Age of Ice and Blood: A Pathfinder System Heroic Fantasy Quest

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Bare minimum, and assuming Durendal is not more difficult to break than a regular magic item, because of its effective +3 Enhancement bonus it would have a Hardness of 16 and 35 HP. Unke's Sunder attack inflicted 40 points of damage after overcoming our armor's Hardness, so at most it was a 50 damage attack, meaning Durendal would have barely avoided being broken with 1 HP remaining.

Our mundane armor had a maximum Hardness of 10 and 35 HP, though the leather straps holding it together in various places only have a Hardness of 2.
That calculation works under all circumstances exept one.
Adamant weapons would have ignored the hardness of armor or sword alike, since it is both below 20.

Thankfully, Esha will be able to repair our armor easily enough using her Repair Light Damage spell.
Or we take Unke's.
It's only fair, he destroyed our after all.
This guy can overcome hardness through some feat. Likely that gauntlet
That calculation works under all circumstances exept one.
Adamant weapons would have ignored the hardness of armor or sword alike, since it is both below 20.

Or we take Unke's.
It's only fair, he destroyed our after all.
I wasn't aware that his gauntlet was made of Adamantine. Did I miss that detail earlier or just forget it? In that case, yeah, good thing he didn't attack Durendal, again assuming it's no more difficult to break than a regular magical item.

I would happily loot his armor. A good suit of magical armor is just what we need, even if Esha can repair our destroyed suit. Hopefully it's not possessed by Daemons or carrying an enchantment we can't/won't be able to deal with.
I hope the gauntlet is lootable. I would love to have an adamant like weapon at hand
An Adamantine gauntlet would be great to have, even if it isn't actually enchanted and we never use it as a weapon. It being made from Adamantine changes some of my assumptions about Unke and the gauntlet. I couldn't see how he was able to so easily damage stuff (Marcella's deck, Darum's axe, etc) with it without there being magical shenanigans at work.

Just being able to ignore object Hardness is so useful. It would be better to have it in blade form, but even the gauntlet would make bypassing locks and many physical obstructions (doors, walls, iron bars, etc.) much simpler.
Fighting with a gaunlet wouldn't really match Roland's style, nor that of any of our companions.

It would be a great tool for lockpicking though.
It wouldn't exactly match his style, but it would still be a good piece of kit for him. Being able to deal lethal damage with an unarmed strike can come in handy, after all, and it likely has some sort of enchantments. An Enhancement bonus to Strength would be amazing.
I wasn't aware that his gauntlet was made of Adamantine. Did I miss that detail earlier or just forget it? In that case, yeah, good thing he didn't attack Durendal, again assuming it's no more difficult to break than a regular magical item.
I didn't say it was made from adamantine, just that that would change your calculation.

Not trying to spoiler here.
Fighting with a gaunlet wouldn't really match Roland's style, nor that of any of our companions.

It would be a great tool for lockpicking though.

Sword plus gauntlet would fit though? We just need to have one of those styles of fighting focused in one hand wielding of a weapon with maybe something like using a cape like an improvised shield
We've already a perfectly good shield and sword, which will probably do us better for direct combat regardless. No need to mimic some bravo or brawler with a sword, cape and fist.
Would she?
Repair Light Damage:
"As cure light wounds, but it repairs objects and constructs that aren't destroyed rather than healing living creatures."
And Roland's armor is destroyed.
The wording might seem kinda ambiguous, but I'm certain that it can repair the armor without issues. A regular smith could do it, as could Inge's Mending cantrip, so a 1st level spell made specifically to repair objects should be able to as well.

What Repair Light Damage cannot do is restore destroyed Constructs, since they're supernatural creatures that are more than the material which forms them. Repairing one of those that has been destroyed doesn't turn it back into a Construct, it just looks like one but the animating force is gone.
We've already a perfectly good shield and sword, which will probably do us better for direct combat regardless. No need to mimic some bravo or brawler with a sword, cape and fist.
The gauntlet could be worn without interfering with our use of a shield and a sword. Roland is wearing a pair of them already, as they're a standard part of his armor.
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The wording might seem kinda ambiguous, but I'm certain that it can repair the armor without issues. A regular smith could do it, as could Inge's Mending cantrip, so a 1st level spell made specifically to repair objects should be able to as well.

