Mars Bleeds Red - A Red Planet Rising Quest

Turn Two Results - Research/Personal - Old World Horrors and New World Worries
[] Plan: Go Long!⚽
-[] Sorting Based On Nature Of Rehabilitation
-[] The Green Plan
-[] "-have a nice friendly football match to sort this out! Miss, if you and your folks want to come down and watch, it's a good time, I promise."

[] Plan: The Bed We Made--Shangxi Strikes
-[] Exert Political Influence over the Shanxi Strikes
-[] Establish a Hephaestus Government-in-Exile
-[] Re-Education Facilities
-[] Refugee Office Distribution Hubs
-[] The Great Game Begins!
-[] The Inspector Corps

-[] Rehabilitation and Re-Education
-[] Learning From The War: An Answer to Power Armor
-[] An Apple A Day
-[] Establish a Bodyguard Unit

Rehabilitation and Re-Education

This has been your primary focus this month, in terms of actual scientific research, though more along sociological and psychological lines. Looking into anti-Power Armor techniques is more of a matter for military minds and the Martian General Infirmary is in the hands of your capable medical personnel. Therefore, in terms of actual work, a lot of it is simply going into poring over, adaptation, and specialization of various forms of content. Mild improvements have been made, of course, utilizing your socialist nature, and explicitly religious-based appeals and techniques have been mostly expunged.

The nature of rehabilitative education an MCPD Sergeant requires is vastly different from that a Central Morale Officer might, despite the semi-similar roles they fulfill on the battlefield itself. The ideological differences between their respective homes, as well as the inherent cultural differences, necessitate different touches. The sorting has made this easier and more difficult at the same time, as there's simultaneously more locations to divert curriculum too, but the re-education tracks themselves are mingling less.

"Every day, we transcribe more material, adapt more techniques, make leaps and bounds in education and rehabilitation from Biodyne's understanding of the human mind, based on decades of psychological manipulation they've performed with their own dissidents and heretics. Some of these instructions are disturbing in how clinically they discuss the methods through which humans can be broken down and rebuilt mentally, knowing how Biodyne utilizes them.

Biodyne's people are an invaluable aid in understanding this, but I feel as though when we take notes and make improvements, they do the same in the opposite direction. They aren't just learning from our changes - They're studying us. I need to lodge a request with the Stationmaster to keep a closer eye on them."

  • Doctor Redigor's notes on his work in the Metis Project.

Learning From The War: An Answer To Power Armor

Station has faced many threats, but few are as threatening on an individual level as power armor, matched only by pre-war weaponry as fielded by the UN and the overpowering aerial firepower of the Shanxi. Still, there are answers to these, discovered both through common sense and trial and error.

Anti-Armor Weaponry - While in use pre-Collapse, anti-armor weaponry was primarily fielded as an anti-vehicular measure, as pre-Collapse forces could reasonably expect power armor parity with their enemies. You have no such guarantees, and therefore, such weapons can be adapted to fit your purposes. Rockets, shaped charges, and heavy weaponry can all be deployed into specialized teams within your infantry, and you'll begin trial runs posthaste. A new research option has been unlocked.

Mechanized Solutions
- Your current mechanized forces aren't…well-equipped to handle power armor beyond attempting to crush them with sheer weight, which can often backfire. However, your military minds have looked at Shanxi's tanks and they've started to come up with some theoretical ideas to put into practice when looking at replicating Shanxi's armored forces. A few have even proposed some very interesting ideas with regards to the ideas being thrown around about trains. Already, researchers are beginning to look into producing heavier weaponry designed for either stationary emplacements or for vehicular use. A new research option has been unlocked. Learning From The War: Mechanized and Armored Warfare and Learning From The War: Train-Based Warfare will have expanded results.

Gas, Gas, Gas
- Keeping this separate from anti-armor weapons, the use of chemical and incendiary weapons has been explored as a less palatable option, given both the inherent risks and the inherent indiscriminate nature of both options. It is harder to manufacture safely, harder to utilize efficiently, and harder to clean up after…but it may make for a useful tool when combined with aerial superiority or long-range delivery systems. A new research option has been unlocked. Dreaming of Flight will have expanded results.

An Apple A Day

Healthcare in the Mariner City Colony
The following Public Service Announcement is courtesy of the Martian Government Service and the U.N. Department of Healthcare

[The scene flashes to a panning shot of the Infirmary as a voiceover plays]

"So, you've been injured! Perhaps you got hurt during a workplace accident with our friends in Hephaestus, perhaps you were the victim of a crime, or perhaps you simply just had an accident! Regardless of how you were hurt, the Martian General Infirmary is here for you."

[The camera cuts to inside the Infirmary, showing shots of smiling doctors, nurses, and patients.]

"Staffed with the finest minds produced by the Mariner City University and the Luna Medical Institute, our staff aim only to provide you with the best care possible! From short visits to long-term care, the Martian General Infirmary is designed to make sure that you're comfortable, safe, and on your road to recovery."
[The camera cuts once again, moving along a hallway, through the windows of which can be seen people in lab coats staring intently at science equipment. A few of them glance up at the camera as it passes by.]

"And in our medical education facilities, students and faculty from Mariner City work hard to ensure that Mars remains on the forefront of medicine. Their invaluable teachings to our youth are the key to the future of Mars, graciously funded by the United Nations Department of Healthcare!"

[The camera cuts back outside again, showing an exterior shot of the campus, before fading into a shot of the entrance, with a smiling group of doctors waving at the camera.]

"The Martian General Infirmary - Here to serve you!"

[The logos of the Martian Government Service and United Nations fades in over the image as it slowly fades to black.]​

The explorer team sent to plumb the depths of the MGI didn't expect to find much in the rooms Station hadn't bothered to check yet. Skeletons, sure, patients and doctors who hadn't managed to evacuate during the Collapse. Maybe some pieces of neat technology, if they were lucky. But when they gained access to the long-sealed doors of the so-called 'Educational Ward', what they found shocked them. Treasure troves of pre-Collapse technology and data from operations and experiments run by the Martian Government Service pre-war, some mundane, some decidedly less-so, buried deep in the locked wings. Records of medical trials with no names, rooms that looked like torture cells more than treatment facilities, and most disturbingly of all - No bodies.

