Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
It would definitely give her a reputation for that, but that is like, a normal Dynast trait rather than spooky sorcerer shit, which is not a bad thing in most people's eyes.

There's definitely a deliberate tradeoff there, though.
But she at least gets some acknowledgement as a rising exalted sorceress involved with elemental spirits right? It feels like Ambraea's commitment to training should match her "Ostentatious" arrival and the serpent constantly clinging to her neck, rather than overshadowing her.
...which is a lot different. We aren't exactly being consistent here. Where are we going with Ambraea as a character?
Based on the vote we took at the same time?
[ ] [Storyline] Swords and Legacy

You and Tepet Usala Sola are both driven to live up to the high standards of powerful and capable mothers. You can forge this into a deeper bond through dangerous misadventure, both growing in the process and finding someone you can rely on.
And the the closeness of the runner up option in that vote?
Adhoc vote count started by RandyTrevelyan on Feb 15, 2022 at 11:33 PM, finished with 85 posts and 37 votes.
I'd say we are being pretty consistent by aiming for elemental spirit improvement through the notes we were gifted by the empress from the last vote and choosing to sharpen our sword skills now.

But I agree that, at only 1/13 of that vote, normalization is definitely not the path we are aiming for. Wouldn't have arrived by dragon in that case.
The other option, though, leans into the explicit permission that Maia gave us:
Permission is not the same as comfort. More to the point though: she wanted to be special. I am concerned that, should we pursue such dalliances specifically because of a rift with Maia, that it might edge into the realm of specifically finding distractions from Maia, or even trying to replace her in some ways, or at least experimenting into the viability of such. I fear that there may be differences between being understanding that such things happen, and being understanding that one is the cause of such things happening, and not in a good light...

[x] Focus on the texts that the Empress provided, conduct small experiments and rituals in your suite
Of course, I am fully in Team Scary Hermit, so what do I know?

Also, this vote seems mostly about politics or magic or combat, well, so much as they are not the same thing(Politics to acquire magical resources or training/armies/comrades, scrying and threatening and controlling to move politics or frying enemies alive with our hex vision; winning hearts and minds on a battlefield or fighting our way to ancient treasures and the vaults of our enemies...). Like, relationships and "the court" will have their own reactions, but mostly, I think, it is who we can get to know versus what we can learn versus what skills we can improve...
I'd say we are being pretty consistent by aiming for elemental spirit improvement through the notes we were gifted by the empress from the last vote and choosing to sharpen our sword skills now.
I wouldn't really be unhappy with the sword-training action, it's more that I think it's a step below studying the texts than there being anything wrong with it in and of itself. It's the idea of flirting our way through the upper classes of the country that actually bugs me. It's seriously not the first impression I want to make amongst the elite of the nation. Also, in character, I think Ambraea is a little too intensely buttoned-down to have that particular reaction to the news.
Of course, I am fully in Team Scary Hermit, so what do I know?
Hell yes, Team Scary Hermit all the way!
I wouldn't really be unhappy with the sword-training action, it's more that I think it's a step below studying the texts than there being anything wrong with it in and of itself. It's the idea of flirting our way through the upper classes of the country that actually bugs me. It's seriously not the first impression I want to make amongst the elite of the nation. Also, in character, I think Ambraea is a little too intensely buttoned-down to have that particular reaction to the news.

Hell yes, Team Scary Hermit all the way!
Thats fair. I think a balanced approach, where ambraea is available, but only to those willing to help her improve her skills, is the best one. The Recluse part has just as much emphasis as the Sorceress part in that vote.
Honestly, not as bad as I'd feared. It sucks for Ambraea, of course, but it's not a nasty surprise for us, and it's something it makes perfect sense for the Empress to bring up for good reasons. I was half expecting something messed up like declaring that Peony was now our slave for life, or some other manifestation of the tension about how much power Ambraea had to ruin people's lives without really thinking about it.

