Perhaps explicitly specify that Tom will also use his Tactician (Ex)? Otherwise, as far as I understand, it won't have the effect, as DP indicated when we tried to use exactly this fight order before:
as Tom comes near, shouting encouragement as he can. Alas there is no line for him to guard, no archers to direct. He moves with the surety of one whose sight had been restored, of all your sworn men he here alone. Alas in the battles of knights and sorcerers he is alas less able to direct.
Another point, Esha should use her Soulward (Su) as her swift action each round when she has nothing else to do to give Roland +2 Will save bonus, placing her soulrider on Roland before the fight for that if she had not already done it.
For the combat after the surprise round, perhaps Roland should use Challenge at first Naunet, and then the second when the first one is dead?
Perhaps explicitly specify that Tom will also use his Tactician (Ex)? Otherwise, as far as I understand, it won't have the effect, as DP indicated when we tried to use exactly this fight order before:
Another point, Esha should use her Soulward (Su) as her swift action each round when she has nothing else to do to give Roland +2 Will save bonus, placing her soulrider on Roland before the fight for that if she had not already done it.
For the combat after the surprise round, perhaps Roland should use Challenge at first Naunet, and then the second when the first one is dead?
Tom using his Tactician ability in the group right before the Formless make their appearance should work, though, as it will be a group of melee combatants moving to engage a pair of surprised enemies with a prepared strategy. @DragonParadox?
Soulrider should already be active on Roland, but I'll add having her use Soulward on Roland each round and have him use Challenge.
Tom using his Tactician ability in the group right before the Formless make their appearance should work, though, as it will be a group of melee combatants moving to engage a pair of surprised enemies with a prepared strategy. @DragonParadox?
Soulrider should already be active on Roland, but I'll add having her use Soulward on Roland each round and have him use Challenge.
That works fine on the Tom part, the quote previously is to show that tactician is of more limited use when applied to heroic characters who already have high bonuses. Tactician works best on mooks, but that does not mean it only works on them.
How is that a bad thing? They will give all their stuff for saving him, or at least Ohun would, and Lina/Ansefu also can't give nothing, bad PR for them as a rulers faced with such great service done for them.
And we are about 4 days away sailing from Lirman, 8-9 days roundtrip is not such a big time compared to how much time we are expected to be away from Orinilu in total (a season and a half? edit: yeah, a season and a half, we departed at the 1st of spring and would probably arrive in the middle of the summer).
Possible things to ask for:
Big favor for later.
Magical knowledge. Spells for Esha/Inge/Zaia?
Any knowledge on awakening Ripper?
Ley-line knowledge for Inge if possible, with a vow to not reveal unless it will be required to defend the world against the daemons / dragons / other global threats if needed.
Any magic items useful for us but no so for them/their associates?
Up to 5 Anwa spearmen willing to fight for us for standard pay, in particular as Zentragt when required, for when we don't have a volunteer / are away from Marcella.
How is that a bad thing? They will give all their stuff for saving him, or at least Ohun would, and Lina/Ansefu also can't give nothing, bad PR for them as a rulers faced with such great service done for them.
Well, we expended a lot of time into finally extricating us out of Lirman and their politics, and now we become honor bound to return there right away. That is a bummer even if it all went swimmingly.
But there is no way it will be so easy. If we return Ansefu, Lina's claim to the throne should be blown out of the water. Which she won't like at all since she will see it as another manipulation of her mother to make her return. Does she have a power block of her own now? Will she risk a civil war? Or maybe stow away on the Marcella to get away from an inevitably impending forced marriage?
Of course, that assumes that Ansefu is whole. It was implied that besides being a prisoner, he was physically or mentally disminished. We might be rescuing a severly damaged or incapacitated king here. Who knows what would happen in that case? A power struggle for the throne or the regency would ensue. And there would factions that could claim that since he is not the same it must be an imposter that we are trying to put on the throne.
I don't see how we are not going to get entangled in the local politics again, and in a bad way. I'd almost say to send Ohun a message as a courtesy, stop a mile away from Lirman's shore, put Ansefu on a canoe to make his own way back and run for it so they can settle their own business.
How is that a bad thing? They will give all their stuff for saving him, or at least Ohun would, and Lina/Ansefu also can't give nothing, bad PR for them as a rulers faced with such great service done for them.
But there is no way it will be so easy. If we return Ansefu, Lina's claim to the throne should be blown out of the water. Which she won't like at all since she will see it as another manipulation of her mother to make her return. Does she have a power block of her own now? Will she risk a civil war? Or maybe stow away on the Marcella to get away from an inevitably impending forced marriage?
As by brother shall be returned to the throne of our gonefathers so I shall be beside him and his sons and their sons after them to advise in matter of spirits and be sure that your voice is never silenced by the clenched fist of a conqueror.
Well, we expended a lot of time into finally extricating us out of Lirman and their politics, and now we become honor bound to return there right away. That is a bummer even if it all went swimmingly.
But there is no way it will be so easy. If we return Ansefu, Lina's claim to the throne should be blown out of the water. Which she won't like at all since she will see it as another manipulation of her mother to make her return. Does she have a power block of her own now? Will she risk a civil war? Or maybe stow away on the Marcella to get away from an inevitably impending forced marriage?