The Martian General Infirmary has been revealed to serve a dual purpose pre-Collapse - The MGS Blacksite has been discovered.

There were no bodies found in the deep wings of the Martian General Infirmary, despite the fact that the Collapse should have seen trapped doctors, patients, and perhaps prisoners perish there. We found bodies in the upper wings when we first took control of the area - What happened to the residents of the deep wings? Perhaps further study of what we've found will give us ideas...

Pieces of pre-Collapse information have been recovered, some genuinely medical and others seemingly related to espionage and repression tactics. They will require further study to begin distribution or implementation...and some may be better left forgotten.

Establish a Bodyguard Unit

This will lead to a subvote on how best to establish a specialized bodyguard unit for yourself and other Station leaders.

The first assassination attempt on a Station leader was during the initial chaos post-Collapse, when the situation was still being organized into the proto-socialist structure that would evolve into modern-day Station. The engineers who had rerouted the trains to the Depot had managed to keep the situation calm, after several close calls with riots, and most people had settled down, especially as rationing began to be implemented more efficiently. However, a young man, Emil Callesen, had lost his entire family in the Collapse. He had been riding to work when the Collapse occurred. He seemingly blamed the engineering team for this, or for not letting him die, especially those who had been in charge of the trains that day. Therefore, he took a knife from a communal kitchen and, while Engineer Henry Montgomery was handling setting up one of the first hydroponic facilities, pulled him aside and stabbed him several times. He was quickly pulled back by other workers, and Engineer Montgomery pulled through, but it has remained a well-known incident in Station history, often used as a parable surrounding the perils of isolating oneself from your community.

Once the formal political structure of Station was established, along with the military structure, an 'honor guard' of sorts was established to defend Conductors and the Stationmaster, but they are mostly ceremonial and it is often reserved for veterans who are unable to serve elsewhere. This was exemplified during the New Gorbals Massacre, where the honor guard who accompanied the delegation were killed to the last alongside them by the assailants. With the conflicts following New Gorbals, the mobilization has meant that the military has simply shifted active members into guard positions for VIPs. However, with the shift into peacetime and the active insurgency movements, assassination attempts against prominent Station leaders will become more common, and the idea of creating a specialized unit for guarding against or even pre-emptively targeting assassins has been floated.

[] Military Bodyguards
  • What's worked here will work before. We'll simply need to increase the numbers of guards and impose slightly stricter standards. The honor guard is a time-honored tradition of Station's military, after all.
  • This will see the duty of guarding Station VIPs, including the Stationmaster, remain around the same as it is institutionally, simply with increased numbers, for better or for worse…but no action investment will be required.
  • The military will guard VIPs, answerable to the chain of command, which has the Stationmaster at the top.

[] Station Bodyguard Unit
  • Rather than simply upping the numbers of the military personnel guarding VIPs, we should form and train a specialized bodyguard unit, sourced from ex-military and civilian policing units that currently exist, utilized expressly for this purpose, and trained specifically for it. It'll take some time, but safety comes first!
  • This will see a shift in methodology, with bodyguards being trained specifically for the task at hand. This will lead to a peacekeeping action for training them.
  • A specially formed unit will guard VIPs as a full-time position, answerable to the civilian government.

[] The MPA Insurgency Office
  • We must go further beyond - It is not enough to stop terrorist attacks on our VIPs. We must instead target terrorists at the source, engaging in preventative measures to ensure we are both informed and working against the subtler threats. For this reason, we will establish an Office of the MPA, staffed by Station loyalists, who will take that duty upon themselves.
  • This will see the establishment of the MPA-IO, a counter-intelligence unit dedicated to anti-insurgency and anti-terrorist action. This will necessitate a governmental action to establish it, and a peacekeeping action to staff it. However, this will provide benefits beyond mere bodyguards.
  • The MPA-IO will take up the duty of coordinating and handling counter-insurgent operations within Station territory and, as control is solidified over them, various other areas, in addition to bodyguards. Who they are accountable to will be determined in a later action.
  • News and Rumors will be expanded immediately.

Author's Note: Well, folks, we're back! Vote will be open for around 24 hours, maybe slightly longer. I'd say vote in a plan format, but we only have one vote this time around! As always - I'm happy to answer questions and talk about various things related to results or related to the setting as a whole.
[X] Station Bodyguard Unit

Personally, I'd prefer this. We can more easily afford an extra Peacekeeping action than an extra Governmental and Peacekeeping Action.
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I'd really, really advise against making us have to take two actions when we can't afford to take the Governmental action next turn just because we want Secret Police.

Because in the meantime we won't have actual bodyguards while we're too busy destroying our action economy out of a desire to start even more projects we can't finish in a timely manner.

Because the MPA Office means that we don't get to have our bodyguards until we take two different actions on two different turns, leaving us probably vulnerable for months and months, especially since we CAN'T afford to take the Governmental action next turn unless we want to fail things far more important than, again, just obsessively going after secret police.
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Vote closed
Turn Two News - The Future Blazing Eternally Bright
[] Station Bodyguard Unit

MBC News Broadcasts

Cult of Biodyne Expands Further - The religious extremists of Biodyne have engaged in territorial expansion into ex-Enterprise territory, causing terror to innocent civilians who refuse to convert to their faith. Their expansion seems to be prioritizing securing the Candor Reactor, a nuclear fusion plant previously operated by Enterprise. However, as our on-the-scene investigators found, Biodyne has enforced their state religion in their new territory, with churches being erected in every settlement, and Biodyne-enforced rule on newly conquered settlements. Those who refuse to convert report that they are considered second-class citizens, often being evicted from their homes into Biodyne-built communal housing, having their property seized, and being denied privileges granted to believers.

Ophirian Liberation Army Attack Humanitarian Convoys - A known bandit group going under the name of the Ophirian Liberation Army have reportedly attacked MBC caravans attempting to bring humanitarian supplies to various civilian settlements in ex-Enterprise and ex-Nomad territory. These attacks were carried out with heavy weaponry likely looted from ex-Enterprise forces, overwhelming the limited security contingent on the caravans, according to survivors of the vicious assaults. Multiple Guilds have condemned these terrible acts, and have sworn to commit an increased amount of funding and manpower to the humanitarian efforts in order to push back against these bandits and restore order to Candor Chasma.