What Repair Light Damage cannot do is restore destroyed Constructs, since they're supernatural creatures that are more than the material which forms them. Repairing one of those that has been destroyed doesn't turn it back into a Construct, it just looks like one but the animating force is gone.

The gauntlet could be worn without interfering with our use of a shield and a sword. Roland is wearing a pair of them already, as they're a standard part of his armor.

The limits of repair night damage have yet to be tested on that armor. Esha has only had that spell for a short time and she has not tried to use it on anything that has been wholly destroyed. It may be that you would need another source of steel as it is unlikely you will be able to gather all the pieces from the battle, especially if you do a leap into the middle of the enemy from this spot. A jumping horse tends to stir up the ground a bit.
The limits of repair night damage have yet to be tested on that armor. Esha has only had that spell for a short time and she has not tried to use it on anything that has been wholly destroyed. It may be that you would need another source of steel as it is unlikely you will be able to gather all the pieces from the battle, especially if you do a leap into the middle of the enemy from this spot. A jumping horse tends to stir up the ground a bit.
Make Whole is yet a step better, would that be more likely to work.
At the fist moment I totally forgot that Inge also has Mage Armor, thought that only Esha knows it. But how much spells left?
7 avaiable 1-lvl spells, Mage Armor for herself, Snowball for "high helmed captain", Snowball for one of the dead, missing Snowball for Unke. Well, maybe one more Snowball - it is not clear about "you still spy the place where his armor had been dented by the touch of Ikomi through Inge speaking". So, 3 or 2 more 1-lvl spells.
But I am still unsure.

@Goldfish, what if enemy mage will make third screech? We'll be in the middle of foes.
At the fist moment I totally forgot that Inge also has Mage Armor, thought that only Esha knows it. But how much spells left?
7 avaiable 1-lvl spells, Mage Armor for herself, Snowball for "high helmed captain", Snowball for one of the dead, missing Snowball for Unke. Well, maybe one more Snowball - it is not clear about "you still spy the place where his armor had been dented by the touch of Ikomi through Inge speaking". So, 3 or 2 more 1-lvl spells.
But I am still unsure.

@Goldfish, what if enemy mage will make third screech? We'll be in the middle of foes.
It's possible another Screech will be used, or a different spell entirely. More likely something different, since Screech is a 3rd level spell and it would be surprising for the enemy mage to have many 3rd level slots.

A regular 5th level Witch (unlike Inge who uses Sorcerer spell progression) with an Intelligence of 18 or 19 is only going to have two 3rd level slots to prepare spells in, so those two Screech spells would be their limit for 3rd level spells. If they're 6th level, and assuming there are no Epic feats to expand on that, they'll have three 3rd level slots. Even if they do have another 3rd level spell, I doubt they would have used it for yet another Screech.

Hopefully we won't end up eating a spell at all. /fingers crossed
Make Whole is yet a step better, would that be more likely to work.
And that's only a 2nd level spell. Worst case, we gather up all the pieces and save it until we can pay a Cleric in Orinilu to cast the spell for us, maybe sacrificing a bit of steel from our other stuff to make up the difference, if that is possible.
[X] Make the leap
-[X] Inge casts Mage Armor on Roland as soon as she is able.
-[X] Esha targets Unke with a Magic Missiles spell from her staff.
-[X] Rather than trying to target Unke directly with a Tanglefoot Firebomb, Zaia instead targets his path of retreat and the Undead guards who are aiding him. Even laimed, Unke might avoid Zaia's bomb, and he dare not risk catching Roland, Silver, and Inge within the blast, but he might be able to impede the enemy's retreat and weigh events in Roland's favor.
Voty McVote Closed, let's see how the battle goes.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Mar 26, 2022 at 3:40 PM, finished with 32 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] Make the leap
    -[X] Inge casts Mage Armor on Roland as soon as she is able.
    -[X] Esha targets Unke with a Magic Missiles spell from her staff.
    -[X] Rather than trying to target Unke directly with a Tanglefoot Firebomb, Zaia instead targets his path of retreat and the Undead guards who are aiding him. Even laimed, Unke might avoid Zaia's bomb, and he dare not risk catching Roland, Silver, and Inge within the blast, but he might be able to impede the enemy's retreat and weigh events in Roland's favor.
    [X] Make the leap
Arc 12 Post 54: On Burning Edge
On Burning Edge

