Mars Bleeds Red - A Red Planet Rising Quest

Turn Four - Peacekeeping/Research Results - Negotiating With The Neutrals
[] Plan: Spy Games Prelude
-[] The Velvet Glove
-[] Offers of Amnesty and Asylum
-[] Implement Rehabilitation Policies
-[] Manage the Economy
--[] Change Focus
---[] Industrial Development
--[] Recalibrate the Economy
-[] Send a "Trade Caravan" to ODIN
-[] Establish Trade Schools
-[] To Catch A Spy
-[] The Iron Fist
-[] The Third Quarter
-[] Everyday Luxuries
-[] The Blacksite: Operational and Infiltration Techniques
-[] The Blacksite: Counter-Intelligence and Information Security
-[] Work
[] Open "Diplomatic Relations" With ODIN

To Catch A Spy​

While the proposed MPA-IO would've been primarily an anti-insurgent force, the newly proposed MPA Counter-Intelligence Group (MPA-CIG for short), seeks to primarily focus on internal counter-intelligence, a subtle but key difference. While not explicitly about the Martian Economic Federation, given its context in the attempt on the Stationmaster, it is ultimately a response to the growing threat of infiltration, corruption, and strategic attempts to target internal governmental functions in order to disrupt the functioning of the MPA.

Still, the matter of jurisdiction is going to need to be hammered out. The Socialist Bloc is onboard, obviously, being the most under threat. Following the infiltration of one of their settlements by Phoenix Company and the humiliating attack that followed, with the prompting of the United Nations, Shanxi is onboard. Biodyne trusts the goodwill of Station in this matter, and it'll be a good long while before the MPA-CIG is even able to reach out towards Biodyne regardless.

This leaves the problem child of the MPA, University, who is attempting to exercise their prerogative of autonomy to deny access to the MPA-CIG. While we could let them have this…we could also argue that the MPA-CIG falls under a different status than political, economic, nor military autonomy. This is obviously incredibly flimsy in a legal sense, but with the backing of the rest of the MPA, they'd have to accept it. They wouldn't be happy about it, of course. Alternatively, we could pacify them with a bribe or concession - Though the only one they seem interested in exchange for this is the establishment of an exclave in Mariner City - Specifically…Province 15, and the Damaged Terraformer present there.

[] Don't Press The Issue
  • The MPA-CIG goes into effect everywhere but Neutral Bloc territory, falling under Political Autonomy. Biodyne willingly concedes to allow it to exist.
  • It is deemed likely that subversive elements in University territory will take advantage of this to covertly support anti-MPA elements.
[] Force The Issue
  • Establishes a new kind of autonomy - Intelligence Autonomy - for internal blocs. All factions start off without any, but can push to be granted it as a concession in the future.
  • The MPA-CIG goes into effect everywhere.
  • Lose favor with the Neutral Bloc.
[] Concede Province 15
  • Bribe University by allowing them to establish an exclave in Province 15 upon conclusion of the Great Game.
  • There is significant risk of a tie in the Great Game…
  • Access conditions for the Damaged Terraformer shift to: Is in favor with the Neutral Bloc for two turns in a row.

The Iron Fist​

Even as the Inspector Corps are reoriented on the border to show Station's commitment to the defense of its allies, Stationmaster Rutherford is meeting with Dean Kaufman days prior to the summit planned with the MEF. MBC is, presumably, counting on Kaufman to stay relatively neutral, as is his bent with nearly all geopolitical concerns when not being an opportunist…but he's indicated a willingness to negotiate on the matter personally with the Stationmaster. She sighs internally and greets the man as she enters his office, a diplomatic smile on her face. "Dean Kaufman, a pleasure to see you again."

"Stationmaster! It's excellent to see you as well. We've been watching your efforts in Mariner City to finally crush the MUC with great interest. And we've been honored to be the host for the upcoming summit, hopefully helping to thaw relations between the MEF and MPA." The Dean sits in an overstuffed chair in his office, smiling as the Stationmaster takes a seat in a significantly less comfortable chair, one that places her in a position where she looks up at him. She can see through his transparent attempts at power plays, but it remains mildly irritating.

"Indeed. However, as you well know - MBC and ODIN appear to desire to play hardball. They started this conflict, and we only seek to end it."

