Age of Ice and Blood: A Pathfinder System Heroic Fantasy Quest

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This is a shitty situation. I don't blame the villagers, but damn, I wish they hadn't gone this route. So many more of them are dying because of it, when our intervention had already succeeded in convincing the raiders to leave.

I'm in favor of providing what help we can, mostly in the form of healing and search & rescue, but any raiders stupid enough to return to the village are getting killed. Unfortunately, we aren't in a position to pursue the surviving raiders, even if we could get all of our horses off Marcella. We don't know the terrain, their numbers, where they're going, etc.

[X] We will not pursue the raiders who flee the village, but neither will we allow the raiders to return and continue to wreak havoc.
-[X] Roland will switch back to Indomitable Presence and Pride Leader's Stance, as our men and Anwari warriors form up, along with the Zentragt, Swift Pebble, and our mages, call Megin back so that she isn't at risk of being singled out by the raiders. We will then advance into the village while Antonio and his bow-wielding crew provide what covering fire they can from Marcella's deck.
--[X] Inge will heal Silver before we return, if she hasn't already, and ask the gull Mog cast his Daylight SLA on to accompany the group to provide ample illumination while we seek to provide aid.
-[X] Any raiders who return to threaten the village will be dealt with immediately, giving the Zentragt, Megin, and our Anwari warriors first chance against them, supported by our archers, while we and the remaining me will focus on finding and healing what survivors we can unless the raiders return in large enough numbers to need our full attention.
--[X] Between Inge's Healing Hex and Stabilize cantrips, her and Zaia's healing skills, and our Indomitable Presence providing everyone nearby with the Diehard feat, we should be able to save a lot of people. Healing potions won't be used unless all of Inge's Healing Hex uses for the day are expended (should still have 30+ remaining), along with her 1st level spell slows and Zaia's CLW extract. We aren't trying to heal everyone up to perfect health, but provide triage, life saving care, and general first aid.
Vote closed, let's see how this goes.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Jul 18, 2022 at 2:44 PM, finished with 13 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] We will not pursue the raiders who flee the village, but neither will we allow the raiders to return and continue to wreak havoc.
    -[X] Roland will switch back to Indomitable Presence and Pride Leader's Stance, as our men and Anwari warriors form up, along with the Zentragt, Swift Pebble, and our mages, call Megin back so that she isn't at risk of being singled out by the raiders. We will then advance into the village while Antonio and his bow-wielding crew provide what covering fire they can from Marcella's deck.
    --[X] Inge will heal Silver before we return, if she hasn't already, and ask the gull Mog cast his Daylight SLA on to accompany the group to provide ample illumination while we seek to provide aid.
    -[X] Any raiders who return to threaten the village will be dealt with immediately, giving the Zentragt, Megin, and our Anwari warriors first chance against them, supported by our archers, while we and the remaining me will focus on finding and healing what survivors we can unless the raiders return in large enough numbers to need our full attention.
    --[X] Between Inge's Healing Hex and Stabilize cantrips, her and Zaia's healing skills, and our Indomitable Presence providing everyone nearby with the Diehard feat, we should be able to save a lot of people. Healing potions won't be used unless all of Inge's Healing Hex uses for the day are expended (should still have 30+ remaining), along with her 1st level spell slows and Zaia's CLW extract. We aren't trying to heal everyone up to perfect health, but provide triage, life saving care, and general first aid.
Arc 15 Post 24: Lost and Unknowing
Lost and Unknowing

First of Olweje-hamba (Olweje Descendent), 1349 A. L. (After Landfall)

"Hold!" you call up to the archers. "Hold!" Not words you want to say, not by far, but what are you to do? Ride off into the night following the Yayar in lands they know better than you? Call down your men and the sailors beside and ask them to charge in peril of their lives and hope the invaders will break before the villagers.

Though you cast no blame on those whose grief is such as to drive them with crude bows and hunting spears neither will you sacrifice your company for their aid.

That is not yo say you will do nothing. Once you and Silver had been seen to you command all of your company ashore to put out the flames, to search for those who are still trapped in the ruins of their homes. Inge calls to waters as much as to healing in the frantic searching that follows and the strength of many is tried by crumbled walls and fallen beams. When you ask of the steel bear's aid the man in beast's skin snaps at you and speaks with tongue of iron and stone:

"Nay, for war I was endowed!"

Yet war's splintered ruin is all around you and what aid you can give seems a paltry thing, hardly of note before the scale of the devastation. You find children covered in soot hiding under bedding and elders shivering in the granary throwing old roots and rotten fruit at you as you enter. Even when you manage to convince them that you mean no harm their eyes remain haunted.

That evening none of those who had charged after the Yayar return and when you ask after which lord is sworn to protect them you find that they have none, though their fathers fathers do.

