A Tenuous Triumph
Seventh Day of Elnu-Hamba (Elnu Descendent), 1349 A. L. (After Landfall)
When you were quite a small lad, barely out of leading strings mayhap, you recall asking your father what it was like to wear armor. He turned to you with a smile and said 'too cold in winter, too hot in summer and it always stinks'. You had been quite put out by that, though perhaps more so by the fact that your nurse had fallen to giggling over the whole thing. Would that this armor stank as well, of sweat or blood, but after it had been washed in the same waters that flowed though the heart of Noromo and laid out to the breath of the cold sea wind it still smelled of nothing but ash and withered flowers.
Thus you finally enter a city made quiet save for the passage of sandaled feet and the alien clank of hooves, you look about the faces of the same men and woman who you had seen celebrate the glory of war in festival now faced with the prospect that blood might flow on their streets There is precious little of warriors here, of those who had fought at the gate the day before. Much like whatever horror had screeched out of the darkness, they seem to have vanished like a nightmare of another time. It seems to you almost absurd to ask Orok the Barrel Maker if he knows aught of undead giants or savage furies falling from pitch-black clouds, yet those are the question that Aina must ask and she is not getting the answers she had been hoping for.
"We have not seen your broth... Obari who was king since the days of Ikomi, one man says, messages there were, heralds speaking at market day but some said he had gone abroad to look at the stones and to hunt the traitor priest.. ah apologies."
There is a lot in the way of apologies and little of answers. Some say Obari ad fled or left as soon as news of the fleet from Lirman had come, that he had gone to seek his own patron among the other islands, others that the 'young king' had not been the same since the death of his brother and sought often the counsel of solitude. More and more of the servants left the palace until all there was there were armed men.
Some made jests about it, the sort of crude humor that is common when all in a hall are men and no women and now the tradesmen of the city repeat them to Aina with the unease of a hound seeking to please a new master. It does little to calm her fears. Some men from the palace had fled since yesterday, though no man could say for certain where since your own army was on the plane to the east and the fleet guarded the way to the west.
"They are still here, hiding among the people," you counsel, keeping your voice low as though to hide it from foes though in trust you are less worried about earshot and more about bowshot. The flat roofs so common in this part of the islands makes for all too many places for an arrow to fly from, or worse some dark enchantment.
It does not escape you that Aina had barely any warriors to her name, the nobles of the island are still out in the field and the palace is still, no man answering hails.
Ohun wants to set all your might to purging it of the stain of the Neverborn, to hold the city and wait for the nobles of the land to command pay homage whereas Aina wants to be sure the city is safe and to send heralds at once to all the other settlements to demand their fealty, to arm a new guard. The trouble of course is that arms need money and payment must be made to the host that had come so far, lost lives and lords... and the payment is in the palace.
The offer is already on your tongue... but something holds you back. So far you have been lucky, so far none of the Fellowship had died, by luck and skill and perhaps the eye of Saint Nicholas upon you, but to walk into the heart of the enemy's power, one even the locals had not dared to set foot in since it had fallen silent is another sort of risk.
The gauntlet grows warm against your palm, felt even through the lining... eager. Such a fine key it would make, but do you want to deal with that is behind the door?
[] Offer to spearhead the expedition into the palace and discover what might lie there
[] Stay with Aina, she will need all the protection she can get until the lords have assembled and the city was made safe
[] Write in
OOC: Hope you guys like the atmosphere this one did not flow all that fast, but it did flow well once it got going.