"Oh, well, from a certain point of view, Biodyne choosing to expand into the Candor Reactor started this whole mess-" The Stationmaster is about to speak up in defense of Biodyne, but the Dean continues. "But that's not what we came here to discuss. I'll dispense with the formalities, Stationmaster - I have something of a unique problem, one which you are well-suited to solve! And, of course, if I can resolve that problem…then University's resources can be devoted most beneficially to resolving your issue to a mutually beneficial outcome. If I can't, well, you do know that if we alienate the MBC, then, well, we risk losing one of our best sources of new students…especially given their educational standards in comparison to certain…other places in the Valley. And the furtherance of knowledge must take the highest priority!"

"I understand this, Dean. And as a fellow member of the MPA, Station may be able to help with your problem, so that you may devote your...resources to this issue without disrupting the...furtherance of knowledge. If you'd care to elaborate?" Her disgust with the man is carefully hidden behind the polite words and mask she has long since learned to wear in diplomacy.

"Oh, I'm glad to hear it - In short, we have a…mild situation of escalating political tensions on campus, which has only been exacerbated with the border conflict and the pacification efforts down south. MBC students protesting the re-establishment of Hephaestus, city-born students protesting Stadium's measures down south, Station and Stadium students counter-protesting-" He shrugs. "It's all perfectly acceptable under our policies surrounding free speech and student organizations, but things have started to get a bit…heated beyond the normal level of academic discussion invited by our atmosphere."

To read between the lines - It seems as if student societies are conducting violence over politics, ones which either go beyond the normal bounds of University's policy or ones which University can't successfully clamp down on. Neither of which is necessarily good…but it could indicate possible conditions which could be to Station's advantage.

"So, as a compromise solution, to avoid expelling various students and inciting further possible issues, we've decided that we'd like to establish a satellite campus in Melas Chasma, one which will enable students from Stadium and Station - oh, and Shanxi too, I suppose - to attend in an environment closer to home. And if Station is willing to allow it to be established within their territory, we'd be more then happy to let you hold jurisdiction over it. We'd be open to further expansions, as well, and we'd be able to send a steady stream of funding and whatnot. So, what do you say?"

[] "We'll do it, but you'll need to move your troops to MBC's border immediately."
  • Every turn, one action's worth of progress will automatically be made on a research expansion option for free. This is active forever and will never be done in such a manner that it is theoretically negative for you (such as taking an action that represents a significant downside in exchange for additional research actions).
  • All research expansion options will be altered slightly to represent University investment.
  • University will not determine actions, but they will be aware of your research.
  • Gain 2 points for negotiations during the Velvet Glove.
  • Socialist students from all over the Valley will be sent to the Satellite Campus from now on, permanently neutering any theoretical revolutionary conditions in the heart of University.
[] "I'm sorry, that's not something we can accept right now."
  • Lose favor with the Neutral Bloc.
  • The conditions in University stay the same…for better or for worse.

The Third Quarter​

Progress continues, but it is slow. The cut off MUC forces in the southern half of Mariner City have been fighting harder than ever, even as more and more troops defect, vanish, or surrender. Still, their logistical situation ensures that significant progress is made by the Reds, with firm control established over Provinces 8 and 7. Unfortunately, the focal point of resistance in the ex-MCPD Headquarters has remained standing, despite repeated Station and Stadium assaults. They seem to have fortified it into as much of a meat grinder as they can, pulling back as many of their most fanatical and heavily armed troops into defensive positions as possible. In some cases, we've advanced into buildings where the MUC has turned on each other over attempts to surrender, with "cowards" being shot where they stand by their comrades or vice versa. Progress is being made, but in comparison to the lightning pace of the past months, it is slow and grinding, building by building, block by block. They're completely encircled, now, though, and so it is only a matter of time before they fall…the question now is how many lives it will take to break through their defenses.

