???): Apparently the book contains the Last Theorem of Fermat. The mathematic used to demonstrate it isn't entirely knowned and doesn't sound entirely of this word.
El Estafador (Chaos): Translated from Spanish, unclear data. The short story of a dice cheater, whose luck wasn't natural.
"Vanille" Recipe (Agony): In the safe, John found a short envelope with the recipe for producing a special drug. From a rapid glance, the production process isn't entirely mundane and one of the "circles" in the recipe has some symbols similar to the one in your basement. John already checked the Lab and talked with the surviving Jackals: the Maw stole the envelope from someone, but he didn't have the time to read it yet.
All the lores are known only by Ernesto Villalobos, except when specified otherwise.
Fundamental Lores
Reality Lore (Level 1): "Reality is the fundamental concept of "It's", nothing more, nothing less. Everything is Reality corroded by Change and Annihilation". Reality is the fundamental lore at the base of the Light Lores. When using this as a basis for magic, you can stabilize the spell, reducing negative effects in case of failure.
Annihilation Lore (Level 1): "Annihilation is the absolute absence, something that cannot be defined. Everything is traveling toward its own Annihilation". Annihilation is the fundamental lore at the base of the Dark Lores. When using this as a basis for harmful magic, you can enhance its effects.
Change Lore (Level 1): "Change is born by the presence of Reality and Annihilation. Nothing remains the same, nothing remains, so everything Changes." Change is the third fundamental lore. It guarantees no bonus or malus to spells, but they are "free" from Light and Dark influences.
Dark Lores
Agony Lore (Level 0): "Agony is the lore fueled by pain and suffering, of itself and the others". You know that this lore exists, but you don't have more details.
Lunar Lore (Level 0): "There's a reason behind all the rituals that required the full moon to be successful". You know that this lore exists, but you don't have more details.
Uproar Lore (Level 0): "Entropy consume order. It's the natural course of things." You know that this lore exists, but you don't have more details.
Light Lores
Solar Lore (Level 0): "The monsters are afraid of the Light for a reason". You know that this lore exists, but you don't have more details.
Mercy Lore (Level 0): "What's broken can be mended." You know that this lore exists, but you don't have more detais.
??? (Level X): There should be another one.
Still unclassified lores
Chaos Lore (Level 0): "Chaos Lore is the lore of unpredictability and chance." You know that this lore exists, but you don't have more details.
Soul Lore (Level 0): "There's something more in living beings than flesh and nerves". You know that this lore exists, but you don't have more details.
Covenant Lore (Level 0): "Words have power, written or spoken." You know that this lore exists, but you don't have more details.
Ritual of Alignment: "You know the Fundamental Forces who shape the worlds. It's time to choose the Eye you will use to see them". The Ritual of Alignment is a fundamental ritual that every occultist performs. It's necessary to start using magic, but require yourself to align to a specific Fundamental Lore. The choice is important and definitive. Pick wisely.
Freeing the Monster (3/4): The Pale Zenith is planning to do something and your basement is part of it. You won't like it if they succeed.
When full: They will attack you and try to get to your basement.
Fill by 1 each turn.
Reduced by 1 when ???
When empty: ???
He'll be back (2/(4-5)): Nathair won't be down forever. You are sure of this.
When full: Nathair will be back in action.
Filly by 1 each turn.
Reading "El Estafador" (0/2): You start reading a book.
When full: Advance Chaos lore and ???. Fill by 1 each time you score a success on the action, and 2 for a major success.
Long Term Goals
Ready to Party!: You plan to get to +1 reputation and to have at least one Great Event. (Missing One Great Event)
No more in the dark: You plan to understand what is happening in the City and what are the relationships between your competitors.
Le Orchideè remains the only unknown player.
Breaking the Axe: You plan to replace Nathir's Axe with a shovel so that he can dig his own grave. (Nathair is still alive).
Open the Eyes to Magic: You are on the edge of the occult world. Align yourself and discover one non-fundamental lore. (Ritual of Alignment not completed. Missing one Non Fundamental Lore at Rank 1)
Details: ???, probably connected with Nathair and the "Snake Cult". They command all the Annihilation cults in the city, directly or indirectly.
If a normal casino is rolling in dough, the Eclipse is the equivalent of all the bakeries of the City put together. It's just the most famous, the greatest, with the most attractive to tourists. It's basically everything you want the Hell's Hearth to be in the future. For the moment, you don't think it will become a problem: you are just an ant compared to him, so you fly behind its radar. The strange detail is that even with all your research, you have no idea of who is running it. The legal owner is a figurehead and even ex-employees have no idea of who actually runs the business. Which sounds a bit strange in your opinion.
Type: Casino
Owner: The Favaro Siblings (Vincent Jr., Marie and Francie)
Relationship: "Cooperative", Wary. Cannot help you against your enemies.
Details: ???, Light-aligned.
After that, the second best place in the City comes in: the King in Yellow. Used to be the first before the Eclipse started cutting into his business and from some old newspaper, you are sure that the conflict between the two was quite violent, with "suspicious deaths" for both employees. Now it's the solid second best, run by the Favaro brothers: Francie, Marie and Vincent Jr. Visitors claim that the music they heard there was the best of their lives and that the lights make the place shine like it was always in daylight.
Type: Casino
Owner: Lady Helen Burks
Relationship: ???, definitely Hostile
Details: ???
In the middle range, you find the Pale Zenith. The only reason this place is famous among the locals it's due to being the place where the scum of the city is usually found. Strange voices surround this place and you actually weren't able to find an ex-employee, not for not searching enough. Lady Helen Burks is the owner, an older woman rarely seen in public.
