Succubusekai: The Demoness Just Wanted To Stay With Her Friends! [Original-Ish] [Quest]

Hmmh, I could propose....

[](Honest To Fox) Write-In
-[] Misleading partial truth time! Helena would appear to have smitten you hard enough that you're remembering a life from before you were a demon... and you weren't that bad at all! It's honestly very confusing for the both of you.
[ ] (Honest To Fox) Write-In - If we can't weaponize a combination of social anxiety and supernatural charisma to avoid answering awkward questions whose answers aren't actually as important as the asker thinks they are, until the question-asker has been distracted and maybe forgotten the topic, what kind of succubus even is Senaz?

That's ... sort of my thought. Maybe. IE, rather than actually explain *or* let a conflict brew, just. distract. Would work well with one of the more aggressive Fluffy Tail? options, which would leave Eira, if she does ask questions, in a much less aggressive place to be asking them when she finally does.
Since the Insight rolls both came out pretty good...

Senaz and Helen have realized, at about the same time, that Eira here is specifically interested in being under magical charms. Helen would surmise it's probably got something to do with Eira's past somehow or other, hopefully nothing TOO bad. Senaz can also guess that her Exotic Bard routine specifically clicked with Eira - the idea of a Handsome Stranger simultaneously influencing her and sweeping her off her feat is not necessarily Eira's every fantasy, but is totally in the list.

EDIT: Also, the fact that The Marshmallow Purgatory sounds like a very strange wrestling move was not my intention. But I'm not sorry about it either.

Hmmh, I could propose....

[](Honest To Fox) Write-In
-[] Misleading partial truth time! Helena would appear to have smitten you hard enough that you're remembering a life from before you were a demon... and you weren't that bad at all! It's honestly very confusing for the both of you.

[ ] (Honest To Fox) Write-In - If we can't weaponize a combination of social anxiety and supernatural charisma to avoid answering awkward questions whose answers aren't actually as important as the asker thinks they are, until the question-asker has been distracted and maybe forgotten the topic, what kind of succubus even is Senaz?

That's ... sort of my thought. Maybe. IE, rather than actually explain *or* let a conflict brew, just. distract. Would work well with one of the more aggressive Fluffy Tail? options, which would leave Eira, if she does ask questions, in a much less aggressive place to be asking them when she finally does.

Be aware, if you want to provide this as an actual vote, remember to put the X in. (Which I see Sotek did in the next post, yay)

Senaz is a bit 'eh' on Razzocnor's plan, but would go with it if it wins; she's nodding in approval at Sotek's idea.
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[X] (Helen's Flirt response) Respond positively to the idea of a date - she's cute, she's not evil, she's in the same isekai'd boat as you, and you're likely going to spend a lot of time together, so dating is within the range of possibility.
[X] (Honest To Fox) Give this fox a partial honest answer that yes your personality shifted, but it wasn't exactly the Paladin's fault…
[X] (Fluffy Tail?) Offer to charm her again! You were interested in that side of things earlier and can't say you're not now.
[X] (Helen's Flirt response) Respond positively to the idea of a date - she's cute, she's not evil, she's in the same isekai'd boat as you, and you're likely going to spend a lot of time together, so dating is within the range of possibility.
[X] (Honest To Fox) Give this fox a partial honest answer that yes your personality shifted, but it wasn't exactly the Paladin's fault…
[X] (Fluffy Tail?) Offer to charm her again! You were interested in that side of things earlier and can't say you're not now.
[X] (Helen's Flirt response) Tell her that if she wants to seduce you, she'd better use magic for it and do it responsibly if she wants to be good when it wears off.
[X] (Honest To Fox) Write-In - If we can't weaponize a combination of social anxiety and supernatural charisma to avoid answering awkward questions whose answers aren't actually as important as the asker thinks they are, until the question-asker has been distracted and maybe forgotten the topic, what kind of succubus even is Senaz?
[X] (Honest To Fox) Give this fox a partial honest answer that yes your personality shifted, but it wasn't exactly the Paladin's fault…
[X] (Fluffy Tail?) Offer to charm her again! You were interested in that side of things earlier and can't say you're not now.