Things progress far better in the North, with the offensive facing only normal resistance. Provinces 23, 18, and 16 have all fallen in short order, completely securing the border with University and hopefully cutting off any smuggled supplies to remaining MUC forces. The numbers of open combatants seem to be dropping significantly, as more and more of their forces see the writing on the wall and either lay down their arms…or perhaps attempt to blend into the civilian population to wait for a better time to strike. Serious inroads have been made into Province 17 as well, with it expected to fall in short order next month, leaving Province 15 as the last theoretical major contested area of the Game…

But there's a catch to all this:

[] They're threatening the Terraformer.
  • The MUC has done a nigh-unthinkable act. The Terraformer in Province 15, damaged but still functional, has had the civilians working in it driven out, and a garrison of MUC resistance fighters has taken control, and are making increasingly wild demands, lest they try to damage it further. There is no guarantee that they have the serious ability to damage it…but it's a major risk, and one that if not handled carefully, will see major repercussions both diplomatically and for the environment of Mariner Valley.
  • A special Peacekeeping action will be unlocked next turn, in addition to the Fourth Quarter, with major consequences.
[] Their commanders have escaped.
  • While the majority of Central had already vanished into parts unknown, even before the Great Game began, there were still significant amounts of commanders and veteran personnel on the ground. While we've significantly damaged their assets, destroying multiple suits of power armor, which was already a rare commodity for the MUC after the Battle for Central, much of the veteran element of the MCPD has eluded us, either fleeing north into University with other refugees before we secured Province 23 or successfully going to ground.
  • If this option is not picked, MCPD Warlords are functionally destroyed as a faction in the MUC, for better or for worse.
[] They've enacted scorched earth tactics.
  • Even as the MUC fell back and went to ground, they destroyed as much as they could before MPA forces could arrive. Various buildings were burnt, infrastructure was torn up, and "collaborators" were executed for "treason". While this has done the opposite of endearing them to the civilian population, it leaves behind a far larger mess to reconstruct in the aftermath of the Great Game.
  • Reconstruction following the Great Game will be significantly more difficult…but Anti-Stadium Community Organizations will be weakened.

Everyday Luxuries​

There are many luxuries on Mars, but for Station, the luxuries that can be provided are more often then not, simple abundance of necessities. A citizen of Station rarely has to worry about going hungry, thirsty, or being without housing or clothing of some kind, utilitarian as it may be. This is due to the extensive logistics networks of Station, operating via rail and organized directly from the Depot. While this has necessitated less focus on luxury goods and elaborate convenience, it ensures that no citizen fears their basic needs not being met.

With the end of the war, however, many of our citizens now call for the expansion of our production of luxury goods and conveniences, due to our industrial capacity and the lack of necessity of wartime production and the glut of territory gained over the past years as we've expanded and absorbed more groups.

There are several key areas we can focus on developing, with the rest being able to be handled without much need for significant development, or that can be left to local areas to produce and develop on their own. However, due to the needs of this expansion and its targeted nature, we'll need to devote significant effort to expanding each one

Select one area to focus on developing:
Note: The other areas will not be forgotten or permanently unavailable, this is simply the one you choose to focus on expanding. The result will be the only action available in the Everyday Luxury Economics tree for a time, however. These are all Economics actions. The losing options will be able to be unlocked through additional Research options.
Additional Note: All of these carry benefits proportionate to their action cost, but they will be primarily narrative.

[] Home Conveniences
  • Ranging from the installation of appliances to expanding access to various amenities that can be enjoyed in the comfort of their home to simply just expediting the production of more comfortable furniture, bringing home conveniences to the forefront of our development will see us grant more leisure time to our citizens, who will have to spend less time cooking, less time cleaning, and exist more comfortably in their own homes.
  • 0/3 Actions completed.

[] Public Conveniences
  • A review of the development of our public spaces is long overdue. Parks, playgrounds, and community centers have all taken backseats to the necessities of an expanding polity, and more recently, to wartime needs. Taking the time to understand how best to expand these amenities for the enjoyment of all will improve the quality of life in the outdoors of our settlements, allow for more public gatherings, and aid in fostering an attitude of eco-friendliness amongst our citizenry.
  • 0/3 Actions completed.

[] Leisure Time Conveniences
  • From alcohol to music to books, Station citizens need something to fill their leisure time with. If we expand our facilities dedicated to the more creative arts and invest resources in the development of the activities that our people enjoy, not only will it make our population happier, it'll allow us to kickstart further integration of these services into our economy, as well as begin aid the economic integration of other states as we begin importing and exporting various luxuries.
  • 0/2 Actions completed.

