I want Tom to level up, but there is too much good stuff here, with an option for Roland to really begin on the path to becoming a true Martial Initiator,
and Antonio developing a psionic power as a prelude to gaining a psionic class.
For Roland, the Golden Lion Discipline is the way to go. It's just a perfect fit for him, and has plenty of room for him to grow into it with additional options later on. The eventual goal to retrain him as a
Warlord (
Bannerman) starts here. The Pride Leader's Stance isn't amazing, but it's pretty good at what it does and can be helpful in lots of situations where Roland or his nearby allies are targeted by Fear effects or someone attempts to Intimidate them. Encouraging Roar is a nice, solid buff Roland can use to boost the attacks of himself and nearby allies. Good stuff to have when leading a group of men like we do.
For Antonio's psionic power, I'm not going with anything fancy. There are
a lot of really good 1st level psionic powers to choose from, but most of them don't really do much at 1st level since they typically need to be Augmented to enhance their effect. Antonio won't be able to Augment his power, though, because he's going to be limited to manifesting it at 1st level. With that in mind, I think Mindlink is the way to go. Beyond it being a thematically appropriate power, given his mental contact with Marcella, it's a useful power for Antonio and the rest of the group even at 1st level. It will last 10 minutes and only cost 1 PP, allowing him to get a lot of use out of his small amount of PP, and being able to Telepathically communicate with allies is great in all sorts of situations. It should also make it easier for him to communicate with Marcella.
[X] You have faced foes living and dead, man and beast and giant, mindless horror and great warrior king, thus you have been honed to a razor's edge (Gain Martial Training I as a bonus feat; must choose maneuvers from either Iron Tortoise or Golden Lion)
-[X] Golden Lion: Pride Leader's Stance and Encouraging Roar
[X] Whispers grow to words, meaning from the madness spun, rare is the one who steers such a ship upon the fields of fate (Antonio Gains Awakened Talent)
-[X] Mindlink