The King in Yellow describes the "leaders" as opportunistic and don't enjoy being under the boot of the Eclipse.
Type: Casino
Owner: Henry Poulin
Relationship: ???, he ows you one.
Details: ???
On the lower part of the middle range, L'Orchideè stands proud. Henry Poulin, a foreign from outside the City, thought that was a good idea to open a Casino in the Casinos City, which would be the equivalent to sell ice in the North Pole in your opinion. Except for this, the place is perfectly average: Poulin doesn't sound interested in expanding his business more than he already has and the client are just satisfied enough to come back. You are sure that Poulin has further motives to be in the City, even without proof.
Type: Casino
Owner: Dave "Full Tilt" Goldman
Relationship: Cooperative
Details: ???
In the last place, the avenue that you think is your direct competitor at the moment, a Casino that has opened a month before you, the Pit. Little information are available for a place so young, except for the name of the owner: Dave "Full Tilt" Goldman. From your finding, he got his Casino by reading the fortune of its previous owner after a successful Poker match, which sounds interesting enough. Plus, he's apparently always present at the Poker table, ready for players who think that they can beat his luck.
[X] Plan: Mercy, Mercy!
-[X] Violence was your job. By gun or by knife, you took what you wanted. This Casino is of such things.
-[X] Female
-[X] Name: Mercy Gardner
-[X] Physical Description: Seemingly dead on her feet on a near 24/7 basis, this casino owner hardly looks the part with her sloppy, wrinkled suit that barely stays on her. She's a woman of average height with colored blue hair in a short ponytail and dull, yellow eyes, but her most striking features remain the scars on her face and chest, the marks of someone well acquainted to a life of violence.
People might underestimate her, but they all end up calling for her name after she's punched them in the gut!
Let's get into a fistfight with a unknowable horror!
[X] The Man Behind The Veil
-[X] You were the mastermind behind a phone or a computer, giving orders and making sure that everything went according to your plan. This Casino is your last reward.
-[X] Male
-[X] Name: Ernesto Villalobos
-[X] Physical Description: your ancestry are of the Comanche and of the Aztec, during your youth you were dirt poor and tried to make it by being a prize fighter and got your nose bent out of shape for all of those fights you usually lost. That's when you started to use your noggin' more than your fist and realized that there is more money to gain being the operator rather than the instrument. Now, you can also talk-the-talk to make the deals that will make you and yours filthy rich!
[X] The Grey Man
-[X] People didn't see you coming or leaving. You were like a ghost, getting information or breaking inside locked doors with ease. These were useful skill for getting this Casino.
-[X] Male
-[X] Name: John Williams
-[X] Physical Description: putting you in to words is hard, not because your features are particularly hard to describe more because of how utterly indistinct you are. You are almost painfully uncannily generic. Average height, brown hair, brown eyes, not too handsome not too ugly with a very popular indistinct hair cut. This indistinctiveness may not make you the centre of attention but frankly in your case that's probably a good thing.
I'm glad to see this get made, it's already looking much better than my quest was. I think I like this one the best.
[X] The Grey Man
-[X] People didn't see you coming or leaving. You were like a ghost, getting information or breaking inside locked doors with ease. These were useful skill for getting this Casino.
-[X] Male
-[X] Name: John Williams
-[X] Physical Description: putting you in to words is hard, not because your features are particularly hard to describe more because of how utterly indistinct you are. You are almost painfully uncannily generic. Average height, brown hair, brown eyes, not too handsome not too ugly with a very popular indistinct hair cut. This indistinctiveness may not make you the centre of attention but frankly in your case that's probably a good thing.
Most things are built upon what you did with your previous quests, so I have you to thank and don't sell yourself short: I had a lot of fun with both of them.
Can't really decide between Brain or Shadow....
Both are nice, but they feel quite different, gameplay wise....
Brain seems like the more defensive between the two, what with the "suprise" trait if anyone attacks us....
I just really like traps....
Also, I love the bonus on shadow too.
Shadow, on the other hand, can get to anything, be it stuff or people.... And the obvious bonus on sneak attack.
I'm guessing we can't have more than 3 traits, huh?
Going with brain for now.
[X] The Man Behind The Veil
No idea what that is I'm afraid Grey Man is just a word I heard to describe someone who is very indistinct. I thought about titling it John Doe but I thought this would be cooler.
No idea what that is I'm afraid Grey Man is just a word I heard to describe someone who is very indistinct. I thought about titling it John Doe but I thought this would be cooler.
Gray Men, also known as Soulless, are creatures of the Shadow used as assassins. Wolves call them Notdead. Unlike most types of Shadowspawn, however, a Gray Man is not a construct. They begin as ordinary men (and women, though allegedly rarely) who have not only pledged their soul as a...
Basically, magic creatures that you don't see because and look completely anonymous.
Just to clarify how "Saw this coming" works, considering that it's the leading option: the trap that you have prepared isn't as strong as a defence you spent actions or money to create, but it's better than nothing.
So, not strong enough to repeal completely a hostile action against you, but strong enough to give you an advantage or hurt them a bit for free.
No idea what that is I'm afraid Grey Man is just a word I heard to describe someone who is very indistinct. I thought about titling it John Doe but I thought this would be cooler.
Gray Man is a tactical and espionage term for when one hides clandestine activities or being heavily armed by appearing and acting like an average member of the general public. They're just a face in the crowd and you wouldn't be able to tell them apart from anyone else.