[] Infrastructure Conveniences
  • A revamp of our public services beyond rail service is needed, beyond all doubt. With the recent rehabilitation program and trade school expansions, our public education system has had a deficit of teachers, which technological development and curriculum research can certainly help with. Pushing more resources and materials into modernizing sanitation and disposal services will doubtlessly be appreciated, both by the public and by the health system. Redesigning our current public architectural policy will also be a breath of fresh air for the experimental architects of Station, as well as the populace who has to interact with public buildings.
  • 0/4 Actions completed.

Lessons From The Blacksite​

Operational and Infiltration Techniques
We have never been a particularly deceitful people. Even during the conflicts alleged to be puppeted by us, we simply spoke the honest truth to the workers, and provided those who were amenable with the resources to rise up against their masters. However, the modern nature of intelligence necessitates change, and change we shall. We have taken the lessons from the past, once used to suppress socialism on Mars, and turned them towards a new purpose - Tearing down the reactionaries and oligarchs who seek to see all Mars submit to exploitation under their reign.

Even now, those trusted military personnel and diplomats selected to be agents train in the depths of the Depot and secure military locations, learning the ins and outs of infiltration, the subtle manipulations of conversation, the ways in which civilian organizations can be strengthened or brought down from the inside. While there has been concern and fear in the upper echelons over the idea of us eventually utilizing these techniques on our own population, we ultimately can only depend on the righteous fervor of Station's leaders, as well as the principles of our government, holding strong in the face of the temptation of corruption.

Counter-Intelligence and Information Security
And on that note - The matter of corruption is a serious fear. While we are often accused of corruption and mismanagement by our enemies, unable to comprehend the idea that a state that operates on such principles as ours can function without graft and selfishness taking hold, the fear that outside operatives may corrupt parts of our system is not without basis. The MUC's attempt at assassinating Stationmaster Rutherford shows that even the innermost parts of Station are not necessarily free from those who would plot against it, as did the purge of the Church of Red Mars.

So now, we turn to the internal side of what we can learn from the pre-Collapse government. Lessons on informational security and secret-keeping, lessons on rooting out those who would seek to destroy our government, and lessons on how to fight back against these corruptors of our society. Never will cultists and reactionaries gain sway in our home, never will they find purchase in our people, never will they turn the principles of Station against itself.

You have increased your efficiency at inserting spies into foreign territory, as well as rooting out spies within your borders and traitors in your midst. This synergizes with To Catch A Spy, and was applied to ODIN spying actions. Additional options will be unlocked in subvotes for anti-insurgent action.

Author's Note: This took a lot longer then I was hoping it would, just due to IRL things. Anyways, please vote in plan format! The vote will be open for around 24 hours! After this - The Velvet Glove! I'll be around to answer questions and fix any mistakes, so don't be afraid to ask anything. I'm more then happy to elaborate both on options and on background knowledge that may not have been covered thus far.
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I'd hate to see the Terraformer in 15 fall into unreliable hands, and university sounds like they aren't doing as hot as they might like.
[X] Plan: A Heart Full of Neutrality
-[X] Force The Issue
-[X] "We'll do it, but you'll need to move your troops to MBC's border immediately."
-[X] They've enacted scorched earth tactics.
-[X] Infrastructure Conveniences

While I think the deal offered in Iron Fist is worth it, it has to be balanced by the MPA-CIG. If there is no longer any domestic counterweight to pro-MEF and pro-MUC elements in the University, then the MPA-CIG is necessary to keep thing from boiling over. However, losing control of the Terraformer is off the table, whether that is through the University or desperate MUC remnants, so we'll have to force the issue. Speaking of the MUC, I think the greater damage caused by the scorched-earth tactics is something we can deal with in exchange for eliminating the MCPD Warlords as a faction, and further reducing the strength of anti-stadium organizations. Finally, I think that Infrastructure Conveniences are the best thing to focus on first, to create a good foundation for expanding the other luxuries in the future.
[X] Plan: A Heart Full of Neutrality
-[X] Force The Issue
-[X] "We'll do it, but you'll need to move your troops to MBC's border immediately."
-[X] They've enacted scorched earth tactics.
-[X] Infrastructure Conveniences