MPA Imperialism Causes Refugee Crisis to Worsen - With Stadium's brutal tactics in Mariner City, backed by Station guns, refugees are continuing to flee through University to MBC - Tonight on 'Voices of Mars', we interview dozens of recently-arrived refugees, with shocking accounts of corruption, abuse of power, and repression from within the Socialist Empire of the MPA.

Local News
Inspector Corps Permanently Raised - Glory to Station! With the attacks from Phoenix Company and the Dead Crusade, the necessity of a defensive army permanently mobilized within Stations borders has only become clearer! By order of the Statonmaster, once more are the Inspector Corps are called to duty for this purpose, the defense of the homeland! All current volunteers are to report to their nearest Inspector Corps Mobilization Station for orders on deployment. Those wishing to enlist may approach their nearest recruitment station, a list of which will be provided below!

The New Council of Hephaestus Established - We have not abandoned our allies - just as Station saw the return of the rightful socialist government to the Barony of Rocabarraigh, so too shall we see the return of Hephaestus to their homes! Already, the preparations begin to be made by the loyal comrades of the New Council, and many refugees have begun to fly the flag of Hephaestus once more. The eternal solidarity of our fraternal bond shall never be broken again! Hephaestus lives!

MUC Goes Quiet in Melas Chasma - MUC attacks and raids have dropped down in the past month, for unknown reasons. Our sources within the Conductor Corps have informed us of several likely causes, including the current MPA anti-insurgent action in Mariner City leading to a pullback of MUC resources, the Shanxi's recent patrols of Melas Chasma, and the raising of the Inspector Corps. With this in mind, train schedules have been revised now that the risk of attempted hijackings and banditry is no longer as prevalent, and it is expected a greater outflow of goods to border provinces will be able to begin, alleviating any shortages.

Shanxi Refugee Caravans Begin to Arrive - With the resolution of the Shanxi Strikes earlier this month, the first caravans slated to carry refugees have begun to arrive in rail hubs all across Station's border with Shanxi, bringing with them vehicles packed to the brim with refugees. While the efforts of the Refugee Office have aided in keeping the flow from overwhelming the available resources, the sheer amount beginning to flow in is ensuring that the refugee crisis won't be letting up any time soon.

Government Briefings
MUC Pulls Back To Mariner City - With the Great Game currently ongoing in Mariner City, the MUC seems to have managed to pull back almost entirely from Melas Chasma before they were cut off from easy access, with prominent commanders and problematic cells dropping off the map to resurface in Mariner City days later. Nominally, this is a good thing, with their attempts at terror strikes against isolated settlements, caravans, and trains being stopped almost entirely. However…

The Admiral-King Takes Command - The Dead Crusaders have stepped into the void, claiming themselves as the rightful inheritors of the MUC's goal of anti-MPA action in Melas Chasma. They've yet to commit to any major terror attacks, but whatever they're building up to can't be good. They appear to have gained control over various levies, militias, and non-professional forces the MUC were utilizing as conscripts or cheap firepower, but have retained little to none of the professional forces of the MUC, keeping the Crusaders themselves spread thin to maintain control.

Shanxi Terraformer Joint Observation Begins - With our successful resolution of the strikes, as well as our current export program, Shanxi has ceased stonewalling us about allowing our researchers to observe their terraformer. While recently claimed, they operate it with their traditional military efficiency, with aid from the United Nations and their on-site technicians. Through our observations, we've gained an understanding of more of the mechanics of operating a site, something that will be key in any future ones we repair or establish. The agreement is set to expire quite a ways down the line, so we have no need to worry about them deciding to revoke it if we wind up on the rocks with the UN, unless some kind of war erupts, which is highly unlikely.

Hephaestus Revival Movements Strengthen - With the establishment of the New Council of Hephaestus, the Hephaestus Revivalists, previously a fairly small tendency among the mostly disheartened and demoralized refugees, have surged into prominence, dominating the New Council, and taking up a sizable niche within our internal political sphere, amongst the more anarchic-minded and those skeptical of the UN. These movements, while practically pacifistic in comparison to the guerillas, seem to hold similar views towards the United Nations as said insurgents. They view Station as having been deceived by the United Nations, and with the re-establishment of Hephaestus, aim to influence Station from within towards an independent Mars.

Lack of Protests? - We had expected the news that we were raising the Inspector Corps once more, no matter how necessary, to lead to public outcry. Nothing major, certainly, but at least some manner of mild displeasure, regardless of how necessary strengthening our defenses were. The population had just come off a war after all, and from what we've gathered, they are in no hurry to return to it. However…it has been eerily quiet with regards to anti-Corps sentiment, and our Conductors are actually reporting recruitment surges, as Hephaestus refugees, Station veterans, and various other new citizens sign on to the new Inspector Corps. When asked their reason for joining, an overwhelming number of them cited one specific factor that caused them to join - Stationmaster Rutherford.

Author's Note: Please be aware that the news, especially MBC, are not necessarily objective reporters of fact. Turn 3 will be up shortly!
Turn Three - Building On What Came Before

Turn Three - Building On What Came Before

The sun shines brightly over the bustling Depot, as the people of Station start up machines set aside for the duration of the war. Trains enter and trains exit with the blasting of horns and whistles, no longer carrying prisoners or soldiers, but instead carrying supply shipments off to Station outposts, settlements, and even further beyond, to Mariner City and Stadium. In other sectors, hydroponicists keep the delicate balance necessary for plants to thrive on Mars, the oxygen and water recyclers hum and whir as the engineers keep a careful watch on their functionality, and the various community organizations, unions, and committees go about their necessary business, handling the many daily needs of the population, ranging from resource distribution to construction to spreading the word about communally organized plays.