I was a little surprised she didn't mention Darting Fish as an option for travel when asked. I'd have thought that saying "yeah, upperclassmen owe me favours, but I can do better than to call them in yet" would have been a decent flex. Not sure whether that means losing the vote means Ambraea didn't really consider it, or just that she didn't think it worth mentioning.

The embarrassment of meeting her mom's twentysomething special friend was delicious. Please mortify our girl further. Perhaps Ilina finds her an approachable person to ask for advice about her mother's moods?

[x] Throw yourself into your swordswomanship, seek out new opponents for practice duels

Same reasoning as Randino, essentially. Self-medicating with horny feels unhealthy and unlike Ambraea (and unhealthy because it's unlike her). Secluding herself to study feels a bit dull and a waste of the opportunity that the change of venue offers, unless silt-winders are extremely cool, the Empress' notes are extremely interesting, and/or this is the only window in which to work on them. Swordfighting is cool in its own right, it gives us more to talk about with Sola, who's great, it might let us see S'thera again in a more limited capacity, it's a very Ambraea-ish approach to sublimating feelings via diligence that provides distance from our normal routine and environment linked to Maia, and it's an opportunity to bond with our dad.

Honestly, I wonder if Ambraea's instinctive reaction to Deiza isn't on some level at least partially motivated by subconscious resentment that she can feel this free to be unbound by the expectations of others, which has literally never been an option for Ambraea with her parentage.

It's a bit late, but I want to say I worry this is starting to miss the forest for the trees. The discussion of why these two rub each other the wrong way is interesting, but at base, Ambraea doesn't like Deiza because Deiza is a jerk. Her apology was the first time she actually used Ambraea's name; before that she mostly addressed her by her father's nationality. That's not a free-spirited failure to navigate the fine details of pointless Dynastic etiquette, that's extremely rude by our own standards. She's actively sought Ambraea's attention but been actively obnoxious while doing so, and when called on that fact in fairly mild terms escalated wildly to gratuitous insult. And she clearly isn't all that unbound by the expectations of others, since it definitely seems like she wants something from Ambraea that her own buffoonery keeps pushing out of her reach.

(Honestly my main guess about Deiza's grievance is that she sees Ambraea hanging out with "misfits" like Maia and Amiti and feels aggrieved she isn't considered worthy of that attention - but is blind to the fact that it's not about her rank or family or whether she's sufficiently toadying and conformist, it's simply that she makes herself unpleasant company. Her behaviour towards Ambraea has the energy of reply guys who make over-familiar jokes towards semi-public figures because they've misjudged the actual level of closeness they're at, and then feel wronged that they don't get the reaction an actual friend might.)
[X] Throw yourself into your swordswomanship, seek out new opponents for practice duels
[X] Focus on the texts that the Empress provided, conduct small experiments and rituals in your suite
Honestly, not as bad as I'd feared. It sucks for Ambraea, of course, but it's not a nasty surprise for us, and it's something it makes perfect sense for the Empress to bring up for good reasons. I was half expecting something messed up like declaring that Peony was now our slave for life, or some other manifestation of the tension about how much power Ambraea had to ruin people's lives without really thinking about it.

Wait why would you think this would happen?

[X] Throw yourself into your swordswomanship, seek out new opponents for practice duels
The summons comes with your breakfast, delivered to your suite first thing in the morning in the form of a red card sitting politely between your tea and your bowl of noodles. It informs you in flawless calligraphy when to present yourself at your mother's residence, as well as how much time you can expect the Empress to set aside for you. An hour — which is only reasonable, of course, for all that you've flown all the way from Chanos on such short notice. Many people travel much further for far less, and you're grateful for so much consideration.
I was going to react to a bunch more stuff like this, but I think "Ambraea is totally definitely Fine For Sure" has been covered in the thread a fair bit already. But yeah, that.
Dressed in your finery, hair carefully styled, and wearing just enough cosmetics to emphasise your Aspect Markings, you reach into the collar of your dress, and unclasp the chain that carries Perfection's scale and Maia's dagger. You stare at the knife for a long moment, idly flicking open the mechanism to reveal the poison well in the hilt, currently empty. Then you bring it to your lips, and give it a quick kiss on the flat of the blade. You put both treasures into a sturdy wooden box and lock it with a key.
They really are so cute together.
"Of course, my lady," Peony says. Then she adds in a hurried whisper, as if already thinking better of it: "Good luck."