Guess I could go either way on the Honest To Fox answer.
[X] (Honest To Fox) Give this fox a partial honest answer that yes your personality shifted, but it wasn't exactly the Paladin's fault…
[X] (Fluffy Tail?) Spin Eira around and put her in the Marshmallow Purgatory - you're not sure where the Red Queen got that name for "shove someone's face in your cleavage" from, but it's marvelously effective as long as they're sexually attracted to you, which she seems to be.
[X] (Helen's Flirt response) Gently turn down the date request, but accept the compliment and flirt back just a bit.
[X] (Helen's Flirt response) Firmly turn down the date request, but let her know you get it and are cool with her doing so, especially given she did so without her powers.
"I kinda wanna tell Eira that the paladin seduced us to the side of good in the last fifteen minutes, with as straight a face as we can manage."

That would almost certainly escalate the situation and would be a generally unwise idea overall.

"Yeah, but it'd be funny."

...moving on to something we might actually end up voting for, how do we, as the questing audience, think Helen would take it if we vote for both her being interested in dating us and subsequently offering to charm Eira and probably do more than that like five minutes later? That seems like the kind of thing that might provoke offense if Helen is generally monogamous, but I& aren't sure if she is. Our best guess is probably that Helen's reaction would be to shrug and go "Eh, succubuses gonna succubus", but we're not confident in that guess. Anybody have insights on Helen's character that might help clear up whether or not trying to blatantly go for both Helen and Eira might hurt relations?
[X] (Helen's Flirt response) Respond positively to the idea of a date - she's cute, she's not evil, she's in the same isekai'd boat as you, and you're likely going to spend a lot of time together, so dating is within the range of possibility.

[X] (Honest To Fox) Write-In - If we can't weaponize a combination of social anxiety and supernatural charisma to avoid answering awkward questions whose answers aren't actually as important as the asker thinks they are, until the question-asker has been distracted and maybe forgotten the topic, what kind of succubus even is Senaz?

[X] (Fluffy Tail?) Spin Eira around and put her in the Marshmallow Purgatory - you're not sure where the Red Queen got that name for "shove someone's face in your cleavage" from, but it's marvelously effective as long as they're sexually attracted to you, which she seems to be.
[X] (Fluffy Tail?) Offer to charm her again! You were interested in that side of things earlier and can't say you're not now.

Kinda want both of these Fluffy Tail options to win. Distract her questions about our shift in personality with Marshmallow Purgatory, and offer to charm her again to fully get her mind off of the topic. Hell, she might not even remove her face from our cleavage while we're making the offer from the sounds of things! :V
I'm not sure what this means. Is this Helen saying she'd only be interested if magic was used?

It'd basically be Helen daring Senaz to charm her and prove she can act responsibly while doing so.

"I kinda wanna tell Eira that the paladin seduced us to the side of good in the last fifteen minutes, with as straight a face as we can manage."

That would almost certainly escalate the situation and would be a generally unwise idea overall.

"Yeah, but it'd be funny."

...moving on to something we might actually end up voting for, how do we, as the questing audience, think Helen would take it if we vote for both her being interested in dating us and subsequently offering to charm Eira and probably do more than that like five minutes later? That seems like the kind of thing that might provoke offense if Helen is generally monogamous, but I& aren't sure if she is. Our best guess is probably that Helen's reaction would be to shrug and go "Eh, succubuses gonna succubus", but we're not confident in that guess. Anybody have insights on Helen's character that might help clear up whether or not trying to blatantly go for both Helen and Eira might hurt relations?

I will say that Helen would be okay with Senaz being polyamprous so long as it's openly and clearly communicated. She kinda gets that Senaz is motivated by Thirst a fair bit, being a Bard and all. ("Wait wouldn't Succubus be more strongly correlated with being lustful?" "Lust demons MANIPULATE lust, Bards EMBODY it, I know the archetypes, and the second one describes you WAY more.")
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I will say that Helen would be okay with Senaz being polyamprous so long as it's openly and clearly communicated. She kinda gets that Senaz is motivated by Thirst a fair bit, being a Bard and all.

