A Case for Naruto:
Obviously this ultimately boils down to personal preference, but here's my reasoning.
-Naruto in canon is an idiot. I love this show but as a primary character, he's your typical shounen protag. Imagine what we can do with a more intelligent naruto making life decisions?
-Yes, Naruto is an orphan without an immediately obvious support base...but is that totally the case? He is the son of the Fourth Hokage and Jinchuuriki of the 9 Tailed Fox. Naruto has the 3rd Hokage watching over him. We're provided an apartment and money for food. We have flexibility and freedom as an orphan that we won't have as someone with a family.
-Protagonist energy. Yeah he's the main protagonist and all that entails, but it doesn't mean we have to walk that same path. We can have freedom and flexibility and at the same time be involved in the main story as we wish.
-Timing. For me personally, I would like to operate within the canon time frame. Not really keen on the warzone periods where we could easily die, but Naruto gives us years to grow and gain a steady foundation.