Watching at least some of this business happen on one of the Depot's many platforms is Stationmaster Rutherford. She was often found like this, before New Gorbals, before the War began, but she hasn't had much time for it recently. She truly loves seeing it stretch out in front of her, the bustle of human cooperation mixed with the functioning of a well-tuned economic machine. A young man, Vinny, she recalls his name being, sits by her side. He's a plainsclothed soldier, one of her bodyguards. He scans the crowded platform, a mixture of nervousness and wariness. Far too nervous for such a fine day, and she thinks people are starting to notice. She glances over to him. "You'll make a scene, you know."

"Ma'am?" He looks at her, questioningly.

"Where are you from, Vinny?" She asks, disregarding the implied question. He'll pick up on it soon enough.

"I'm from, uh, a little mining outpost out east. Signed up before the war broke out, because the Nomads had based an airfield nearby and we'd gotten the hell out of there. We heard what they did to those settlements up in Candor, but, well, you cleared 'em out once we brought it to one of your Conductors, hah. Figured I was obligated to do a good turn in return, you know? Wound up serving in the Water Wars, managed to capture one of the Barons alive, and, uh, now I'm here, got promoted, ma'am." She nods at his words, slowly. "You know, Vinny-" She gestures out to the platform they sit on. "When you look at this place, what do you see?"

He glances around, noting the bustling, the chattering, the sight of two men walking by, engaged in conversation, the whistle of a train pulling into the station..."Seems to me like organized chaos, ma'am." She chuckles. "Well, you aren't wrong at that. This is socialism in action, Vinny. The people helping the people, from each according to their ability, to each according to their needs. From here, everything's going in and out all over Station and Stadium to help those same people, a network of folks helping each other, all coordinated from this central hub, the fruit of decades of work and planning to make this run on time. Soon, it'll be going out to rebuild Hephaestus, it'll be going out to Biodyne and Shanxi and University, exporting the products of socialism, and it'll be bringing their people to learn from us. You know, that's the real goal, isn't it?" She smiles out at the platform. "Not simply to thrive in our way of life, but to expand the fruits of it to all."

"It's a fairly admirable goal, ma'am. Can't say that some folks'll take too kindly to it, but, we've got to do it regardless, right?" He looks to her, as if looking for approval for his answer. She nods at him, granting that, then stands, stretching slightly as she does so.

"Thank you for accompanying me today, Vinny. Still, I think it's best we head back now. The work must continue, after all."

Governance - As the leader of the Martian Popular Authority, you are obligated to handle the bureaucratic dealings of this newly formed federal government with all of its constituent entities, from the authoritarian stratocrats of Shanxi, to the autonomous academics of the University, to the decentralized theocrats of Biodyne. You currently have 3 actions in this category…but one of them has been decided for you.

The Green Bloc's Choice
[X] Survey the Population - The people of Mars cry out for aid, and it is now the MPA's duty to answer. Find out what the most pressing matters of Mars are, and add them to your eternally growing to-do list. This will lead to you gaining more options based on what the people want, as well as indicating which issues and actions are viewed as being important by the population.

Your Remaining Options Are:

[] Integrate Loyal Communities - Not every polity in Mariner Valley participated in the war, and not all of them wish to retain autonomy. There are a number of small townships which pre-war, had already been in the process of integrating into Station. It should only be a small matter to finalize the last few agreements to get them fully onboard. This will open more options.

[] Offers of Amnesty and Asylum - Hephaestus guerillas are not those who brought about the Night of Dust, nor are they the old monsters of Central. They are not the neo-fuedalists of Enterprise, or the warlords of the MCPD. We have accepted those with sins far greater - Why should we not offer unconditional acceptance to our comrades who have been tempted away? The strength of Hephaestus Guerillas will be reduced. This will not lead to a subvote. You will lose favor from all blocs.

[] Propaganda for Hephaestus - While the truth of the matter is more complex, Hephaestus's betrayal can easily be painted as being the work of outside actors. The insidious influence of the Church of Red Mars, the lies of the MUC, the atrocities of Phoenix Company. Gaze upon the prosperity of Station! Hephaestus was never our enemy - They were fooled by outside forces, and we must see them rejoin us in socialist solidarity! On the other end, we will output propaganda of the dominance of Station in the MPA, the lack of UN imperialism, the impossibility of bombardment resuming - Attempting to convince Hephaestus fighters that there has been no final betrayal and coup, as they had predicted, but instead, that Station has carried the day, as well as the need for unity against the MEF. This will possibly reduce the strength of Hephaestus guerillas and increase the popularity of the choice to rebuild Hephaestus. You will receive a subvote on how to focus this propaganda. You will lose favor from all blocs.

[] The Coordinators of the Refugee Office - The Refugee Office has been proclaimed, but staffing it is another matter entirely. We'll need to ensure it's maintained by ideologically reliable, competent, and most of all, incorruptible administrators, as best we can. This will see you staff the Refugee Office fully, mitigating the Refugee Crisis and taking a step towards permanently mitigating it. You will receive a subvote on how best to staff the Refugee Office.

[] Open "Diplomatic Relations" With ODIN - And by this, you mean spies. Send a bunch of spies into ODIN territory to determine their political situation, as well as how best to destabilize it. This will see you gain Political Intelligence on ODIN.

[] Implement Rehabilitation Policies - The final step towards ensuring that rehabilitation will begin, teachers will be found and trained, various staff will be assigned to it, and the bureaucratic apparatus of Station will reorient itself to this undertaking. It simply requires enough effort to start the ball rolling. This will finish the preparations for rehabilitation to begin once facilities have been fully established.

[] Playing Politics - This will be a difficult process, but a necessary one. Bureaucrats will have to be trained. New offices will have to be established, often in areas deeply hostile to your government. However, we must persevere. The backbone of a good society is a well-functioning bureaucracy, after all. 0/4 Actions. This will marginalize Biodyne's influence on your new administration, allowing you to determine what your own actions will be and avoiding leaks. They will not be pleased about this course of action.

Economics - Martian industry was once said to never sleep, producing immense amounts of resources for export back to Earth. That has long since ceased being true, but Station in particular is attempting to claim the title of both the breadbasket of Mars and its new industrial center, following the destruction of the Caverns. Keeping up the pace of vital resource extraction and the continuation of the repairs to the once-great Martian train network is vital for Station to maintain its current rate of expansion. You currently have 3 actions in this category...but one of them has been decided for you.