In that case, full speed ahead on the "seduce them both" plan!

[X] (Helen's Flirt response) Respond positively to the idea of a date - she's cute, she's not evil, she's in the same isekai'd boat as you, and you're likely going to spend a lot of time together, so dating is within the range of possibility.
[X] (Honest To Fox) Give this fox a partial honest answer that yes your personality shifted, but it wasn't exactly the Paladin's fault…
[X] (Fluffy Tail?) Offer to charm her again! You were interested in that side of things earlier and can't say you're not now.
[X] (Helen's Flirt response) Respond positively to the idea of a date - she's cute, she's not evil, she's in the same isekai'd boat as you, and you're likely going to spend a lot of time together, so dating is within the range of possibility.

[X] (Honest To Fox) Write-In - If we can't weaponize a combination of social anxiety and supernatural charisma to avoid answering awkward questions whose answers aren't actually as important as the asker thinks they are, until the question-asker has been distracted and maybe forgotten the topic, what kind of succubus even is Senaz?

[X] (Fluffy Tail?) Don't offer, just go straight to the charm and get her to calm down first - Helen will probably excuse you doing so as long as you limit the use to cooling the situation. Then figure out what's next.

Based on the insight rolls, I say give the fox girl what she wants.
[X] (Helen's Flirt response) Gently turn down the date request, but accept the compliment and flirt back just a bit.

Purely on the logic that Senaz is moving too fast. I figure Helen might be open if Senaz waited at least a week...

[X] (Honest To Fox) Write-In - If we can't weaponize a combination of social anxiety and supernatural charisma to avoid answering awkward questions whose answers aren't actually as important as the asker thinks they are, until the question-asker has been distracted and maybe forgotten the topic, what kind of succubus even is Senaz?

It'd be one thing if we had a good reason to suspect that Eira would amount to more than an ordinary person who wants a night to remember, but a D&D world wouldn't have an all-consuming anime genre as a frame of reference. If anything, we'd run the risk of a lot of instant "chosen one" attention that could complicate the mission before we even know what the mission is...

[X] (Fluffy Tail?) Offer to charm her again! You were interested in that side of things earlier and can't say you're not now.

There are definitely more dangerous mind control spells out there than Charm Monster (as has been mentioned before, it's more of a soft mind control than hard mind control; for contrast, Suggestion forces the subject to follow a specific command, and would be out of line here), and Senaz has most likely remembered the concept of "safe, sane, and consensual", right? And Helen's probably at least familiar with the concept of a one-night stand, which is what I'd assume would be going on here... though whether she's stuffy enough to disapprove of a quick fling when it's clearly mutually agreed upon is a whole other question.

I will say that Helen would be okay with Senaz being polyamprous so long as it's openly and clearly communicated. She kinda gets that Senaz is motivated by Thirst a fair bit, being a Bard and all. ("Wait wouldn't Succubus be more strongly correlated with being lustful?" "Lust demons MANIPULATE lust, Bards EMBODY it, I know the archetypes, and the second one describes you WAY more.")

Seriously, seducer bards explain a lot of the only-possible-under-D&D-logic crossbreeding that can happen actually happening... (As our DM elsewhere put it once: "Should dragons and dwarves be able to produce viable offspring? No. Can they? Yep! How? Magic!")
Ah, rolling with advantage is great. I got a 1 and it didn't immediately fuck us over!
[X] (Honest To Fox) Write-In - If we can't weaponize a combination of social anxiety and supernatural charisma to avoid answering awkward questions whose answers aren't actually as important as the asker thinks they are, until the question-asker has been distracted and maybe forgotten the topic, what kind of succubus even is Senaz?
[X] (Fluffy Tail?) Offer to charm her again! You were interested in that side of things earlier and can't say you're not now.
[X] (Helen's Flirt response) Gently turn down the date request, but accept the compliment and flirt back just a bit.
[X] (Helen's Flirt response) Gently turn down the date request, but accept the compliment and flirt back just a bit.

