Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
[X] Breath of Wretched Stone
I mean, how can I say no to a breath-weapon?! And this one even comes with free statues! I mean, okay, the statues are only of mooks, unless we find some way of essence-draining or something our nemesis? Meh, breathing out stoner smoke is always the coolest...

Also, perhaps we can use it against a wall, to get caught by our own spell, so as to hide as a statue, then we can break free at a dramatic moment! At least, my reading was that stronger targets can still be stoned, but then they get better. If it just doesn't work on us at all, or stoning is always permanent if it actually happens, then Operation Harmless Statue is a bust...
For almost the sole reason that this is how we can stay present and positive in the lives of our mortal friend.
Oh, bother, I think you may have just sold me on this plan.
[X] Silent Words of Dreams and Nightmares
To continue on why I dislike Breath of Wretched Stone, it's basically just glorified poison gas. Spooky and probably more effective than the real thing, but I still think it's a waste to waste one of our slots of SUPREME COSMIC POWER!!! on just another glorified hitting stick. Invading peoples dreams now that just awesome classic. Think Frodo and the One Ring corrupting effect or any other evil overlord that sends dreams to the plucky hero.
[X] Silent Words of Dreams and Nightmares

Dreamweaving is a perfectly cromulent heroic act.
So, to be clear, as has been pointed out earlier, using Silent Words of Dreams and Nightmares to invade Peony's dreams is probably not a good idea unless you want to make her more scared of Ambraea.

It can be used as a communication spell, but it's an unnerving and weird one in that category, and requires that you start being the kind of person who goes out of her way to start collecting shed hairs from random people who you might want to "contact" this way later. This is, I think, cool, but it's also the kind of thing that makes people think sorcerers are weird to begin with.
[X] Silent Words of Dreams and Nightmares

Let's lean into the sorcerer brand. Gotta do nice sorcerer things like invade dreams and curate collections of things from other people. This is clearly normal and we are totally normal and if someone is afraid of us just give us a bit of hair and a dream and we will be sure to fix that, absolutely, and convince them we are cool.
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[X] Breath of Wretched Stone
These all look cool but I have a particular affection for medusa aesthetic.
Vote closed, Year 2 05 1/2
Scheduled vote count started by Gazetteer on Sep 21, 2022 at 10:03 PM, finished with 41 posts and 32 votes.
Extra Voting Options, Year 2 05
Ambraea spends this summer in Chanos, enjoying the city in its fleeting warmer months. As is perhaps natural, she winds up interacting with the city's ancestral ruling family, both in the form of her classmate, Amiti, and in others of House Sesus.

We will focus on one day in particular. What is that day?

[ ] A shopping trip

Chanos is flush with the wealth of the North, and has many diversions for young Dynasts. A pleasant diversion on a beautiful day very nearly takes a darker turn.

[ ] A festival

Early in summer is the Week of Flames Vigil, honouring Hesiesh, the Immaculate Dragon of Fire. It culminates in a grand celebration. Ambraea is out to enjoy the festival, but a troubling omen finds her.

[ ] A memorial service

Late in summer is the anniversary of Sesus's death. A famed general, an Imperial daughter, and Great House founder, her passing is commemorated each year in Chanos Prefecture. Ambraea attends a ceremony to pay respects to her long-dead sibling; she encounters a living one.
I think this one'll be most interesting, in terms of presenting Sesus' legacy and significance to Ambraea, at a glance.

[x] A memorial service