The Fiat-Revelli is terrible. The Carcano rifles are okay for a 6.5 mm, but I'm assuming that they've been kicking around for decades at this point based on the low numbers, and more importantly, has a different cartridge. Getting more of them makes no sense. The Perino is a heavy, water-cooled MG in 6.5 mm; I don't think it's particularly great for what we need (which is something mobile enough that it can easily be carried around by foot infantry). When the number of guns we're dealing with is already so low, better to just let them naturally age out of the service while we replace them with a new gun in five year's time.The 6.5 Arisaka is a poor long-term solution. Plus, the only poor guns chambered in the Carcano ammunition are the Fiat-Revelli. The Carcano rifles are reliable and good guns (see Forgotten Weapons & C&Rsenal videos about it if you don't believe me) and the Perino is a very good MG (see vbbsmyth videos on it), I don't know why only the Carabinieri got their hand on them.
The Japanese rifles we have are not the good ones (the Nambu-Arisaka Type 36) but the bad ones (Arisaka Type 30 and Murata rifles)
You are right, but I want that our reform to be carried out in the best and fastest way possible: the schools are a prerequisite.
I think schools first will sabotage our reforms no matter what. We start the reforms, then build the schools with them in mind.
For a machine gun, it's awfully small. For a rifle, it's not terrible, AIUI?Is there anything wrong with the bullet itself? I would think we would want native rifle production regardless of the ammo we use.