Of course, that assumes that Ansefu is whole. It was implied that besides being a prisoner, he was physically or mentally disminished. We might be rescuing a severly damaged or incapacitated king here. Who knows what would happen in that case? A power struggle for the throne or the regency would ensue. And there would factions that could claim that since he is not the same it must be an imposter that we are trying to put on the throne.
I don't see how we are not going to get entangled in the local politics again, and in a bad way. I'd almost say to send Ohun a message as a courtesy, stop a mile away from Lirman's shore, put Ansefu on a canoe to make his own way back and run for it so they can settle their own business.
I see it as follows: we have no obligations either to Lina, Ohun, Ansefu or any other parties on Lirman, and giving Lina and Ohun back someone who may be Ansefu to do with as they please does not place any obligations on us either.
Yeah, there is a chance Lirman will go up in flames again, but that's none of our business. Though if we could stabilize situation with a reasonable speech or two or propose a way forward which is good for anybody, we should do it, stable Lirman is better for us.
And anybody who asks us to help will have to pay very handsomely, proportionally to the amount of help, or we will refuse, through we will probably refuse anyway, we don't have much time. We should not care for any possible accusations, if there indeed would be any, and if it will look like things start to lead to entanglement in any Lirman politics, we say no to anything but the reward for Ansefu's return and then sail on our way.
The possibility that Ohun will see it fit to reward us for Ansefu's return even if he is not 100% healthy and hale in either body or mind or both is very high. The man was willing to give up on life when Ansefu was lost to him, so returning Ansefu is as if we are giving him his life back.
So overall the expected return of sailing back to Lirman if we'll get Ansefu is positive.
We didn't ask for anything specific, so they saw it fit to reward us with possibility of staying on Lirman and being recognized as ones of the realm, or just regarding us as trusted friends and leaving us with standing invitation to the court. We could have asked for something else, but didn't.
This time there will be more talk, and we would be able to ask for something. At least they have manpower, so recruiting a small group of Anwa warriors should be on the table, though I'm hoping for some knowledge/magic from Ohun.
We didn't ask for anything specific, so they saw it fit to reward us with possibility of staying on Lirman and being recognized as ones of the realm, or just regarding us as trusted friends and leaving us with standing invitation to the court. We could have asked for something else, but didn't.
There was a "[] Write in" vote option. Maybe explicit framing of the vote as accepting/rejecting offer to stay and expectation that next we'll have an end of arc made it unobvious, but the possibility to ask was there.
Personally, I didn't really want to ask for anything. Was more interested in getting gone before more stuff happened to delay our departure.
Also, the financial situation wasn't good for Lina at the time. Would rather leave on a high note, with our reputation polished and spotless instead of looking greedy, even if I am actually greedy. Better for us in the long term, IMO.
I agree with Goldfish, the time was not right for fishing for rewards other than what they could offer us, our help wasn't that significant, though it was substantial. Now though, if we'll return Ansefu, it will be whole other deal, and we could ask for their help in our quest against daemon and dragon plots threatening the world in return for helping them with Ansefu.
Nice to see all the discussion. I was tempted to close this earlier, but I do not want to rush combat and mess something else. Still all else being equal I think I will manage two updates tomrrow
If they are offering payment/recompense for the rescue of Ansefu, I wouldn't mind a few potions from Ohun, especially stuff like Barkskin and Lesser Restoration so that Zaia can learn them as extracts in the future.
Edit: Materials for Esha's new spellbook is also something I wouldn't mind
Special: +2 bonus when using the Trip, Disarm, Dirty Trick, Feint, Reposition, or Steal Combat Maneuvers, and does not provoke an Attack of Opportunity.
+2 Traits bonus vs Mind-Affecting effects.
+2 Resistance bonus vs Mind-Affecting effects.
+2 Morale Bonus vs Fear effects. On a successful save, you gain +2 Morale bonus to attacks and CMB against the originator of the Fear effect for 1 round.
+2 Circumstantial Bonus to Reflex Saves while on Marcella
Pride Leader's Stance: You can adopt this Martial Stance as a Swift Action which remains in effect until you rest or change the stance. While in effect, you and all allies within 20 feet gain a +4 Morale bonus to saves against Fear and Demoralization effects.
Encouraging Roar Maneuver: As a Swift Action, you grant yourself and all allies within 30 feet a +2 Morale bonus to attack and damage rolls for one round. Encouraging Roar can normally be used once per encounter, but you can gain another use of the maneuver in combat by taking a Full-Round Action to restore your focus.
Special Abilities:
Aid Allies: Whenever you use the Aid Another action to assist one of your allies, the ally receives a +3 bonus to his Attack Roll, Saving Throw, or skill check, or a +4 bonus to his Armor Class.
Intercept: You learn to better disrupt the attacks of your enemies. When an adjacent ally is attacked, you may use an Attack of Opportunity to attempt the Aid Another action to improve their AC.
Cumbrous Will: Before rolling a Will save, you can choose to gain a +6 bonus on your saving throw. After the saving throw is resolved, regardless of the result, you are Shaken until the end of the encounter.