The Economy's Choice:

[X] Manage the Economy - As you've chosen a directly controlled centralized economy, you'll need to spend a significant amount of effort managing it. Unfortunate, but at the same time, it grants you a large amount of control. You have the following options as free actions. Your current focus is Resource Extraction and Exportation. Note: Changing Focus takes effect next turn.
-[] Change Focus
--[] Industrial Development
  • All rail-related actions have their cost reduced by one. Additionally, Research options will have unique options opened up.
--[] The Necessities of Life
  • Any humanitarian crises that occur will be partially mitigated, including the current refugee crisis. Unique options will be unlocked relating to humanitarian aid.
-[] Cut Off Trade to the MEF
  • This will see you halt all trade between the MEF and all member nations of the MPA (in areas that do not have Economic Autonomy.) Practically, this means that ODIN's only trading partner will be Shanxi, and MBC's only trading partner will be University. This will be seen as a hostile action by the MEF. It will not be seen as one by the UN.

[] Melas Chasma Rail Repair - The Melas Chasma rail line was semi-functional pre-war, with lines set up between Station, Hephaestus, and running into Mariner City towards your allies there, with a planned connection to extend into Shanxi. However, Hephaestus's secession from the MPA led to the rails that once led to the Caverns being destroyed as part of their attempts to halt advances by our forces. With these lines repaired, we will be able to begin construction on new lines in Melas Chasma, as well as begin operations in ex-Hephaestus territory. 0/2 Actions. This action risks disruption from Hephaestus guerillas and MCPD Warlords. This will unlock more actions when complete. This action will allow more refugees to flow towards Station.

[] Mariner City Rail Line Construction: MCPD HQ - One of the larger collections of civilians is around the now-abandoned MCPD HQ, and it is rapidly becoming a hotspot for anti-MPA activity. If we allow our engineers to start construction on a rail line out to the old Headquarters, it could not only allow us to improve the material situation of many in Mariner City, but would also solidify Stadium control over the area more firmly. 0/2 Actions. This action risks disruption from MCPD Warlords, Anti-Stadium Community Organizations, and the Old Guard. This will unlock more actions when complete. This action will solidify Stadium control over Mariner City, reducing the flow of refugees, and reduce MUC resistance.

[] Exert Economic Influence - There are plenty of things you can't source for yourself, and plenty of things you know your neighbors have, and plenty of regulations you want to start imposing. Therefore, beginning to institute your economic regulations by opening up mutual trade routes doesn't seem like a terrible idea? Here's hoping you haven't pissed them off too badly. This will see you attempt to begin trading with your friendly neighbors: Shanxi and Stadium. This will grant you additional options in Manage the Economy.

[] Send a "Trade Caravan" to ODIN - And by this, you mean more spies. Specifically, ones who will infiltrate into ODIN factories, settlements, and workshops, then send word back to you surrounding how best you can destabilize their internal economic situation. You will gain Economic Intelligence on ODIN.

[] Conductor Expansion, Phase One - Conductors is a general title for mid-ranking elected officials within Station, ranging from leaders of settlements, to military commanders, to bureaucrats. With the war over and so much administration needing to be done, a formally planned expansion to their ranks to fill out various options is necessary. The only question is, what types of positions require immediate attention, and do you want to endorse any particular candidates? This will lead to a subvote on what positions will be immediately established, as well as if you wish to endorse any candidates.

[] More Refugee Housing - You're currently having a large portion of Station's population share housing, which hasn't been great for morale either. You can definitely get started on building more housing. Still, there's been quite a few arguments over how best to handle it, given some of your plans for the future. This will lead to a subvote on how best to handle housing for the refugees. This will mitigate some of the refugee crisis.

[] Standardization Initiatives - You are well aware of the necessity of standardization in rail lines, to ensure that the tracks fit together. However, you have been significantly more lax with regards to weapons standardization and various other differing standards. No longer. A bureau of Standards Coordination will be established and all manner of production both military and civilian will undergo inspections to ensure they match up to the level of quality expected of Station goods. This will give you more options in Manage the Economy. You will receive a subvote on how best to handle standardization with your newly centrally controlled economy.

[] Establish Trade Schools - With the war over, there is an intense demand for skilled workers, and refugees and immigrants have already begun to trickle into what seems to be the new hub for Martian government, seeking work. The current educational infrastructure is insufficient, and must be expanded if we wish to keep ourselves on top of demand. 1/4 Actions. On completion, this will grant you one additional Economics action. Completing this action will also help to permanently mitigate the refugee crisis.

Peacekeeping - Warfare on Mars has, in large part, concluded. Nobody within the Mariner Valley can pose a significant threat to the combined forces of the MPA. However, those forces are disjointed, unwieldy, logistically disconnected, and are often at risk of infighting. This has only been made worse by the fact that the MUC and various other forces have refused to surrender at all, instead choosing to attempt protracted resistance. You currently have 3 actions in this category...but one of them has been chosen for you.

The United Nations Bloc's Choice:

[X] To Train A Bodyguard - Personnel must be selected, loyalty must be ensured, and training must be done. For the initial batch, existing ex-military veterans will be recruited to ensure a quick turnaround time, but in the future, a wider range of skills will be prioritized. The United Nations has made an offer with regards to this, though, one that is quite intriguing. Due to the United Nations interest, a special subvote will be offered when this action is reached.

Your Remaining Options Are:

[] Integrate Defectors into the MPA Armed Forces - You've got a significant population of defectors who are newly joined up with the armed forces, who need to be integrated fully to be effective. Guess you'd better get to work. This will see you unlock additional Learning From The War options, related to the MUC's side of the battlefield. It will also see you gain additional options in other peacekeeping subvotes.

[] Shanxi Military Hardware- With the resolution of the Shanxi Strikes peacefully, Shanxi has had to demobilize large parts of their citizen-soldiery into their workforce to ensure that the newly emptied mines retain functionality as Hephaestus refugees leave en masse to Station. This presents us with a unique opportunity, at the moment. Shanxi was not granted military autonomy during the establishment of the MPA, and while they've thus far avoided significant integration, they have no reason to deny handing over their unused stockpiles of weapons and vehicles from newly demobilized divisions. They will be displeased about it, though. This will see you unlock expanded results for Learning From The War: Mechanized and Armored Warfare. This will be a step towards military integration of Shanxi. This will lose favor with the UN Bloc.

