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hmm, I'm gonna say mace hands or axe hands would be the simplest weapon to pull off, although we probably shouldn't go with an axe it's a lot harder to take someone in alive like that. and we should probably leave one of them as a regular hand so that pins can actually do shit.

also, if we have the knowledge to make it a net launcher in the torso.

edit: wait shit this one is 4 feet tall, maybe this would go on the giant version.
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hmm, I'm gonna say mace hands or axe hands would be the simplest weapon to pull off, although we probably shouldn't go with an axe it's a lot harder to take someone in alive like that. and we should probably leave one of them as a regular hand so that pins can actually do shit.

also, if we have the knowledge to make it a net launcher in the torso.
So a single mace and a normal hand? Got it. I'll probably allow that to happen in the training/improvement post next.

For the net launcher I'm going to look up how easy that is to build(We are a crafter after all)… found a guide that lets you build it in 12 steps… and it's a pressurized one so it goes far…

I'm going to go ahead and say yes we can build one but, we are not making the one that goes 100 feet or whatever. Making a simple short ranged net launcher that goes 10 feet. It has one shot for balance.

We can improve it or course, this is just the starting version.
That's a 'maybe' right there captain. Any other quirk with growth potential could maybe make *themselves* into some giant machination, biological or not.
:V is used on the forum to indicate a joke or non serious comment. Besides, I don't think any quirk was proposed with that growth potential unless it was an unlockable gacha roll.
Ok for anyone who wants to pitch ideas for body parts of a 4 foot tall monkey go ahead.
What are we allowed? Like cameras installed in the eyes for recording. Gecko pads for climing? Internal Compartment for moving stuff? Knife hands? Gun hands? Wings so we can go all Witch of the West? Alternate bodies incase we wanted a mouse or snake to go through a pipe?
For the net launcher I'm going to look up how easy that is to build(We are a crafter after all)… found a guide that lets you build it in 12 steps… and it's a pressurized one so it goes far…
The limitation is "Something conceivably DIYable"?
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:V is used on the forum to indicate a joke or non serious comment.

What are we allowed? Like cameras installed in the eyes for recording. Gecko pads for climing? Internal Compartment for moving stuff? Knife hands? Gun hands? Wings so we can go all Witch of the West? Alternate bodies incase we wanted a mouse or snake to go through a pipe?
He can already see out the body so no need for eyes… also gecko pads? That sounds awesome and I'm making that an option next post.
For the other stuff no, except for the wings which we can try but the Dc will be high.

For the alternative body's that sounds good. I will make you roll for those body's however go ahead and start making ideas for it.
He can already see out the body so no need for eyes… also gecko pads? That sounds awesome and I'm making that an option next post.
For the other stuff no, except for the wings which we can try but the Dc will be high.

For the alternative body's that sounds good. I will make you roll for those body's however go ahead and start making ideas for it.
Eyes where more of an evidence collecting thing than a needed to function thing.
I'll sleep on it. Shame theres no body cavity, I don't think theres anything preventing Pin from just possessing another one so it could have potentially been interesting to use it to carry around smaller specialists we could swap to.
Erm what else, Mace spray breath weapon, using Drone propellors to assist in flight maybe... I'll sleep on it.
Goodbye…Gacha. You were killed before I knew you.
:V is used on the forum to indicate a joke or non serious comment. Besides, I don't think any quirk was proposed with that growth potential unless it was an unlockable gacha roll.
I was also joking. My face can be stoic.
unlockable gacha roll.
On the money. Or should I say, it is the money.
'Twas meant to become anything we suggested. That's connected to chance/luck/money/gambling/wealth, or anything that QM allows.
Oh well.
I see no reason it couldn't show up on one of our classmates, teachers, or possibly a villain. I'm assuming that's what will happen with quirks that didn't win in the initial vote.
That's a solid possibility. In which case, I can throw more quirks at this place.

I was thinking about making it one of the teachers quirks. Make them have a gambling addiction.
And they'd carry a lot of change on them at all times. Maybe complain about teaching not paying enough for his quirk.

So, what was that someone was saying about making Mechagodzillla?
That's a solid possibility. In which case, I can throw more quirks at this place.

And they'd carry a lot of change on them at all times. Maybe complain about teaching not paying enough for his quirk.

So, what was that someone was saying about making Mechagodzillla?
Nothings stoping you from throwing quirks of any kind(Except luc-). I'll take even mundane quirks as I do need a few of those.