Mounted Combat: 1/round when your mount is hit in combat, you may attempt a Ride check as an Immediate Action to negate the hit. The hit is negated if your Ride check result is greater than the opponent's attack roll.
Expert Trainer: You receive a +2 bonus (1/2 Cavalier level) whenever you use Handle Animal on an animal that serves as a mount. In addition, you can reduce the time needed to teach a mount a new trick or train a mount for a general purpose to 1 day per 1 week required by increasing the DC by +5. You can also train more than one mount at once, although each mount after the first adds +2 to the DC.
Challenge: 2/day, you can Challenge a foe to combat. As a Swift Action, you choose one target within sight to challenge.
The Challenge remains in effect until the target is dead or unconscious or until the combat ends.
Your melee attacks deal +4 extra damage (equal to Cavalier level) whenever the attacks are made against the target of your Challenge.
Challenging a foe requires much of your concentration. You take a -2 penalty to his Armor Class, except against attacks made by the target of your Challenge.
Whenever you issue a Challenge, your allies receive a +2 Circumstance bonus on melee Attack Rolls against the target of your Challenge whenever you are threatening the target.
Whenever you issue a Challenge, you can select one ally as a ward for the duration of the Challenge. Whenever your are adjacent to your ward, you take a -1 penalty to Armor Class, and the ward receives a +1 Dodge bonus to AC.
Equipment of Note: Cold Iron Short Sword, Steel Longsword
Bronze Breaker
Appearance: This Gauntlet is wrought of black iron in menacing guise, with claws that tear and a grip that crushes.
2/Day as a Swift Action, the gauntlet gains the properties of Adamantine for one round. This allows attacks from the gauntlet to ignore Hardness below 20 in any attacked or Sundered objects.
Upon command, strikes from the gauntlet deal +2d6 damage against inanimate objects and crystalline creatures on a successful hit and ignore the Hardness of objects with a Hardness of 5 or lower. This effect remains until another command is given.
Appearance: Wrought in the image of a knight's sword of finest bronze, the mark of Oroki of Apuku can still be read upon the base of the blade, yet in its journeys from that island the work of greater smiths has been made upon it also. It burns now with white flame along its edge, as though it had never left the smith's anvil, its hilt bound in a thousand small scales that shine like emeralds in the dark.
Appearance: A ring wrought of flowing yellow gold in the shape of a dragon or a serpent swallowing its tail. Eyes green as grass sparkle by moonlight and by sunlight.
Ability: The medallion grants a continuous +2 resistance bonus on saves versus mind-affecting spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities. If the wearer fails a save to avoid becoming dominated or confused, the amulet immediately allows the wearer to roll a second saving throw to resist the effect as a free action. If this second save is successful, the medallion's power fades away entirely and it becomes a simple piece of jewelry.
Redman's Regalia
Appearance: Wrought of bronze and carved with runes of ruin, this armor is the mark of a great king unbowed in battle til the last, and it is the mark of secret sins that one can but guess at, a home of daemons wrapped around the heart.
Appearance: Of shining bronze unmarred is the face of this shield, as a mirror to the light of sun and moon and of the hidden realms beyond. What meaning the runes set about its rim might have you cannot say, yet when the power of some spell or enchantment it upon the bearer they burn white as forge's fire.
+1 AC (Constant)
When affected by a spell of levels 1-3 the bearer may choose as a free action to roll 3d6 for Spell Resistance. If the resulting SR is defeated by more than a margin of 10, the shield gains the Broken condition. If this is repeated with the shield already broken it is destroyed. (3/Day)
Nikure's Grace: This silver talisman in the form of two delicate intertwined spirals glows blue whenever an evil creature targets the wearer with magic jar, possession, or a similar effect, or with a charm or compulsion spell or effect that allows the creature to exercise control over the wearer (such as suggestion, but not sleep). If the spell or effect allows a saving throw and the wearer fails it, he receives a second saving throw. If he succeeds at the second saving throw, the wearer is also protected by protection from evil for 5 rounds.
Talisman of the Deep Roots: These talismans are wrought not of gold or silver, even of copper, but the pits of mango taken from sacred trees grown in lands where none may turn axe upon the living wood upon them is inscribed the name of the tree from which they are taken, that the bearer might be guarded from sudden falls, as the tree is warded against the storm. The bearer may re-roll any failed roll against being bull rushed by magical or mundane means if this second roll succeeds they are may attempt a grapple against the enemy as a free action.
Shared Vigilance (Ex): You and your designated companion gain Alertness as a bonus feat whenever you are adjacent.
Evasion (Ex): If you are subjected to an attack that normally allows a Reflex saving throw for half damage, you take no damage if you make a successful saving throw.
Tenacious Guardian (Ex): You can always act in a surprise round (though you remain flat-footed until you act). As long as your ward is adjacent, you remain conscious (though you become staggered) when your hit points fall below 0. While below 0 hit points, you lose 1 hit point per round but gain a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks, dying only if its hit points reach a negative total equal to your Constitution score plus your total hit dice.
Special: +2 bonus when using the Bull Rush, Dirty Trick, Disarm, Drag, Feint, Overrun, Reposition, Steal, Sunder, or Trip Combat Maneuvers, and does not provoke an Attack of Opportunity.