You let in a deep breath, and slowly let it out. "Thank you, Peony," you say, and you mean it. Then you continue onward, leaving her behind, unquestioning in the knowledge that she'll always be there when you come back.
Peony is so good. I'm irrationally afraid something bad is going to happen to her now though.
She's a little taller than Maia, pretty in a guileless, round-faced sort of way. You try not to think about the short span of years that separate you from her. It's not as though your mother can exactly go for anyone her own age, at this point.
That awkward moment when you have to confront the fact your parent is dating someone roughly the same age as you.
You try hard to find your centre again once she's gone, angry at yourself — the only safe target out of the people you could blame at the moment. You've never wanted to be the kind of Dragon-Blood who takes her frustrations out on mortals in petty and venal ways. That you earned your right to this current life's power and prestige through virtuous action over many lifetimes means that a mortal owes you her deference. However, it also means that you owe it in turn to be better in your thoughts and actions, not merely in your spiritual enlightenment. Acting harshly toward a social inferior over something that isn't her fault should be beneath you in every way.
Ambraea really is a good kid. Peony's mom raised her right.
Her grandfather had become matriarch seemingly by default, a mortal man with no living siblings, obviously in need of a suitable wife who could marry in to the family.
...Her grandfather became matriarch? That doesn't seem quite right.
You force down a violently indignant reaction to that. However many confusing feelings you're having at the moment, you're not exactly planning to spread around an accusation like this about Maia's family. If she's been keeping this a secret from you the whole time, well, she certainly has good reason. You're not upset with her over this.

Or so you tell yourself.
...Yeah, this is gonna be an awkward conversation. One that it's probably better to have than not, though.
Peony can tell there's something wrong the moment she sees you, although she doesn't seem particularly surprised by this.
God. The way everyone in Ambraea's life who cares about her can effortlessly predict that the Empress will probably do something emotionally harmful any time she sees Ambraea.
It's a bit late, but I want to say I worry this is starting to miss the forest for the trees. The discussion of why these two rub each other the wrong way is interesting, but at base, Ambraea doesn't like Deiza because Deiza is a jerk. Her apology was the first time she actually used Ambraea's name; before that she mostly addressed her by her father's nationality. That's not a free-spirited failure to navigate the fine details of pointless Dynastic etiquette, that's extremely rude by our own standards. She's actively sought Ambraea's attention but been actively obnoxious while doing so, and when called on that fact in fairly mild terms escalated wildly to gratuitous insult. And she clearly isn't all that unbound by the expectations of others, since it definitely seems like she wants something from Ambraea that her own buffoonery keeps pushing out of her reach.
...I think preferentially using nicknames for someone is pretty damn mild, actually. Refusing to be more formal when asked isn't the most polite thing, but pretty par for the course for an irreverent character. How many times did Han Solo use Leia's name as opposed to "Your Worshipfulness" or whatever in the first movie? Generally speaking, as I think I've said repeatedly now I think it's worth paying attention to how bad Ambraea is at perceiving her own lapses in control. Given Ambraea's everything, and the other context we have, I think it's not just plausible but likely that Ambraea was actually visibly projecting a dislike of Deiza prior to and irrespective of anything Deiza was actually doing to her. I don't think it's particularly weird or untoward to approach somebody who palpably has a problem with you to try to find out what the heck their problem is.
...Her grandfather became matriarch? That doesn't seem quite right.
It's like the Kingdom of Poland: on her election in 1384, Jadwiga was crowned Rex Poloniæ, not Regina Poloniæ – because the law said the ruler of Poland was a King, but didn't say the nobles had to elect a man.
[X] Throw yourself into your swordswomanship, seek out new opponents for practice duels

