Towards the Golden Throne (Warhammer 40k Xianxia)

[X] Family. Du'landra cares for her brother enough to come to Xicarph alone to rescue him, a bond you find strange and oddly fascinating.
[X] Bors, caught scavenging, defends his actions and the life that made them necessary. You have never known what it is to have nothing.
[X] Technique. In payment for witnessing your skills in the arena, and to aid in planning for future cooperation, Du'landra agrees to trade pointers and demonstrate her Arts.
[X] Greta, apparently feeling maternal, sees fit to induct you into her household rituals. You have never known what it is like to be welcomed into another's home.
[X] Family. Du'landra cares for her brother enough to come to Xicarph alone to rescue him, a bond you find strange and oddly fascinating.

[X] Greta, apparently feeling maternal, sees fit to induct you into her household rituals. You have never known what it is like to be welcomed into another's home.

I was expecting Miraxa to fight another human, thankfully it seems that the heir to Omnissiah Igvita is more than capable in dealing with unforeseen challenges.

Also, Nobs would be the Ork's third realm, correct?
Also, Nobs would be the Ork's third realm, correct?

Orks and other aliens don't really follow the same model as humans when it comes to things like Realms and Paths. The Aeldari are relatively similar, but that Nob has never meditated or trained or experimented with akasha/qi/force in its life.

Miraxa isn't a xenobiological specialist, but she did manage to pick up the general outline of how Greenskin Cultivation works, which can broadly be summarised as "there is no such thing as an Ork". They are an ecosystem entire, existing in both the physical and spiritual planes simultaneously, and their power and "enlightenment" varies on how many nodes are in a given area and how large a specific node happens to be. Destroy one node, as she did here, and the Orkish soul will dissipate and take root and grow anew, or perhaps add itself to the spiritual biomass of another Orkish lifeform nearby, inducing the appropriate changes to their physical form in the process.

(Bonus xp to anyone who writes a lecture/inquisitorial report on this topic, I'll just throw that out there now).
Also, Nobs would be the Ork's third realm, correct?
Maybe it's something vaguely like this?

Da Boyz Realm:
Common gitz that think some shooting and chopping is already makin' WHAAG!!!

Da Big Boyz Realm:
The Boyz that have seen that there's something more to WHAAG! than muscle and metal alone and start tapping into the tiniest bit of the true power of WHAAG!. Only through real combat do Orks develop to this state.

Da Nobs Realm:
WHAAG! is the weapon you wield, WHAAG! is your own body, WHAAG! is the dust and the blood and sweat around you, it is the screams of your enemies and the shouts of your Boss. Only by overcoming many and diverse enemies can Orks discover this vital difference between themselves and all the non-Orky gits out there.

Da Boss Realm:
WHAAG! is drawn to the biggest, loudest, strongest, meanest, choppiest, shootiest and simply orkiest of Orks. By becoming such and making all the Boyz know and recognise you as the best, you draw greater amounts of WHAAG! into yourself and give it back to your boys, strenghtening both in the process.

Da Warlord Realm:

Da Overlord Realm:

The Warmasters Realm:

The Beast Realm

Edit: Just messing around here, not even close to an Omake.
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[X] Family. Du'landra cares for her brother enough to come to Xicarph alone to rescue him, a bond you find strange and oddly fascinating.
[X] Meena, in the process of teaching you sign language, ends up discussing faith and how the world treats those like her. You have never known what it is to be ignored.