But seriously I need all the help I can get with quirks, if any of you want a focus of what kind of quirk, I need a couple healing based quirks.
[X] Plan: 2 in 1
-[X][Quirk] Geppetto
Jimmy and Pins Carver
-[X][Gender] Male and Gender Fluid

2 months… Was that really all I had? "We. Also yes."
Oh right "I didn't forget about you, but come on we are basically the same person… kinda."
All I see is a 4 foot tall wooden monkey doll just staring at me. "I think if we were the same person we wouldn't have so much trouble being in the same body… thanks for the body by the way."

"No problem. What's our plan by the way?"
"How should I know? You could work on your body, since my strength and agility seems to be based on yours. Or we could work on my body and make some attachments?"

"I do have some attachment ideas… I still can't believe mom and dad are onboard with this."
He just grunted "It's hard to believe but let's not question it. Besides, they always loved us, and our goal seemed to tell them all they needed to know."

What's your goal or reason for being a hero?

[]Saving people:
That was something that resonated with us for as long as we can remember. Just the idea was what made us want to be a hero.

[]Write in?

2 months 4 actions. You can choose training or improvement multiple times.
4 actions:

[]Train stats(Choose 2):
-[]Which ones?

[]Improve an ability or body part?(Cannot improve net launcher due to size limitations.)
-[]Which one?

[]Add a body part?
-[]Write in?

[]Try to make an ability?(High Dc)
-[]Experiment?(I got some ideas, but the roll must work first.)
-[]Write in?(Cuts the Dc by a bit if you come up with it.)

Current abilities/body parts:
Boosted durability:
Whatever you possess gains x2 durability.
Rope tail: A tail made of rope. This tail can be manipulated as a free extra limb. The tail can wrap around structures to move around or people to capture them. +2 to agility. Combat option.
Spring feet: Springs for feet! Can control when they bounce and when they do they go far! +3 to agility.
Shield forearms: Some wooden shield-like forearms. Can defend with them! +3 defense(x2 durability) = +6 defense.
One-use net torso launcher: A net launcher that's built into the torso. Due to how small the net is, it's mostly used for restriction/distraction rather than capture. Range 8 feet, one use, and net Hp 10/10.

Ok there we go. Got any questions? Ask!

After this we go onto the exam. So it's probably a good time to start thinking about hero names!

Oh and yes I decided to make agility and strength related to the quirks agility and strength. You can still improve the body to make it faster but not the strength. This was to give y'all a reason to work your stats.

I recommend to check out the character page. It shows important stuff like how improving strength and agility, improves the puppet.
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Question. Is this in plan format? Also, where can I see all the stats?
Nothings stoping you from throwing quirks of any kind(Except luc-). I'll take even mundane quirks as I do need a few of those.
Oh ho ho ho, your resistance only makes me stronger, B.A.

But seriously I need all the help I can get with quirks, if any of you want a focus of what kind of quirk, I need a couple healing based quirks.
Best I can do is a furry.
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[X] There isn't Enough Room for the Both of Us
-[X] Freedom. You and your "friend in head" have had it with sharing a place that fits a party of one. Whether to get a corpse or a human, or of incredibly refined machinery and technology that it's almost indistinguishable from one, your "comrade-in-minds" will get his own. And for that, you need money, connections, and power. Everything a Hero offers.
-[X] Train Stats
—[X] Constitution x2
-[X] Train Stats
—[X] Constitution x2
-[X] Try to make an ability?(High DC)
—[X] Try and stitch together multiple parts from some bugs (arachnids included) and see if your 'roommate' can use the bodies.
-[X]Improve an ability or body part?
—[X] Tail (weaving in metal barbs should do you some good if your opponent doesn't have a smooth surface for skin)
Ok I have to say this… you are not going to kill people just to kill.
I know this is old but please don't make villain goals. Don't make a lethal weapon either if it can't be used in a non lethal way. For instance making a dam bladed whip.

Also I'm going to go ahead and say you cannot have your quirk inhabiting a once living being.
Ok I have to say this… you are not going to kill people just to kill.
I know this is old but please don't make villain goals.
Oh no no you're mistaking my intention. If he were to use a corpse (Likely wouldn't, because that was mostly their to show his resolve), it'd be a a deceased person who gave up themselves up willingly for other causes. Like those who sign a waiver to donate organs after they pass, or those who want to donate their corpses to science. That's why I said connections and money. Both of those would be needed to acquire something like that.

Don't make a lethal weapon either if it can't be used in a non lethal way. For instance making a dam bladed whip.
It's just a barbed tail.
Sure, it can scratch you up and make you bleed, but it will only be able to kill someone if it's done with the intent to do so. Like how the rope tail can double as a choking device.