Armor Training (Ex): Whenever you are wearing armor, you reduce the Armor Check Penalty by 1 (to a minimum of 0) and increase the maximum Dexterity bonus allowed by your armor by 1.
Tactician (Ex): 1/Day a a Standard Action, you can grant the Coordinated Maneuvers feat to all allies within 30 feet who can see and hear you. Allies retain the use of this bonus feat for 4 rounds (3 + 1 round per 2 levels of Fighter).
Equipment of Note: +1 Ghost Touch Cold Iron Spear (+2 bonus to CMD against disarm attempts)
Tanglefoot Fire Bomb: +2 (BaB) + 1 (DEX) + 1 (TA) = +4 vs Touch AC [2d6+6 Fire damage, plus 8 points of splash damage in a 5 foot radius], Range Increment: 20 feet
Special: The target and everyone in the splash zone are Entangled, and the target is glued in place as if affected by a Tanglefoot Bag. A successful DC 15 Reflex saving throw allows targets to avoid these effects and halves the splash damage inflicted.
Rather than targeting an individual, you can instead target a given space, which inflicts splash damage and effects as normal, but does not have a main target. Targeted spaces have an effective AC of 5.
Poison Use (Ex): You are trained in the use of poison and cannot accidentally poison yourself when applying poison to a weapon.
Swift Alchemy (Ex): You create Alchemical items in half the normal amount of time and you can apply poison to a weapon as a Move Action.
Mutagen (Su): You can create a Mutagen in one hour of brewing. Once brewed, the Mutagen persists until used or you brew a new one. You can drink this Mutagen as a Standard Action in order to gain a +2 Natural Armor bonus and a +4 Alchemical bonus to one of your physical attributes at the expense of a -2 penalty to a mental attribute. Increasing Strength decreases Intelligence, Dexterity decreases Wisdom, and Constitution decreases Charisma. The Mutagen's effects last for 30 minutes (10 minutes per Alchemist level). You cannot benefit from more than one Mutagen effect at a time, and the effects of a new one immediately replace those of the previous Mutagen. If a non-Alchemist consumes the Mutagen, they are Nauseated for 1 hour unless they succeed on a DC 15 Fortitude saving throw (10 + 1/2 Alchemist level + INT modifier).
Bombs (Su): You can create and throw an Alchemical bomb up to 7/Day (Alchemist level + INT modifier) as a Standard Action that provokes an Attack of Opportunity. The bomb inflicts 2d6 Fire damage (+1 bonus point per damage die), plus bonus damage equal to your INT modifier, and splash damage in a 5 foot radius equal to the bomb's minimum damage. A DC 15 Reflex saving throw (10 + 1/2 Alchemist level + INT modifier) halves splash damage.
Fire Bombadier: You only add your INT modifier as a damage bonus to bombs and other Alchemical substances if they deal Fire damage.
Nikure's Grace: This silver talisman in the form of two delicate intertwined spirals glows blue whenever an evil creature targets the wearer with magic jar, possession, or a similar effect, or with a charm or compulsion spell or effect that allows the creature to exercise control over the wearer (such as suggestion, but not sleep). If the spell or effect allows a saving throw and the wearer fails it, he receives a second saving throw. If he succeeds at the second saving throw, the wearer is also protected by protection from evil for 5 rounds.
Sea Creature Empathy: You can influence the attitude of water-dwelling animals and animals that live along coasts and shores, including birds, as if using Wild Empathy. You use your Witch level as your Druid level for this ability.
Guiding Spirit: Once per day as a Swift Action, you can look to your Guiding Spirit for advice. The next time you roll a d20 in that same round, roll twice and pick the better result. If one of these two rolls is a Natural 20, you can use this ability again that same day.
Conduit Surge: You are adept at channeling energy from ley lines to enhance your spells. 5/Day as a Swift Action, you can increase your effective caster level for the next spell you casts in that round by 1d4-1 levels. After performing a conduit surge, you must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC = 10 + level of spell cast + number of additional caster levels granted) or become Staggered for a number of minutes equal to the level of the spell cast.
Equipment of Note:
Ikomi-blessed Cauldron of Brewing (+5 Competence bonus to Craft (Alchemy) skill checks and self-heating)
Description: Honey gold crystal bursting forth from roots of silver, this crystal seems more akin to some fruit of the earth than anything mined by the hand of man. Having once been forged for a respected and much beloved midwife and healer of the Boar Folk of Lirman this stone seeks to preserve its bearer against all the ills of the Border Woods, from poison to dark enchantment.
Ability: The Stone of Safekeeping grants its wearer a +2 resistance bonus on all saving throws made to recover from a continuing effect, such as ongoing poison damage, daily saving throws against disease, a hold person spell, or lingering damage from an attack. This bonus does not help against initial saving throws against such effects. Should the wearer ever drop below 0 hit points, the stone heals the wearer for 2d8+3 points of damage and then crumbles to dust.
