Teaching the Next Generation To Blame Danzo: A Jounin Sensei Quest (A Naruto AU)

[X] plan teamwork V2
-[X] Set up the training field into a obstacle course with nonlethal traps that get progressively harder to spot and disarm. Have multiple paths through that can make it less physically intensive and allow to avoid traps if spotted to reward critical thinking and creative path making.

I have no idea how strong Yamato is but I think he built, like, an entire district after the pain attack in like 5 seconds so this should be within his abilities and this should let us get a better grasp on their capabilities.

Edit: also it'd be hillarious to see them try and go through this without having the ability to speak,hear, and see can't forget the fact that this is a very funny dick move.
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[X] plan teamwork V2

I love the idea of Yamato making a living obstacle course from hell. I imagine he could have traps and ninja tools connected up to obstacles made of his wood, and he could channel his chakra to them from a distance, just being an absolute Trap Lord.
Adhoc vote count started by Magoose on Sep 9, 2022 at 9:56 AM, finished with 20 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X] Plan Teamwork - Give the team a goal, but each person is restricted, like lack of sight, sound and speech. So Naruto can't talk, Yakumo can't hear, and Sasuke can't see. They need to work together to do the job, and to be honest it will really help them with weaknesses or strengths. (Plus Sasuke getting blinded will be good for when people realize his special eyes dont work if they cant see, and Naruto being quiet will a challenge all on it's own.)
    [X] Plan Teamwork v2
    -[X]Give the team a goal, but each person is restricted, like lack of sight, sound and speech. So Naruto can't talk, Yakumo can't hear, and Sasuke can't see. They need to work together to do the job, and to be honest it will really help them with weaknesses or strengths.
    -[X]Before the test begins lay out four items in front of each of them (12 total); a stack of four vouchers to their favorite restaurant, another voucher for a certain quantity of high level ninja goods, and two low-level (E or D rank) ninjutsu scrolls they don't already know. This is their reward for passing the test (ninjutsus scrolls will have their contents hidden, but hyped up as very useful which they will be). Each time they violate their restrictions, flip a coin and choose between the other two teammates. That teammate, through whatever means they wish, will choose one of the offender's items to be "lost" and removed from the reward pile.
    -[X]Throughout the test, keep an eye on them. Each time their teamwork badly breaks down, remove one of the rewards from the offender(s)' pile(s).
    -[X]Don't tell them about any of the penalties for breaking the restrictions or breakdowns in teamwork.
    -[X]If, for whatever reason, one of them does not wish to remove a teammate's reward, they must bargain with Yamato for mercy. Keep it lighthearted, but make sure the payment is something they will remember like doing boring paperwork for a day.
    -[X]All vouchers will be payed for out of Yamato's pocket.
    -[X]Yamato is not going to give them the scrolls - they represent techniques he will teach them with supervision.
    [X] Murder Mystery
    -[X] kidnap them again and put them to sleep for a few hours and place them in a room with a body.
    -[X] have them investigate and clean the crime scene.
    -[X] if they don't have an answer on who the killer is and or if someone found out of the crime have them pick the scape goat amongs them. If they choose not to pass them or they are successful pass them and report the hokage of the scary fact they could erased someone
    [X] Plan: You do not plan you have minions for that
    -[X] Let them plan the tests for each other
    -[X] Tell them you that they pass when they other genin falls their test
    -[X] Let them pass when the other genin wins
    -[X] Who fails gets not invited to the restaurant or get lessons from you till they get the genin to pass their test.If the genin gives up, they go both back to school.
    -[X] Set up the training field into a obstacle course with nonlethal traps that get progressively harder to spot and disarm. Have multiple paths through that can make it less physically intensive and allow to avoid traps if spotted to reward critical thinking and creative path making.
So I'm using V2 of plan team work due to...

D2 => 2

I was waiting for a tie breaker, but it never came.
The Teamwork Test Part 1
The Teamwork Test Part 1:

It had taken you less than a day for you to get everything together, and it made you smile when you saw their faces when you gathered this bountiful subject of not only jutsu, but of treats that these young children would most assuredly listen to.

At Training Ground 12, you were sitting down, waiting with your bag, as you smiled at them. They had prepared well enough for this fun little expedition.

The Obstacle course you had created was one that got progressively harder, and one that could only be completed by a team working in tandem and together, communicating with not only their eyes, but in their trust, and many of these obstacles required… teamwork.

Kakashi may have his bell test, but you have the ability to shape the world around you. And that was always something better than tradition.

Team 3 was, well. They were just as expected. "Come on Sasuke, at least try to not act like a brooding emo."

"I am not an emo." He said with a very tactful and forceful tone, as if he was hearing it again, for a short time. And a repeated time. "Are you obsessed with that phrase, or is that how you show affection?"

Yakumo for her part, was giggling incessantly at the two boys annoying each other, and was very happy. She had even changed into far more suitable attire for this obstacle course, a short sleeve shirt, some shorts and a new pair of sandals. "You two really need to lighten up."