Also I'm going to go ahead and say you cannot have your quirk inhabiting a once living being.
It was meant to be a far off goal, but whatever. I'll get rid of it..
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Oh no no you're mistaking my intention. If he were to use a corpse (Likely wouldn't, because that was mostly their to show his resolve), it'd be a a deceased person who gave up themselves up willingly for other causes. Like those who sign a waiver to donate organs after they pass, or those who want to donate their corpses to science. That's why I said connections and money. Both of those would be needed to acquire something like that.

It's just a barbed tail.
Sure, it can scratch you up and make you bleed, but it will only be able to kill someone if it's done with the intent to do so. Like how the rope tail can double as a choking device.

It was meant to be a far off goal, but whatever. I'll delete the plan.
Ok a barbed tail. That's way better than the bladed tail I was thinking of.

All I saw was the goal talking about hating each other and wanting to use corpses, so that just screamed villain.

Also to be honest the stitching bugs together ontop of all that was just too much.
All I saw was the goal talking about hating each other and wanting to use corpses, so that just screamed villain.
They don't hate each other, but it causes them mental (and then physical) pain to share the same body if roommate doesn't have a vessel. One of the inbuilt weaknesses. Which would prompt them to get something more permanent. Or it's how I saw it.

Also to be honest the stitching bugs together ontop of all that was just too much.
It's the most humane I could think of. That had to do with anything organic but not alive. And it mentions in the quirk that the bodies/vessels have to be "crafted or assembled". Seeing as we can die in this, I'd assume that we aren't a picturesque kind of hero who says away from something a bit dirtier.

Editorial: Oh no, not the long 1 on 1 back and forth I tried to avoid earlier!
[X] Plan Silly
What's your goal or reason for being a hero?
-[X]Write in? Jimmy: To craft nice things and see how they work/Pins: to have an excuse drag Jimmy out of the house and do silly things, while looking good in fun bodies.
-[X]Train stats(Choose 2):
-[X]Improve an ability or body part?(Cannot improve net launcher due to size limitations.)

-[X]Rope tail
--[X] Add a glove stuffed with cotten on the end off the tail.

-[X]Try to make an ability?(High Dc)
-[X]Experiment?(I got some ideas, but the roll must work first.)
--[X] Try to see what if anything happens give Pins job related clothes, like that off a fireman.
-[X]Add a body part?
--[X]Write in? Give the Monkey body a monocle with a googly eye in it.
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[X] Plan Silly
What's your goal or reason for being a hero?
-[X]Write in? Jimmy: To craft nice things and see how they work/Pins: to have an excuse drag Jimmy out of the house and do silly things, while looking good in fun bodies.
-[X]Train stats(Choose 2):
-[X]Improve an ability or body part?(Cannot improve net launcher due to size limitations.)

-[X]Rope tail
-[X]Try to make an ability?(High Dc)
-[X]Experiment?(I got some ideas, but the roll must work first.)
--[X] Try to see what if anything happens give Pins job related clothes, like that off a fireman.
You get one more action. You used 1 from train stats, 1 from improve ability, and 1 from make an ability. So you have 1 left.
I….can't resis….the power of non-friendship.

[X] There isn't Enough Room for the Both of Us
-[X] Freedom. You and your "friend in head" have had it with sharing a place that fits a party of one. Whether to get a corpse or a human, or of incredibly refined machinery and technology that it's almost indistinguishable from one, your "comrade-in-minds" will get his own. And for that, you need money, connections, and power. Everything a Hero offers.
-[X] Train Stats
—[X] Constitution x2
-[X] Train Stats
—[X] Constitution x2
-[X] Try to make an ability?(High DC)
—[X] Try and disassemble then reassemble the body of a a deceased chicken (legally purchased) and try and see if your roommate can use the body as a vessel.
-[X]Improve an ability or body part?
—[X] Tail (weaving in metal barbs should do you some good if your opponent doesn't have a smooth surface for skin)
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I….can't resis….the power of non-friendship.

[X] There isn't Enough Room for the Both of Us
-[X] Freedom. You and your "friend in head" have had it with sharing a place that fits a party of one. Whether to get a corpse or a human, or of incredibly refined machinery and technology that it's almost indistinguishable from one, your "comrade-in-minds" will get his own. And for that, you need money, connections, and power. Everything a Hero offers.
-[X] Train Stats
—[X] Constitution x2
-[X] Train Stats
—[X] Constitution x2
-[X] Try to make an ability?(High DC)
—[X] Try and stitch together multiple parts from some bugs (arachnids included) and see if your 'roommate' can use the bodies.
-[X]Improve an ability or body part?
—[X] Tail (weaving in metal barbs should do you some good if your opponent doesn't have a smooth surface for skin)
Ok so I'll allow it but…

What is he stitching the body's together for? I need to know a direction or something.
Voting is open