Nikure's Grace: This silver talisman in the form of two delicate intertwined spirals glows blue whenever an evil creature targets the wearer with magic jar, possession, or a similar effect, or with a charm or compulsion spell or effect that allows the creature to exercise control over the wearer (such as suggestion, but not sleep). If the spell or effect allows a saving throw and the wearer fails it, he receives a second saving throw. If he succeeds at the second saving throw, the wearer is also protected by protection from evil for 5 rounds.
+1 Against Illusion Spells
+2 Against Poison or Drugs
+4 Against the effects of Alcohol
+2 Circumstantial Bonus to Reflex Saves while on the Marcella
*Bonus applies to the Hunch task when dealing with anyone in some way related to your Profession (Sailor) skill.
**When dealing with people associated with the marketplaces in which you have invested.
Psionic Abilities: Power Points (5/Day)
Mindlink: As a Standard Action costing 1 Power Point, you can establish a telepathic bond with a willing target within 25 feet for up to 10 minutes which allows for two-way telepathic communication. Once the bond is formed, it works over any distance.
Special Abilities:
Charmer: Re-roll Diplomacy 1/day.
Coax Information (Ex): You can use Bluff or Diplomacy in place of Intimidate to force an opponent to act friendly.
Inspiring Speaker: You gain a +1 trait bonus on Bluff and Diplomacy checks when addressing crowds of 10 people or more.
Doubt: Whenever you fail a skill or ability check, you take a -4 penalty on that type of skill or ability check for the next hour.
Honeyed Words (Ex): 1/day, you can roll two dice while making a Bluff check, and take the better result. You must choose to use this ability before making the Bluff check.
Convincing Attitude: If you attempt a Diplomacy check and fail to influence a creature's attitude by 5 or more, the creature's attitude remains unchanged instead of decreasing by one step.
Combat Advisor (Ex): Whenever you miss with a melee attack against an opponent, you can designate an ally within 30 feet of the target to receive a +1 Insight bonus on their next attack roll against that opponent before your next turn.
Wild Talent: Your latent power of psionics flares to life, conferring upon you the designation of a psionic character. As a psionic character, you gain a reserve of 2 power points and can take psionic feats, metapsionic feats, and psionic item creation feats.
Boots ofCat's Luck
Description: At first sight these boots looks like nothing more than sturdy travel wear, albeit with an ostentatious fastening, but to the mage's eye there is a glint of good fortune forged into the silver, such that one should only ever fall like the cat upon its feet.
Ability: The boot's wearer always takes the minimum possible damage from falls (as the result were 1 on each die of damage incurred by the fall) and at the end of a fall always lands on his feet.
Fey Gold
Description: A lumpy piece of unworked gold imbued with the power of a Fey creature, this pendant was taken from the corpse of slain pirate lord when we ended his reign at sea.
Ability: While wearing this Fey Gold pendant around their neck, the wearer gains Fire Resistance 1 and a +1 resistance bonus on Will saving throws.
Special: The pendant's other powers, to allow the wearer use Chill Metal 1/Day and to use Mending at will to repair metallic objects, remain unavailable, as you were not its original recipient. Perhaps one of the Tinker Fey can unlock this power once more?
Nikure's Grace: This silver talisman in the form of two delicate intertwined spirals glows blue whenever an evil creature targets the wearer with magic jar, possession, or a similar effect, or with a charm or compulsion spell or effect that allows the creature to exercise control over the wearer (such as suggestion, but not sleep). If the spell or effect allows a saving throw and the wearer fails it, he receives a second saving throw. If he succeeds at the second saving throw, the wearer is also protected by protection from evil for 5 rounds.
Arcanist Exploits: Each use of an Arcanist Exploit uses one or more points from your Arcane Reservoir.
Arcane Barrier: Provides 6 Temporary Hit Points (Arcanist level + CHA modifier) and inflicts an equal amount of Negative Energy damage on whoever breaks the barrier.
Necromantic Focus (Ex): You must prepare at least one Necromancy spell of each spell level you can cast.
Arcane Reservoir (Su): You start each day with 5 points in your Arcane Reservoir (3 + 1/2 Arcanist level), and it can hold up to 7 points (3 + Arcanist level).
Twilight Barrier (Su): Whenever an attack removes the last Temporary Hit Point from your Arcane Barrier, the barrier lashes back at the attacker, dealing an amount of Negative Energy damage equal to the barrier's maximum Temp HP capacity.
Soulward (Su): As long as Esha has her Soulrider on Roland, she can at will as a swift action give him +2 profane bonus to will saves until her next round*. If active, it can be seen by seers with a particularly discerning eye or a specific hatred of the living dead*.
Consume Life (Su): By wresting a soul from life to death, you gain a slightly deeper understanding of mortality, fueling your curiosity and eldritch power. As a Full-Round Action, you can consume the life energy of a helpless living creature, killing it. This creature must have 2 or more Hit Dice and be below 0 hit points. You add 2 points to your Arcane Reservoir if the creature's Hit Dice equaled or exceeded your character level, or 1 point if the creature's Hit Dice equaled at least 1/2 your character level. This ability is a Death Effect.
Light Sensitivity: You are Dazzled in areas of bright sunlight or within the radius of a Daylight spell.
Unhallowed Birth: You take a -1 penalty to your caster level whenever you are in an area affected by Consecrate, Hallow, or a similar spell that makes an area Holy.