While I think the deal offered in Iron Fist is worth it, it has to be balanced by the MPA-CIG. If there is no longer any domestic counterweight to pro-MEF and pro-MUC elements in the University, then the MPA-CIG is necessary to keep thing from boiling over. However, losing control of the Terraformer is off the table, whether that is through the University or desperate MUC remnants, so we'll have to force the issue. Speaking of the MUC, I think the greater damage caused by the scorched-earth tactics is something we can deal with in exchange for eliminating the MCPD Warlords as a faction, and further reducing the strength of anti-stadium organizations. Finally, I think that Infrastructure Conveniences are the best thing to focus on first, to create a good foundation for expanding the other luxuries in the future.

Honestly, I could feel like going the other way around: not forcing the Intelligence Issue, but standing our ground on the other.
For the Great Game it's 9 vs 9, but it's basically 10 vs 10. It's going to come down to who can gain control of the Terraformer. If there's any real problem between the Reds and Blues it will happen there.

University is already independent in all but name on top of probably shipping guns and giving refuge to any MUC remnants they can. Let's not give them intelligence autonomy as well.

For the satellite campus, they wouldn't propose such extreme segregation if they thought the anti-socialists could win. But that free research as a bribe sure is shiny.
[X]Plan: Kick'em In The Pants
-[X] Force The Issue
-[X] "I'm sorry, that's not something we can accept right now."
-[X] Their commanders have escaped.
Public Conveniences

Plan subtext, I have personal beef with higher education and wish violence in many forms upon university, with the runaway MCPD veterans, the brewing revolutionary ideas, and cutting them out of the Terraformer. This is a radical plan, and I want to do a CIA to universities dean.
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[X]Plan: Kick'em In The Pants v2
-[X] Don't Press The Issue
-[X] "I'm sorry, that's not something we can accept right now."
-[X] Their commanders have escaped.
-[X] Public Conveniences

I will concede on practical grounds, fostering revolt is more important in my eyes, and besides we can do the counter intelligence everywhere else to make up for not doing it on campus grounds. My priority in the big metal Atmoshpere machine, praise the Omnisiah For station.
[X] Plan: A Heart Full of Neutrality
-[X] Force The Issue
-[X] "We'll do it, but you'll need to move your troops to MBC's border immediately."
-[X] They've enacted scorched earth tactics.
-[X] Infrastructure Conveniences
[X] Plan: A Heart Full of Neutrality
-[X] Force The Issue
-[X] "We'll do it, but you'll need to move your troops to MBC's border immediately."
-[X] They've enacted scorched earth tactics.
-[X] Infrastructure Conveniences

A lot of hard decisions.
A satellite campus will end in University just exiling transferring anyone they feel is troublesome, costing us an opportunity to try and influence the University from within. But letting tensions continue to boil could just result in purges. At least we get something, like the start of our own socialist university.

The Terraformer cannot be allowed to come to harm. Given the choice between more damage and civilian casualties and ending one of the factions for good, I'd choose less enemies.

I expected people to go for infrastructure. I guess between the choice between more toasters and washing machines and better schools and drinking water people would choose the larger problem. Good thing we got that extra economic action.
I expected people to go for infrastructure. I guess between the choice between more toasters and washing machines and better schools and drinking water people would choose the larger problem. Good thing we got that extra economic action.
I just realized this wasn't clear in the text of the update, so to confirm this here - Yes, the Conveniences vote will have those added into the Economics section, not the Research section, just to be absolutely clear. I'll edit that into the update.
[X] Plan: A Heart Full of Neutrality

Question why is this terraformer so important anyway? What benefit does it give us if we start terraformin?
Our infrastructure is unstable then and the environment is worsening, ok didn't get that detail.
I think there's enough terraformers to at least keep current terraforming stable. But the loss of so many to the Church of Red Mars was said to have set back efforts by generations. If we want a better environment we're going to have to complete our long-term project of repairing and rebuilding the terraformers.
Our infrastructure is unstable then and the environment is worsening, ok didn't get that detail.
To make all this clearer, here's a bit of a lore dump post for Martian environmental conditions at the moment:

2 out of the original 5 terraformers are still functioning, one damaged, one fully operational. Biodyne built their own, which seems to be working great! The other 3 and the damaged one weren't just shut off, though, they had their machinery damaged either through purposeful misuse or simply explosive sabotage from the Church of Red Mars during the Night of Dust, which definitely made things worse.

