We were at just +3 for adv. machinery. Even picking the cheapest option I'm worried.
Then let us as the QM about it, he might be shifty about it. But I think we could get an answer.
@HeroCooky would picking the maximun number of scout drones put us into a big deficit for parts, or just a little one?
The Rho Automata won't be taking up your Advanced Machinery production.

You have my word, and you may quote me on that for future discussions.

However, they will take your alloys and metals. The first of which will feel the squeeze.

Edit: But, I urge people to consider the given options before choosing the automata, as quantity may not be what you ultimately need. Or it may. Who am I to say?
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But, I urge people to consider the given options before choosing the automata, as quantity may not be what you ultimately need. Or it may.
Looking at our options, I believe the scout drone to be the best suited. The Baharat, Thanatar, and Lambda are heavt or have threads, not suitable for a cheese planet. That leaves the Vulatarax or the drone, and I imagine the drone is smaller, so it can better manouver on tunnels. That's why the drone wins.

[X] Plan: Humanity must Learn
[X] Plan: Build the Robots
-[X] Sin of Deviation
-[X] Archmagos (Name unknown. Keeps giving a different answer every time its asked.)
-[X] "How many robots? Not enough robots! NEVER ENOUGH ROBOTS!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
-[X] Rho-Tau 17 Surveillance Robot

-[X] Her double shift would strain even her enthusiasm.
-[X] Actually, nothing happened.

-[X] Sin of Innovation
-[X] Archmagos (Name unknown. Keeps giving a different answer every time its asked.)
-[X] Vultarax
-[X] She would need some time to clean her batch.
-[X] Actually, nothing happened.
[X] Plan: Martyred for Humanity

Alright, I want to present a more targeted plan than spam bolter bots.

[X] Plan: Skypower
-[x] Sin of Perversion
-[x] Vultarax
-[X] She would need some time to clean her batch.
(50 Maniples with 3 Automata each.)
-[X] Actually, nothing happened.
-[x] Archmagos (Iota)
-[x] (A near full cyber conversion, little is known if their background before assignment to the forge world. A rare outsider, who worked their way to the top ranks through internal promotion, it was later determined that the others had not yet trusted Iota with the full secrets of their heretical experiments. Whether they would have condemned the work was in enough doubt, however, that exile was deemed efficient. An interest in biospheres as semi-deterministic systems, sparked by an early encounter with an STC terraforming fragment is notable in their public information.)

First, the idea here is that we're have xenos on our planet. We are going to need to be able to have them exist without killing them, while staying in the good graces of the empire. That's our tightrope. So I want magi who are willing to study this sort of thing and tell us about it. Archmagos description intended to double down on this, with the twist of full on mechanicus tentacle aesthetic.

Second, I want airpower as a card to play against orcs, so the vultures it is. They are noted as expensive, so I took the second-lowest number possible.

I also want a force that can range around the entire globe quickly, and not be vulnerable to sea or land creatures. This keeps them out of the tunnels, but that's what the sharkdog specialization is going to cover. We need a fast heavy hitter to back them up- a cavalry for when they return to the surface.

Last, I think we've seen that mystery boxes are not friendly much of the time. Let's not add anything unseen to the balls in the air please?
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[x] Plan: Taghmata Omnissiah Rebuild
-[x] Sin of Deviation
-[x] Archmagos Kos-78546
-[x] Thanatar
-[x] Her double shift would strain even her enthusiasm.
-[x] The eye of an Automata followed her.
The Necron "Lord of the Waves" has the best shot at winning the 1st Annual Sharkhound Organic Fishkibble "His Power and Glory" Brand (TM) Surf and Cenote-diving Competition according to experts Jim, but the fan favorites "Sister Surfperior" and "Cap'n CeNOTagrot ya git" are sure to make him work for it.

Make sure to stop by the crafts area to pick up a customized wraithbone 'Board for your special someone and hit the bar for a Blue Momi ʻōmaʻomaʻo in a souvenir Drukhari-head cup!
I finally got caught up and have one very important question.

What the heck just happened these last three updates?!

I've read them but am coming up blank.. Literally
Local Necron Lord angy about attack of Chaos.
Order of Sisters incoming to defend Major Relic.
"Nobody Understood The Joke"-Mechanicus Robit Cohort soon to arrive.
I got all of that. question remains. what just happened? True deaths, an AI! and more.

Edit: Oh yes.....Space Hawaii My Ass.
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