Meena needs more votes.
[X] Family. Du'landra cares for her brother enough to come to Xicarph alone to rescue him, a bond you find strange and oddly fascinating.
[X] Greta, apparently feeling maternal, sees fit to induct you into her household rituals. You have never known what it is like to be welcomed into another's home.
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"I am familiar enough with the concept of sex appeal as tool or weapon," Du'landra Melua speaks up from her corner of the room, neatly confirming your earlier hypothesis. You wonder how many people she's managed to successfully stab because they were too busy looking at her breasts. You wonder if there is any way to actually ask that question without poisoning the relationship beyond hope of securing a useful answer.
i love her so much
You hope they are not imagining your younger self as some kind of hormonal wreck without any kind of self-control or discipline, the sort of person who required such psycho-surgery to function in society. Your gene father would have disposed of you if that were the case.
Oh, yeah, she should totally explain that to them. I'm sure that'll totally reassure them instead of freaking them out more!
Flipping the knife over in your hand, you reach behind your back and slice open the flesh along your spine. False flesh, vat-grown and denuded of all pain receptors and blood vessels, peeling away to reveal the connection ports and neural interfaces hidden within. Greta looks vaguely nauseous, though she cannot see what you are doing from her angle, while Meena hurries over with the box that Grist provided. Inside rest four beautiful chrome-silver mechadendrites, currently compacted down into their cylindrical storage form. You take the first and, with a prayer to the Omnissiah, plug it into your spine.
The connection forms with a rush of static, lightning crawling up and down your bones, and you arch your back and bone in a way that turns Meena's face several degrees redder.
A), I love our sexy punchy lady embarrassing the fuck out of Meena in this whole scene. Honestly this whole conversation and scene is everything I could have possibly hoped for from picking the costume option. B), I'm actually not quite sure how to parse Miraxa apparently "arching her bone." Is this an "I am the bone of my tentacle" thing? Or should that just be *bend instead?
"It varies," you grunt, connecting the second mechadendrite and stifling your immediate reaction. It feels like dead limb syndrome in reverse, the sudden rush of vitality removing a crippling injury you did not even realise you had. "Our path leads us to seek the perfection of form. Those who can attain such things through the knowledge of Akasha would be shamed to rely on simple cybernetics, while those incapable of bodily refinement would be disdained for a reluctance to upgrade. Naturally, augmentations that work with and rely upon the application of akasha are the best of all, as are those which provide a capability otherwise denied even to one who practices the Imperial Arts."
This is a cool take on this.
As Fabricator-General of Ryza, your gene-father could have sculpted you into a perfect idol of steel and wire, equipped you with only the very finest products of his Forge, but what would that say? That you needed such advantages to keep up, that anyone could do what you did if they had the same resources at their command? Your position, your purpose, your very survival depends on being exceptional. You dare not compromise that impression, even for a moment.
God. If I could add tags, I would totally tag this quest as "hugs are a weakness of the flesh" and "miraxa needs hugs, badly."
"Very well," you say, slotting the last two mechadendrites into place and flexing them in quick inspection. Good, the limbs are as flexible and responsive as you need them to be, the manipulator claws at the end of each clicking sharply with adequate force. "Let us fulfil our end of the bargain."
I am so fucking happy that we're now a young, ripped, plasma-punchy xianxia Adept version of Liv from Into the Spider-Verse.
You rise to a chorus of polite applause and delighted whispers, feeling a hundred eyes on you all at once. Hm. You did not consider it before, but there is likely a political dimension to this, Grist demonstrating his credentials by arranging for a true Imperial Adept to fight for the visceral pleasure of those who imagine themselves your betters. Well, it cannot be helped.
Yeah, not strictly ideal but I still regard it as better than our other options even still.
(You notice, with an absent thought, that there is something missing from its spiritual aura. The akasha that the Ork exudes ought to be taken up by another and returned, a feedback loop whose absence adds an edge of starvation to the aspect of its soul. You are put in mind of a power cable, severed and flopping against the ground, sparking violently with lost discharge.)
I really like this take on Orkish cultivation.
Without doubt, this is a dangerous foe. Truly, you were fortunate to come here, and wise to agree to this term in negotiations with Grist.
I really do love her shonen-ass attitude towards fighting.
Two hands sink into the stone of the nearest pillar as an anchor, two more seize the arm to delay the swing, and with your last you slam shards of sunfire into that heavy jaw and consume the beast's head in a solar flare that scorches the roof of the arena.
I think this should be *with your last two. Otherwise it kinda parses as Miraxa somehow only having five hands (the sentences you say in a Mechanicus quest lmfao).
For a moment you allow yourself to feel the brief thrill of victory. Then the Ork kicks you in the chest and fractures three of your ribs.
Well, this is fighting Orks in a nutshell, isn't it. Especially for someone who hasn't done it before.
The noble is already advancing, half its face burned down to the bone and whisps of flame still clinging to stringy black hair, but despite the wound its one remaining eye burns with a murderous fury.
It amuses me that Miraxa is too set on using "proper" terminology to lower herself to using the debased term "nob."
You force down the pain and roll back to your feet, lifting your hands into a traditional guard, just in time to see the Ork snort in contempt and toss the ragged remnants of your loincloth to one side. Well. You suppose that explains why the crowd is hollering with such enthusiasm.
LMFAO. Yes, I rather imagine it would.
Physical strikes are ineffective. Ork physiology disregards otherwise crippling wounds and damage to extremities. Only gross trauma to the core mass will be sufficient.