Hold Breath (Ex): You can hold your breath for 52 rounds (4 times your Constitution attribute) before risking drowning or suffocating.
Thought Speech (Su): You can communicate with any other creature within 60 feet that has a language. This communication is thorough but not always perfect, particularly when dealing with abstract or arcane concepts you are not familiar with. It is possible to address multiple creatures at once using Thought Speech, although maintaining conversations with more than one creature at a time is just as difficult as simultaneously speaking and listening to multiple people at the same time. You lack the mechanisms to vocalize complex language.
Limb-Climber (Ex): When you are adjacent to or in the space of a corporeal creature at least one Size category larger than yourself, you can climb that creature's body with a successful Climb check against a DC equal to the target creature's CMD. Although you are holding on to the creature, this action isn't a Grapple; it doesn't provoke Attacks of Opportunity from the creature, and neither you nor the creature you climb gains the grappled condition. While you are on the climbed creature, the creature takes a -1 penalty on attack rolls against you (equal to the number of Sneak Attack dice you possess).
I was bored and had a bit of time on my hands, so I went ahead and added various stat info for the first round of attacks. If nothing else, it should help DP run the combat round without having to reference sheets too much or try to account for the effects of buff spells.
Looking at the numbers, we have a really good chance of killing one of the Formless in the Surprise Round just going by average damage inflicted, especially if it fails a Fort save against just one application of Greenblood Oil which will shave off another 9 HP. It literally needs to roll a Nat 1 to fail to resist the poison, but that is still three chances between Roland, Tom, and Swift Pebble.
Also, @DragonParadox, Swift Pebble is some variety of Chaotic, right? From interactions with her, I would guess Chaotic Neutral with leanings toward Chaotic Good? If this isn't the case, she doesn't have any business in this fight at all because a stray Chaos Hammer could wreck her. Would rather just have her sit out the fight and use her Telepathy to help coordinate or for recon.
[X] I'm tired of these motherfucking Formless on this motherfucking Material Plane (paraphrasing Samuel L. Jackson)
-[X] From the ship, we'll need a volunteer to use the Horn of the Wearbear to become a Zentragt and our newly hired drummer to play the Drums of Haste, along with Tom, Zaia, and Inge.
-[X] Before the fight: --[X] The Zentragt will use its Bear's Endurance SLA (+4 CON) on Roland, Tom, and Swift Pebble (for a total of +2 HP). It will use its Rage SLA (+2 STR & CON, +1 Will saves, -2 AC) on Roland (for a total of +15 HP) and Tom (for a total of +9 HP).
--[X] Inge will cast Mage Armor on herself and Zaia, having already cast it on Swift Pebble before the group first explored the "rock". She will use her Guidance cantrip on everyone immediately before combat, this will be used to help resist Formless special abilities or SLAs.
--[X] Esha will renew her Shield spell and Twilight Barrier, if necessary, and cast Mage Armor on the Zentragt and drummer.
--[X] Zaia will drink his Mutagen (+2 Natural Armor, +4 CON, -2 CHA) and apply a dose of Greenblood Oil (1 CON damage per round for 4 rounds, DC 13 Fort) poison to Roland, Tom's, and Swift Pebble's weapons. He will use his Bomber's Eye and Targeted Bomb Admixture extracts just before combat begins.
--[X] The drummer will begin making Perform checks to activate the drums' Haste spell. Once he is successful, this will be the signal for the Great Work to expel the Formless in the desired positioning. The designated targets for the Haste effect will be Roland, Tom, Wanderer, the Zentragt, and Swift Pebble. The drummer will stay well back from combat, along with our other casters. --[X] Tom will use Coordinated Maneuvers to give everyone a +2 bonus to Combat Maneuvers for the next four rounds. --[X] If possible, we're going to want the Great Worm to expel both Formless so that their backs are to most of the group, so that the Zentragt can Bull Rush it from behind as soon as it emerges. Wanderer would be positioned so that the other Formless would be facing him while everyone else is behind it, allowing him to draw its attention while everyone else attacks from behind, granting a party-wide Flanking bonus against it. -[X] Surprise Round: --[X] Roland will use Encouraging Roar as a Swift Action to give everyone a +2 Morale bonus to attack and damage rolls for one round. He and Tom will Power Attack the first Formless immediately after Inge, Zaia, and Esha hit it with their abilities and Wanderer makes the first attack. Roland (+13/+13 Attack vs Flat-Footed AC of 17: 1d8+10+1d6; 17-20/x2) and Tom (+11/+11 Attack vs Flat-Footed AC of 17: 1d8+5; x3) will attempt to keep the Formless Flanked between them and Wanderer (everyone's attack bonuses in this round include the +2 bonus from Flanking the Formless). In the next round, as a Swift Action Roland will use Challenge (+4 damage bonus for Roland, +2 attack bonus for everyone attacking his Challenge target) against the first Formless and continue using Power Attack, unless it is already dead, in which case he will use Challenge and Power Attack against the second Formless. Tom will stop attacking directly after the Surprise Round and instead begin using Aid Another to provide Roland with another +2 attack bonus. ---[X] Inge will use her Guiding Spirit ability as a Swift Action, then target the Formless with a Snowball spell (+9 Touch Attack vs Flat-Footed Touch AC of 9, make 2 attack rolls and use highest result; 4d6 Cold damage, DC 15 Fort save to avoid being Staggered for 1 round). In the following rounds, Inge will use her Fortune or Healing Hexes as necessary, only attempting to hit a Formless with Snowball if a good opportunity presents itself.