[] A Thorn In Our Side - With the Dead Crusaders taking full control of the MUC remnants in Melas Chasma as their commanders rush to the frontlines in Mariner City, the situation has become far more complex. The Dead Crusaders, having learned from their earlier defeat, have scattered their forces wide enough that no single decapitation strike can be launched…unless we are to locate the Admiral-King himself. This will lead to a subvote on what tactics should be taken with regards to the Dead Crusaders.

[] Find The Church Exiles - It seems there may have been some Church of Red Mars adherents from Mariner City who, rather than being imprisoned, were instead exiled. Finding out where they went, before they re-emerge to cause you more issues, may be a good idea. This will see you attempt to locate the remaining members of the Church of Red Mars in Melas Chasma.

[] Perform "Training Exercises" on ODIN's Border - And by this, you mean even more spies. With ODIN's choice to secede as a new polity, one which has taken a decisively disdainful tone towards the MPA, the UN isn't going to glance too hard at your desire to keep an eye on them. You won't be publicizing it by any means, of course. This option will see you gather Military Intelligence on ODIN.

[] The Second Quarter - The Great Game continues, Station and Stadium forces alike pushing deeper. However, with the retreat of major MUC elements from Melas Chasma, resistance has stiffened, and what few resources and reserves the MUC has have been rushed to the so-called 'front', porous and shifting as that is. This will doubtless be one of the most difficult portions of the push, and without significant commitment, it could become an urban quagmire for your forces. You will referee regardless, but this represents dedicated enough resources to it to have a significant effect. This will reduce Anti-Stadium Sentiment, reduce MUC influence in Mariner City, and ensure no major Red-Blue fights break out. A special additional subvote will take place due to increased MUC resistance during this period if this option is taken.

[] Internal Promotions and Restructuring - While the Inspector Corps are demobilizing, much of your standing army remains active and deployed to various spots all over the Valley. Many of them served valiantly, and can be promoted upwards to fill new holes in the command structure of the MPA. Meanwhile, the internal structure of Station's military can be altered to restructure it into a defensive force, while shifting much personnel towards the armed forces. Of course, this will necessitate recruitment drives…it'll be a lot, but in the end, the MPA's armed forces will belong to you and your allies again. 0/3 Actions. This will remove UN Bloc influence within your armed forces, allowing you to determine your own actions and minimizing internal leaks. They will not be pleased about this course of action.

Research - The secrets of pre-Collapse technology remain inaccessible at best, and nigh-impossible to replicate at worst. The desperate repair of the Shanxi's flight systems was the work of months, and still took large amounts of aid from United Nation technicians and material stealthily flown down to the surface. If Station wishes to maintain an equal relation with their allies in orbit and our governmental partners on the ground, research on restoring what is currently repairable on Mars must be our top priority. You currently have 3 actions in this category.

[] Terraforming Research, Phase Two - Right now, we don't have access to any terraformers to examine. Therefore, what we can do is pore over Biodyne's notes on the topic, and discover how viable manufacturing various parts would be, as well as if there's any ways in which we can update our manufacturing capacity to be able to handle such tech. If we can talk with University, they might know something. Discover how viable building your own terraforming parts will be. This option will have better results the more terraformers you have been able to examine.

[] UN Expertise: Terraformers - The United Nations technicians the Greens have had examining various MPA controlled terraformers are by no means experts, but they've been working on more advanced technology then basically anyone but the most prestigious fellows at University and maybe the upper crust of ODIN can claim to have seen in a lifetime. They've come to you with an interesting proposal, surrounding potentially being able to boost a functioning terraformer's range and power, but it'll take a decent amount of resources to do so. This will unlock options surrounding establishing expansions to existing undamaged Terraformers.

[] Communications Infrastructure - Right now, Mars functions based on in-person meetings, radio broadcasts, and courier services. With the MBC exiting from the MPA, that line of trade and inquiry has been decisively cut off. Still, perhaps you could begin recruiting local experts in order to start kludging together a homegrown industry for it. Unlock further options related to developing more efficient methods of internal communications, both military and civilian.

[] An Answer to Power Armor: Anti-Armor Weaponry - While in use pre-Collapse, anti-armor weaponry was primarily fielded as an anti-vehicular measure, as pre-Collapse forces could reasonably expect power armor parity with their enemies. You have no such guarantees, and therefore, such weapons can be adapted to fit your purposes as anti-PA weaponry. Rockets, shaped charges, and heavy weaponry can all be deployed into specialized teams within your infantry, and you'll be able to begin trial runs posthaste. Implement anti-armor weaponry into your armed forces.

[] An Answer to Power Armor: Mechanized Solutions - Your current mechanized forces aren't…well-equipped to handle power armor beyond attempting to crush them with sheer weight, which can often backfire. However, your military minds have looked at Shanxi's tanks and they've started to come up with some theoretical ideas to put into practice when looking at replicating Shanxi's armored forces. Begin developing specialized technicals for fighting against heavily armored enemies, as well as the basics of replicating Shanxi tanks.

[] An Answer to Power Armor: Gas, Gas, Gas - Keeping this separate from anti-armor weapons, the use of chemical and incendiary weapons has been explored as a less palatable option, given both the inherent risks and the inherent indiscriminate nature of both options. It is harder to manufacture safely, harder to utilize efficiently, and harder to clean up after…but it may make for a useful tool when combined with aerial superiority or long-range delivery systems. Begin developing gas-based and incendiary weapons that could be deployed in your armed forces.

[] UN Expertise: Learning From The War - One of the most memorable sights in the Unification War was the sight of UN Battlemechs, deployed directly onto the battlefield from sub-orbit and holding entire streets of Mariner City by themselves, often being the focal point of entire offensives and defensives. The UN has been keeping them incredibly close to the chest in terms of actual operations that are not absolutely vital, but you've managed to secure some of them for study under close oversight by their operators. This will see you look into the viability of replicating UN Battlemechs and researching your own exosuits.