You have never attempted this before, but what else are duels for, if not to push you to your very limits and then force you to exceed them? You grin, and with all six hands you grasp for the fire of the sun. The claws of your mechadendrites are not made to hold such things, permitting too much waste as light and heat spill out across the arena, but you persist. Every scrap of power, every fleeting wisp of sunshine, all of it and more you gather close until the jewels on your skin shine like stars and the metal floor of the arena begins to discolour and melt beneath your bare feet.
SHONEN. AS. FUCK. I would never have guessed that the Mechanicus would pair so well with shonen-ass xianxia bullshit, but we're here now and I am loving it. This is so fucking metal.

Also, previously you used "whisps" but here it's "wisps" - not sure if the discrepancy is intentional or what.
"Six Fists of the Sun Goddess - Coronal Blow!"

You strike with the fury of a star, and from your half dozen hands comes a torrent of plasma that ignites the air and turns greenskinned flesh to ash. The beam cores the Ork clean through and tears a ragged hole in the arena roof to splash against the great dome of the artificial sky beyond, a river of blinding brilliance that sets alarms to shrieking and the weak to screaming all across the city.
Did I say it was so fucking metal before? My mistake. THIS is so fucking metal.
You exhale, lowering your hands, and stand in a pillar of sunlight as the smoking remnants of an alien warrior clatter to the ground all around you. The crowd are cheering rapturously, and on belated whim you position your metal arms to cover your loins and chest in a vague attempt at modesty. Strangely, that only makes the cheering grow louder.
The results of letting Grist pick our costume are EVERYTHING. We got absolute hilarity and some great character discussion before. Just wonderful.
"Providing such creatures for the arena is the core element of the Beast House's services," Lady Melua says, her eyes gleaming in what you think might be approval as she looks at you. "Thankfully, it seems this partnership will prove fruitful indeed, if such is the skill you bring to bear. Allow me now to do my part - I have a mansion here in the city, borrowed from a friend. Allow us to retire there for now, to rest and eat and plan our next move."
I choose to believe that "approval" also has something to do with Miraxa's loincloth getting orksploded, as my shipping goggles are permanently fused to my face. Miraxa's psychosurgery does mean nothing would likely come of that regardless though, unfortunately, unless our association with Melua proves more long-term than I'm currently guessing (not that I would be averse to that, at all).
You nod solemnly, trying not to worry too much about the grey spots at the edge of your vision and the burning ache in your limbs, and together you walk down the tunnel and out into the false light of dawn.
It'll be fiiiiiiiiine.

This was an awesome update, thank you so much for all of this.
[ ] Inheritance. As a noblewoman, Du'landra understands the pressures and expectations you are under better than most.

[ ] Family. Du'landra cares for her brother enough to come to Xicarph alone to rescue him, a bond you find strange and oddly fascinating.

[ ] Technique. In payment for witnessing your skills in the arena, and to aid in planning for future cooperation, Du'landra agrees to trade pointers and demonstrate her Arts.
Oof, these are tough to choose between. I'm not personally that interested in the middle option, but the third option has significant practical appeal, while the first option has great character appeal to me. I would absolutely love to see Miraxa actually getting to experience informed sympathy regarding the incredible pressures she's under.
[ ] Bors, caught scavenging, defends his actions and the life that made them necessary. You have never known what it is to have nothing.

[ ] Greta, apparently feeling maternal, sees fit to induct you into her household rituals. You have never known what it is like to be welcomed into another's home.

[ ] Meena, in the process of teaching you sign language, ends up discussing faith and how the world treats those like her. You have never known what it is to be ignored.