---[X] Esha will target the first Formless with a Magic Missiles spell (4d4+4 Force damage, 8th caster level vs Spell Resistance 18) from her staff and maintain a Soulward (+2 Will save bonus) on Roland each round as a Swift Action. She will continue casting Magic Missiles spells as long as her staff charges allow before falling back on her Blindness spells.
---[X] Zaia will target the first Formless with a Firebomb (+8 Touch Attack vs Flat-Footed Touch AC of 9; 2d6+10 Fire damage). He will carefully wait for another opportunity to use his bombs when there is no risk of hitting an ally, providing what healing he can with extracts or potions in the meantime.
---[X] Wanderer will Rage (+4 STR & CON, +2 Will saves, -2 AC) and attack the first Formless using Power Attack and his Reckless Abandon ability while doing so (+13/+13 Attack vs Flat-Footed AC of 17: 1d10+13; x2) as the casters hit it from behind, along with everyone else. He will take the lead against it rather than Roland or Tom, hoping to draw its attention to him. ---[X] Swift Pebble attacks the first Formless, using Piranha Strike when it is Flanked (+11/+11 Attack vs Flat-Footed AC of 17: 1d3+9+1d6 [50% chance this +1d6 Precision damage does not apply]; 19-20/x2). --[X] The Zentragt will use its True Strike SLA then Charge the second Formless, making a Bull Rush against it to push it as far from the rest of the group as possible (CMB of 10 + 2 from Coordinated Maneuvers + 2 from Encouraging Roar + 2 from Charging + 1 from Haste + 20 from True Strike = +37 vs CMD of 25 [28 - 3 due to being denied DEX bonus]). After this initial attack, it will continue to Power Attack with all of its natural attacks while trying to keep the Formless distracted and preventing it from interfering with the fight against the first one.
I was bored and had a bit of time on my hands, so I went ahead and added various stat info for the first round of attacks. If nothing else, it should help DP run the combat round without having to reference sheets too much or try to account for the effects of buff spells.
And here's an updated Fellowship page, @DragonParadox. I originally messed up Wanderer's damage bonuses when using the +1 Greatclub. Forgot it was a two-handed weapon.
The Fellowship
Motto: Truth from the Unknown
Leadership: Triumvirate of Antonio, Roland, and Zaia as joint council
Fleet of the Company
Basic Construction: Eastern Mediterranean Galley 121 ft length 21 ft width 130 Metric tons of Cargo
Touched by the Far Realm: The ship has passed though the Realm Between and it has been... changed. It Hungers for life and yet it seems bent on preserving the life of its crew
Sails upon the Dreaming Wind: Marcella no longer sails solely with the wind of mortal realms, able to even travel against it at great need, though to linger among its rigging grows more of a strain upon the mind of man
Ship's Eye I: All those marked by the ship gain +2 Circumstantial to Reflex Saves while on the ship
64 Sailors not counting the captain
8 Armed with short bows
57 armed with a variety of melee weapons
A pair of enchanted crossbows on tripods (+1 to attack and Damage; can be fired with a voice command/free action)
Special: +2 bonus when using the Trip, Disarm, Dirty Trick, Feint, Reposition, or Steal Combat Maneuvers, and does not provoke an Attack of Opportunity.
Special: +2 bonus when using the Trip, Disarm, Dirty Trick, Feint, Reposition, or Steal Combat Maneuvers, and does not provoke an Attack of Opportunity.
You can use a net in melee to Trip or Disarm opponents instead of Entangling them. You gain a +2 bonus on Disarm checks made to use a net in this way (stacks with Deft Maneuvers).
If you have an opponent Entangled in your net, you can attempt to Drag or Reposition that opponent as long as he is within your net's reach or you control the trailing rope on your net.
Special: You deal additional damage equal to your weapon's critical hit modifier when you score a successful critical hit with a weapon; this additional damage is added to the final total, and is not multiplied by the critical hit multiple itself.
Fast Movement (Ex): When you are not wearing Heavy Armor or carrying a heavy load, your land speed is increased by +10 feet.
Rage (Ex): You can enter a Rage or leave that state as a Free Action for up to 15 rounds per day (10 + CON modifier + 2 per level after 1st). Temporary Constitution increases do not affect your daily ability to Rage. When you stop using Rage, you are Fatigued for twice as long as you Raged, and you cannot enter a Rage while Fatigued or Exhausted. If you fall unconscious, your Rage immediately ends. Your ability to Rage is renewed each day after resting for 8 hours, although these hours do not need to be consecutive.
Reckless Abandon (Ex): While Raging, you can further reduce your AC by -1 to increase your attack bonus by +1
Rage Effects: +4 Morale bonus to Strength and Constitution, +2 Morale bonus to Will saves, and -2 penalty to AC. You cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-linked skills (except Acrobatics, Intimidate, and Ride), or any ability that requires patience or concentration.