The atmosphere is breathable, and likely to stay that way within the relative timescale of this game, but terraforming going down entirely would see it slowly backslide into being less breathable and thinner over the next few decades. The major things that terraforming does right now in the short term is impacting land conditions (so arable farmland, basically) and weather conditions.

If all the terraformers go down, a lot of arable land basically turns back into desert, and I mean a lot. With the loss of 3/6 and the damaging of one more, you're starting to see that beginning as a factor in the Refugee Crisis. Farming communities outside of MPA/MEF, or on the fringes of it, are drying up all over the Valley as their land simply doesn't produce enough any more. It isn't really a problem for Melas Chasma at the moment in held territory because of Shanxi running their terraformer at full blast, but ex-Heph territory is starting to go through it. Up north in Candor, things are projected to be much worse in terms of things returning to desert conditions due to the less central position of Biodyne's terraformer. Mariner City is already an urban environment, so not a ton of arable land that isn't that way because of irrigation/other factors (University 100% uses large-scale hydroponics/greenhouse facilities from Pre-Collapse, for example), but the terraforming still helps, as well as being conducive to overall terraforming efforts.

Meanwhile, for weather conditions, you also get to experience the "funnest" part of the Dust Bowl - Massive dust storms that can kill anyone outside in them. Mars used to have a semi-regular "Storm Season" in which massive dust storms would sweep through entire provinces for possibly days at a time, though terraforming progress had been working on putting an end to that. Now, though, everyone's nervously waiting to see if it'll restart.

Hope that helps!
To make all this clearer, here's a bit of a lore dump post for Martian environmental conditions at the moment:

2 out of the original 5 terraformers are still functioning, one damaged, one fully operational. Biodyne built their own, which seems to be working great! The other 3 and the damaged one weren't just shut off, though, they had their machinery damaged either through purposeful misuse or simply explosive sabotage from the Church of Red Mars during the Night of Dust, which definitely made things worse.

The atmosphere is breathable, and likely to stay that way within the relative timescale of this game, but terraforming going down entirely would see it slowly backslide into being less breathable and thinner over the next few decades. The major things that terraforming does right now in the short term is impacting land conditions (so arable farmland, basically) and weather conditions.

If all the terraformers go down, a lot of arable land basically turns back into desert, and I mean a lot. With the loss of 3/6 and the damaging of one more, you're starting to see that beginning as a factor in the Refugee Crisis. Farming communities outside of MPA/MEF, or on the fringes of it, are drying up all over the Valley as their land simply doesn't produce enough any more. It isn't really a problem for Melas Chasma at the moment in held territory because of Shanxi running their terraformer at full blast, but ex-Heph territory is starting to go through it. Up north in Candor, things are projected to be much worse in terms of things returning to desert conditions due to the less central position of Biodyne's terraformer. Mariner City is already an urban environment, so not a ton of arable land that isn't that way because of irrigation/other factors (University 100% uses large-scale hydroponics/greenhouse facilities from Pre-Collapse, for example), but the terraforming still helps, as well as being conducive to overall terraforming efforts.

Meanwhile, for weather conditions, you also get to experience the "funnest" part of the Dust Bowl - Massive dust storms that can kill anyone outside in them. Mars used to have a semi-regular "Storm Season" in which massive dust storms would sweep through entire provinces for possibly days at a time, though terraforming progress had been working on putting an end to that. Now, though, everyone's nervously waiting to see if it'll restart.

Hope that helps!
Yea thanks for clearing that up
This is a big part of my dovish anxiety towards the MEF, closed borders means no access to Biodyne's terraformer (the best one) which degrades the quality of the terraformer research action. If it's part of the negotiations this turn I want to make sure we can have permission to eventually run a rail line (or at least a road connection) through MEF territory to Biodyne which finally fixes our lines of communication to the rest of the alliance. This also rests on the idea that we can pacify Mariner City but the effort being put into the Great Game gives me confidence there.
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