[X] (Honest To Fox) Write-In - If we can't weaponize a combination of social anxiety and supernatural charisma to avoid answering awkward questions whose answers aren't actually as important as the asker thinks they are, until the question-asker has been distracted and maybe forgotten the topic, what kind of succubus even is Senaz?

[X] (Fluffy Tail?) Spin Eira around and put her in the Marshmallow Purgatory - you're not sure where the Red Queen got that name for "shove someone's face in your cleavage" from, but it's marvelously effective as long as they're sexually attracted to you, which she seems to be.
[X] (Helen's Flirt response) Tell her that if she wants to seduce you, she'd better use magic for it and do it responsibly if she wants to be good when it wears off.
[X] (Honest To Fox) Write-In - If we can't weaponize a combination of social anxiety and supernatural charisma to avoid answering awkward questions whose answers aren't actually as important as the asker thinks they are, until the question-asker has been distracted and maybe forgotten the topic, what kind of succubus even is Senaz?
[X] (Fluffy Tail?) Offer to charm her again! You were interested in that side of things earlier and can't say you're not now.
[X] (Helen's Flirt response) Respond positively to the idea of a date - she's cute, she's not evil, she's in the same isekai'd boat as you, and you're likely going to spend a lot of time together, so dating is within the range of possibility.
[X] (Honest To Fox) Give this fox a partial honest answer that yes your personality shifted, but it wasn't exactly the Paladin's fault…
[X] (Fluffy Tail?) Offer to charm her again! You were interested in that side of things earlier and can't say you're not now.
[X] (Helen's Flirt response) Gently turn down the date request, but accept the compliment and flirt back just a bit.
[X] (Honest To Fox) Write-In - If we can't weaponize a combination of social anxiety and supernatural charisma to avoid answering awkward questions whose answers aren't actually as important as the asker thinks they are, until the question-asker has been distracted and maybe forgotten the topic, what kind of succubus even is Senaz?
[X] (Fluffy Tail?) Offer to charm her again! You were interested in that side of things earlier and can't say you're not now.
[X] (Helen's Flirt response) Tell her that if she wants to seduce you, she'd better use magic for it and do it responsibly if she wants to be good when it wears off.
[X] (Honest To Fox) Write-In - If we can't weaponize a combination of social anxiety and supernatural charisma to avoid answering awkward questions whose answers aren't actually as important as the asker thinks they are, until the question-asker has been distracted and maybe forgotten the topic, what kind of succubus even is Senaz?
[X] (Fluffy Tail?) Offer to charm her again! You were interested in that side of things earlier and can't say you're not now.
[X] (Honest To Fox) Write-In - If we can't weaponize a combination of social anxiety and supernatural charisma to avoid answering awkward questions whose answers aren't actually as important as the asker thinks they are, until the question-asker has been distracted and maybe forgotten the topic, what kind of succubus even is Senaz?
[X] (Fluffy Tail?) Offer to charm her again! You were interested in that side of things earlier and can't say you're not now.
[X] (Helen's Flirt response) Gently turn down the date request, but accept the compliment and flirt back just a bit.
Would it be culturally insensitive to make the fox girl our pet?

I'm still pondering how to handle Senaz's appearance, as well - whether I want to just lock in on what was previously written, allow her outfits besides the Red Queen's uniform (which is preexisting custom content) to be recrafted, or allow her outfits and body to be revised (presumably as a retcon).
I would suggest giving her at least one other outfits;
She either walked into enemy territory in her uniform or she disguised herself with other clothes.

Besides why should a girl limit herself to only one outfit?
Would it be culturally insensitive to make the fox girl our pet?

I would suggest giving her at least one other outfits;
She either walked into enemy territory in her uniform or she disguised herself with other clothes.

Besides why should a girl limit herself to only one outfit?

I'll note that so far, four outfits have been described ("Normal Human Bard", "Full Succubus Custom", "Red Queen's Uniform" which she went with for the photo, and "Basic America-esque clothes"); it was a bit compressed inside a previous post, but does provide some retconnable context.

And yes, trying to keep a Vulpinae or Ubastim as a pet is generally frowned upon, no matter how adorable!
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