The Realm is a heavily matriarchal society, don't forget. It's likely that became the standard title for the head of a family.
I believe it's explicitly stated in 3e that this is the case. For example, Cathak Cainan is the male matriarch of his house. I don't think I buy it, etymologically, but it's a neat bit of defamiliarization.
Wait why would you think this would happen?
I didn't particularly think it would, so much as worry that something like it might. It'd fit the terms of "a gift she does not want, which will hurt her". It seems like Peony's own mother is or was a slave. Actually outright enslaving her would probably not be a done thing, but in line with options like an official position or a betrothal, I can imagine a range of ways in which the Empress could formalize Ambraea's relationship to Peony that would seem perfectly fine to Dynasts while doing a lot of damage to the girls themselves by removing any illusion that they can act like childhood friends rather than a master and a servant entirely in her power. The Empress might easily think of "by the way, I've transferred ownership of Lohna to you" as a kindly gesture that helps Ambraea indulge her handmaiden by keeping her mother close by; how sweet!
...I think preferentially using nicknames for someone is pretty damn mild, actually... I don't think it's particularly weird or untoward to approach somebody who palpably has a problem with you to try to find out what the heck their problem is.
I think part of the issue is that to me, "Prasad" reads like a "nickname" the way something like "Frenchie" or "Frog" might. If it's intended to be friendly, it misses the mark badly; the racial/national politics of Creation aren't something to easily map to real world analogues, especially as applied to a daughter of the most powerful ruler in the setting, but it is at least inescapably othering.

And I can absolutely buy that Ambraea has been doing a worse job than she realizes of concealing the fact that Deiza rubs her the wrong way, but if that's the source of the issue then it's still on Deiza to bring that up in a way that doesn't immediately rub harder. If she thinks Ambraea doesn't like her, so her solution is to walk up and be rude to her about it, then... yeah, of course Ambraea doesn't like her? If I feel like someone doesn't like me and I want to find out why, I probably don't start off my approach by calling them by a "nickname" they reject while they're telling me exactly how they want to be addressed, which I refuse to do.

Basically, I agree that we can think of a variety of plausible reasons why Deiza doesn't like Ambraea that are partially masked from us by our viewpoint character's unreliability and blind spots... but all we need to explain why Ambraea doesn't like Deiza is what we actually see Deiza saying and doing. That's sufficient by itself. Add to that the fact that Ambraea does get along well with multiple classmates who she socially "shouldn't", plus the fact that I'm not sure we know anyone besides Keric who likes Deiza at all (I'm not sure if the Ledaal classmate is still around, and of course you can argue that others get along fine with Deiza but don't bring her up around Ambraea), and it doesn't read to me like Ambraea is such a stickler for the fine points of Dynastic etiquette that she can't stand an uncultured cadet house scion who doesn't know precisely how deep to bow or which fork to use for which course; she doesn't like the rude girl who refuses to use her name when asked, is generally grating, and responds to "grow up" with "oh yeah, well your girlfriend's a whore".
[x] Throw yourself into your swordswomanship, seek out new opponents for practice duels
I suspect that the Deiza thing can be largely summed up as "they are bad at communication"...