A gangling ragged youth, brother to the woman who had followed the raiders is the one who does most of the talking as he has no children or elders to see though personally. "Reckon we'll starve in winter now least we get to some other village, the boats went over in a storm and then the raiders came, they said they were looking for a frozen-tear, but we told them it wasn't winter so ain't nothing freezing. Guess they decided to make it hotter." A bitter laugh passes his lips, but Zaia who had been quietly listening nearby rather than writing on the wet clay tablet he had taken to make inventory on looks intrigued.

"There is no way they would be wreaking this sort of devastation over searching for a single trinket, they must have thought to punish you for 'lying' or for denying them."

The boy shrugs helplessly, he does not know more, though perhaps his sister might have known. She is gone now beyond finding even if she is not dead.

Perhaps you come offer some of the folk here a chance to stay at Wayfarer's Rest you think as the embers of the flames burn up towards morning and the nearness of the tide. Antonio does not object and Zaia is intrigued enough about the tale to agree, but that does raise the point, do you want such folk in your keep as have gained the ire of the Yayar, unknowing as that may be?

[] Yes, you could use more hands at the keep and you see no reason to leave these folks starve when your own stores are full

[] No, the last thing you need is more of a quarrel with the tribes

[] Write in

OOC: Not the most exciting vote last update, but it did keep you from a hell of a hit and run fight out there.
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It's not necessarily what I would want, but it's IC for Roland to make the offer. After all, Wayfarer's Respite could use more people, plus the children, if they come, could be playmates for the Changelings. And even if we don't make them permanent residents of Wayfarer's Respite, they could form the nucleus of a little fishing village based outside the walls.

[X] Yes, you could use more hands at the keep and you see no reason to leave these folks starve when your own stores are full
[X] Yes, you could use more hands at the keep and you see no reason to leave these folks starve when your own stores are full
I forgot but you had the service of a cantankerous fey smith apprentice right?

With his skills could you get something made back from the world the ex crusaders and other company know of?
[X] Yes, you could use more hands at the keep and you see no reason to leave these folks starve when your own stores are full
I forgot but you had the service of a cantankerous fey smith apprentice right?

With his skills could you get something made back from the world the ex crusaders and other company know of?
I'm not quite sure what you're asking. We do have Mog the Goblin smith working for us, but I don't know if there is anything from our version of Earth he could make that wouldn't already be available somewhere here.

That isn't to say that we won't have him crafting stuff for us. I'm hoping he can craft weapons, armor, and perhaps even ship upgrades for Marcella.
I'm not quite sure what you're asking. We do have Mog the Goblin smith working for us, but I don't know if there is anything from our version of Earth he could make that wouldn't already be available somewhere here.

That isn't to say that we won't have him crafting stuff for us. I'm hoping he can craft weapons, armor, and perhaps even ship upgrades for Marcella.
Oh stuff like early gunpowder if the Earth had it or some kind of artillery on the Marcella the next time more pirate ships comes then you can just fling rocks, bolts or even nasty chemicals to even nastier stuff at them.

Even a battering ram for the Marcella can work if you want to ram them.
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Oh stuff like early gunpowder if the Earth had it or some kind of artillery on the Marcella the next time more pirate ships comes then you can just fling rocks, bolts or even nasty chemicals to even nastier stuff at them.

Even a battering ram for the Marcella can work if you want to ram them.
We left our Earth before black powder was introduced to Europe, so Roland and the crew's first exposure to it was enemy Fey using firearms against us when we were in the Feywild. Not really interested in trying to develop firearms technology, though. They would be hopelessly crude and the logistics of trying to supply them would be practically impossible to manage.

Marcella upgrades are more promising, though. Depends on Mog's skillset. I think DP said she could fit a couple Large-sized ballista on her deck.
We left our Earth before black powder was introduced to Europe, so Roland and the crew's first exposure to it was enemy Fey using firearms against us when we were in the Feywild. Not really interested in trying to develop firearms technology, though. They would be hopelessly crude and the logistics of trying to supply them would be practically impossible to manage.

Marcella upgrades are more promising, though. Depends on Mog's skillset. I think DP said she could fit a couple Large-sized ballista on her deck.
Is that so? It might still be worth it researching it for other possible applications if it's not firearms.

Living beings are still easily frightened by the common fire cracker after all with the noises and the lights.

That's good. You could probably even get make shift flamethrowers too without needing to supply the fire when Marcella could do it if she can do it or even store sea water to perform riot control with high pressure water.
  1. They would need training with bows and javelins both, other than Wanderer who can use the latter as it is close enough to throwing spears for most purposes
  2. Esha has heard of shipboard balistas but only on large dedicaded war ships and the secrets of their making are closely guarded by the guilds that make them. Antonio would be fine with adding such in principle, but only if it does not come with too many enemies.

Found the quote.
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