[ ] Sulz, sharing a drink and some old war stories, gets a little maudlin about old comrades lost but not forgotten. You have never been permitted the luxury of grief.
Oh god these are such a hard choice too. These are all so incredibly tempting, I'm probably going to wind up picking practically at random just because I want them all.
Miraxa isn't a xenobiological specialist, but she did manage to pick up the general outline of how Greenskin Cultivation works, which can broadly be summarised as "there is no such thing as an Ork". They are an ecosystem entire, existing in both the physical and spiritual planes simultaneously, and their power and "enlightenment" varies on how many nodes are in a given area and how large a specific node happens to be. Destroy one node, as she did here, and the Orkish soul will dissipate and take root and grow anew, or perhaps add itself to the spiritual biomass of another Orkish lifeform nearby, inducing the appropriate changes to their physical form in the process.
This is also really, really cool. That bonus xp is tempting, too - I'll have to consider that.

Ughhhhhhhh voting voting voting. What to vote for.

[X] Inheritance. As a noblewoman, Du'landra understands the pressures and expectations you are under better than most.

I'll go with this for Melua's vote - character appeal over practicality. Might not be the most prudent and I actually AM really curious about her fighting style but I really can't resist the character convo either. Although now I've reminded myself about how much I want to see her fighting style and have her exchange pointers with Miraxa... WHY DOES CHOOSING HAVE TO BE HARD, THIS IS UNFAIR

[X] Greta, apparently feeling maternal, sees fit to induct you into her household rituals. You have never known what it is like to be welcomed into another's home.

[X] Meena, in the process of teaching you sign language, ends up discussing faith and how the world treats those like her. You have never known what it is to be ignored.

I honestly cannot pick just one from the retainer vote so I'm approval voting both of these. Having Miraxa, who has literally never even witnessed a healthy family life AFAICT, see what a positive parental relationship looks like sounds like a damn good scene to me. And Meena's appeal is two-fold. One, Miraxa getting to hear what experiencing institutional discrimination is like sounds great, and is also a good follow-up on the self-reflection she's already had re: Meena about the possible flaws in her Sect's attitude towards "culling weaknesses." And two, based on Meena's reaction to The Costume, my hopes are high for the prospect of Meena spending the scene trying not to let on that she's developed an incredibly awkward crush on the scary sexy adept.
[X] Family. Du'landra cares for her brother enough to come to Xicarph alone to rescue him, a bond you find strange and oddly fascinating.
[X] Greta, apparently feeling maternal, sees fit to induct you into her household rituals. You have never known what it is like to be welcomed into another's home.
[X] Family. Du'landra cares for her brother enough to come to Xicarph alone to rescue him, a bond you find strange and oddly fascinating.
[X] Bors, caught scavenging, defends his actions and the life that made them necessary. You have never known what it is to have nothing.
[X] Family. Du'landra cares for her brother enough to come to Xicarph alone to rescue him, a bond you find strange and oddly fascinating.

[X] Sulz, sharing a drink and some old war stories, gets a little maudlin about old comrades lost but not forgotten. You have never been permitted the luxury of grief.
[X] Family. Du'landra cares for her brother enough to come to Xicarph alone to rescue him, a bond you find strange and oddly fascinating.
[X] Greta, apparently feeling maternal, sees fit to induct you into her household rituals. You have never known what it is like to be welcomed into another's home.

These complement each other so well
[X] Inheritance. As a noblewoman, Du'landra understands the pressures and expectations you are under better than most.
[X] Meena, in the process of teaching you sign language, ends up discussing faith and how the world treats those like her. You have never known what it is to be ignored.
After some contemplation, I've decided that Meena needs more votes more than Greta does. I'm updating my vote to:

[X] Inheritance. As a noblewoman, Du'landra understands the pressures and expectations you are under better than most.
[X] Meena, in the process of teaching you sign language, ends up discussing faith and how the world treats those like her. You have never known what it is to be ignored.
[X] Inheritance. As a noblewoman, Du'landra understands the pressures and expectations you are under better than most.
[X] Meena, in the process of teaching you sign language, ends up discussing faith and how the world treats those like her. You have never known what it is to be ignored.
[X] Inheritance. As a noblewoman, Du'landra understands the pressures and expectations you are under better than most.
[X] Meena, in the process of teaching you sign language, ends up discussing faith and how the world treats those like her. You have never known what it is to be ignored.
[X] Family. Du'landra cares for her brother enough to come to Xicarph alone to rescue him, a bond you find strange and oddly fascinating.
[X] Meena, in the process of teaching you sign language, ends up discussing faith and how the world treats those like her. You have never known what it is to be ignored.
[X] Family. Du'landra cares for her brother enough to come to Xicarph alone to rescue him, a bond you find strange and oddly fascinating.