I mean, I think that discriminating against people who lack the means to make positive social encounters is unfortunate, but I can't see how two people so seemingly ill-adapted to interpersonal understanding can possibly achieve anything more than that, so it would likely require external intervention. Unfortunately, external intervention is most likely to come from people who are willing to meddle in the affairs of dynasts, ie. the suicidally insane, or senior dynasts, who are most likely to prioritise converting everything involved into a weapon...
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...I think preferentially using nicknames for someone is pretty damn mild, actually. Refusing to be more formal when asked isn't the most polite thing, but pretty par for the course for an irreverent character. How many times did Han Solo use Leia's name as opposed to "Your Worshipfulness" or whatever in the first movie? Generally speaking, as I think I've said repeatedly now I think it's worth paying attention to how bad Ambraea is at perceiving her own lapses in control. Given Ambraea's everything, and the other context we have, I think it's not just plausible but likely that Ambraea was actually visibly projecting a dislike of Deiza prior to and irrespective of anything Deiza was actually doing to her. I don't think it's particularly weird or untoward to approach somebody who palpably has a problem with you to try to find out what the heck their problem is.
The thing is that Han? Han is a "perfectly legitimate and above the board" businessman who found himself suddenly thrust into being part of a rebellion due to events he could not predict. His first encounter with Leia is rescuing her from a prison cell. Han spent the next 4 years basically a wanted fugitive. It is wntirely understanding that he can be a bit miffed at Leia sometimes in more stressed moments.

None of that is true for Deiza. She lives in the realm, which is very much a hierarchal noble aristocracy, one heavily based on a mix of china and japan. It was and often still is considered extremely disrespectful to blatantly disrespect those of a superior social rank. And us? We are a Princess. That makes us her superior. Chances are the sole reason she hasnt gotten a beating from the school displinarian is she hasnt called us that in front of one yet.
I suspect that the Deiza thing can be largely summed up as "they are bad at communication"...
The word your looking for is confrontational.
"Effective choice, in many situations," First Light says. "Less lethal than a lot of options, though. It leaves many enemies reeling and disorientated — following that up with a competent infantry or cavalry charge can be deadly. Less so in other circumstances."

"When would I ever be fighting a force of organised soldiers that I wouldn't have a squad of blood apes at my back?" Deiza asks, shrugging off this criticism. "They wouldn't need much encouragement to pounce on helpless prey. I've seen it enough times." There's something slightly chilling about that last, from someone her age.

"I suppose you would think having a small army of demons might be a given, Simendor," First Light says, sounding unimpressed by this logic.

"Oh, have you been to Chalan, then?" Deiza asks, voice mock innocent.

First Light looks at her like she's deciding whether or not to take offence. She settles on informative: "No, but I think I've heard enough about it. Not everyone will work with that many summoned spirits, and the Legions hardly ever will: They're unreliable, they cause problems it's hard to account for, they scare the regular troops. Your family's approach is not popular."

"Does popular matter, if it works?" Deiza asks.

"Sit down, Simendor," First Light says, half a growl.
As we see here. The girl has a chip on her shoulder, and most of the time, enjoys when she gets under someone elses skin. Most of the time people decide she's not worth the time, and things remain impersonal. Ambraea takes things very personally, because she doesn't just dismiss Deiza as someone immature who's remarks should just be ignored because of where she's from, like most people seem to do. Ambraea holds Deiza to the standards of the realm she is nominally a part of, and gets offended when she is treated poorly. This culminates in their relationship growing worse for a long time as Deiza offends and Ambraea responds before disengaging with nothing resolved and both having an increasingly worse opinion of eachother.
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Why are we talking about Deiza again? I was content with forgetting she ever existed and interacting with her as little as possible, which is clearly the most superior and healthiest option out of all available.

I mean, what do you want, to talk to her? To resolve our problems like competent adults?
Someone started it up again, I think there new, and just wanted to say their peace. Pro Deize responded, I read a prompt during a slow evening that I had nothing better to do than respond to in turn, and it seems to have snowballed.

I think most of us are happy to let it be over, but it's probably gonna pop up from time to time. She's a character readers find endearing or infuriating and will likely draw attention from new posters every so often.
Chances are the sole reason she hasnt gotten a beating from the school displinarian is she hasnt called us that in front of one yet.
I get the impression that the school is itself rather divergent in that respect, and has an overall theme of "keep that dynast stuff out of our business. It obviously still goes on, the student body largely hails from and shall return to that world, and the staff would have their own external interests and influences, but the school seems to try to maintain its own separate hierarchical rankings.