Sixth Day of Elnu-Hamba (Elnu Descendent), 1349 A. L. (After Landfall)

"Go!" you call, already shifting in the saddle, as you had learned since you were a boy. So Silver leaps, a move no horse foaled would have done, bearing his belly to the points of many blades, into peril... into pain. You feel the sickening thump of a blade cutting from below and his pained whinny echoes in your mind. No horse foaled save one who is no beast to bear one into battle, but a friend...

Silver takes 9 Damage

Durendal flashes like a burning brand in the air, but against the armor of the foe its flame fails and the foe reaches out swift as a darting serpent to grasp it, mayhap to break it as he had done your armor, but at the last his wound betrays him, he stumbles, flesh and blood after all for all his fearsome mien. Though smashing hooves do little against the dead and agony pierces your thigh, one of a dozen blades, you do not loose you seat even as fire blooms between here and the gate.

You take 11 Damage

At least the bastard isn't getting away, you think, seeking the warriors not of Lirman but of the villages of Korman now draw near, spear and shield in hand, drawn to the flame, the sight of light even amidst the darkness that Unke carries with him. Alas it seems that the dark warrior is not yet done, for from his cloak, near to his chest, he pulls out a rune carved stone and casts it at the feet of his host nd where it touches the ground the flames die to black ash.

Foul words taint the air, the very substance of the world seems to twitch and twist... as the foe begins to move with uncanny grace. Swifter than a horse they are, surely swifter than one wounded no matter how gallant. Now is your chance to cut the Redman down or see him flee into the city... into the twisting halls of the palace.

There is no whisper now, no other purpose, save your own as Durendal comes slashing in an overhead arc the very speed with which he had been blessed shifting the neck right where you wanted it. His neck is no harder to hew than any other's... Silence thick and unnatural falls, then all the dead wail, striking their hands against their own heads and fall upon their faces, corpses again.

"Look there, the wall," you hear Esha's voice in your mind even as Inge's magic starts knitting your flesh back together and turn your eyes from the battle just in time to see a dark shape rush among the Anwa warriors whose blades cannot seem to touch it, then scuttle up the wall like some kindred of grotesque spider, far out or reach.

What do you do?

[] Try to force a path through the gate

[] Take advantage of the lull in the fighting and Unke's fall to demand a parley with whoever is in charge of the city

[] Write in

OOC: Welp, old Unke did not go down easy, but when a crit build crits them's the breaks. I hope you guys enjoyed this.
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Yeah! He's dead!!!… Hopefully. Some undead do resurrect themselves unless killed in a specific manner or under certain conditions.
Whew, that was tense. Unke was a scary ass opponent and I'm thrilled we took him out before he could do more damage.

Silver for MVP! 🐴

I think now would be a good place for us to stop and take stock of our losses, get help for the injured, and secure our loot. Our casters have expended a lot of resources, our men and mounts are injured, and Roland's armor is currently scrap.

[X] Take advantage of the lull in the fighting and Unke's fall to demand a parley with whoever is in charge of the city
-[X] Command the Anwari to secure our way into the city, guarding and fortifying the opened gate.
-[X] Have our men secure Unke's body and equipment, along with what remains of our armor. Before Inge begins healing the worst of the wounded, ask her and Esha to examine Unke's corpse to determine if we need to worry about him seemingly rising from the grave once more, and whether or not the arms and armor he wielded are cursed, enchanted, or otherwise supernatural in nature.
--[X] Ask Silver to give Unke and his Undead an inspection as well, if he's feeling up to it. While he might lack the esoteric knowledge of Inge and Esha, more than once his sharp senses have saved us a great deal of trouble.
-[X] Unless Inge or Esha advise against it, the bodies of fallen enemies, especially the Undead serving Unke, will be placed on pyres and cremated (or a suitable alternative suggested by Inge, as both an Anwari and servant of Ikomi) to prevent them from rising again. If our enemies were able to make use of them before, they might be able to do so again.
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