[] Learning From The War: Mechanized and Armored Warfare - Another key facet of the war was Shanxi's ability to pursue a relentless advance, utilizing Station's supply lines to keep their mechanized force fueled and supplied as they pushed deep into Hephaestus territory, traditional infantry unable to maintain their cohesion against them. While Station has established a mechanized infantry corps, perhaps it's time to look into fielding armor, or increasing the training and production of mechanized infantry. This will see you unlock Economics and Peacekeeping actions related to expanding Station's armor and mechanized capabilities.

[] Learning From The War: Train-Based Warfare - Logistics are not only Station's strength, it is the king of warfare. However, our trains are currently too undefended, as shown by the hijacking that occurred last month, and as the Long Retreat showed, we must be able to use them in warzones. We should improve their defenses…and perhaps look into if we can develop weaponry that could be mounted onto trains…oh, that sounds wonderful. This will be politically popular. You will unlock further research options into developing your trains for warfare purposes.

[] Dreaming of Flight - While Kessler Syndrome has put an end to any ambitions of reaching the stars, it is still possible to attempt sub-orbital and aerial operations, as the recently repaired Shanxi and the raiders of Phoenix Company have proven. Coming up with both an answer to enemy air power, as well as the improvements having our own air power would bring, will be key to developing our capabilities. Look into how we can develop air power and air defense of our own, to answer the Shanxi's sub-orbit capabilities and Phoenix Company's air power, as well as any other issues that may come up.

[] Everyday Luxuries - Station has done an excellent job at maintaining a high quality of life for its people, even during harsh times. However, it has often come at the cost of the luxuries other states provide, ranging from ODIN's executive suites, to Stadium's parties, to University's frequent recreational drug use. Perhaps, with our ascension, it's time to start looking into how we can replicate some of these luxuries in a more...palatable way to our population. Look into how Station can produce more luxury and consumer goods for their citizens.

[] An Apple A Day: Medical Technology Replication - While not as exciting as other discoveries, there are innumerable small improvements that can be made to various pieces of existing medical technology and techniques based on what we've found in the Martian General Infirmary. These don't necessitate any specific effort, but implementing all of them will doubtless be a boon to our population. In addition, being able to replicate some of the designs in here will allow for a more industrial manufacturing of high-quality equipment. Unlock a Governmental action to begin implementing various recovered technologies and techniques all across Station. This will help mitigate any health crises that occur in the future.

[] An Apple A Day: Pharmaceuticals - The various pharmaceutical trials that went on in the Martian General Infirmary display a level of medical knowledge that we've only recently been able to reclaim. Understanding, distributing, and manufacturing all of these pharmaceuticals will doubtless be a difficult undertaking, but it is one that will doubtless save lives, as well as improve the quality of life for many of our citizens. Unlock an Economic action to establish significant pharmaceutical production in Station. This will help mitigate any health crises that occur in the future.

[] An Apple A Day: Repurposing The Education Wing - With the opening of the Educational Wing, while we have no desire to restore its…less savory reasons for existing, the facilities down there can be put to good use for the pursuit of further research, medical and otherwise. We can make it into a true place of learning, rather than a facade of such. Reduce the cost of Home-Grown Science Institute by one action.

[] The Blacksite: Operational and Infiltration Techniques - While the intelligence contained within the Blacksite is theoretically invaluable, there are countless pages equally devoted to the mundane techniques the pre-war government used to squash dissent, interrogate prisoners, and maintain their hegemony. While distasteful, we can learn from these to better handle our own internal issues…as well as our foreign operations. This will increase the efficiency of inserting spies into foreign territory, as well as unlock additional options in subvotes for anti-insurgent action.

[] The Blacksite: Counter-Intelligence and Information Security - An equally important part of pre-Collapse doctrine was defending against spies, it seems, and so countless pages of their documentation is devoted to the science of identifying, capturing, and handling enemy intelligence agents. While they do contain a concerningly large amount of notes on surveilling a domestic population and identifying subversive tendencies, the parts concerning countering enemy intelligence are of the highest priorities to us at the moment, considering the MEF's existence on our borders. This will increase your efficiency at rooting out spies within your borders and traitors in your midst.

[] The Blacksite: Collapse Contingencies - A decent portion of these files have significant redacted chunks, often making reference to mysterious contingencies in the event of nuclear war. Attempting to gain access to these locked away files and chunks of data could provide us with quite interesting results…or it could provide us with nothing not already known to us. We shall see. The possible results of this are unknown…

[] Home-Grown Science Institute - Your current research support within the MPA isn't large enough. You're going to have to start attempting to develop a local alternative to the University, rather than relying on the fickle whims of less charitable governments. 0/4 Actions. Will grant a new Research action when complete.

Personal - Even the leader of a nation needs some time off, even if you have…no idea on what to spend it on, besides working. You've been so busy ever since the New Gorbals Massacre, which saw your husband killed and the entire nation catapulted into a war footing, that you haven't taken the time to do…well, anything that wasn't work. You currently have one action in this category.

[] Work - No, seriously, Station just got out of a war. People are dying every day in your own territory and in occupied areas. You're not taking time off during a crisis...though those seem to be never-ending, these days. You get one additional Governmental action, which should be included as a subvote to this one. There are no hidden downsides to this.

[] The People's Choice - You are not unaware of your reputation at the moment, but you've started to raise your eyebrow about how intense some people are about it. Perhaps you ought to look into that, before it gets…concerning. Gain information about what exactly your reputation is.

[] Hephaestus Lives! - Your personal reputation among the people of Station is, to your knowledge, decent enough, but Hephaestus refugees have not been fond of you...Still, you'll reach out to various community leaders, indicate your desire to reconcile with them, and see if you can arrange to publicly attend some pro-Hephaestus events. Perhaps you'll even talk about your plans to aid Hephaestus in resettling their homes and re-establishing themselves. That ought to help. This will mitigate the Refugee Crisis, aid in permanently mitigating the Refugee Crisis, and increase your reputation with Hephaestus. This will have internal political ripples.