"Indeed." You replied as you laid out the rewards on the table. "Welcome to training ground 12, or as I call it, the Obstacle Course of Doom." Well maybe not that, but the looks on their face as they saw the whirling, living contraption that would be their obstacle course was something that warms your heart.

They were not prepared for this sort of dramatic stuff from you, so they were quite literally throwing themselves off the cliff to make sure they could fly.

The Twelve items caught their attention. "It's that a coupon for Ichiraku's Ramen?" Naruto salivated at the mouth when he saw that. "An all you can eat coupon?"

"Yes." You replied.

Sasuke saw the Jutus scrolls. "Jutsu Scrolls?" He asked.

"Yes." Your smile was there, and it unnerved them. Good, you loved to see you were still in total control of the situation.

Yakumo was scared to ask when she looked at the last voucher. "Equipment?"

"Yes. Some of you are lacking in High end Ninja Equipment." Everyone looked at Naruto, who was looking at the coupons to that Ramen place with total focus.

He looked at everyone. "What are you all looking at?" Completely oblivious to your briefing. Oh that boy was going to be the death of you if he couldn't shape up.

"And while the Standard Equipment will serve you fine… oh who am I kidding, trying to get anything through the Quartermaster is impossible and that's why I'm willing to side step that, and help you with getting you what you need." You saw the two clanners chuckling at that.

"But." That sucked the energy from them. "That is your reward." You then pulled up a blindfold, and a large, comically large, set of ear muffs. "For you will be subjected to a loss of senses, while you pass my obstacle course."

"Sasuke, you will be blind." Those words nearly caused Sasuke to become Physically ill. He seemed revolted, and recoiled at the thought. "Thought so. Sasuke, one thing I have learned is that sometimes, your eyes don't work, and they become not only a hindrance to you, but also a liability. You have eyes that entire nations will kill for. So you must learn to operate, in an emergency, without them."

You then turned to Yakumo. "Sometimes we will not be there to reassure you, to bring you back from the Beast's clutches with our words and our actions. Sometimes you will be alone, and without our help, unable to hear. You will have to be the one who brings yourself back." You then threw both items to the ninjas, and they caught them. "Put them on, and on tight, I will know if you are cheating."

"What about Naruto?" Sasuke asked as he looked at the orange traffic cone. He was waiting.

"Yeah, what about me, taking away my taste with a seal? Clogging up my nose with tissue paper like Iruka does after a bloody nose-"

You were devilishly smiling… And the color left the young Uzumaki's face. "You my young genin… You will be silent."

Naruto looked like he was about to protest, but you countered. "Naruto. A ninja is precise. A ninja walks with his comrades." You then slapped a piece of Ninja duck tape onto his mouth, preventing him from speaking more. "A ninja, when the time calls for it, is silent."

"Now. Pass my obstacle course, and all will be yours." You stated.

You gently… forgot that if they failed in their teamwork, or broke the rules and used the senses you took away, that you would take a random item away.

They didn't need to know that.

"Begin!" You shouted, and the three of them followed each other, slowly holding eachothers hands as they walked into an uncertain hell.

How closely do you monitor their status from the trees?:
[]Closely: You will watch them with your usual vigor. So if they cheat… you will know. (Genin suffer a +20 to their rolls, and you will take away only a few items)
[]Very Closely: Eh, trying to make them ready for the Chunin Exams won't hurt too much. You're going to punish even the slightest breach. (Genin suffer a +40 to their rolls, but they will lose all but one of their items)
[]Relaxed: Eh, you have better things to do. Like trying to talk to that ROOT Agent watching you. (Genin have no roll bonus, but they will gain their items)

Who joined you watching them:
[]Kakashi: He seemed intrigued by your little obstacle course idea. "Mind if I join?"
[]Asuma: He was smoking and he tried to avoid blowing smoke into your face. "Sorry about that, I've been a bit busy. How's it been?"
[]Shiro: He was looking out into the distance. "You know that there is a betting pool on your team passing right?"
[]That Root Agent: He stood next to you. "Tenzo… Lord Danzo, wishes to speak to you. Now."
[]No one: Finally no one with ulterior motives is coming to bug you.

ANL Enjoy, and plan format please.
[X]Closely: You will watch them with your usual vigor. So if they cheat… you will know. (Genin suffer a +20 to their rolls, and you will take away only a few items)
[X]Shiro: He was looking out into the distance. "You know that there is a betting pool on your team passing right?"

[-]Hinata: This girl isn't so bad at hiding. Now hiding her intentions on the other hand, there she could use some work. Maybe you could give her a slight push.
[X] Plan Teamwork
-[X]Very Closely: Eh, trying to make them ready for the Chunin Exams won't hurt too much. You're going to punish even the slightest breach. (Genin suffer a +40 to their rolls, but they will lose all but one of their items)
-[X]Kakashi: He seemed intrigued by your little obstacle course idea. "Mind if I join?"
suffer a +20 to their rolls, and you will take away only a few items)
[]Very Closely: Eh, trying to make them ready for the Chunin Exams won't hurt too much. You're going to punish even the slightest breach. (Genin suffer a +40
Shouldn't these be negative? Or will these mean that they do better on their rolls later on?
[X] Plan Fair
-[X] Closely: You will watch them with your usual vigor. So if they cheat… you will know. (Genin suffer a +20 to their rolls, and you will take away only a few items)
-[X]Kakashi: He seemed intrigued by your little obstacle course idea. "Mind if I join?"