Equipment of Note: Cold Iron Spear, Steel Chain Shirt
Anwa Islands 4/10: Strangers you are seemingly risen up from the foaming waves of a storms come upon the island, strange is your ship and strange is your manner. Some call you aid unlooked for in a time of need, some birds of ill omen, come to pick over the bones of the True Folk
-Lirman: 6/10: You were welcomed by the king into his hall, yet you have made few freinds among the clans, even those who were once you allies now speaking ill of your deeds. Yet none can deny that you came in timely manner with news of the darkness growing over Korman. It is said you have slain a dragon, and a dragon's head you brought forth for song and saga
-Korman: 3/10: Champions of Olweje, and bearers of His shield you have been named outlaw and kidnapper by the new king of the Island. It would be death for you to show your face in the capital, though perhaps other lords might thing better of you
Orinilu 2/10: One of your leaders is a member of the League of Captains and honored for it.
The White Lands 1/10: Your deeds are great , but they have not yet resounded upon the frozen plains from the horns of the Wyrdoki and the drums of the Danuk
Brewed from the musk of a creature long trapped in the dreaming world this concoction allows a mage to greatly enhance the effects of spells of slumber. Add 2d2 HD to the cap creatures affected by a sleep spell. Cost 150 gp/dose.
Notable possessions
Books on Alchemy and Metallurgy (+3 to Craft Alchemy and all Metal Craft skills as long as one is in a position to reference the tomes)*
Masterwork Smithing and Alchemy Tools (+2 to relevant rolls)*
A cauldron of brewing looks like a fine cooking pot with four stout legs. The cauldron is capable of heating any liquid placed in it to a precise temperature (anywhere from just above room temperature to hot enough to boil salt water) and maintaining it indefinitely while still remaining only slightly warm to the touch on the outside. A cauldron of brewing provides a +5 competence bonus on Craft (alchemy) skill checks.
Instructions for Dragon Crafting (a book that when consulted allows an alchemist to act as though they possess Dragoncrafting at the cost of taking twice as long as with the feat)*
This set of kettle drums is carried on a shoulder strap and played one-handed using a single two-sided mallet. By making a DC 20 Perform (percussion) check, the bearer can grant the effects of a haste spell on up to 5 creatures. The drums can affect up to 25 creatures per day.
While wearing a Fey Gold nugget around the neck, the wearer gains fire resistance 1 and a +1 resistance bonus on Will saving throws.
Northern Fury
Northern Fury
Description: This heavy oaken club, roughly carved, is not quite sentient, but still seems drawn to violence, dragging its wielder into battle with it if it can.
+1 Greatclub
The wielder takes a -2 penalty on Will saves against any spells or effects that incite rage, compel hostility or otherwise contribute to starting a fight.
With the first hit made in a combat the club casts Deadly Juggernaut as a free action, but also requires the wielder to make a DC 14 Will save to retreat from melee-range of any opponent still standing. The spell can only be activated once per day.
Horn of the Werebear
Description: A horn in form but not of horn wrought, rather it seems to have been carved from a single piece of ivory by most skillful and loving craft. Carved all about its length with scenes of war that feature men and bears as well as the obviously quite painful transformation between them.
Power: A sacred relic of Olweje, when this horn is blown it can temporarily transform a warrior into large, armored monstrosity of a bear, a Zentragt. The warrior must accept the transformation willingly and after the battle for which he was transformed sacrifice the arms and armor of all foes he has slain to Olweje (by eating them in his bear-form), or else the warrior remains a Zentragt and is driven battle-mad to attack his former comrades.
The transformation takes a full round and lasts for an hour, the target of the transformation must be within 10 feet of the hornblower.
Okunrin Okomo's Hollow Drums (might be used for enchantment)*
Broken Wyrd Lantern (might serve as the base for future enchantments)*
Shadow's various potions and poisons* Shadow's dragon tablets*
Yeah, Encouraging Roar was included, but I changed Roland and Tom from using Power Attack to attacking normally.
That decreases Roland's damage by 4 per attack while increasing his attack bonus by 2, and decreases Tom's damage by 2 while increasing his attack bonus by 1. I know Power Attacking is generally better than not using it, but I'm not sure about it in this situation. Given the Formless' decreased AC for the Surprise Round and their Damage Reduction, I think I'll change it back to having them use Power Attack unless ya'll think I should do otherwise?
Wanderer's damage was a bit low because I made a mistake on his character sheet when I was figuring up his damage using the +1 Greatclub. As a two-handed weapon he should be getting 1.5 times hit Strength bonus, and he should be getting +3 damage when Power Attacking with it rather than +2.
@Goldfish, regarding character sheets, could you also add Esha's True Neutral alignment, as revealed by DP? Also, it lists Antonio as having 5 power points / day; he has 2 from Wild Talent and 2 from Awakended Talent, but where does the 5th come from?
Regarding power attacks, in the surprise round I think we should use them, in the later rounds I don't know, do as you see fit.
In the next round, as a Swift Action Roland will use Challenge against the first Formless, unless it is already dead, in which case he will use it against the second.