[] A Murder Most Foul - You've buried your husband, and you've mourned him, after the massacre at New Gorbals. Nobody knows what happened, exactly, with the MUC blaming UN infiltrators and the official MPA line being that the UN had nothing to do with it. In more private talks with UN diplomats, they've admitted to you that there have been autonomous special forces cells operating on Martian soil for a year or so, doing what they can in favor of United Nations interests, which has been left mostly up to their discretion. They claim that it probably wasn't one of their cells…but they say they can't be sure, either. Begin looking into the death of your husband and try to find out who was responsible for the New Gorbals Massacre. 0/? Actions.

Author's Note: And Station's Status is also coming shortly. However, voting is open!
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Station's Status - Turn Three
Station Information

Crisis Scale
Solved>Fully Managed>Alright>Difficult>Bad>Horrible>Out of Control
If a crisis gets to Out of Control, things get really bad. If it gets to Solved, barring exceptional circumstances, it's done for. If a situation is worsening, it will decrease by one stage per turn.

Hostile Faction Scale
Massive>Severe>High>Moderate>Low>Very Low>None
If a hostile faction manages to get resistance in an area above Massive, it is likely they will establish an independent state, which is obviously not good. If it goes to None, they are functionally wiped out, and will have to receive an opportunity to re-establish themselves in that territory. If it is worsening, it will decrease by one stage per turn.

Faction Reputation Scale
The higher the better, basically. Special indicates a 'special bond', such as the fraternal ones between you and Stadium as two socialist polities who founded the MPA together, and who served basically in conjunction during the Unification War. ??? indicates an unknown level beyond hatred...but we'll elaborate on that when/if we get to it.

Favor Scale
This exists in a 3 part binary due to the short-term horse trading of current MPA politics. You are either in Favor with a Bloc, Ambivalent with them, or they are Hostile to you. Favor is easy come, easy go, but I do keep an eye on it if it goes above or below those 3. If you move beyond horse trading with a Bloc, then they will shift both into your internal Socialist Bloc and into the Faction Reputation Scale.

Internal Personal Reputation Scale
I'll be honest - This one's a lot more abstract, even beyond the abstractions I use for others. So, just be aware that while I track it - There isn't an exact 1 to 1 slider of good to bad, I'm just going to describe it narratively.

Station is currently experiencing the following situations in Melas Chasma:
  • The Refugee Crisis is the term for the current flood of refugees, civilians fleeing destruction in the north, and Hephaestus refugees escaping poverty in Shanxi's work camps to the southwest. It is currently difficult and is currently worsening.
  • War Weary Populace - It is unlikely they will accept any war beyond a purely defensive affair for several years, at best. However, due to Anti-Corporate Sentiment, this is dissipating faster. It is estimated that Station's populace will become war-ready again in 23 months. There will be opportunities to speed this up.
  • Moderate Hephaestus Guerillas - Hephaestus guerillas are currently conducting attacks on repair crews attempting to maintain lines in Melas Chasma. With the refugee situation calming, the guerillas seem to be on the backfoot somewhat, due to Station's reconciliatory attitude towards Hephaestus and the successful resolution of the Shanxi strikes. It is currently stagnant.
  • Moderate Dead Crusader Resistance - With the retreat of most organized MUC resistance, the Dead Crusaders have seized control of the militias levied by said commanders and cadres, instituting a new brutal order. This has somewhat weakened their force projection capabilities. They seem to be content to merely lie in wait for now, but nobody is sure what their plans are. It is currently unknown whether the situation is worsening.
  • Prisoners of War - The jails are currently filled to the brim with prisoners from the Unification War, who will be undergoing re-education soon enough, you hope. Still, the longer they're left in there, the more likely something starts brewing…you estimate you have about two months before things begin to get dicey. Provided you keep things on schedule, nothing should explode.
  • ??? - You've become aware of something that's already in motion within Station's internal politics and public sentiment. Specifically, something concerning the perception of Station's current leader, Stationmaster Rutherford. You are unsure of how severe it is, what its implications are, or if it is worsening.

Station is currently experiencing the following situations in Mariner City, with a middling degree of accuracy. There may be hidden situations due to lacking intelligence.
  • The Great Game - Stadium is currently beginning the Great Game to pacify Mariner City! Every turn, this will reduce MUC resistance and increase Anti-Stadium Sentiment. Every turn, you will have a subvote in the Peacekeeping section related to a dispute related to the game.
  • Moderate Anti-Stadium Sentiment - The people of Mariner City are not friendly towards Stadium, given the years of propaganda and Stadium's past actions. However, things haven't gotten terrible yet. This is currently stagnant.
  • High MUC Resistance - Formerly the stronghold of MCPD and Central, Mariner City has yet to be fully pacified. The MUC is only able to keep up this level of resistance because of some exterior connection, though…perhaps when you've managed to fully pacify the City you'll be able to figure out how. It is currently worsening.
  • ??? - You're starting to get murmurs that something's going on in University territory, but you'll need further control of and intelligence in Mariner City to gain a better idea of what might be happening, since Dean Kaufmann seems to be trying to keep it on lockdown.

Details on Candor Chasma are sparse, due to Biodyne's distance, MBC's current hatred of you, and the lack of logistical lines out there. However, we can make a guess that things are worsening, with no promises on accuracy.

Station's economy is currently controlled centrally and is focusing on exports. (You will gain favor from every bloc at the end of every turn this focus is active.)
Trade is currently export-only.
Station and the Socialist Bloc are currently the leaders of the Martian Popular Authority.
  • The Green Bloc favors you.
  • The UN Bloc favors you.
  • The Neutral Bloc favors you.

The Martian Popular Authority currently is recognized as the legitimate government of Mars by all participating factions. It is recognized as a legitimate government by the United Nations.

The MEF currently is recognized as a legitimate government by the United Nations. Their view of you is unknown, but presumed hostile.

Station is currently hated by all insurgent groups, except Hephaestus, where your reputation is neutral.

Personal Information
You are Eliza Rutherford, Stationmaster. You were elected democratically, and have ten months (ten turns) left on your term before you plan to run for re-election. You are unsure of your reputation amongst Station's people. You know that you are viewed as the sole figure responsible for Station's success on the world stage, as well as its defeat of the MUC, inaccurate as this view is…it means you are personally hated by all anti-Station factions.