Watching them very closely gives better bonuses, allowing them to get more of their rewards does improve their equipment, Jutsu library, and makes them happier.

[X]Closely: You will watch them with your usual vigor. So if they cheat… you will know. (Genin suffer a +20 to their rolls, and you will take away only a few items)

I don't have a particular preference regarding who we talk to, but I would like to not take away almost all of the rewards.
[X] Plan Teamwork

If this gives a bonus to their rolls latter. Well lets get those bonuses

[X] Plan Fair

But tge equipment and justsus probably also give good bonus's so im willing to just do closely.
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My goodness, would you look at the time! *Gestures towards a clock where "fuck with Danzo" fills all the spaces*

[X]Plan Trololololol
-[X]Very Closely: Eh, trying to make them ready for the Chunin Exams won't hurt too much. You're going to punish even the slightest breach. (Genin suffer a +40 to their rolls, but they will lose all but one of their items)
-[X]That Root Agent: He stood next to you. "Tenzo… Lord Danzo, wishes to speak to you. Now."

As a suggestion, not in any way shape or form an actual vote, I would appreciate a bit next chapter where our cute genin complain mightily and we have an option to mess with teach them a little bit more with our response.

Better on their rolls later.

Also, you should probably change that to read something like "Genin will gain a +40 bonus to later rolls..."

EDIT: A question and a thought

When you say "take away all but one of their items" do you mean one from each of them, or there's only one left out of the 12 we started this with? Either one works for me, but the first is obviously going to be more of a morale booster for them.

As for which difficulty is best for their mental health, I'm envisioning a long-term plan of alternating between high intensity stuff like this and low intensity stuff like fishing and D-ranks. We did a high intensity thing by kidnapping them, then low intensity with the restaurant meeting, now we're doing high intensity stuff again. When their teamwork and skills get better, we'll give them a confusing but fair warning and alternate the pattern but for now we keep the alternation consistent.

In particular, D-ranks where we let them try to bribe Yamato to help them out and using it as a low-key way of teaching diplomacy and mercantile haggling.
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[X] Plan: Relaxed
-[X]Relaxed: Eh, you have better things to do. Like trying to talk to that ROOT Agent watching you. (Genin have no roll bonus, but they will gain their items)
-[X]Asuma: He was smoking and he tried to avoid blowing smoke into your face. "Sorry about that, I've been a bit busy. How's it been?"
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Magoose on Aug 22, 2022 at 12:50 AM, finished with 41 posts and 19 votes.

  • [X] Plan Teamwork
    —[X] The job is to troll the ROOT minders Danzo has on Yamato's tail
    -[X]Kakashi: He seemed intrigued by your little obstacle course idea. "Mind if I join?"
    [X] Plan Fair
    -[X] Closely: You will watch them with your usual vigor. So if they cheat… you will know. (Genin suffer a +20 to their rolls, and you will take away only a few items)
    [X] Plan Teamwork - Give the team a goal, but each person is restricted, like lack of sight, sound and speech. So Naruto can't talk, Yakumo can't hear, and Sasuke can't see. They need to work together to do the job, and to be honest it will really help them with weaknesses or strengths. (Plus Sasuke getting blinded will be good for when people realize his special eyes dont work if they cant see, and Naruto being quiet will a challenge all on it's own.)
    [X]Closely: You will watch them with your usual vigor. So if they cheat… you will know. (Genin suffer a +20 to their rolls, and you will take away only a few items)
    -[X]Very Closely: Eh, trying to make them ready for the Chunin Exams won't hurt too much. You're going to punish even the slightest breach. (Genin suffer a +40 to their rolls, but they will lose all but one of their items)
    [X] Plan: Mother Hen
    -[X] Very Closely
    -[X] Shiro
    [X] Murder Mystery
    -[X] kidnap them again and put them to sleep for a few hours and place them in a room with a body.
    -[X] have them investigate and clean the crime scene.
    -[X] if they don't have an answer on who the killer is and or if someone found out of the crime have them pick the scape goat amongs them. If they choose not to pass them or they are successful pass them and report the hokage of the scary fact they could erased someone
    [X]Shiro: He was looking out into the distance. "You know that there is a betting pool on your team passing right?"
    [X]Plan Trololololol
    -[X]That Root Agent: He stood next to you. "Tenzo… Lord Danzo, wishes to speak to you. Now."
    [X] Plan: Relaxed
    -[X]Relaxed: Eh, you have better things to do. Like trying to talk to that ROOT Agent watching you. (Genin have no roll bonus, but they will gain their items)
    -[X]Asuma: He was smoking and he tried to avoid blowing smoke into your face. "Sorry about that, I've been a bit busy. How's it been?"