Ambraea spends this summer in Chanos, enjoying the city in its fleeting warmer months. As is perhaps natural, she winds up interacting with the city's ancestral ruling family, both in the form of her classmate, Amiti, and in others of House Sesus.
We will focus on one day in particular. What is that day?
[ ] A shopping trip
Chanos is flush with the wealth of the North, and has many diversions for young Dynasts. A pleasant diversion on a beautiful day very nearly takes a darker turn.
[ ] A festival
Early in summer is the Week of Flames Vigil, honouring Hesiesh, the Immaculate Dragon of Fire. It culminates in a grand celebration. Ambraea is out to enjoy the festival, but a troubling omen finds her.
[ ] A memorial service
Late in summer is the anniversary of Sesus's death. A famed general, an Imperial daughter, and Great House founder, her passing is commemorated each year in Chanos Prefecture. Ambraea attends a ceremony to pay respects to her long-dead sibling; she encounters a living one.