[X] Greta, apparently feeling maternal, sees fit to induct you into her household rituals. You have never known what it is like to be welcomed into another's home.
[X] Family. Du'landra cares for her brother enough to come to Xicarph alone to rescue him, a bond you find strange and oddly fascinating.

I find the alone part particularly interesting. Where are her guards, sycophants and friends?

[X] Meena, in the process of teaching you sign language, ends up discussing faith and how the world treats those like her. You have never known what it is to be ignored.

No automatic translation system? Looks like the fabricator-general cheaped out once again. Pay for that perfect metal body already, it's what the audience wants to see. Who cares how a cultivator gets to the top as long she gets there.
Orks - An Inquisitorial Briefing
Inquisitorial Report - Orkish Cultivation

It is a well-known fact that, save the Eldar, the Cultivation of xenos differs greatly from that of humanity. Their physiology is distinct even in cases of fellow bipedal mammalians. Their souls are fundamentally different, and not just because their cultures are different as a result of their physiologies. One of the most common points of study in this regard is the Ork. One of humanity's most common foes, one that has plagued it since before the Age of Strife if our records are correct, most probably since before Dark Age in all honesty. They're incredibly difficult to root out at the best of times, and the best of times have not been witnessed since the Horus Heresy.

Let us begin with a brief overview of their bodies. One might believe that the common greenskin is what an Ork is. They are, after all, commonly referred to as Orks, the large, simpleminded(not stupid, merely very focused on combat three-quarters of the time) brutes with red eyes and green skin, as opposed to the fleshy balls of teeth in the Squigs or the willowy but cruelly intelligent Gretchin. This is not wrong, strictly speaking, but rather than viewing them as disparate organisms, it would be more accurate to view them akin to the microbiomes within the intestinal tract of mortals. They do not exist within a vacuum. Instead, they are a slew of related organisms that influence their environment to be more accommodating. It should be noted that the physical and spiritual development of Orkoids are closely linked well beyond any other known species. One certainly influences the other in humans, but with Orks they are synonymous for all intents and purposes.

First of the Orkoids to emerge are the lichen and mushrooms, the food for the early Orkoids and the 'flowers' of their embryos. They often resemble common fungi at a glance, making them difficult for mortals to detect, though the aggressive nature of all Orkoids can be of use here, and they cannot hide from Akashic Arts, nor do they usually bother. The first Orkoids to emerge are always the Gretchin in their juvenile Snotling form, their equivalent to the Yoof stage of the Ork. They will begin caretaking the funguses and the emerging Squigs until the familiar Orks begin emerging. From here, internecine conflict will begin as Orks begin seeking to establish dominance. While for the longest time it was believed that this was considered a mark of idiocy as they killed each other more often than the Imperium did, there does seem to be a logic to it. That is, survival of the fittest. It is well-known that the biggest, toughest, strongest Ork will take on leadership sooner or later. They begin jockeying for the position the moment there are two Orks in the same area, though they are largely content to serve under a Boss, as they tend to call any Ork higher-ranked than them, who regularly wins and provides them with fights. Should they lose in a manner they survive even two or three times in a row, they can expect challenges from their underlings, sometimes before the battle they're losing is even over.

The Orks are, based on Mechanicus analysis, designed from the ground up to be tremendously difficult to kill. Human scar tissue is hyperactive, but it allows us to recover at least in part from anything that doesn't kill us outright, allowing particularly strong-willed individuals to perform surgery on themselves. Orks can, with some outside aid, attach their heads to the bodies of completely different Orks, and due to the nature of their Cultivation, this body will swiftly match their old one. Replacing limbs is even easier. In essence, nothing short of massive damage to their center of mass can be considered a lethal blow, which is not a guarantee they will not kill you before they figure out they're dead like a human on a massive adrenaline spike, and instantly fatal attacks can only be found in total destruction of the head, unless the combatant is using some sort of Art that bypasses their durability, as some Assassinorum Sects are capable of.

Now that I've laid out the basics, let us discuss their spiritual side. Orks develop from conflict, particularly from winning. There is an old Terran joke about achieving unlimited power by plugging a power strip into itself. For Orks, this can actually work. Not as efficiently as fighting other entities, but the waging of war and battle refines Akasha into Orkish Waagh! energies, and Orks can trivially absorb the energies of their fellows compared to that of non-Orks, effectively eating their souls to empower themselves, so a conflict below a truly ruinous tempo will leave the survivors stronger than the sum total of the original pool of Orks. This is why Orks must be purged with extreme prejudice and extreme thoroughness, as once an infestation has taken root, it can be more difficult than a Daemonic Sect to remove.

Their bodies release spores in life and en masse upon death, and their souls reflect this. The Waagh! Field connects every Ork under the Ork of the highest Realm in the area in a singular network, growing as the number and power of the individual Orks does. Thus, the number of followers a Warboss has is just as important as the number of battles they've won. A Warboss that absorbs a smaller Ork Empire by defeating the Warboss of that Empire will effectively merge their networks, exponentially increasing it's own power as the feedback loop expands. Even a 10% increase in their domain can vastly worsen their threat.

One of the better examples is the Ullanor Crusade, where the leaders of the Orkish Empire were so large and powerful that lesser Ork Empires were declaring their fealty and rushing to follow their new masters into battle without ever having met them, which had a self-reinforcing effect, hence the Legions of Astartes uniting to face them at the eponymous Ullanor before they could threaten the Imperium in it's entirety.

The Waagh! Field is their greatest strength, but also their weakness. While most of the energy of the fallen is redistributed through the network when an Ork is felled regardless of their position within the network, there are limits to that. If the leadership is wiped out, the network begins to fray, not unlike human civilization. This leaves them open to being defeated piecemeal, and even cannibalizing each other's souls will only sustain them for so long if their numbers drop enough. Exterminating even a third of the Orks in the area will have deleterious effects on the remainder. Hit the halfway mark, and you may see their more energy-intensive Arts and violations of physics suffer noticeable drops in power and effectiveness. It is believed that the network relies heavily on each node to absorb more energy in totality, as each individual node can only handle so much at once, which is part of why their numbers tend to explode in the aftermath of any major fighting that doesn't enormously cull them. However, you must cull the entire Orkoid ecosystem. Each Squig and Gretchin is just as much a node as the Orks are. Even their mosses and lichen must be put to the flame. Something even the mortals can do to expunge the threat.

In conclusion, I believe the Orks are the most dire threat to the Imperium. Their numbers and ability to escalate if they are ever united is terrifying, and the nature of their Cultivation means that uniting is as simple as a duel between their Warbosses, if that much. Should another Beast emerge while we are distracted by the Despoiler, mismanagement from a rogue High Lord, or, Emperor preserve us, both at once or more, I shudder to imagine the damage they could do.

AN: How's this @Maugan Ra ? 1300 words if it matters. Incandescent Wings if this is worth any xp.
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AN: How's this @Maugan Ra ? 1500 words if it matters. Incandescent Wings if this is worth any xp.

That is indeed pretty great, and as promised I'll give 200xp as a reward for it.

Just... do me a favour and edit out the stuff about the War of the Beast, would you? Sub in some other powerful Warboss if you have to for some of it, I just detest the War of the Beast on principle at this point and am restraining myself from writing a whole essay about why.

@Maugan Ra should our equipment be listed on our character sheet? Also, do we actually have a description of what Miraxa looks like?

I'll list major Treasures and the like as and when she gets them, but otherwise I don't see much point in maintaining a full equipment section on the sheet.

I don't believe I've given a description of Miraxa in the quest to date, outside of the general sense that she is incredibly fit and athletic. I know @CedeTheBees did artwork of their impression of her, but I haven't officially canonised anything.
That is indeed pretty great, and as promised I'll give 200xp as a reward for it.

Just... do me a favour and edit out the stuff about the War of the Beast, would you? Sub in some other powerful Warboss if you have to for some of it, I just detest the War of the Beast on principle at this point and am restraining myself from writing a whole essay about why.

I'll list major Treasures and the like as and when she gets them, but otherwise I don't see much point in maintaining a full equipment section on the sheet.

I don't believe I've given a description of Miraxa in the quest to date, outside of the general sense that she is incredibly fit and athletic. I know @CedeTheBees did artwork of their impression of her, but I haven't officially canonised anything.

Drops it to about 1300 words, but I did a little editing to place Ullanor in there instead. I'd like the xp on Incandescent Wings.